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Incineratorm Expansion - The final vite - Join our protest?

Jon Beresford | 19.09.2006 18:43 | Ecology | Health

On Wednesday 20 September the Development Control Committee will finally vote on weather to allow Nottingham's Eastcroft incinerator to expand. Please join our protest from 12:30 pm 20 September outside the Council House to greet councillors as they arrive to vote.

On Wednesday 20 September the Development Control Committee will finally vote on weather to allow Nottingham's Eastcroft incinerator to expand. Please join our protest from 12:30 pm 20 September outside the Council House to greet councillors as they arrive to vote.

If this incinerator, the most polluting incinerator in the country is allowed to expand, we will see an additional 100,000 tonnes of waste imported into Nottingham for incineration rather than recycling. Polluting our environment, wasting energy and the earths precious resources in the process.

The Planning Officer is recommending that the Committee REFUSE PERMISSION, join us outside the Council House from 12:30pm to greet councillors and ask them to vote NO.

Jon Beresford
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