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City Council unanimously rejects incinerator expansion

NAIL supporter | 20.09.2006 18:41 | Ecology | Health

Today the City Council unanimously rejected the plans for the expansion of Nottinghams incinerator. A real victory for the NAIL campaign !!

The campaign has been a real community effort. After the first public meeting in the area of Sneinton, which is most affected by the incinerator, more and more local residents have got involved in different levels. A year ago, all political parties within the council were in favour of expanding the incinerator. The facility with the ability of gaining heat from waste was seen as a good thing. Much effort from the campaign has been put into informing councillors about the real concequenses.

One of the first obsticles was the license to operate, which the incinerator needs to operate at the larger capacity. The application is reviewed and the license issued by the Environment Agency (EA), who on numerous occassions has been picketed by campaigners. The license was granted by the EA. Some campaigners, who are part of a group called 'the Mischief Makers' have tried to bring a more creative element to the campaigning work. The 'Rubbish Day Out' was held twice to rally local support in Sneinton as well as showing what can be made by re-using waste and raising some money. Different banners were hung from houses in the area and it seemed no-one could deny the issues at stake anymore. A mix of lobbying, letter writing, taking action and raising awareness seemed to push local politicians finally to take the issue on board. Early summer it seemed both LibDem and Conservative as well as Labour councillers were turning their backs on the plans. Now the application has unanimously been rejected. WRG might appeal, although it now seems they don't seem to have as strong a case as previously thought.

NAIL supporter


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well done!

21.09.2006 17:20

Well done to all who gave their time and energy to the campaign!
