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Think ahead - getting to Sack Parliament from Sheffield

V | 27.09.2006 18:33 | Sheffield

So you've decided that you're going to come along and help sack parliament on Monday 9 October...

So you've decided that you're going to come along and help sack parliament on Monday 9 October...

now you need to get there... if you book now you can get national express coaches leaving from sheffield at 6.10, 7.35, 8.40 and returning at 17.00, 18.00 and 20.00 ... a return e-ticket costs £10.

or you can get a saver and go by currently going for £8 one way. Check

or alternatively get in touch with other sheffielders to fill up a car (anyone out there?)

or come down at the weekend and take part in the workshops etc

see you on the streets ;)



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Why not advertise this event in London?

28.09.2006 09:03

Why not advertise the sack parliament action in London where millions of people live and where thousands would be willing to take part. We will need thousands of people to take part if this event is to be a success. Phone local London newspapers and local TV stations to tell them about this event. The more people who know about it the better.

Bring the war home

More the better

05.10.2006 18:31

"cough" more the merrier "cough", althou' i agree with your points the trouble is with millions of Londoners this they go "Duh" and can't be assed to do anything about well anything! As for the local rags, they are all man manage control right up to the event by right wing publication owners. Take a look at the headlines about Blair during the Manchester Conference. they couldn't kiss his asss more if they tried, now the conference is all over the papers are reverting back to their leftist views etc.
