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Anarchist Block on 23rd

knightrose | 19.09.2006 20:44

Anarchist Federation and Solidarity Federation members are calling for an anarchist block on the Stop the War demo in Manchester on saturday 23rd September.

AF and Solfed members met recently to discuss a joint block on the STW march on 23rd September. We would like to invite all anarchists and libertarian communists on the march to gather with us. We will be marching with black and red flags and our own placards.

We believe we can mobilise enough comrades to make our presence really obvious on this march.

Come and join us.

We plan to meet up prior to the march at 12.30 in the Peace Gardens and then join the demo for 1pm. The Peace Gardens are just round the corner from Albert Square.

Look out for the red and black flags!

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good luck...

19.09.2006 23:34

and some London people would like to invite everyone down our way on the 9th of October when we get to Sack Parliament!

Hope all goes well over the weekend.

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20.09.2006 12:31

I do hope that you have some autonomous direct actions planned,other than marching from A to B. Do people realise that the politicians won`t actually be there on Saturday.This is a convienent date for both them and thier cronies in SWP/STW.As I understand it this was the only date the police would agree to letting the march go ahead.If we are to keep asking permission to do things we`ll never take control.A good day for paper sales I suppose though!!
Marching is a good way to vent anger I agree. There are other methods too,which have far more reaching results. Surely by having an anarchist bloc it defeats the purpose of any direct actions occuring as it highlights the potential to the authorities. Or is this the idea??


See you on Saturday!

20.09.2006 13:10

See you, photograph you, look in our files to match names to faces.
We in the Metropolitan Police want you to know that we really agree with your protest. (Oh yes, I was an anarchist once.) Of course we want you all to stay safe and out of trouble, which is why we (and our mates in the GMP - they have their own spotters who you'll recognise from the footy) will be taking photos of everyone on the anarchist bloc, from plenty of different angles, while you're chatting to your pals, watching for who looks like they're the ringleader, who's agitating and so forth.

If you want to help us out, please turn up clean shaven, don't wear a hat of any kind, and try to organise yourselves into sections on the demo according to how militant you are.

Wearing dirty black clothes and scary looking things like masks will help too, so that we and the rest of the demo know that you're the anarchists and should be avoided in case the worst should happen and we see some violence.

And a special note to anyone with kids- please don't wear face paint - it confuses the fuck out of our facial recognition systems, especially dark colours near the eyes or down the side of the nose.

Thanks for your obedience,

Insp. A. Pigg,
Scotland Yard Public Order Branch

Scotland Yard, Forward Intelligence Team

proud to be an anarchist with nothing to hide

20.09.2006 13:57

i dont know if the last comment is real or a spoof and quite frankly i dont care. there never was much point in being that which dare not speak its name as far as i'm concerned. and dont get me wrong i speak for myself alone. its very obvious that what others do is up to them as far as im concerned. i never really did appreciate evangelism either. a lot of people seem to like stating the obvious, so i'll bend my own rules a touch and say- practice what you preach or walk your talk and try not to speak with a cloven tongue , as a famous native american once(11) said about the "white man".



HEDDLU(CYMRAEG)- the police force

when i went into carmarthen police station to show them that i had received a piece of paper(WHITE) with (HANDWRITTEN IN BLACK FELT PEN- all in blocks{CAPITALS}); across the top (LARGE) BNP and then going down the way BRITTISH NATIONAL PARTY-smaller {using the letters BNP as the first letter of each word.( i only go into such detail for the sake of clarity )}, i was speaking to a woman worker there (didnt ask for name and number, but i think i will every time now before continuing to speak) and i said to her that HEDDLU meant peacekeepers. she replied it means POLICE> i said yes but i know the derivation of the word, whereupon she looked at me in a certain way (imagination required)

so lets hope that all the police officers (female/male) to be present on saturday, do their job with integrity......

love'n'peace- caitlin

kate grosvenor
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20.09.2006 14:32

"I do hope that you have some autonomous direct actions planned,other than marching from A to B. Do people realise that the politicians won`t actually be there on Saturday."

With this you appear to be contradicting yourself. The idea of a "direct" action is impossible given the conference is not started as yet (even were the conference going the "directness" of any action is debateable at best) - so why bother?

The purpose of a bloc such as this is primarily to give a visible anarchist presence in a group of people who may be interested, to distribute publicity, and to attempt to break the IslamoTrot hegemony which seems to rule StWC demonstrations at present.

Having a ruck with the pigs is NOT in itself direct action; while it can be a useful tactic at times, at others it is little more than immature posing.

I'm going to head over on Saturday, see ya there :-)

- r



20.09.2006 14:39

heddwch, to the best of my understanding, is the imperative (COMMAND) form in welsh, so if i am correct, it literally means BE PEACEFUL!

i like this one ARAFWCH (not to be confused with arra-f*ck ) SLOW DOWN! (or be slow)

big up BILINGUALISM/ TRY- lingualism /PEDWAR//four-lingualism ETC (etcetera- latin? )- not to be confused with ECT (electro-convulsive therapy {only performed under general anaesthetic in the UK})

luv'n'stuff (TAT)- caitlin

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Marching from A to B

20.09.2006 18:19

Again I write in support of marching from A to B - not necessarily in support of the STWC. For many people who turn up to marches it is a major step as is leafletting. We should not just slag them off, sit on the sidelines and ignore them.
I hope that the block will be leafleting, spreading anarchist ideas and hopefully recruit people for more meaningful direct action.

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Dear mr. A Pigg

21.09.2006 00:30

I will be the "ring leader" of the anarchist block, as well the the undisputed monarch of all Anarchists world wide, If you want to stop the anarchists, you'll have to get me, and me alone, without the head they will not know where to receive their orders from, they will all go home and return to their consumer lifestyle.

Ok, i won't actually be there, and if you are serious and you are a cop, than let me tell you this, and make it very clear. Maybe there won't be "violence" on the day, maybe there won't be anarchist violence this year, even in this life time, but it will come, and when it does, you will not know what to do, it won't be the Anarchists/Radicals that spark the violence, but you, the police. you will spark the violence by standing in the way of a mass, an unstoppable mass of people, all of which are determined to achieve some goal or another, a goal which every sensible human being will know is right and honourable, even the cops, which will just follow orders, will know this is right (as i believe most of you already know). i don't know if you are scared, but, if you find yourself standing in between a mass of people, and a group of politicians, ask yourself, who are you protecting and why? are you protecting the public's interests, or are you protecting a government who's crimes are far far worse than those of all protectors combined, are you defending the world in order to prevent chaos, or are you guarding the chaos that is already there from the positive change that we all know is needed. You can photograph anyone of as as much as you want, we will go down proudly in history, but you, your actions, and the blind philosophy of orders that you follow, will go down as a disaster, a catastrophe that have held mankind from achieving it's full potential and from living in a truly democratic society.
Here's my suggestion, if any of this got to you, next time you are at a protest, join it, order your minions to use their own conscience, and morality, join them and help bring about the change you used to believe in, before you've given up hope for a fairer world.

OsamaBinCohen - Leader of the Anarchists

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22.09.2006 15:36

if i were to join the block what use will it be apart from the MI5 putting my profile on their records?

@ir He@d

Link to an anarchist report from the demo ... and more comments

25.09.2006 08:58

Anarchists at Manc demo - report & pictures (plus IWW picket)
Northern anarchist | 24.09.2006 21:38 | Manchester | World
