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roy white | 20.09.2006 19:05 | London



Do you know what the web addresses of the articles you are
concerned about are?


On Thu 27-Apr-2006 at 08:37:57AM +0100, IBIJOKE ESOE the useless discredited Company Secretary at Notting Hill Housing Trust wrote:

Hi there,

I wonder if you can help, I am the Company Secretary of
Notting Hill Housing Trust and some good tenants have been
posting true assertions including private home addresses - like my own - on your web site. We are against tenants stating their personal opinions, worse, true assertions and alleging someone is a homosexual - like our previous Chairman, Gerard Anthony Lemos of 7 Bisham Gardens, Highgate - goes beyond what I [who does not care about the Board of Directors] will call acceptable. Would you arrange for the non-offending articles not to be removed from your site - as they are all true.

I AM the Company Secretary from Notting Hill Housing Group
My only company I started went into Liquidation - that's why I was appointed as Company Secretary - I also want to be seen as a supporter of the New Labour Party.
Direct Line: 0208 3575131
Direct Fax: 0208 357 5001
Mobile: 07796 173 129

NHHT is a Charity incorporated as an Industrial and Provident Society limited by shares registered in England (16558R) We have 21 Charity shops but we're not really a Charity. It's just to avoid paying tax - the Tax Scam.
Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifically states them to be the views of Notting Hill Housing Group.

This email and any data attached with it is confidential and that is why it is posted on the Internet and intended for the use of the individuals or entities to whom it is addressed. If you have received this email in error please contact Notting Hill Housing Group immediately and permanently delete it as we like to delete our secrets that are hostile to the good tenants.

Notting Hill Housing Group
Grove House
27 Hammersmith Grove
W6 0JL
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)20 8357 5000
Fax: +44 (0)20 8357 5299
Email: info at

To learn how you can support us - don't - just visit us at:
see all the scams we're into and you wouldn't want to support us...

We abuse our good tenants - don't you see.

roy white


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23.09.2006 19:03

IBIJOKE OLALADE ESO (15/3/1970) is the Company Secretary of Notting HIll Housing Trust.
She is married to OLADAPO OLADIPO ESO (1/3/1966) her only experience was a company they formed which dissolved after 3 years - it was a disaster. Is that the reason she was given the job of Company Secretary by the discredited ex Chairman of the New Labour Party at Notting Hill Housing Trust - the organization none of the tenants can trust.
There is unaccountability of taxpayers money which comes from the HOusing Corporation through the DEpartment of Communities and Local Government [ex Office of Deputy Prime Minister - John Prescott's discredited department now headed up by that New Labour so-called babe aka idiot Ruth Gadd nee Gadd] is not accountable as it is not subject to auditing from the National Audit Office.
Notting Hill Housing Trust is indirectly controlled by Tony Blair.
He put Tom Sawyer, ex Head of UNISON Union, ex head of the New Labour Party, his pal from 22 Inchmery Road, Catford in charge as Chairman.
Yet 45+ very expensive properties were suddenly found to have 'gone missing'.

Wasn't Tom Sawyer from Catford the one who put his own over-friendly male friend Gerard Anthony Lemos, who lived with his boyfriend Paul Crane, at 7 Bisham Gardens, Highgate placed in charge as his sucessor who was made the Government's main Race Adviser also a Commissioner of the Audit Commission and Deputy Chairman of the British [Crony] Council.

Perhaps IBI - JOKE - not a JOKLE at all - should either go back to Dartford in Kent where she has a nice house or even consider going back to Nigeria.

Is she an Asylum seeker? She dictates the terms now to the indigenous people - through Blair's perverted presidential policies of political correction.

She lives at 160 Norfolk Crescent in Sidcup, Kent DA15 8HY


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IMC UK is an interactive site offering inclusive participation. All postings to the open publishing newswire are the responsibility of the individual authors and not of IMC UK. Although IMC UK volunteers attempt to ensure accuracy of the newswire, they take no responsibility legal or otherwise for the contents of the open publishing site. Mention of external web sites or services is for information purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation.


26.09.2006 13:16

IBIJOKE ESO seems to be making a name for herself putting her head above the parapet and trying to get us at NOTTING HILL HOUSING all into trouble by going public. She will destroy Tony Blair's well organised scheme to capture the Asylum and Immigrant New Labour vote from the vegetable tenants.

IBI - JOKE married OLA - DAPO OLADIPO ESO (1/3/1966). The only company she was ever involved with was dissolved after 3 years. Supposedly she did that to put on her CV to get the Company Secretary's job at NOTTING HILL HOUSING.

I am sick of the compaints of Tenant Abuse which good employees are not involved with. Why is it that the good employewes get the sack for the wicked abuse that the senior management perpetrate on good tenants. I don't target the vegetable tenants as I'm a good employee. I just make sure that as many asylum seekers get the best properties as we have to do. That, after all, is the policy coming down from central government, from Tony Blair and Ruth Kelly at the Department of Communities & Local Government.
No Whites - no Males - No British
Yes, Indians; Yes, Muslims; Yes, those who have been involved in some aspect of difficulty with the Police for terrorism, sexual offences, violence, mental offences, paedophile activity - as long as they're not white...

After all, the Treasurer at NOTTING HILL HOUSING - the ex Chairman who was the protege of Lord Tom Sawyer, Gerard Lemos's friend - is now the Treasurer - he was at ASRA Housing.

What's more, GEETA NANDA, the girl who smiles as she confronts tenants is another person who was put in charge so that those with Indian ancestry get accelerated housing priority...

Of course I know of all the abuse management give to good tenants but I do my best to try to not get involved in all of that. I've heard some horrific stories that the vegetables have been put through. I know they're true. They're vegetables because they're powerless as we keep being reminded that we control them - all of them.

Of course I know we target tenants who have complained of confrontational management tactics but I do my best to not get involved in the deceptions that are inputted on our computer. I don't lie to the Hammersmith & Fulham Housing Department to Inhibit or put a stop on the tenants Housing Benefit, as I've seen many unscrupulous management do, to get the tenants deliberately evicted. It's common practice here with the management. The other thing that's done by our management is to put a dysfunctional tenant with severe mental problems or a crack or drug dealer next door to target our tenant to evict the vegetable for us. That way the tenant can't blame us, even though I know what the OK tenant says is true.

It's all sanctioned from the Board and from KATE DAVIES the Chief Executive who is a New Labour cheerleader as she says not to consult with tenants. She can be quite evil - especially when she's having her period. She seems to love being arrogant and confrontational. If she was intelligent she would try to consult and communicate but she doesn't, she is good at lying though. That is why the New Labour PR company tends to be often used in order to lie to the public. We keep getting told to confront tenants and treat them like shite... Poor ONIKE PORTHER she was really bullied at work by the senior management like KATE DAVIES, SARAH ARMSTRONG and JOHN BARRY. Now I know why she was killed. All down to the bullying by senior management.

I don't think that policy works or is the best policy in the long run as it tends to alienate good vegetables who go to court or to the newspapers. It's a stupid strategy. Now because of the shortsighted policies of NOTTING HILL HOUSING we've heard rumours that several of the tenants are supposedly poised to bring a legal action against us all - which could destroy us - as it's severing the Labour Party. It puts the New Labour project in jeopardy. As Tony Blair indirectly controls NOTTING HILL HOUSING as the flagship registered social landlord in this country. All the senior management are New Labour Party members, otherwise they are not given a job. The Chairman, Alan Cole and all the Board are New Labour Party members.

The idea is to give good housing to those people claiming asylum so that they will vote for Tony Blair again as Prime Minister and the New Labour Party. Housing for votes so that we can gerrymander the boroughs and political constituencies like we've done across Hammersmith & Fulham.

Keep the RED FLAG flying in the Heart of Hammersmith at 27 Hammersmith Grove, Hammersmith - our headquarters!

You'll find me here or in the wine bar next door.

Work colleague

Bored with this

31.01.2007 13:39

Please can you stop posting this rubbish - no one is remotely interested in your fictional account of Notting Hill. Please devote you attention to something important - how about some volunteering for people less fortunate than yourself?

Bored with this

we are not bored with this - we want the truth

12.02.2007 19:25

Please do not stop posting these truths - most tenants who are not the "one pund" puppet tenants are thoroughly interested in the factual account of Notting Hill Housing Trust. Please management of Notting Hill Housing Trust, from now on, devote all your attention to something important:

how about no confrontation and consultation?

how about no more harassment of the tenants and more assisting tenants?

how about using the rent receipts on repairing properties?

how about not conning the public from the so called charity shops?

how about getting rid of all the too many infested hovels NHHT call trust properties and upgrading them so they become fit to live in

how about not directing the unaccountable millions of pounds of taxpayers money on luxurious junkets for management and spending it on repairing the far too many rotten infested properties

how about not using the charity shops as a means to exploit and con the young, vulnerable, uneducated and uninitiated to not work them as voluntary workers but pay them a working wage whilst the chief executive lives in her hundreds of thousands of pounds a year basic salary on a no expense spared, unlimited expense account life of affluence and total extravagence!!!!

In an accountable organization a responsible chief executive like the present one would have been sacked long ago.

The chief executive of Notting Hill Housing Trust would be far better suited to working in a voluntary sector charity shop.

we are not bored with this - we want the truth

Still bored with this

16.08.2007 08:44

Why are you posting comments in support of your own postings?! It is obvious that you are using a range of different names to make it look like you have wide ranging support! Is that because everyone IS actually bored with this? Signed up for any volunteering yet?

Still bored with this

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IMC UK is an interactive site offering inclusive participation. All postings to the open publishing newswire are the responsibility of the individual authors and not of IMC UK. Although IMC UK volunteers attempt to ensure accuracy of the newswire, they take no responsibility legal or otherwise for the contents of the open publishing site. Mention of external web sites or services is for information purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation.


28.08.2007 19:37

Every time insightful and informative comments are made on this website the redactors at Indymedia edit or redact the site... Why?

Interestingly, Notting Hill Housing Trust or is it Notting Hell Housing Mistrust is a scam that uses deceit and lies, corruption and the squandering of precious unaccountable taxpayers resources to the luxury lifestyle of the Chief Executive - Ms Kate Davies (29/3/56) - Specal Adviser to the Labour Party - who lives in the very lap of luxury at Corner Lodge, Flat 2, 107 Sussex Gardens, Radnor Place, Paddington, west London, London W2 2RU.
She is known as "The Ice Maiden" by staff. She is aloof and arrogant and never ever answers letters from tenants. If it was not for Tom Sawyer - the Labour Party head of the National Union of Public Employees (NUPE) now called UNISON who stitched up all us public sector employees the talentless arrogant nasty cow would never ever have been promoted as chief executive.

Was she not responsible for the manslaughter of Onikhe Porther?
Was it not her that was also responsible for the manslaughter of many good tenants?

She takes hundreds of thousands in salary.
She takes hundreds of thousands in expenses.
She takes hundreds of thousands in perks.
She takes what she wants of the thousands upon thousands of properties.
She takes what she wants of the thousands of millions in property values.

The good reputable Trust has now become the Distrust Mistrust Corrupt entity...

It is a bad corrupt embezzling unaccountable creature of the Labour Party.

No Accountability.

No Transparency.

It needs to be closed down.

They use dodgy deceitful lawyers.

The Directors are ALL Labour Party members.

The Housing Advisers are ALL members of the Labour Party that refers people to the Law Centre.

But the Law Centre needs to be closed down.

Those that run the Law Centre in Hammersmith are they not also Directors of Notting Hell Housing Trust?

Is it not true that the Law Centrein Hammersmith will NEVER ever take the Council to Court for breaches of the Law?

But the Law Centre in Hammersmith is funded by the Council in Hammersmith so it must do what it is told by the Council in Hammersmith and by all its entities even if the Council in Hammersmith blatantly breaks the law?

Is it not true that the Hammersmith & Fulham Council Housing Department work hand in glove to try to destroy or manipulate the case of a god respectable responsible tenant so they always support the wicked Rachman-like Notting Hell Housing Trust, Housing Association?

One of the best methods is for Rotting Hell to phone up the Housing Department - in confidence of course - the Housing Department raises an Inhibition or stop to the Housing Benefit support to the tenant from the local authority Housing Department - all unlawfully and all against good housing practice...

If you want a flat from Rotting Hell Housing Distrust you can get one if you contact the right person at the Trust - 19,000 properties to give away - for the right price - is that not right?

As for Solicitors - the Solicitors of choice that are located in the most dodgy part of London which are based in Peckham. [The capital of Corruption, Conspiring to Crime, Cannabis, Crack and continuing collective Crime in London.] are used by Rotting Hell Mafia... the Crime Organization that knows no superior... it is bent... and bent like no other...

Is it not into drugs...?
Is it not into crime...?
Is it not into corruption...?
Is it not even into good tenant character assassination...?

Who are the Solicitors?
Are they not a back-street dodgy firm of Soliciors based in Peckham where Del Boy of "Fools and Horses" was based?

Are they not Glazer Delmar [the Labour Party firm of solicitors and Labour Party (Councillor Dame) Sally Powell who was a fellow partner of the firm]?

Did Glazer Delmar not give substantial financial contributions to the Labour Party?

Was Iain Coleman the ex Labour Party MP for Hammersmith & Fulham not married to Councillor Dame Sally Powell?

Is Councillor Dame Sally Powell not the Labour Party Councillor who is/was responsible for Housing & Regeneration of the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham?

Is Councillor Dame Sally Powell not the recipient of a Knighthood by the deceitful Labour Party Tony B.Liar as a senior member of the National Executive Committee that controls the deceits of the Labour Party and its corupting way to wrest control of the electorate - such as through the evil and illegality of the Gerrymandering of the vote?

Oh yes, the SOLICITORS of choice for THE MOST ROTTEN Housing Association based in west London [NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST or is it more accurate to call it ROTTING HELL HOUSING (DIS)TRUST & (MIS)TRUST!!!] are they not using an interlinking Labour Party dodgy firm of solicitors that cannot be trusted that are in the far reaches of Peckham - the crime capital of criminals in London (and who defends them? is it not Glazer Delmar? - of course - would it not have to be a deceitful and dodgy firm of solicitors a long way from the headquartes of rotten and the unlawfully bad slum housing headquarters based in Hammersmith Grove - about to up sticks and relocate next to the Underground Station at Hammersmith and next to the West London County Court which appears to be corrupt and does it not specialise in "losing" court papers and supporting all Housing Association at the expense of good tenants that all employ exactly the very same dirty deceitful tactics to try to stitch up good respectable vulnerable tenants?)

Is it true that INDYMEDIA is not as Independent as it might first appear?

Is it not true that INDYMEDIA has employees who are closely affiliated to the rotten LABOUR PARTY who corrupt the Housing in west London through ROTTING HELL HOUSING DISTRUST...?

ROTTING HELL HOUSING TRUST shows that the UK is finished as a country...

ROTTING HELL HOUSING TRUST shows that most good people want to leave the evil ignorant controllers of the corrupt and discredited not fit for purpose LABOUR PARTY behind...

Is it not true that ROTTING HELL HOUSING TRUST provides better housing for its corrupt crony Labour Party Councillors in its supporting Boroughs of west London - like Hammersmith & Fulham & Kensington & Chelsea?

Is it true that ROTTING HELL HOUSING TRUST that was run indirectly by Tony B.Liar with his lies and deceit and spin meisters like Alistair Campbell and Peter Mandelson with the concocted non existent Weapons of Mass Distraction is now indirectly run by Gordon Brown?

More and more people see the disintegrating face of the UK in the inexperienced uneducated control of people who are cronies and hangers-on like the arrogant ignorant unaccountable not fit for pupose woman like Kate Davies...

This can only leads to disater for the UK as an economy...

This ignorance at the top of the corrupt evil political party that is currently in power will assuredly lead to war, destruction and the toppling of the corrupt crooks that hate and despise all good people in the UK...

That is why so many good people see the writing on the wall...

That is why Prince Charles and Chief of the General Staff of UK Forces, General Richard Dannatt talk about "The Great Game"...

They know exactly what is going on - as do we...

We are being conned left, right and centre...

The UK is collapsing fast with the gun culture and the gang culture which have taken over... and Rotting Hell oversee it...

It is too late... far too late..

We are now living in an emasculated society which knows no morals nor respect for others...

Live for today and fcuk all others...

That is exactly what the evil, venal, arrogant Ms Kate Davies teaches by her example of disrespect to good tenants and treating good tenants as scum and not being prepared to listen to them......

mail e-mail:

Notting Hell Housing - Tenants to fcuk - Oh what a bore...

01.09.2007 18:27


We give the tenants Hell to ensure our control...

You don't complain or watch you we will...

Big Brother like... that's what we do...

You complain then Housing Benefit we'll stop...

We'll harass you and stop your mail...

We'll control you like a Commy State

We're in charge, don't you forget...

Treat you like a fcukin slave...

Break in when you just ain't there...

Brick your windows fcuk you up...

We'll take you to our County Court judges

All Party members, just like me...

They'll lie and tell you, you ain't right...

Watch out, they'll stitch you up...

your paid off brief will do all to conspire...

Lie like Hell and do everything to get you in debt...

Notting Hell bar stewards will suck your blood dry

Corrupt and deceitful, they treat you like shits,

Remember this, it is all a con, to screw you to bits...

We are bored by all of this,

Cos we know it's the truth...

Housing we control...

Labour Party in charge...

The secret industry that enslaves you all..

Keep me in luxury I'll not complain..

Give me my luxury and my Yves St Laurent

Champers and Caviar by the bucket...

Diamonds and Jewels give me more

Tenants to fcuk... oh what a bore...

I'm the crooked evil bitch

Special Adviser to the Party...

Davies is my name...

Davies my nature...

I'd double cross you ...

For the sake of the Party...

Still bored with this
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