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Fury over 'war on terror' board game

war on terra | 20.09.2006 16:26 | Culture | Terror War

The Hate Mail is in a fluster:

A survivor of the London bombings has branded a controversial new board game about the war on terror as "sick".

Jacqui Putnam survived the attacks which claimed 52 lives on July 7 last year when a suicide bomber detonated explosives in the carriage next to hers on an underground train.

Now she has reacted with anger to the launch of War on Terror: The Boardgame, calling it "inappropriate and insensitive".

But if you ask me the game looks great!

Shame it's not considered news around these parts:

war on terra


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Probably because its unashamed advertising.

20.09.2006 17:39

If they had just written a review of the game with a contact website address it might have gotten through. Anyway, I think its a great idea for a game, though a bit pricy. Maybe a computer game would be better,


Looks a bit like...

20.09.2006 18:48

that old old game 'Risk!'

It is a bit of a risk, just another step down the road of making death and destruction (dirty bombs and suicide bombers) entirely acceptable as dinner table chit chat with the kids.............


Press release from a company

20.09.2006 18:53

The corporate press covers those. They don't really do Direct Action, we do.

"The game costs £26 + £4 P&P for the U.K (online) with an RRP of £30."

Fuck that for a game of soldiers.

Boardgame Bertie

Why not?

21.09.2006 07:21

Why shouldn't it be chat with the kids? They only get the official view from the mainstream media, i.e. terrorists kill innocent people for no reason at all but our troops collaterally kill innocents in order to bring them democracy. Kids are entitled to know the truth as well as adults.


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My first post hidden!

23.09.2006 09:19

I only found out about this website because of this game and then when I submitted my story it got hidden?

I don't understand how it works. I can't see how you can vote to hide stories?

Bums to the lot of you! They're having a pop at capitalism on their website, and the medai!! Can't believe some of my friends don't even get this.


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