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No Justice, No Peace: Rally of Resistance 27 Sep, 1pm

Permanent Revolution | 26.09.2006 13:08

Demonstrate our resistance to neo-liberalism and its armed wing. Meet 1pm Peter's Fields tomorrow, 27 September.

Points to note:

1. Organising meeting tonight, 9.15. You know where. If not, ask.

2. Yesterday the cops were very heavy with the Samina Atlaf (refugee) lobby of Hazel Blears. They forbade them from using a megaphone; given the vulnerable status of refugees, they can hardly be criticised for doing as they were told. But will we? Not necessarily: after all, whose streets are they? Therefore:
a) bring cameras to gather evidence against the police, and stay sober.
b) if you are arrested do not say anything in an interview. If they think they have enough evidence against you, they will not bother to interview you. Therefore, if they interview you they are fishing. Don't bite! Go "no comment" every time.

See you in town!


Permanent Revolution


Report of Demo

27.09.2006 15:26

About 100 people gathered at 1pm in St. Peter's Square, by the tram station and within site of Blair's luxury hotel, The Midland. Police had wanted to put us in the Peace Gardens nearby, but we rejected this as it would have meant being out of sight of fellow Mancunians passing by and waiting for their bus/tram.

There were a number of speeches, including several in support of the armed struggle against US and British neo-colonialism. When the protest attempted to move towards the security fence to release some ballons, about 50 riot police moved in and surrounded the demo. The demonstrators were then detained for about half an hour in a charming tableau of British democracy, which was fortunately visible to a very supportive populace ('thumbs-up' signs and 'v's for victory' from the top decks of several busses!).

The demo (was) dispersed about 2pm.

Permanent Revolution
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Not fooled

26.09.2006 14:01

Playing at soldiers again are we Steve ?

How sweet

Grown up

BOO!!!! COMMENSE!!!! aaargh

26.09.2006 16:34

remember the comment about the "provocateur" amongst the campaigners around the time of the squares famous events - thats with the "grauniad cancels demo" piece under this a bit in "newswire" - imagination, courage, pressure, EXPLAINING is the thing - that, + showing people they ALSO have what it takes to stop the scams + help create a good world . . . . the "if we do this, anybody - everybody -has a different way to help - the grins of the future pull us forward - UP - the past teaches us, strengthens us, reminds our passion, the shouts - or loud "silences" - the loves of the present move us . . . .
. . . . mountains.
Despite the pulse of the programs, the flak-chat of the infowar - chasing the "nirvana" of the album-cover-hooked-dollar - too myopic to see self-interest is seperate from trying to sell EVERYTHING/ANYTHING out . . . . the "superdollars"(dupedollars) aint bought them a seat in the "earth escape pod" down in dubious dubei. . . . it doesnt buy breath free from poison - alternate futures - for them, too - is what they shut down if they keep playing specious hustle-games. If all they hear when THEY get warnings is "blah blah blah" - then perhaps the "sting" is against them too. . . .
(a test: ever get the sense you've gotten programmed a bit too? "bollocks". hmmmm. re-think )
The actual blahblahblah about police hassle - even if it has good intent, by the way, has often got used to try to put people off going to a demo. The arseypee, back at the "stop the gulf war" protests in the early 90s, odd big BIG slogan - that was pro-saddam - had the cheek to try to muscle its ways into the front of the cnd parade, was in the same tradition as the "ho ho ho green giant chemist" slogans that got amped up so much by same some people to equate stopping the war with "supporting the enemy", year zero's etc etc etc etc. A lot of people of the patriot-variety were taken in by fake "left-terror-takeover" speel in the 70s to the extent that they even set up "secret army" plots. Wiser at present, i think. These days, amongst the kids, prams, balloons, self-made placards, "dailymailbuyeragainstiraqwar", "telgraphagainstIDcards", etc, perhaps people might expect some vampiric puppet-infowar-stooges with big big BIG BIG portraits of BLT-bloke. . . . (PERHAPS WITH FLASHING LETTERS - the tech alters but the scam remains the same). . . . but
. . . . a lot of people - all sorts - are going to come out for this rally - it was - IS - SYMBOLIC ACTION. check the website. SYMBOLIC. SAFE. SO ----- GO!


against perpetual clampdown minderbinder warbux cover-ups


26.09.2006 21:26

sort of agree with the above (though it could have been more succinct).

Don't want anyone to be scared: just be careful.

As I said... see you on the streets.


Permanent Revolution
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