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Climate activists shut airport in taxiway occupation

Plane Stupid | 25.09.2006 11:03 | Ecology

Here is our press release from yesterday. 24 people are still in custody, held on suspicion of crimes under the Aviation and Security Act, Conspiracy to Cause Public Nuisance and Criminal Damage. They should all be out by midnight tonight. Fingers crossed.

~ Baptist Minister leads airport shutdown protest against climate change

Environmental protestors (1) have this morning breached security at
Nottingham East Midlands Airport and established a second camp for climate
action - this time on an airport taxiway. Their aim is to stop carbon
emissions from what they are describing as a “climate change factory.” (2) A
Baptist Minister whose former parish is in Nottingham is leading a
remembrance service on the taxiway, in memory of the victims of climate
change, reminding his congregation of the Bishop of London’s comments that
“Flying is a symptom of sin.” (3)

The Rev. Malcolm Carroll is conducting the service (from a pulpit he's
constructed) with twenty five smartly dressed activists wearing suits who
have chained themselves across the taxiway to prevent planes from leaving.
Two tents, emblazoned with, “Climate Camp” have been pitched. The climate
camp (4) campaigners from action group Plane Stupid (5) have pledged that
this is part of a new wave of climate activism born at Drax Power Station in
Yorkshire last month.

Making safety paramount, the protestors have taken steps to nullify the risk
to the public by remaining on the taxiway rather than the runway thereby
allowing planes to land in case of emergency. Police were immediately
notified that this was a peaceful protest by environmental campaigners.

Nottingham East Midlands airport was chosen for the demonstration since it
specialises in short haul flights, which are both unnecessary and
unsustainable. (6) A huge number of the flights at this airport take place
at night making them more damaging to the climate (7) and causing more
harassment than usual to local residents. (8)

Speaking for the activists, writer and campaigner George Monbiot, said, “The
real security threat comes from climate change, which is killing over
160,000 people every year – that’s the same as a 9/11 every week.”

The Rev. Malcolm Carroll, a member of Plane Stupid, said, “As the Bishop of
London rightly put it, the science of climate change now means that flying
is a sin. Tony Blair has known for years that climate change presents the
biggest danger to life on earth so why doesn’t he do the Christian thing and
ban unnecessary and unsustainable short haul flights?”

He continued:

“The Climate Camp at Drax was just the start. The people killing our planet
should be put on notice; this direct action movement is going to be bigger
than anything this country has seen before.”

This protest comes during the Labour Party Conference but Plane Stupid is
already planning a national day of action against short haul flights on
November 6th during the UN International Climate talks in Nairobi.

For more information:
Professional pix available

Notes to editors:

1) The protestors include persons from London, Wales, Essex, Sheffield,
Cambridge, Manchester and the Midlands.

2) Aviation is the fastest growing cause of climate change. For more:

3) Richard Chartres, Bishop of London who is third most senior figure in the
CoE and who chairs the bishops’ panel on the environment, said: “There is
now an overriding imperative to walk more lightly upon the earth and we need
to make our lifestyle decisions in that light…Making selfish choices such as
flying on holiday or buying a large car are a symptom of sin. Sin is not
just a restricted list of moral mistakes. It is living a life turned in on
itself where people ignore the consequences of their actions.”,,2087-2281620,00.html

4) The first climate camp was held at Drax from August 26th – September 4th,
and this kick started the climate camp movement.

5) Plane Stupid is Britain’s first national direct action group against the
unsustainable growth in aviation. It is NOT a Christian group.

6) 45% of all flights in Europe are to destinations less than 500km away.
(That’s the same as London – Scottish border!) These are places easily
reachable by train or bus alternatives which are over ten times less

7) (Report in Nature

8) includes a comprehensive analysis of the environmental impacts of this particular airport

- ENDS -

Plane Stupid
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See feature article on Notts Indymedia

25.09.2006 14:25

See feature article on Notts Indymedia:

Protesters occupy runway at East Midlands Airport



Hide the following 6 comments

Nice one!

25.09.2006 12:14

Good work folks. Nice to see people doing something about this massive issue and keeping up the momentum from the climate camp.

Hope the cells weren't too bad and the cops behaved themselves. Do let indymedia know what charges get brought and about solidarity work/court dates etc.


More CO2

25.09.2006 14:35

I take it that the planes which were held up by this protest kept their engines on throughout, and then completed their intended journeys. It just seems that more CO2 was released purely because of this protest than would have been without it?


There's always one

25.09.2006 16:44

James, you are a dickhead. Go back to reading the Daily Mail.


.groan .......

26.09.2006 11:55

If thats the best you've got to argue against my point then maybe you should go back to reading the mr men books you obviously just put down


More CO2? Not Likely!

26.09.2006 14:39

Seeing as the planes were delayed for over two hours, I think its safe to say that they did not keep their engines running.


sigh, james

28.09.2006 16:37

No, they've probably got more info, but can't be arsed to reply to you. You are taking it all too literally and not seeing the wider impact this has on CO2 emissions - on your argument, we should not get up, or probably be alive, certainly not mention climate chaos, because our existence causes more emissions, blah blah. So how did you get there - car, train run off coal etc etc. Or are you trying to play devil's advocate sigh. Whatever. I think you and other readers have the intelligence to find out the arguments and figure it out yourself. Or you can just criticise from the armchair and do nothing. enough of my time.
