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rare and racy benefit

frequency thirteen | 25.09.2006 22:46 | Culture | Sheffield

rare and racy in sheffield needs our help!

As you probably know, Rare and Racy on Division Street is one of those
classic shops that has been in Sheffield for as long as I can

Well, at the moment they are facing a fairly uncertain future.
If, like me, you would like to act in complete self interest to make
sure that they continue to sell dusty books and strange squawking jazz
then you may be interested in a benefit gig that is attempting to get
off the ground. will see you in the right direction.

frequency thirteen


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iam thinking here

26.09.2006 09:23

iam thinking here that da the book shop is a business like anyother and they face da hard times like anyone else so why should a book shop get the benefit gig its seems silly to suggest such an occurance when there are peoples in the world who go without food and water.
umbharti mazourikii

umbharti mazourikii
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26.09.2006 10:05

go and live in some impoverished, drought ridden region of the world then.
it might give you something better to do than make inane comments trying to argue indifferent perspectives with your alter ego, Premier Maple.

apologies in advance for oxygenising your cause even further, Josh.


excuse me please sir

27.09.2006 00:06

excuse me please sir or madam but iam thinking that you are mistaken here i know nouthing of the josh guy of who you speak you are mistaken please also i have never heard of the premier marbles are they in the british musuem maybe.iam thinking that you did not give your name sir or madam.
i have thourght very hard about the rare and stacey store keepers and maybe what the joe and alan guys two very dear friends of mine since iam coming here to your country who for the last 23 years and from who i have bourght many interesting jazz gramophone 33 and 1/3 rpm vinyl long playing records need is customers who have money to spend or maybe sheep or goats maybe spices to trade so they can stay in the groovy business and eat like kings the answer to their problems is not the benefit concert performance of which was spoken of earlier.
many thanks and thankyou my english not so good
umbharti mazourikii

umbharti mazourikii
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27.09.2006 07:10

maybe they don't need the rent to be so damn high. Ever thought that they might be being chased out of the pretentious quarter so the landlords can get more rent in their (no doubt already overladen) pockets, despite being a long standing part of division street.
Then again, fuck em....lets have less interesting shops and more expensive clothes shops for trendy fuckwads.
Plus where else in sheff is there for purveyors of wierd and wonderful experimental music to distribute their wares and for lovers of wierd and wonderful music to find this aforementioned music without this internet thang.
Or maybe a march can be organised!



27.09.2006 09:19

How about raising money for the old people who are being forced out of sheltered accomodation. R&R has been around for years, but its just a business.


slither is a wise man

27.09.2006 12:55

i agree with the man named slither we shoulda put da wheels back under the meals.lets looks after all da olde folke the racey tracy is a business venture and i think dat to start campaigns for business' would leave the olde folke's shivering in the cold of the winter with no where to iam with prince like him will walk tall amongst the tribes of the desert.
umbharti mazourikii

umbharti mazourikii
mail e-mail:


27.09.2006 16:37

how's about, if you wanna save/help the old folks you do that and if other folk wanna help something they cherish, let them do that? It may be a business, but it's a damn good one and personally I don't care if it's a business. It's independent. Not quite the same as hmv or virgin.
Still....I guess some people will always see things in a simplistic, easy to grasp, black and white kinda way. ug.... business baaaaad!
Different strokes for different folks!

mr argumentative