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Portraits from an anti war demo. Manchester 23 Sept.

Paddy Garcia | 26.09.2006 18:04 | Anti-militarism | Indymedia | World
















Paddy Garcia
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just wondering why so late

26.09.2006 20:18

Thanks for showing these great pics. The demo was on Saturday and I just wonder why you and some others only upload your pics several days later cos... well, this is a news site.


Great pictures.

26.09.2006 21:38

Wonderful pictures well done!

To answer the comment above by Sid: Contributing to this site means- 1) Taking the time to select your best images. 2) Finding the time to re-size, caption and publish them with access to broadband. 3) We are all volunteers with jobs and other stuff to do.

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Why so early??

27.09.2006 09:29

A great turnout,ect.What I don`t understand is why march from A to B chanting slogans at the politicians who weren`t even there on saturday as the conference didn`t start until the next day. So not only did they not hear you but nothing was actually disrupted. In fact in my opinion it was playing into the hands of the capitalist system.The rail companies must have made vast profits from the extra passengers,unless they was a mass civil disobedence of not paying the fares,(I doubt it!!) The police received thier overtime and the usual loudmouth speakers had to have thier fifteen minutes!! Not to mention the shopping areas receiving extra customers. In my opinion these rallies are a vast profit making exercise for all involved.
If they do stop the war a lot of these "political" orginisations will lose quite a bit of revenue.Paper sales ect.
Think about it! Yes feel angry about what`s going on.BUT to vent anger by marching from one point to another,decided by the authorities,venting anger by shouting slogans,then going home feeling that anger has been released. The States` answer to anger management!!??
Do you not feel that they should be feeling our anger,not just listening to it? After all,as the saying goes:Actions speak louder than words!
