Anarchists at Manc demo - report & pictures (plus IWW picket)
Northern anarchist | 24.09.2006 19:38 | World
Placard from Starbucks picket. Keep up the boycott!
Anarchist flags on the anti-war march - red and black
Eye in the sky - cop helicopter surveys demonstration
In the Peace Gardens before the rally started, home-made banners encouraged soldiers to desert, and called for opposition to the tools of state repression like ID cards. More than a two dozen red-and-black flags, well known from the Spanish Revolution as a symbol of anarchist-communism and anarcho-syndicalism, flew high in the air. Also in the sky, a police helicopter droned on, while cops on the ground did their best to snap anarchist faces on camera, presumably to be used when they get tired of harassing other potential ‘terrorist’ suspects with the raft of new repressive laws brought in by this government. Haven’t they realised that governments, elitist groups and the capitalist arms companies who supply all sides for profit, are the real terrorists?
On the march, chants of “no more leaders, no more laws, no more lies and no more wars”, could be clearly heard. Or was it no more pies? Certainly “no Gods, no masters” was included amongst the other slogans that were shouted by anarchists that day. Who cares if the war is technically ‘illegal’ or not, wars are never in the interest of ordinary people. When we get rid of capitalism with its ownership of the Earth’s resources by wealthy minorities who force us to work for them, and nation states with their borders, armies and police forces, only then we will finally get rid of war. Unlike the terrorist tactics of groups who just want to take another form of power over our lives and impose a new set of rules, our refusal of work and mass revolt against all authorities are the tactics that will eventually win freedom and equality for all.
We are against all wars. All wars are against us. No war but the class war!
Anarchist Block on 23rd:

Anarchist Federation (North):

Anarchist Federation:

Solidarity Federation:

Starbucks Union:

Northern anarchist
Hide the following 12 comments
Northern Anarchist Network
24.09.2006 20:57
Error Correction
24.09.2006 21:28
Advancing Senility
Divide.....AND CONQUER
24.09.2006 22:21
Brian B
Eh? Blair's government could be any government - that's the point
24.09.2006 22:48
No war but the class war. That's the anarchist position and it's the right one. We are NOT all Hezbollah now.... Workers unite!
anarchist communist
non-resistance is futile
24.09.2006 23:43
. . . War will carry on as usual tommorow.
unite and be managed (looks good on my CV)
25.09.2006 08:00
damn those pesky anarchos going on about abstract concepts like capitalism and the state. Can't they see I need to improve my recruitment targets if I'm going to rise in the official hierarchy of the protest industry. This is really upsetting my career prospects. I wish they would stop exposing the relationships of domination that underpin my elitist capitalist existence, shut the fuck up, and get to work on the mass protest production line. Plebs!
party organiser
Some discussion, and some corrections.
25.09.2006 08:41
Cops said the march was peaceful? Not necessarily a bad thing on this occasion. A pitched battle with police on their terms is usually a loser. We need to build for revolution on the other 364 days of the year ... back in our workplaces and our communities, where it really counts. The Poll Tax 'riot' was different - it was an outpouring of anger from months of creating solidarity in local communities. Even small revolts in everyday life can shit up the authorities, much more that one-off spectacular events they can control. Thats where it starts. We are ruled while we allow ourselves to be ruled.
PS Sorry for errors in date (September 23rd, not October) and to IWW (I=industrial, not international).
Northern anarchist
25.09.2006 10:29
150203cait LIN
Northern Anarchist Network?
25.09.2006 14:09
NAN meets in Wellington, Wrekin, Shropshire??!
(My geography must be centralist-authoritarian then).
I. Shower
25.09.2006 16:03
Who doesn't read posts
25.09.2006 16:06
Dan Gross was sacked and so were three others
27.09.2006 19:28
m that Daniel merely asserted to District Manager Allison Marx that Evan should not be fired. With the termination of IWW members Daniel Gross, Evan Winterscheidt, Joe Agins Jr., and Charles Fostrom in less than a year, Starbucks has demonstrated conclusively its intense hostility to the right of workers to join a union.
To provide additional cover for the unlawful termination, Starbucks issued Daniel a blatantly discriminatory performance review today with negative ratings for things like, "not communicating partner morale issues to the Store Manager." The manager confirmed that morale issues included complaints about wages and working conditions. Last we checked, an employer may not mandate an employee to engage in surveillance of co-worker's protected activities.
west wobbly