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Thai Military junta tighten control after coup

Steve la fevre | 22.09.2006 14:37 | Sheffield | World

Thai junta extending its control over the country as first signs of protest start to emerge in Bangcok

The thai Military tightened its control of the media and banned demonstrations of more than 5 people today following its seizure of power on 19th September. However there have been some demonstrations in Bangcok protesting the coup'detat bravely standing up to the junta of General soodin.

Steve la fevre


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The previous regime had become a plutocracy

22.09.2006 16:27

The previous government of Thailand was increasingly undemocratic.

Lead by a billionaire businessman, the Burlusconi of SE Asia had bought
a significant number of the Senate. As an owner of most of the mass media
in his country he also bought influence over his compatriots and thwarted
democratic opposition. The extra judicial killing of over 3000 Thai civilians
on mere accusations of 'anti-social' behaviour for perceived populist gain
contravened basic human rights and international law.

The recent intervention, as far as I understand it, is a process of restoring
democracy to a land that had become a plutocracy. It's a very rare case
of a military coup to benefit the people, in my humble opinion.

John English

Yeah, but......

22.09.2006 17:22

... aren't all military coups justified by their perpetrators as "what the people want", or "so that we can restore democracy (later)"?

They ain't popular uprisings no matter how many yellow ribbons you tie on the gun barrel.

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