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Whatever happened to Critical Mass?

Lenton Cyclist | 18.09.2006 13:47 | Culture | Ecology

Nottingham's Critical Mass hasn't reached a critical mass for many months. Let's make September a big one and revive it.

It would be a real shame to let this celebration/environmental action/reclamation of the streets drop by the wayside. Just when CMs elswhere in the country are celebrating victory ( our own CM seems to have dwindled to nothing.

Let's make CM in September a big party - something worth getting off your arses for!

Critical Mass is a disorganised rabble of non-powered transport, and meets on the last Friday of the month, at 5.30pm, at the Savoy Cinema in Lenton. The next CM will take place on Fri 29th September.

Lenton Cyclist


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Peddlers required

18.09.2006 18:19

The Notts Thingy
The Notts Thingy

If we can get three or four volunteer riders we can have the famous Notts Thingy on the CM at the end of Sept and we'll than also have groovy sounds to ride to.
so, are there any volunteers out there?


Previous articles on Critical Mass

19.09.2006 09:34

Critical Mass Bike About in the city

Where is Nottingham Critical Mass heading?

Critical Mass : A collection of piccys (avi 7.1M) - Slide-show, made from a selection of piccys, taken on the Critical Mass Bike About, through Nottingham during 2005 - 6.
