The Don Is Buried
ventura | 26.09.2006 01:37
Today.The Don Of the Strand Gang was interned.Unfortunetly for this Don he did not live to a ripe old age like most mafioso gangsters.He never even made it to 20 years. I wonder in the last seconds when his past life flashed befor him in his dying moments did he ask himself what had he achieved? And was it worth it?Or did he like the people on the estates he terrified feel the same kind of comprhension, in that moment of realisation when he realised it's not a game in the playground it's a journey to eternity when the killer pulls the trigger.What did he have to show for it? His Soldiers(sic)consider him a hero. Perhaps sacrifice is nearer the mark. Get rich or die tryng? That the philosophy of the gang.Most of their profits must have went on the funeral today?But all Liam has is a cold hole and a lingering respect.Unlike the IRA he will never be put into folksong or like americans be immortalised into rap.The culture itself demands this to happen.The carelessness of the nature of the lifestyle will see to it in the not too far distant future Liam Smith will not be even a wisp of mist of a memory,a shadow in the dark, to those who today honoured him in his futile and meaningless life.And that is the saddest thing.Because Liam was a boy with a future once.Something changed that,someone did?Maybe the community should look inwards?