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Get rid of Warmonger, patsy of capitalist corruption Dictator Tony Blair

hate the evil Labour Party, evil Tony Blair, and the evil Labour Government | 23.09.2006 08:07 | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | Repression

The war in Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries, and Tony Blair's political policies are only to line his pockets and the pockets of the rich. Protest in Manchester this Saturday and against Labour at their Labour Party conference this week.

The Labour dictators want to stop protests and want to stop democracy. The British Labour Party has thugs and paid police mercenaries to stop the media from seeing protests against the Labour Government. Remember the old Jewish man they bullied at one of their conferences.

New Labour and the Labour Party of Tony Blair are creating a dictatorship.


The war in Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries, and Tony Blair's political policies are only to line his pockets and the pockets of the rich. Protest in Manchester this Saturday and against Labour at their Labour Party conference this week.

The Labour dictators want to stop protests and want to stop democracy. The British Labour Party has thugs and paid police mercenaries to stop the media from seeing protests against the Labour Government. Remember the old Jewish man they bullied at one of their conferences.

New Labour and the Labour Party of Tony Blair are creating a dictatorship.


Contact people to protest and post on other message boards.

Website more information and travel links to Manchester

•National Demonstration Manchester
•Saturday 23 September • 1pm
•Labour Party Conference

Organised by Stop the War Coalition, CND, BMI and MAB, and supported by Islam Channel, Friends of Al Aqsa, CWU, PCS, NUJ, TGWU, RMT, BECTU, UCU
»Coaches »London train »Cycle »Walk
»Route, map and coach drop off points

Bring the streets of Baghdad to Manchester The United Nations has just announced that 6600 people have been killed in Iraq in the last two months. This will be much lower than the actual figure, as many deaths go unreported because of the Muslim practice of burying the dead within 24 hours.

To symbolise this appalling carnage resulting from Bush and Blair's illegal war in Iraq, we are organising a MASS DIE-IN, for those who wish to participate, as a feature of the TIME TO GO demonstration in Manchester on Saturday 23 September. We want to stress that joining the die-in is of course entirely voluntary. For those who wish to participate, we are asking that they bring a white sheet or clothe to lie on, if possible with splashes of red poster paint on it. Our aim is for a few minutes to symbolise as graphically as we can the horrific levels of violent death which now characterise daily life in Baghdad and many other towns and cities in Iraq.

We will hold the die-in at around 2.30pm, when we anticipate our march will completely encircle the G-Mex Centre, where the Labour Conference is taking place. The march stewards will announce the die-in to the marchers. The die-in will last a few minutes.

The die-in in Manchester on 23 September will be a reminder to the Labour delegates at their party's conference that they have a responsibility, as they discuss the fate of Tony Blair next week, to ensure that his wars are brought to an end before any more Iraqis die at an average rate of over 100 every day
Time to Go public Meetings
TIME TO GO PUBLIC MEETINGS with speakers such as Tony Benn, Craig Murray, John McDonnell MP, George Galloway MP, Mark Steel and many other prominent voices from the anti-war movement are being held in the weeks up to the demonstration. »Find the meeting in your town

Get involved
Help build support for the Manchester demonstration. For posters, leaflets, stickers etc, or to get involved with your local Stop the War Group, contact:
Stop the War Coalition
Phone 020 7278 6694
How to build support
Build support for the demonstration throughout the Summer with:
•Public meetings
•Street stalls
•Visits to workplaces, community centres, mosques, churches etc
•Press conferences at which local MPs, councillors, trade union officials, celebrities give their support to the demo (send details of supporters to the StWC national office)
•The widest possible distribution of leaflets, stickers etc (available now from the Stop the War office)Encourage new people to get actively involved in the anti-war movement. Think of imaginative ways to raise the profile of the demonstration. One group is already planning a feeder MARCH FOR PEACE across the Pennines to join the demo in Manchester.Book coaches now. The Stop the War office is already getting requests for information about transport. This shouldn't be left to the last minute. The selling of seat tickets should start immediately. No one should be able to say they weren't at the demonstration because they didn't have transport. Groups in the same area should plan the co-ordination of pickup points for people living in outlying districts.
Fourteen national trade unions are affiliated to Stop the War (see Dozens of local trade union branches and local trade union councils are also affiliated. Local trade unionists should:
•Get union branches to vote support for the TIME TO GO demonstration. This is already happening in Manchester, where the NUJ, TGWU and City College UCU have all voted to support.
•Get local union branches and trades councils to circulate the demonstration details to all their members and to hold meetings on the Iraq war.
•Visit workplaces with leaflets

Everyone one of us can plan now to be in Manchester on 23 September and encourage our families, friends, work colleagues, fellow college and school students etc to join the TIME TO GO demonstration. If you want to get involved in a local Stop the War or peace group, contact the national StWC office for details of the nearest group to where you live or study.

If there is no Stop the War group near you, consider starting one with your friends. You will be surprised at the positive response you get. A regular Saturday street stall is a good place to start. The StWC national office will help with resources and advice.
Telephone 020 7278 6694

If you're not convinced that it's time for all foreign troops to leave Iraq and time for the Iraqi people to be free to decide for themselves how their country should be governed, here is an article describing the reality of what the Bush/Blair invasion has brought to Iraq.

Get Labour out of Government. Tony Blair has a cheesy grin while innocent children, the elderly, and civilians are killed for the weapons business. Corrupt corporations are donors to the Labour Party.

Website more information and travel links to Manchester


hate the evil Labour Party, evil Tony Blair, and the evil Labour Government


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Mass Protest against war outside Parliament on Monday the 9th of October!

23.09.2006 10:57

There will be a mass protest outside Parliament on Monday the 9th of October in protest at New Labours wars and the threats against Iran. See the link below for full details.

Bring the war home!

An example of the racist evil Blair has made commonplace EVERYWHERE

23.09.2006 13:04 is a famous movie news site created by a cynical mock-60's hippy, and fronted by his son, to massive success. The site is nororious for its 'talkbacks', supposedly near uncensored forums that comment on movie news items (often early film reviews).

Thus we have an early showing of the film "Children of Men" in the UK, and a review of said film submitted by one 'Billy Ash'. This person finishes his review with the words

As for me? I'm writing as a British Muslim, who just wants to get on, and be both a good Muslim, and a good British Citizen. It was all working out great, until some idiots crashed a plane into the twin towers, and gave Tony Blair a chance to prove that he's happy to poodle with George Bush, and wreak havoc in the Middle East. Over the last few months, I've been feeling more and more uncomfortable with the way that the government, and my civil liberties have been heading. This film describes my fears played out.

This is Hollywood, so the talkbacks BAN all comment against the tribe of Israel, and encourage the foulest racism against those the supporters of Israel have genocided in Afghanistan, Chechnya, Bosnia, Iraq, Lebanon, 'Occupied Territories' etc. One of these racist bastards, a regular by the name of 'anchorite' replies thus.

Imagine that. Billy Ash is already a martyr...

And he didn't even have to blow himself up. He just had to write in to AICN as a "British Muslim" about how Children of Men shows how he is losing all of his freedoms. Well boo-fuckin'-hoo to you, mate. As a Jew, I have a bit of a problem with the way things have been playing out in Israel, Lebanon, Iran, the U.N., the US, etc., and the Muslim community doesn't seem too keen on taking their religion back from the violent fanatics who hijacked it. But don't mind me. I guess I'm just jealous because I don't see any movies being made that have MY worst fears being played out. Like Israel and the US and its allies getting blown into oblivion by a bunch of Islamic fanatics and the Jews rounded up and killed (again) just because they're living in the middle of the Islamic world and they dare not to convert to Islam. Of course that movie will never be made, because it would offend Muslims. And just ask the Pope, Theo Van Gogh or the Danish newspaper that published the blasphemous Mohammed cartoons just what happens when Muslims get offended. I am so sick of Muslims being offended. Here's an idea - why don't you take it out on the other Muslims who are behaving so damn horribly? Then you wouldn't have to worry about Abu Ghraib or Guantanamo. And by the way, that shit is NOTHING compared to what your Muslim brothers and sisters are doing to their own people, not to mention "infidels" all around the world on a regular basis. I am so sick of this friggin' pro-Muslim propaganda. It's like the Germans during the Blitzkrieg of WWII acting as if THEY were the victims. Imagine if there were news reports coming out of Auschwitz that only focused on the bland meals the Nazi soldiers were having to eat while dealing with the Jews. This is lunacy. We see millions of Muslims outraged at the Pope, demonstrating, burning effigies in the streets, calling for his beheading, etc., just because he dared to relate the story of a conversation between "Byzantine emperor Manuel II Paleologus and an educated Persian on the subject of Christianity and Islam". Here is the offensive paragraph: '"There is no compulsion in religion". According to the experts, this is one of the suras of the early period, when Mohammed was still powerless and under threat. But naturally the emperor also knew the instructions, developed later and recorded in the Qur’an, concerning holy war. Without descending to details, such as the difference in treatment accorded to those who have the "Book" and the "infidels", he addresses his interlocutor with a startling brusqueness on the central question about the relationship between religion and violence in general, saying: "Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached". The emperor, after having expressed himself so forcefully, goes on to explain in detail the reasons why spreading the faith through violence is something unreasonable. Violence is incompatible with the nature of God and the nature of the soul. "God", he says, "is not pleased by blood – and not acting reasonably is contrary to God’s nature. Faith is born of the soul, not the body. Whoever would lead someone to faith needs the ability to speak well and to reason properly, without violence and threats... To convince a reasonable soul, one does not need a strong arm, or weapons of any kind, or any other means of threatening a person with death...". The decisive statement in this argument against violent conversion is this: not to act in accordance with reason is contrary to God’s nature."' YEAH! Boy, that really deserved all of the hatred and venom and even the murder of a nun in Somalia. So you can call me whatever you want, but I am tired of placating and walking on eggshells for these lunatics.

IT SHOULD COME AS NO SUPRISE THAT SPIELBERG PAYS THE OWNER OF THIS SITE, HARRY KNOWLES, TO GIVE HIS FILMS POSITIVE REVIEWS. The reviews of the racist garbage "War of the Worlds" (the tag line "they are already here" was a crude allusion to muslims, and the theme of the movie was the fate of the US if the 'muslim menace' was allowed to go undealt with) and "Munich" were gushing (and now that Spielberg produced "Transformers" gets the same treatment- one shouldn't be too suprised that the first set report had Spielberg's hack Bay blowing up mosques).

The talkbacks remove, suprise suprise, anti-jew comments as soon as they appear. Hmmm, reminds me of the hypocrisy of another site.

Hitler had to work for many many years to create the circumstances under which jews, slavs and others could be mass murdered using the industrial efficiency of the 20th century. Before the mass murder took place, people debated the true purpose of Hitler's actions. TODAY WE HAVE NO SUCH EXCUSE. Blair has worked perfectly to create 'open season' on muslims. My example above shows that when a person declares themselves to be merely concerned about their own safety, this is used as an excuse by those that wish to MURDER them to declare that such words PROVE they deserve to be murdered.

Monsters like 'anchorite' (or 'pirate' and others here) have heard Blair's purpose LOUD and CLEAR, and proudly scream their vile racist garbage ever louder.

EVERYTHING GOES ONE WAY. We are not holding back the tide of Blair's history. On the contrary, Blair's momentum grows daily. So called protest actions have, in reality, a NEGATIVE effect (which is a fact that will depress many of you, and you will try to deny it). Why negative. Because the TOTAL FAILURE to make a difference feeds back into the psyche of the population. The population is taught by protest failure that ONLY Blair's way ever makes forward progress. It is in Human nature to stand behind a winning strategy, even if the strategy is potentially offensive.

Let me put it another, simpler, way. If no protest against Blair had ever taken place, people would still have the hope that a future protest could occur and destroy the monster. When enough failed protests have occured, all hope is lost. This is why Blair is happy to have his people arrange these 'protests'. They act to innoculate Blair against us. This is also why PRETEND activists here scream and shout that you MUST participate is activities already KNOWN to be hopeless.

An EFFECTIVE protest is 10 people with a good idea (like 'Fathers for Justice') OR thousands of people who WILL NOT GO HOME until a change has been forced by their numbers. You will notice that regulars on indymedia UK back NEITHER of these winning strategies.

INSTEAD YOU ARE TOLD TO PARTICIPATE IN YOUR "TEN MINUTES OF HATE". Stand or march uselessly with like-minded people. Feel good about being with a large number of people that seem to share your opinions. Do as you are told by Blair's uniformed thugs and YOUR uniformed thugs (the so-called stewards). Go listen to people more usually found dining and socialising with your stated enemies. Go home, and suck up more propaganda from the BBC, ITN, and The Guardian. Co-operate with the state when its time to draft you or your kids into Blair's World War. Remember that as much as you hate 'racism', the lives of 'our boys' are more valuable than any 'dirty foreigner' they happen to be raping, torturing, or murdering.

Galloway makes a good living as Rupert Murdoch's own WHORE, strutting around the ruins of Lebanon. So BE GOOD GIRLS AND BOYS. LISTEN to those people Murdoch tells you to listen to. Pretend that the words coming from Galloway's mouth have EVER saved even one life. Never notice who these people really are, or who they spend time with when you aren't looking. Remember Blair's rule: be comforted by the words of your leaders, and NEVER EVER EVER ask why actions don't speak louder than words. NEVER EVER ask why the organised anti-war movement refused to stand in significant numbers of seats during the national general and council elections. NEVER EVER ask why the organised anti-war movement always ensures that it is seen as an extremist muslim movement.

Simply sink back into 'dribble' land. You know that Blair is 'going', after all he has told you that himself, and as you know so well, BLAIR NEVER LIES (an evil monster using lies, whoever heard of such a thing). Just because Blair has patterned the world on pre-WW2 events and propaganda doesn't mean the worst is about to happen. No, no, the 'dribble-fairy' is coming to save you. YOU don't like the idea of bad things so that PROVES bad things aren't going to happen, doesn't it?


re:An example of racist evil

23.09.2006 20:42

You should explain what this refers to. As far as I know the Stop the War Coalition is not stating that anyone should participate in anything like that.

"NEVER EVER ask why the organised anti-war movement refused to stand in significant numbers of seats during the national general and council elections"
Perhaps because the Stop the War Coalition is not a political party and doesn't need to be. It just needed to take a clear position and say that people should vote against pro-war parties and candidates. It failed to do that and therefore has lost it's legitimacy (as representing the movement) in my view.

"Never notice who these people really are, or who they spend time with when you aren't looking."
If you have any privileged information about who Galloway spends his time with in private then pass it on and it can be considered.

Brian B
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