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Pictures from anti Blair/war demo.

Guido | 26.09.2006 15:09 | Anti-militarism

10 pics from last Saturdays demo in Manchester.

He may be a lying war-mongering holier-than-thou smug bastard....
He may be a lying war-mongering holier-than-thou smug bastard....

...but you have to admit...
...but you have to admit...

...he's been a gift to all those political puppet makers.
...he's been a gift to all those political puppet makers.

The orange bloc.
The orange bloc.

Hundreds die in the street.
Hundreds die in the street.

Blood everywhere.
Blood everywhere.

Peggy Seger sings to the rally.
Peggy Seger sings to the rally.

Actually quite a moving performance.
Actually quite a moving performance.

I can't help thinking....
I can't help thinking....

... that these clowns are slowly becoming more sinister.
... that these clowns are slowly becoming more sinister.


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Will Indymedia allow the words of a Blair dissector to go with the demos?

26.09.2006 17:36

Will Indymedia allow the words of a Blair dissector to go with the demos?


Capital Punishment

26.09.2006 20:14

Blair should be arrested. trialed and executed for high treason, premeditated mass-murders and crimes against humanity.


reactionary attitudes?

29.09.2006 19:52

are you suggesting the re-introduction of capital punishment?

f**ked-not literally
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