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No Nazis On The Streets Of Leeds

Militant Antifascists | 18.09.2006 10:50 | Anti-racism

Hardline Nazi gets a pasting.

You weren't smiling on Saturday scumbag
You weren't smiling on Saturday scumbag

Wolf's Hook White Brotherhood & friends (including veteran fascist John Wood)
Wolf's Hook White Brotherhood & friends (including veteran fascist John Wood)

Antifascist intelligence indicated that there was a strong possibility of a fascist presence at the Leeds solidarity demo in support of Zimbawaen asylum seekers on Saturday 16th October, whether to cause trouble, gather intelligence, or both. Our intelligence proved correct, and one hardline Nazi, someone well known to us from previous fascist demonstrations (Nationalist Alliance and BNP) in Leeds even had the cheek (or stupidity) to turn up wearing Nazi insignia, including badges and a full back-piece on his black MA1 jacket. Consequently, said Nazi received a summary pasting.

Typically, it was not this fascist thug's fellow Nazis who came to his aid, but stupid liberals - This, despite the fallen fascist clearly sporting Nazi regalia. So for you idiots who were fooled by the whining of this battered fascist, who ignored his ignsignia, or didn't notice him take off his jacket and turn it inside out, for the fools who felt sorry for him and bought him coffee, and for the scum who called the police; Here's a couple of pics of your pal at the 'Wolf's Camp' of hardline Nazi outfit the 'Wolf's Hook White Brotherhood'. Look them up on the web if you want to see more of these Hitler-worshipping freaks.

Nazis will not be tolerated on Leeds streets.

Militant Antifascists


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Good try - no cigar

18.09.2006 11:01

I see the Photoshop software has been out again !

We're not fooled

Naivety on one side, ineptitude on the other

18.09.2006 11:31

Next time you 'take out' a Nazi on a mass demo in full glare of everyone, give some of us a bit of advanced warning - no names, times, etc but just some notice - you know who you can warn - so we don't all go and help a pathetic old man with blood pouring out of his nose, attacked at random.

Of course people went and wasn't clear to the untrained eye what had happened or who this nazi was. Only after a few people passed the message on in a coherent way did most people leave him alone, although why some people stayed to comfort him i don't know.

We all need a massive learning curve on all, tips, photos etc would be helpful

It's a bit pathetic, though, to have a go at people who 'don't know what to look for'. There was every chance that the attackers could have been Nazis and this guy could have been a sad old socialist.

stupid liberal


18.09.2006 12:01

I was there on Saturday and was close to the incident when it happened, so feel I should point some things out.

The guy was NOT wearing obviously fascist insignia. He was wearing a few badges that seemed out of the ordinary, but none of the symbols screamed out Nazi to me. Ditto for his many tattoos. He seemed like a random old punk/metal head with tattoos and a leather jacket, who had just been assaulted.

Further, what the FUCK do you think people will assume when a pair of skinheads in leather jackets show up on a no borders demo, beat the shit of someone, and leg it down an alleyway? My assumption and that of pretty much everybody I spoke to was that this was the work of Nazis trying to fuck up an anti-deportation demonstration by beating up an easy target among the demonstrators and get themselves bigged up on Stormfront/VNN/RedWatch/etc.

Your arrogant, condescending and generally fucked up attitude does absolutely nothing for militant anti-fascism and instead breeds the elitist, pseudo-paramilitary posing that people often associate with the (entirely valid) need to physically confront Nazism.

And where the fuck you feel justified in describing as "scum" those who would help out a fellow human being who has been violently attacked is beyond me.



Fuck You Liberals!

18.09.2006 13:37

Some people at the demo were aware of what was going on. Others having clearly demonstrated how naive and stupid they are are hardly likely to be trusted by antifascists. "Old"? Does this bloke look old? He's around 6ft 4" tall as well. He was wearing cherry red Doc Martens, short blue jeans, a black MA1 flight jacket with Nazi badges on both sleeves, he had tattoos over both hands, a shaved head, and for those who really are stupid; the back of his jacket had a full-colour full-size patch featuring a flaming iron cross, and a Nazi helmet and death's head. Go and whine to the cops idiot, because militant anti-fascists don't need your blessing or permission to target Nazis.


Up Antifa!

18.09.2006 13:48

Well done street cleaners. Keep your security tight. You know who you can trust. As for the 'liberals', if you'd owt about you you'd have been spitting on this bastard or giving him a kicking yourselves not buying him coffee. And if anyone called the cops they ARE scum.


Does your brain hurt?

18.09.2006 13:52

Er... "Antifascist intelligence" isn't this a contradiction of terms? Oops sorry. I guess we're supposed to impressed... Sorry the bleeding heart liberals spoilt your day. Just that its difficult to tell the fascists from the "antifascists" these days. That why the Nazis wear the badges, so everyone else can tell them apart.

bleeding heart liberal

Some of us can tell the difference

18.09.2006 14:30

" "Antifascist intelligence" isn't this a contradiction of terms?"

I guessed some wag would use that line as soon as I read the OP.

"its difficult to tell the fascists from the "antifascists" these days."

Only if you're either really stupid or don't have any real politics.

No wonder nobody trusts you liberal idiots.

What do you think this bloke was there for. If the Fash had been allowed to mob up you'd have all been whining then.

Anti-fascist and proud


18.09.2006 14:52

Some of the comments on here are sadly rather typical of the way that antifascists are routinely stereotyped and disrespected by middle-class liberals who are unconcerned about the far-right. I wonder if some of the people holding hands with this downed Nazi were the same ones being pals with the BNP at the Northern Green Gathering a few weeks ago.

Oh, and if anyone hasn't said it, WELL DONE to the antifascists. A shame you get so little thanks when risking injury and arrest.

Kay Bullstreet

FAO the so-called 'liberals'

18.09.2006 15:00

Why do you think you can hold anti-racist demos in Leeds these days, you couldn't 25 years ago? Because instead of running scared, people got together and kicked the fascist scum off the streets. If you don't have the stomach for that kind of thing, fair enough, but keep your noses out and don't criticise those who are still fighting the fascists today.

Anti-racist Anarchist

Yes, I suppose some of you can tell the difference

18.09.2006 15:09

It takes one to know one I guess.

If you really want to fight fascism then first get yourself checked out so a doctor can examine your homicidal tendancies. You impress no one with your violence. In fact you turn people off getting involved. You can wave your "militant" (is that the word for it?) antifascism all you like but people are actually repelled by violence.

Quite frankly, you're an embarrassment to the fight against fascism.

bleeding heart liberal

big up to the bashers

18.09.2006 15:09

well done was,.shame there wasn't the same vigilence on the last demo when Tony '' I'm not a nazi'' White turned up and photographed people then rushed around to whatmoughs squallid house to put them up on red watch....Did the people on the demo really think it was practical to inform them that the silly nazi was about to get a pasting ? , A nazi who turns up on an anti deportation demo deserves all they get ,if it hadn't happened who knows where else he might have thought it was ok to attend....well done lads or lasses, regards COG

concerned of gipton

waaaa waaaa waaaaa

18.09.2006 16:20

Well done boys + girls, keep up the good work.


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Antifa' made a big mistake

18.09.2006 18:01

They did not invite me!!

Now get back to the 'guardian' - bleeding heart liberals - you will be boring us shitless with some 'freedom of speach' bollocks next

Combat Combat 18


18.09.2006 18:32

"If you really want to fight fascism then first get yourself checked out so a doctor can examine your homicidal tendancies."

So in your opinion mug, the Jews who rose up against the Nazis in the Warsaw ghetto, the World Two partisans, the antifascists of Barcelona and Cable St were just 'nutters'? You speak for nobody but yourself scum. If I ever find out who you are you'll have more than a bleeding heart.

Black N Red

Well done

18.09.2006 18:35

Well done boys and girls, keep up the good work.


Kick 'em out Kick 'em in!

18.09.2006 18:40

All the Best!! Nice one.

One Love


18.09.2006 18:41

I think Tony's absence can probably be dictated by the fact that there were no cops there. You know he always likes to keep one within screaming distance!

For all the loudmouthed liberals on this thread, I note that when White has turned up none of them have done fuck all about it.

Perhaps next time antifascists spot a Nazi they should advertise a meeting and take a vote before doing anything? I think not.

Black N Red

Well done people

18.09.2006 20:02

There's room for every method in the fight against the right.

'...the Jews who rose up against the Nazis in the Warsaw ghetto, the World Two partisans, the antifascists of Barcelona and Cable St were just 'nutters'?'

I'd be willing to bet they were called nutters by plenty of people who sat on their arses and said (and did) nothing.

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18.09.2006 21:05

This is absolute poppycock and the thread was no doubt posted by a nazi in the first place like most of the others. More than likely Kevin watmough just trying to stir things up. I suppose Mark Barnsley will get the blame, again? Grow up!


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to the brothers grim

18.09.2006 21:35

who ever you attacked certainly was not one of us. the ex member you have pointed out from the picture does NOT match the description that you give of the victim you attacked. he does NOT have ANY tatoos he isnt 6' 4" and would never attend anything like this either supporting or on a intelligence mission. also the wolfshook white brotherhood does not have backpatch of any size. however from the description of a full back patch it does resemble the back patch from the blue angels motorcycle club from glasgow or maybe he was just an innocent who had bought the jacket from a shop and he just had a welcome to remember


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Anti Fash punch a anti Fash

18.09.2006 22:47

Oh dear it seems a guy who turn out to protest against the treatment of asylum seekers was given a jab on the nose because of the way he looked. The irony of it all is that it looks like some of the middle class warriors who did their favourite trick of abot 8 onto 1 person(the same ones who got put on their toes by 3 Fash when there was 9 of them a few months back) are going to get nicked for attacking a non Fash. I believe the incident was on video, never mind I bet there of plenty of prisoners who will look forward to having as cell mates young skiny middle class white boys. Don't forget your vaseline.


Grow Up! - Good advice.

19.09.2006 00:43

"So in your opinion mug, the Jews who rose up against the Nazis in the Warsaw ghetto, the World Two partisans, the antifascists of Barcelona and Cable St were just 'nutters'? You speak for nobody but yourself scum. If I ever find out who you are you'll have more than a bleeding heart."

Now where could I have got the idea that fascists and antifascists are really two peas from the same pod?

Grow Up! - Good advice.

bleeding heart liberal

I don't like Kruger. He's a s******

19.09.2006 01:09

Why would anyone believe what Kruger says?

If he was half the tough guy the stickers on his arms say he was, he would've helped his comrade.

As for you liberlas on here whingeing, ask the UAF how much cash they get to stage rap concerts in white neighbourhoods, that do not even go to their gigs.

Plant Pot


19.09.2006 08:57

I remember an incident in Leeds about 10 years ago when a bunch of ANTIFA skinheads attacked a BNP minibus and descided to stab people in their faces. Is this really the way to beat fascism, to become a fascist. The brown shirts in Germany in the 30's who went round attacking jews were known as beefstakes (brown on the outside, red on the inside) because many of them were ex-communists. My point is that these thugs who claim to be attacking fascists and doing such great work, could easily in another time be members of C18 or just a load of football hooligans. I think alot of these people are in it more for the violence and the thrill of the moment, than any attempt to protect their black brothers or prevent the rise of fascism ('Fascism' - look at the erosion of democracy, civil liberties, use of torture and warmongering by Bush and Blair).



19.09.2006 10:01

Sounds to me like some of the middle-class idiots on here are just miffed they lost their managerial role for once. If they can't see the difference between concentration camps and a nazi getting a slap fuck 'em

The only good fascist is a dead fascist


19.09.2006 10:05

Is that the 'mighty' Kruger?! Well from what I saw he didn't put up much of a fight, in fact he didnt put any of a fight! Seemed better suited to crying into his coffee and complaining to the hippies!

Bill W

In support of antifascism

19.09.2006 10:23

Once again on Indymedia we have politically clueless 'liberals' trying to disguise their own cowardice by attacking antifascists as no better than the fascists themselves. Those who regard fascism and antifascism as two sides of the same coin are either stupid beyond belief, being disingenuous and/or politically obtuse, or they are just downright callous. My guess is that the people involved in Saturday's antifascist operation were neither stupid nor just out for a laugh, but a lot more clued-up than their detractors, particularly in terms of their target and also their modus operandi on this occassion.

Joe Hill

FAO Rasputin

19.09.2006 10:35

Rasputin, your powers of observation are stunning! I was there too, quite close to the incident, and not one of those involved was wearing a leather jacket! The bloke who got thumped was also quite clearly wearing fascist symbols on his jacket. Hopefully the wankers who gave statemkents to the cops were just as unobservant as yourself.


Facists one and all.

19.09.2006 11:58

The hallamark of fascism is the belief that one group has moral superiority over another and the consequent right to use violence to eliminate the less favoured group.

It's just depends on early socialisation 'who' the fascist / (anti)fascist will choose to attack.

Those who carry out such attacks, who may claim allegiance to various symbols or acroyms to justify their violence are all clearly pshycopathic nutters who get off on violence. All danerous people who need help, on the left and on the right.

They all make me puke. Get some help.



19.09.2006 13:10

that isnt kruger he is a lot bigger than that fella

some one


19.09.2006 13:16

fucking typical you brave left wing filth attack some complete innocent and when its pointed out that you have got the wrong person you crap it and delete the post

you would rather lie and let everyone beleive that you bravely (haha) attacked one of us and kicked the shit out of us than admit you got the wrong person fucking typical

also did you know that the slag who keeps posting info on here currently under the name of plant pot is a shit bag grass called chantelle hall from bedford who shits it everytime someone pulls her and denys its here on here

well sheffield reds see you soon

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Liberal Idiots

19.09.2006 13:46

None of you silly liberals seem to have a clue about fascism. The person who threatened the idiot on here might be many things - angry, justified/unjustified, violent, or whatever - But why does that make them a fascist? Idiots.

As for the bloke who got battered on Saturday. I've seen him on loads of demos with fash, from the old WNP lot, via the Nationalist Alliance, to the BNP. About time he got his comeuppance, or at least a down payment.


FAO Kruger

19.09.2006 13:49

Yeah Kruger, you and your boys did a great job at Rawdon!!!! LOL!!!!


Very Brave

19.09.2006 14:12

"Rawdon", you mean when you slimy little towrags DROVE PAST a venue at speed and hurled bricks into a ladies toilet window where there were kids present? Note DROVE OFF at top speed, why didn't you hang around to see how tough we are, you pathetic little arsewipe cowards?

And as for Kruger, yes he is MUCH bigger than that, and take it from me, he was NOT in Leeds on Saturday!!! In fact, if you had info on us like you said you have, you would know already that it was the WHWB camp at the weekend. How silly do you feel now? Perhaps you ought to look again at where you are receiving all your 'bogus' and 'fairytale' info from!


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Bash the fash

19.09.2006 14:13

anyone walking around wearing swastikas derserves a good fucking slap - well done

BNP hater


19.09.2006 14:21

If this nazi is the person I think it is I seen him as I was going on the demo - he looked a right dodgy fucker, sat reading the express and looked like he was waiting for someone - he wasn't on the demo he was sat near the war memoriel.

antiracist student


19.09.2006 14:29

"where there were kids present" Funny how there's always kids for you lot to hide behind isn't it? Your "security" was certainly slated on your own sites. I can't see the barbecue of a few fat drunks being a priority for Antifa. As for you 'Catwoman', is that 'cat' in the Bagpuss sense - lazy, fat, and more than a little tired?!

Peter Perfect


19.09.2006 14:31

Last time I seen the WH lot in Leeds, there car was so full of lard they could hardly get it started!



19.09.2006 14:40

Napping on the job (again!)
Napping on the job (again!)

Who ate all the pies?!
Who ate all the pies?!

This lot are so full of freaks they'd have been rejected by the director of the film 'Deliverance' as being too ugly! Just a load of in-breds who spend their time boozing and giving it large in tiny south yorks villages. You are an embarrassment to real WNs.


"Peter Perfet"

19.09.2006 14:48

It was a public house, you brain-dead wanker, and what do you find in a public house? That's right, members of the public! Yes, and, surprise, surprise some of these 'ordinary' members of the public from the bar room had their children, not surprising, no, doesn't take a great deal of intelligence to work that out does it? Well, maybe it does when you have an IQ the size of a pea like you obviously do!


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19.09.2006 14:54

What lies Catwoman! Your brain is about the only thing you DO have the size of a pea! Your lot were supposed to be doing the security and that's what you should have been doing, you showed us all up that day.


Rent A Mob

19.09.2006 15:03

In the pub as usual - It's what we do best!
In the pub as usual - It's what we do best!

What an intelligent looking bunch!
What an intelligent looking bunch!

A lot of posing - But not up to doing security at a £ shop!


"It was a public-house"

19.09.2006 15:25

No, it was a private event booked under a false name at Rawdon Conservative Club to celebrate a rotting old Nazi. And if I'm not mistaken the toilets at RCC are at the side and rear of the building, so how could they have been hit from a speeding car? From what I've heard you were all pissed as usual, and even your fellow Nazis were disgusted by your behaviour and that of some of the other drunks. You were caught napping, and then abandoned your event - which was supposedly 'secret'. BTW, don't you think it was strange that Eddy M wasn't there?! LOL!!


Who are the cowards?

19.09.2006 15:34

We advertise our events publicly, we don't hide behind false names, and re-direction points. Nor do we have to hold them in the middle of nowhere.

Antifa skinhead

Good for you.

19.09.2006 15:42

I was a teenager in Leeds in the early 1980's and at that time the facists had a real strangle-hold over the city. They were involved in loads of attacks, and sold papers openly. If you were black or asian, or if you were just a punk like me it could be a frightening prospect to walk down Briggate on a Saturday where the facists would congregate. It took a lot of courage to take on those thugs and I have nothing but respect for those who did it. I don't want to see a return to the bad old days and I am glad that there are still young people today with corage and vigilance. All respect to you.


He looked different from the rest of us.

19.09.2006 15:46

So you attacked a person because he looked different from others, is that not what fascists do? After all this it seems you have attacked a innocent man. Also in front CCTV, not clever.



19.09.2006 15:47

HAHA i have never read so much shit in my life the scary antifahahaha for a start the fella who you claim to HAVE attacked wasnt who you claim and the liar who reckons that he has seen him at other demos if full of shite because he NEVER attended anything other than wolfshook stuff

when you talk about the brick through the window what you dont mention is that the entrance to the place was at the back where we was stood instead you drive PAST and throw a brick at the back of the building whic just happened to hit a window and drove of as fast as that little red ex post office van could go you COULD have stopped to have a go but no as usual you run away hahaha

you lot just stay on here telling your little lies and make sure you carry on running away when you see us where the fuck was you when we was in leads with the nf a few months back where the fuck was you in manchester when we opposed the gay march fucking no where unless you call the very small group of old men poofs and old women your turn out

you lot are full of shit HAHAHA

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to the sheff pinks

19.09.2006 15:49

see you in the dove soon

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to peter the prick

19.09.2006 15:59

how the fuck can you say we hide behind kids when everytime we see you shit bags you are stood behind a big line of police you always take plenty of kids and women to hide behind we offered a couple of you lot out at manchester and they shit it just like you did when you claim to have seen a car full at leeds if you are so fucking tough why didnt you come over and took one of on one to one you are all brave fuckers on here and you shit it when it matters

plus the toilets on the place at rawdon are facing the main road and the main entrence is in the car park at the back ANYONE who lives near the place knows this and you are just proving what a bunch of shit bags you are how can you claim some sort of victory when you drove of as fast as that crappy van could go when we came running round the corner

you lot are so full of crap its funny and the fact that the other nobs on here beleive what you say surprises me even more the reds i see on demos cant be coming on here because some of them seem to have a few brains

lets see some of you brave lot putting your own pictures on here but i have a feeling none of you will HAHAHA

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19.09.2006 16:16

You mug! This Nazi wasn't given his just deserts because he looked differerent, but because he was a fascist plotting up on an antiracist demo. The fash can whinge all theyt like on here, but that doesn't make them some kind of 'oppressed minority', it just makes them look more pathetic.



19.09.2006 16:23

"lets see some of you brave lot putting your own pictures on here but i have a feeling none of you will HAHAHA "

Oh, we'll leave that to RedWatch! HaHaHa!

As for Rawdon, weren't you supposed to be securing the building Kruger? Did a great job of it didn't you? It's hardly the size of Buckingham Palace, more like a large scout hut, and you couldn't even protect that! Even Mothercare wouldn't employ you lot as security!



19.09.2006 16:25

Let's face it mate, your lot were half pissed before they even left the re-direction point. Some of the sloppiest 'security' I've ever seen.


Blue Angels

19.09.2006 16:36

'Kruger' suggested that the back-patch worn by the person this thread about could have been the colours of the Blue Angels MC. The backpatch described is absolutely nothing like the colours of the Blue Angels, and none of our members were involved in this incident - We are a motorcycle club, not a political organization, and we are not nazis (nor do our colours suggest otherwise.)



19.09.2006 17:01

Hey Kruger! How come it took you and your boys so long to get after Antifa at Rawdon? Was it because you were all pissed? Or was it because you were all pissing your knickers? I hear the latter. Otherwise why else would you have abandoned the event? JT would have been proud - Not!

JT's ghost


19.09.2006 17:08

The fat man at the front is called John Wood and he lives in Sheffield. He was recently accused of some offence involving touching up a 14 year old girl and thats why he was expelled with immediate effect from the clan of nazi scum. I know he can't do much else acording to his medical records because he's had both his testicles removed after prostate cancer. Hitler only had one, John Wood has none so he quite literally doesn't have the balls to do anything LOL. The other people on here are other nazis making posts, upset because they have no place. To be rejected by scum must be the worst insult and now they try to convince us they are opposed to racism by posting anti racist comments




19.09.2006 17:17

Wood (then 70) drunkenly paws a 16 year-old girl at one event. He later boasted about his 'conquest' (though in far more unpleasant terms.) Due to her young age, and the fact she was very drunk from Wood buying her drinks, her identity is hidden.



19.09.2006 17:21

Many were disgusted by some of the behaviour on that afternoon, including a very good friend of mine who those 'in the know' will recognise.



19.09.2006 17:25

Is that you Tommy (C.U.N.T.s)?! Let's face it Griff has been touching up young girls for years, and it has nothing to do with him being Johnny-No-Mates these days!


to shite hawk

19.09.2006 17:26

if we was half pissed and sloppy and so easy then why didnt you lot come and give us a kicking if the place is the size of a scout hut you could have taken us easy

then you could have claimed a real victory against us not a fast drive by with half a brick dont you fucking get it that isnt a victory of any kind but i guess you have got to take what you can get but thats what you lot are all about easy targets

the next time you lot see us fat out of shape pissed easy to beat wolfshook lot come over and try you luck its easy to spot us we dont hide in the shadows

all of the keyboard warriors on here who claim to have seen us here and seen us there but never came over to kick our heads in HAHAHA DONT MAKE US LAFF

anyway you bunch of story tellers are boring me now so i wont be back you know what we look like next time you see us pissed in a boozer slobing about come over and do something


To Kruger

19.09.2006 17:32

I'm not a Red Kruger, and I wasn't responsible for security - you were. And you made us look like laughing stocks. How long did the meeting last after it was attacked, and how many days went by before the split? You and your 'brothers' have to bear some responsibility for that.



19.09.2006 17:37

And now without the eye makeup!


to slither

19.09.2006 17:43

yes we are enemys but i agree with what you say about disgraced ex members of right wing groups posting on here


What a bunch!

19.09.2006 17:45

Fat Ian from Stockport is getting fatter isn't he Kruger? You want to get him on a diet before he's fatter than Ade's missus! Maybe I should chase him out of the White Dragon sometime, know what I mean?


Slither & Kruger

19.09.2006 17:47

I thought you and Slither (Tommy) were mates Kruger!


Entrance to Rawdon CC

19.09.2006 18:02

When I arrived Ade and one of your other lot were at the roadside end of the building. Shame you couldn't have stayed there an protected it instead of going in to continue getting bevvied.



19.09.2006 18:11

Is that photo above a pic of a fash security team? If so, I think they seem to get their photos taken a lot don't they? Not very 'secure'.



19.09.2006 18:12

Couldn't be a certain disgruntled former BNP member by any chance could it?


No Honour Among Nazis

19.09.2006 18:22

This thread and other recent threads on Indymedia says a great deal about the integrity of the fascists. They fall out with each other, and straight away they're on Indymedia posting up each others photos and even, in the past, names and addresses, as well as generally slagging each other off. Antifascism is a very broad church, but since when did antifascists post up each others details on Fash sites? Never.

Despite all their talk about 'blood and honour', 'brotherhood', etc experience shows that most fascists are cowards, back-stabbers, and have no morals or integrity at all. That is why they end up on the numbers when they go into prison, that is why they grass each other up, that is why they steal from each other, that is why they are cowards. 'Master-Race'? 'Ubermenschen'? You're not worth a toss, the lot of you.

Quietly antifascist


19.09.2006 19:05

Does anyone remember Grossburger from the Gene Wilder film 'Sir Crazy'? I wondered what he was doing now. Didn't think he'd turn up working in a Stockport tattooist's though. This 'Grossburger' is a pussy-cat though.


WHO ???????????

19.09.2006 19:44

who the fuck is ian who the fuck is ade and what the hell is the white dragon ????????????



19.09.2006 20:20

Looking at the delightful fascist photos it seems there are many of you with weight problems. so if you lot are the future of the white nationalist movement i don't think us anarchists have a great deal to worry about. all we have to do is wait for your arteries to clog up and see all you collapse from heart disease.
Most of the anarchist i know eat healthy veggie food and don't spend all day eating meat pies and getting pissed. take in some good grub, get some exercise, fall in love with someone from a different culture, listen to some Bob Marley and maybe you will see the value in a world full of beauty and discovery. i am sure deep down you have love and understanding in your hearts. let go of your hate read some Arundhati Roy and let your soul be touched by the magic of her word's. if none of this wakens up feelings of peace the only alternatives is keep going to the good old English chip shop and downing the pints of bitter and we can get on with making a better more peaceful world for all sisters and brothers to live in regardless of sex, race or class.

Oh dear


19.09.2006 20:36

you lot are unbeleivable you start a thread by attacking the wrong person then you carry on by doing the same

the lad you claim works at some tatooist in stockport doesnt even live in stockport let alone work there cant youl lot EVER get your facts straight as for him being a pussy cat HAHA that just proves you dont know who he is


are you a nazi

19.09.2006 21:01

nighthawk you say you arent a red so what are you doing on here ? sounds to me like you are just another nazi who is trying to cause trouble for one of his so called comrades

crap like this we dont need take your filth else where



19.09.2006 21:04

P.A.F. when you come on this site its important if you are putting details on here that they are correct otherwise you are putting a innocent person in danger

its not acceptable to put peoples details on here anyway you are just turning this site into another redwatch and how can we campaign for the destruction of redwatch when we are doing the same thing

i ask the mods of this site to remove all traces of peoples details from this thread

red dawn

Fat Ian

19.09.2006 21:06

So Kruger, you're saying that that isn't Ian of White Dragon tatooists in Stockport, also of the 'Posh as Fuck' scooter club and the Stockport Skinhead 14-88??!! Give us a break mate!



19.09.2006 21:11

thats exactly what i am saying


More porkies than Griffin's farm

19.09.2006 21:26

Judging by the obvious trolling of "redstar" and "red dawn" (quite clearly the same person and probably alter-egos of Kruger) and your bullshitting Kruger, I'd say you're flapping a bit old boy. No more porkies please, nobody even cares about you or your fat mates that much. "Who's Ade?" Really Kruger, you'd be no good in a police cell!



19.09.2006 21:29

What details Troll (redstar/red dawn)? You're beginning to sound worried!



19.09.2006 21:33

we've also seen the main man from whitedragon going to bnp meetings.

london boy

Ian's Double

19.09.2006 21:39

"So Kruger, you're saying that that isn't Ian of White Dragon tatooists in Stockport, also of the 'Posh as Fuck' scooter club and the Stockport Skinhead 14-88??!!"

It's not as if anyone would WANT to pass as this fat loser's double is it? Even if they COULD!

Rob Roy

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A Right Pair

19.09.2006 21:51

Anybody got a bra that'll fit these two tits?!


Ade's missus

19.09.2006 21:54

Oh look at that tattoo Kruger. Oops, what a lying cunt you are. Talk about thick, thanks for posting up your own pics.

Jim C

Caught telling porkies - 'honestly' Kruger

19.09.2006 22:05

"who the fuck is ian who the fuck is ade and what the hell is the white dragon ????????????"
- Kruger

CLASSIC! Love that picture of Ade's missus! Looks like you've had your pants pulled down on here just like you did at Rawdon Kruger! Denying your own members, that's not very 'honourable' is it, I thought your lot were all 'up front'. Seems not. Give Sid W's arse a big kiss next time you see him.


Racists in Pubs

19.09.2006 22:12

There are always racists in pubs. Me and my mate were having a good time at the weekend it was Saturday evening and some racist idiots came in they had football stuff football shirts on. They had to start shouting and chanting there indesent racist remarks all around the pub. It makes me so ashamed. Lots of the footballer players in the teams that they wear shirts of are black, they dont realise that, stupid.

Bilius Bridgette

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19.09.2006 22:15



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Ade's missus

19.09.2006 22:18

You certainly don't get many of those Pebbles to the pound!



19.09.2006 22:20

how dare you link me to one of the nazi scum i along with my husband have been involved with left wing politics for a number of years now and i have attended many demos including the one in leeds last saturday

you sir are nothing but a trouble causer

red dawn


19.09.2006 22:20

how dare you link me to one of the nazi scum i along with my husband have been involved with left wing politics for a number of years now and i have attended many demos including the one in leeds last saturday

you sir are nothing but a trouble causer

red dawn

not to worry

19.09.2006 22:21

when it starts been personal its time to give up, we'll never agree. a disagreement is fine but personal slagging is a cowards way out.

big red

Never Worried

19.09.2006 22:22

What about redstar and red dawn Kruger, are they worried?! I'll give it to you, you're certainly a chancer! LOL!


big red

19.09.2006 22:26

Nice to see another alter-ego entering the fray in the shape of 'big red'. That 'red dawn' sounds like a right feisty one too doesn't she? Come on Kruger, pack it in now, you have given us all a laugh on here!


Kruger's split-personality!

19.09.2006 22:32

And in a few hour's time it will be time for your Red-E-Brek!


what TIME is it

19.09.2006 22:36

i dont understand what this is all about ,but one thing in particular is puzzling me; does this website operate on LOCAL UK time? because the last time i looked which was just before starting to make this comment, the last comment was supposed to have been made at 23:54 whereas the time then was approximately 23:23. that is if internet time is anything like accurate for the locality because that is what my computer (slang-PUTA {whore in spanish} ) is set to. maybe this is an irrelevance; if so in my opinion it is in the company of many other irrelevances in this COMMENT thread. by the way the first minister of wales /CYMRU (rhodri morgan- fully bilingual welsh/CWMRAEG//SAESNEG/english) used a word i have never heard before, the other day; the COMMENTARIAT (the commentating classes i presume-please correct me if i am wrong- ) as in PROLETARIAT and SECRETARIAT. i just put that in because of some word association process. yours truly-MYSTIFIED (23:35)

kate grosvenor
mail e-mail:

Poor trolling

19.09.2006 22:39

Kruger's Red alter-egos are even less plausible than ChanTrolls!!!


good idea

19.09.2006 22:42

it been a good laugh lets get on with something different...

london boy

fairy tales

19.09.2006 22:50

if red star and red dawn are worried or not i couldnt say but now i understand how this site works one person posts under different names enough times and the rest think it must be true HAHA

anyone can look at a photo of a tatoo and read what it says you dont have to be sherlock holmes to do that

BUT one thing i do agree with it has been entertaining and very revealing but enough is enough so until we meet again


Moving on...

19.09.2006 22:51

Here's to that london boy. A job well done, but there's plenty more work to do. And much as it's fun to taunt them the beer-swilling WHWB are a bit of an irrelevence compared to the BNP. Well done though, Leeds antifascists.


Get it right!

19.09.2006 22:57

The comments here are mostly half-truths at the very most!
Details are grossly inaccurate and many are slanderous to the point of being actionable.
Kruger's wife doesn't deserve the slagging she has received. Her only 'crime' is being loyal to her man.
The pic of John Wood with the '16 year-old' was taken by Sid (piss-pants) Williamson. The lady in the pic was, at the time, 21. The report of Wood with a 14 year-old girl is again untrue.
There are, however, no stories of the strange relationship between Watmough and Morrison. Similarly, there are no stories of how the Saltdean Soaker came to be selected for membership of the BNP. There's another juicy little yarn in the pipeline about this! Makes you think!


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A Little More

19.09.2006 23:02

I wandered lonely as a red
That floats on high on grass and weed,
Then all at once I saw a crowd,
A Host of Blazened Na-zis;
Beside the lake - beneath the trees,
Fluttering their Hakenkreuz on the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
Across the borders of Britain great,
They stretched in never ending line
Oh, those damn Nazis I really hate!
Ten thousand saw I at a glance
Displaying their Hakenkreuz in defiant stance.

The reds beside them danced but they
Outshone the dosy reds with glee;
A Nazi could not EVER be gay,
In such pathetic rivalry;
I gazed - and gazed - but little thought
What fear to me this show had brought:

For oft, when in my student pit I lie
In lazy and sheer brainwashed coma,
They flash upon my drugged-up eye
This should tell me "It's all over";
And then my heart with dread is pumping
When I finally realise that THEY ARE COMING....

Red Alert


19.09.2006 23:17

Thank you Chantelle and goodnight


Red Alert

19.09.2006 23:21

Lol! Nice one. Look forward to it!



19.09.2006 23:25

your spot on im seeing bnp everywere, whwb is a very very small group let them get on with drinking and moaning its never going to get any further.. its bigger things we've got to conquer...

london boy

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Just to clarify

19.09.2006 23:35

Mr & Mrs Ade Brookes
Mr & Mrs Ade Brookes

Kruger & his charming wife


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Just to clarify

19.09.2006 23:40

Mr & Mrs Ade Brookes
Mr & Mrs Ade Brookes

Kruger & his charming wife


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Just to clarify

19.09.2006 23:44

Mr & Mrs Ade Brookes
Mr & Mrs Ade Brookes

Kruger & his charming wife


Re: Tom's reply to Red Alert's 'Daffoldils' Spoof

19.09.2006 23:46

Lol! Nice to see you took it in good spirit!

Red Alert

its a shame

20.09.2006 00:10

how very sad to see little boys argue like this if you lot placed more effort into your lives than you do on here trying to out do each other then this world would be a better place

very very sad


Is it a record?

20.09.2006 10:19

96 comments on one thread in 2 days! Is this a record? If it is what a shame it's about nothing at all important.


freddy who ?

20.09.2006 11:51

can anyone explain where this freddy kreuger type character has sprung up from ? the number of replies must be a record..can the fat nazi loons not get there own forum to spout shit, just had a look at the wolfshook website and low and behold nowhere to leave a message...fat ugly cowards[ thats the blokes and the lasses]...regards cog

concerned of gipton

infantile Bullshit

20.09.2006 12:49

Wow so impressed to see the range of intellect from the far right almost 100 comments that should be left in the playground. are there any fascists with a mental age above five years old. you are all a bunch of sad fucks and a complete joke. please post your bollocks on your own site and keep the fuck off this one.



20.09.2006 13:39

All of you people whether on the left or the right are taking yourselves far too seriously. Whilst this planet slowly self destructs and Blair/Bush are eroding everyones civil liberties, killing 100's of thousands, whilst setting up a one world global economy turning people into slaves for rich conglomerations you people squabble like children in a playground. Why don't you all have a group hug?



20.09.2006 19:32

Why do people put these sort of moaning comments on threads. If you've got so much to do, get on with it, why post on this thread at all?



20.09.2006 19:54

Kruger is Ade Brookes.

And this is NightHawk


soft as fuck

20.09.2006 20:09

so when the fash get in to power we'll let you get frog marched into gas chambers one by one you liberal cunts. as for you doss twats, seems as though you cant even take your shnappy shnaps anymore? oh dear, what for red watch now? might aswell watch fatty ed morrison go through your less than fit girl friends, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!

red as fuck

well done

20.09.2006 21:02

keep up the good work - and thanx for those posters sticking pics up of fascist cunts - if we ever see any of these fuckers on the streets of York, we shall follow your example. . . . .

york anarchist

change the record its boring

20.09.2006 21:51

Kruger is Ade Brookes lmao i think we have worked that one out by now

and your chantelle hall from bedford known grass and special branch tout who was prosecuted for hitting your son so hard on the head it effected his hearing also dated kev watmough was admin on the C18 guest book for a while and ran the C18 chatroom for sometime kruger might be a nazi but at least he trys to defend his mates unlike you who just posts details on every site you can find you are just a low life

red till i'm dead


21.09.2006 11:44

is that photo arthur bentley..him of penis lengthening cream fame ? I'll have to dig out his old business plan , if he's not living in a mansion by now[ which i doubt] I take it his plan for world domination of dodgy sex aids didnt work very well.......regards c.o.g

concerned of gipton

A pretty stark warning!

21.09.2006 14:15

Although it's a shame Tony White didn't show up on Saturday, I think that the action taken by these anti-fascists shows that the intimidation of No-border events, and refugee support activities by fascists will not be tolerated.



21.09.2006 16:58

For the idiots out there who cant suss out their own comrades. Rumplestiltskin is in fact JOHN WOODS himself. Now whos going around making themselves look stupid. In fact this whole thread is completely rubbish and not worth reading. But when i saw my mates name on here, I can guarantee that Chantelle has been offline for the past 2 days due to her server being down so she ahs no internet access. So grow up & end the bitching, dont surmise who you think it is until you have all the facts.

Katie Norgate, Pinner Middlesex.


Once again we see the true face of the middle-class

21.09.2006 17:00

Once again we see the naked contempt of the proffessional middle-class apparatchiks for autonomus working-class organization and direct action. These self-appointed 'managers' and parasites despise all those who see through their self-victimisation (a mechanism to maintain their supposed superiority), their dominance within struggles in which they have no vested interest, and in the central role of their class in oppressing the rest of us. They hate those who have real politics rather than lifestyle and who act without either wanting or needing their control and limitation. Antifascists don't look or dress like these parasites, nor do they require the cops to act for them - they are involved in a realpolitik that the middle-class managers aim to portray as irrelevent because it isn't a 'game', has the real possibility of arrest and injury, and exists beyond the stale limits set for us by playground politicos.

Beyond All Limits!!

FAO Pathetic

21.09.2006 17:06

I don't have to hide under false identities, and unlike Chantelle Hall, I am capable of stringing a coherent sentence together.


'Pathetic' Troll

21.09.2006 17:13

Who gives a toss what you think Nazi? Go and squabble over on VNN or something.

Leeds anti-racist


21.09.2006 19:08

the famous katie also a shit stirrer and trouble causer we know all about you regarding the troll being off line thats bollocks because we know for certain that she has been online

so dont come on here telling porkies

red till i'm dead


21.09.2006 20:34

I'm with you on that 'Red'

(Shame that poem got removed ;) )



23.09.2006 09:25

We notice that Williamson, Morrison, & Watmough, have all been posting on here. Shame that the NAZIS cant sort out their own issues. Never see us REDS fighting amongst eachother. No wonder Hitler killed himself. Maybe he saw the future of his downfall. A bunch of insecure Nazis. I would be ashamed myself.


Ra Ra

23.09.2006 11:45

Couldn't agree more Chantelle

Charlie Bigspuds


23.09.2006 13:39

it cant be chantelle she never posts on here and besides her server is down lol

red till i'm dead

Leeds Attacks

24.09.2006 05:11

Ok stop all the bullshit and deal with facts, if you are cabable of doing so.
The only yarns you are spinning are among yourselves, Mr White has not been involved
with Watmough for 2 years now so how the fuck did he allegedly run round to his house
to upload any photos he supposedly took at any demo, in fact Mr White has again done
a disappearing act which is of more concern. Due to the fact that certain events that have
taken place bear his hallmarks.
You keep waffling on about Mr White trying to bait him, but it doesnt seem to work.
However you are right on one thing how come we have now seen him at court taunting Mr Ali and the rest of the anti fascists that turned up, how come he managed to follow off 4 anti fascists and threaten them before they ran under the court buildings for safety..
And how come all you managed to do when you were at the mailboxes in leeds was get someone to kick his brothers car and scare one of his kids, we know we have the video with all the so called 365 group and Peter Lazenby stood there like muppets and the other muppet that lives in Armley who likes walking his mut on the park.
How come two fat bastards a female and a male(of sorts) never noticed being followed round leeds city centre with a camera and being filmed getting on a bus an going into their house up near Cardigan Road a few weeks back, how come nothing was said about the stickers etc that went up in your so called stronghold hanover Square when all your houses were plastered? When one of your little mob ran for his life 4 months back after poking his nose in a bit too far.
The difference with you lot is we have the photographic and video evidence to back up every thing we say and when the time is right it will be acted on.
That time will be after you have waffled on with your lie and then the vieo evidence is put out to make you look like the lying bunch of fantasists you really are, and that goes for some on both the left and the right, lets stop playing games here and get on with it.
We have been handed hours of footage that was filmed by Mr White and others over the last 5 years of so called Militant Anti fascists, have you ever wondered why they have not appeared on Redwatch?
No its not because of the fallouts that took place in leeds at the WNP meetings its because there is no point alerting someone that, a) They have been followed to their workplace or homes.
b)Why alert them so the police or the media can put the mockers on things.

Have any of you actually seen the footage in Pudsey too when the hard anti fascists thought they could attack people on the streets and get away with it, you got a hiding and most of your mob got locked up too for their efforts, didnt you Malachi and Malachi why did you squeel like a piggy inside I bet you aint told anyone about your slap in the dinner line, eh.
No one liked you or any of your bullshit did they?

Lets forget the bullshit and get down to it we done it before lets organise a proper meet up and get this sorted out.
You got the numbers to ring and you certainly have my address anyway.
I havent a clue what has happened in Leeds with the Wolfs Hook if it even was them but believe me when i say over the next fortnight watch for some payback.
Things have been quite for some time now, now it's time to get busy again after a little house cleaning.
You know who to contact, lets get it on xxx


Yet another Nazi clown posting on Indymedia

24.09.2006 08:49

"A.I.M." You have been made to look a total fucking idiot on VNN, and now you turn up on Indymedia. What's up, Fat Sid banned you has he? One only has to look at VNN for 5 minutes to see just what a joke you Nazi morons are.

Your post is a pack of lies from beginning to end. If you have videos get them up on YouTube, you lying wanker - Watching Tony White's mates get a well-deserved kicking outside Mailboxes would be fun. When you post this shit all you show us is how incompetent and pathetic you are - a joke just like Redwatch.

We choose the times, we choose the places, we choose the targets. And we're always ready.

Militant Antifascists


24.09.2006 09:07

There's an Antifa gig in London on October 7th - Unlike you "Blood & Honour" wankers we don't have to hide behind re-direction points or false names - It's been well-advertised and we know you already know the location. So why don't you and your pals come along tough guy, just introduce yourselves?


for A.I.M

24.09.2006 11:42

could it be that you are also one of the Covert.Undercover.Nuisnace.Tactics thugs?

Legs Akimbo


24.09.2006 16:00

A.I.M. isnt one of the (now castrated) CUNTS lot. He is a Glasgow-based ex-WNP/BPP nutter who has fell out with Eddy Morrison and old his old pals over at VNN, and has now discovered Indymedia. He's not even worth replying to, even the Nazis know that every word that comes out of his mouth is a lie.



24.09.2006 16:39

Ha! Ha! Ha! wrong on all counts clowns, I am not Glaswegian, and am not and have never been involved with Wolfshook or Cunts, definately not.
As for Cunts why would I want to be involved with a group that abbreviates into a name like that, now I know you lot will waffle on about conspiracy theories and I am going to call your bluffs, watch for some new pics being posted and thanks to your big mouths.
So here is the deal I had said that some of the mugshots and footage we have would not be made public domain well some of the juicy ones will still stay away for a month or so, BUT a few of the others are going out in the next few days.
So the people who are going to get their details mugshots and the rest put about and uploaded can thank you.
Militant Action is always welcomed I will always give credit to any of you lot that will fight your ground and give credit where its due.
If you will stand and fight then I'll gladly give you the credit you wouldnt want from the likes of me.
Its all a game of Cat and Mouse and it doesnt matter how its played as long as the outcome is effective.
I'm going to look into this you tube and also pass some photos and addresses onto the infamous website.
Details to watch for will be the address and photos of a couple of teachers who like to attend anti racist rallies.
A Police Officer who is a little more to the left than she should be.
Another who is also to the left and high ranking when he shouldnt be.
Two reds that think they are good spouting off at court but one certainly wont be so loud when he's seen coming out of work and getting on the bus and then getting off and walking to his house.
Another red walking near Leeds Canal who almost went for a swim.
Another idiot who proudly displayed his T shirt on his washing line one ANL and one AFA, what a plonker!
The Mad Monk that thinks he's funny with his Rainbow Clan!
12 EBAY sellers who I have bought tshirts and badges from over the last few months, thanks for those the addresses were most welcome.

Lots more details on Ebay and also another site that show how secure some of you are, and you call the kettle black..LOL.(not the orange meaning)

Look I could go on but you'll only say its waffle and denounce it as conspiracy again, you imagine things and do too much guessing.
But believe me when I say the heat is about to be turned up big time and those of you that would denounce violence in favour of dialogue can thank the fantasists of 635 their Leeds Utd and Hanover freinds as well as their cohorts at YEP.
Better still why dont we organise a little meet up in here among ourselves and battle it out for each area.
You Know who to call if you are serious about getting it on instead of windows and waffle.
lets get serious.And put our actions money and devotions to the test.
Any serious Militant patriots of any delegations out there if you are up for serious activities instead of talk either get on with it or make contact so we can discuss further actions in each area.
Now lets get on with it, i dont intend to come in here waffling too often so lets seriously start to make a return to the good ol days, no fantasies or memoirs just ACTION.


Ha! Ha! Ha!

24.09.2006 16:55

JGW as for competent and cohesive comments, you are a half wit no one takes you serious the left wing laugh their arses off at muppets like you that cause splits and arguements everywhere you go.
You are a predatory animal that fantasises about your exploits with women all fantasy, Cohesive and Coherent Since when? You been to elecution classes lately, everyone laughs at you, you sound like fucking Elmer Fudd and Look Like an even fucked up version of Jim Royle.
Remember the famous words of the Bruder Schweigen about swinging to the left and right, we all know you like a bit of swinging do we not?
Splitz splitz and more splitz next you'll be calling youreselves the Judean Peoples Front, or The Peoples Front of Judea.
Another example of Master Bates instead of Master Race another fucking thorn in our sides, thank god for The Garden Invaders.....
Row Row Row your boat Gently down the stream, merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream, well for SOME of this lot anyway.



24.09.2006 19:28

fuck me you're well informed, are you sure you're not big Tony White ,[ can't be cos tony always leaves the caps lock on], if as you say ''the reds got done in pudsey '' what's with the hysterical call for revenge , pudsey was 5 yrs ago pal get over it , ? ,even big 'T' admits you lot got turned over, I seem to remember one of the lads getting a threat off some div in Armley which amounted to him not getting his pudding in the canteen...VERY SCARY , think he said his dad got chinned in pudsey , is that you by any chance ?....I think I've got it your that weirdo M.I.B , remember you getting a smack and running up pudsey high street like the road runner..beep beep cretin

C. O. G

'Ourselves' Alone

25.09.2006 00:06

"Better still why dont we organise a little meet up in here among ourselves and battle it out for each area."

"Ourselves"? What's that, the royal 'we'?! We've already got control! Leeds Fash are frightened to do fuck all.

Really scared about you publishing some more pics of a few teachers and ANL types. Couldn't give a shit if you had pics of all of us. You do fuck all but talk. Seen your metal over on VNN mate, getting cunted off by all and sundry, and doing sweet FA about it. Even your own 'comrades' think you're a joke. Are you trying to gain some credibility by spouting crap on Indymedia? You're just making yourself look an even bigger fool than on VNN.

Leeds Antifascist

F.A.O. Anti-Antifa/A.I.M.

25.09.2006 00:54

You are either an agent-provocateur and state asset, mentally ill, or both. Whatever the case, I could care less about your opinion of me. Individuals like you do far more harm to Nationalism than good, something which does not even appear to enter your empty head. No wonder Morrison wanted rid of you, you are even looser than that loosest of cannons.



25.09.2006 08:32

Ok finally then no matter what we'll start putting sheks where our mouthes are.
As for VNN never been there never will, its American is it not, no interest there too far for me, LOL.
And as for the messages of the great JGW I heard you speak once and my opinion of that was that you were a little egotistical never even met Eddy Morrison though I do have the highest regards for anyone who takes a slap and still has the guts to get back up and fight.
As far as putting my face up front to bunch of people that appear to just want to get their faces in Searchlies or plastered all over the net thats not my cuppa either I prefer to stay the grey man for as long as possible.
I'll send a number later and we shall see who has the bottle in Leeds and who has not,
You aint seen nothing yet.
As for not being bothered about your comrades getting a slap, that just shows you belong in the ame league as JGW and similar they too have no loyalties to their comrades from what I can see in this fucked up disinformation spreading section, which JGW is probably right on, Full of Agent Provs and fantasists.
No more messages will be posted by me or any of my Clique as we have been looking in for some time and its tedious seeing so called nationalists infighting and the left fuelling it.
So called nationalists that merely use this site as a method of vexing their tired frustrations or stirring it up with persons they shouldnt be regarding as the enemy.
The left just add fuel to the fire and sit back and laugh.
So as I say now no more messages just action...wait and see then run round like headless chickens.
Starts this week mark my words and see the proof posted on sites soon.



25.09.2006 08:47

Concerned of Gipton, you are right I was In Pudsey but lets stop with the riddles????Riddle me this n that, Not Whitey and not Foy either.But pudsey does stand out since you lot decided to attack a 15 yr old kid that was supportive of the NF having a demo that day, were you there.
You mate Ginger and a few of his scruffs walk up to a group of 13-16 yr olds says wheres the Nf lads, he replies why you with em, Bowman says yeah looking for whitey and then when the lad tells him they wade into him, fucking brave of you.
Well I know his old man and he is after some payback too, what say you lot go back to Pudsey and tell the truth this time instead of hiding at the church
As for being clued up oh yeah thats why i knew fuck all about the incident in Leeds.
Im serious instead of waffling on lets get down to it.
I believe there are a few of you that are dedicated enough to get down to it so lets do just that, fuck the silly messages left by JGW and the likes that can't punch their way out of a paper bag and leave provocateur type messages. JGW saw you once and dont feel like making your aq's again until everyone stops bickering.
As for the messages aimed at white, he proved his worth to me before and until proven wrong I give anyone the benefit of the doubt couldnt care less about rumours or half truths or even the past. I saw what happened when we were locked up in fact it was talking with him and another that got me thinking at all about politics I know exactly what happened in Armley and no one had their pud stopped LOL except those murdering pakis from Halifax in exercise.
Nuff Said Lets get on with it.


competition time

25.09.2006 09:42

just re read aims aim reckons we've got his adress already so why the fuck is he hiding behind a stuipid name , does anyone know what aim stands for ? my guess is '' Actually I'm Mental '', in regards to the Pudsey incident I reckon you must have got a slap to be still so bitter, yeah some of us lot took a couple of digs, but if we took such a pasting how come only the antifas got charged, how come even your own photos show lots of baldies covered in blood ? get over it ,and give us a clue..regards cog



25.09.2006 11:16

"The dragon has awakened!" LOL! "It starts this week" Ooooooo, it's so scary! All sounds a bit familiar doesn't it?

If A.I.M. was in Armley with White then he was on D Wing with the nonces.



25.09.2006 11:27

What a pretentious wanker. And what a familiar line of bullshit. What utter fucking arseholes these people are.

Bramley Red


25.09.2006 11:30

'Already In Madhouse'?

Bramley Red


25.09.2006 11:31

'Adolf's Inadequate Muppets'?

Bramley Red

For A.I.M.

25.09.2006 15:20

"never even met Eddy Morrison"

Well you've got something in common - You're both still whining about a slap you got ages ago.

"though I do have the highest regards for anyone who takes a slap and still has the guts to get back up and fight"

Morrison didn't even try to fight back, then he lied to the cops, and since then all he has done is snivel and feel sorry for himself. Some 'street-soldier', just trying to get the cops to do his dirty work. The idiot has seen more retirements than Saga Cruises, and didn't even have the 'guts' to stand up to the 'Jewish Telegraph'.

Black N Red

Eddy Morrison

25.09.2006 15:31

"The idiot has seen more retirements than Saga Cruises, and didn't even have the 'guts' to stand up to the 'Jewish Telegraph'."

This is quite true, Morrison has been back and forwards like a yo-yo, having had more retirements even than he's launched new organisations. The sort of rubbish he's now putting up on the BPP website would be an embarrassment to a better individual than he. I note that despite being asked to do so many times, he has never provided a satisfactory explanation about his cowardly and unprincipled behaviour with the 'Jewish Telegraph'. I'm sure I'm not alone in being sickened by Morrison's continued abuse of the deceased John Tyndall, who had no time for him whatsoever, and was certainly never a member of Morrison's group. How long the degenerate BPP will survive as an internet entity before they finally sink from trace remains to be seen, but I would caution anyone against giving them a single penny, let alone joining.



25.09.2006 17:10

Looks like this thick fuck kas been mouthing off at another of his lot on another indy thread:


Oh Ok

25.09.2006 20:02

Ha! Ha! pot calling kettless black, and oooooh you do your homework, Not.
D wing haha what about it I was on E & F wing actually with Whitey, Drug testing unit heard that bullshit about whitey and his mate supposedly on nonce wing and protection Ha! Ha! so must I Debbo and the 2 Goodwills too you hate the BNP but you listen to their bullshit when it suits you don't you. Saw the other postings and thought I'd comment as live in the area.
Yes was watching in Pudsey one of my good mates got a bottle on his head but it did fuck all and aside from whiteys pop getting a graze on his eye and kev getting bottled it was fuck all, they still came back every week.
You wait till i get the video up you'll see your big man Ginger scurry away when Whitey points him out it can be heard clearly on the tape he was off to let your other lads get stuck in as he scurried up the road back to the church.
No more messages now we'll see now whos all talk then won't we.
The only time you'll hear from me again is when theres been an activity ok.
Mr from Gipton have a few buds up your way call my number lets organise that little tete a tete 07871526082 leave a message if im at work, I'm on 24 hr call just now but I will always have time for you guys
I hope this is mr barnsley we have some unfinished business from way back, eh fat boy.
Tiochfadh Ar Lardarse!

Anti Islam Movement


25.09.2006 20:09

Heres a clue as to you knowing where I am after you wankers attacked a 50yr old in pudsey 3 of you go on deny it its on video, and also attack Kev, oooooh Big Hard Men, you also attacked a group of kk kids and then decided to push my brothers scooter over outside my house there enough of a clue.
Now lets get it on fucking mouth pieces you got the number special number just for you guys and your types.
bring your scooter boys up pudsey again Cooooooooomeoooooooon!
Talk Is chirpy chirpy cheep cheep.

Anti Islam Movement

fao '' An Insecure Moron ''

25.09.2006 21:03

I'm still a bit confused , you were at pudsey but you watched while your mate got a bottle on the head , good mate you are.You were in Armley with white and you saw one of our lot getting slapped at canteen , , , White wasn't in Armley same time as our lot, you thick twat, and he was put on seg so stop the bullshit,we were well aware of threats being made in Armley and no one did fuck all to any of our lads at all[ the lack of pudding incident was the sum total ], why didn't you make your self known to our lot in Armley fatso if you wanted revenge ,where the fuck have you been hiding if your so well known to us,, Pudsey was 5 years ago get over it ,As you say we've got your address so go on and give us a clue and quit whineing [ your not white fight loyalist are you ?] regards COG

concerned of gipton

you got me I couldnt resist

25.09.2006 21:50

Ok again I never said i was in at the same time as your lot, Nichols, Currie etc you fucking lemmin or is that lenin? oh well one of your silly cunts got a slap a few times ask Malachi what really happened also the other retard that got hammered in Bradford .
Read the messages you slobbering mongol, as for fat i'm me not Ginger silly fat lard arse.
Clues I wouldnt stand with the BNP/NF in Pudsey as I was more content along with others to stay away and watch, but when it kicked off when a load of us tried to pile in we were nicked or pushed back by the OB, you can see clearly when you see the vidz.
In fact it was those very same vidz that got your lot nicked.
The police told the NF they didnt see anything its on this vid i'm watching now, whitey is shouting at some gay vicar and the police have pushed him back in the middle of the road as hes running over to them shouting at Ray Gaston calling him a fairey then as we tried again to move over he says that was a street confrontation that you allowed because you think it will stop us coming back well we will be back next week, then the copper says we knew nothing of it and don't know who else was involved except those we nicked, White says you liars you had it on video you were filming all day, the cop says no we werent and White says tough we got it all, Paul Michael Bowman was present and he along with three others led the attack, the copper says yes but you lot did as much and then is told its ok its on video. Then a police officer is clearly heard saying Tony if you give us the copy of the video we can prosecute, he then replied copies will be made its long gone now to stop you lot taking it.
The video was used as evidence that got your lot locked up so don't fucking lie It shows whites old man fighting in the road with 3 reds and white behind fighting with another whilst ginger is filmed after running up past the post office, i swear im looking at trying to get these videos up now on a site as well as the photos from court and the Kirkstall stop deportation do a few months back, and also the mailbox videos too.
You'll all see soon whos a liar eh.
As for watching people get a kicking your little video diary a few years ago that went on TV wasnt forgotten neither wait till you see our video diary, remember that one the reds on the streets a group of 10 of you kicking shit out of a skinhead doing his shopping, wait till you see the ones we have been getting together, we done the homework wait for it, You lot are going to look very very silly
PS noticed your bin mens have been coming earlier collecting your rubbish.
Ha! Ha! Ha! Too late, those petitions with all those signatures tut! tut! now that really is a lack of security, and the reciepts from Asda and Morrisons with numbers on them.


Concerned of Gipton

25.09.2006 22:17

Why do'nt we organise here and now to get it on I called your 635 hotline twice now and its on answermachine.
Hey Ho Lets Go! Hey Ho Lets Go! Hey Ho Lets Go! Hey Ho Lets Go! Hey Ho Lets Go! Hey Ho Lets Go! Hey Ho Lets Go! Hey Ho Lets Go! Hey Ho Lets Go! Hey Ho Lets Go!
Call that Number.................
Lets have a Blitzkrieg Bop!
C'mon you know you wanna!
Do it here for all to see lets have a realistic organised pitch battle in Leeds and don't say fucking Chapeltown ha!ha!ha! not at Gingers haunt! Does that fat cunt still fit into his Black Leather Pants, the bufty.


An Incontinent Muppet

25.09.2006 22:43

go on fella go Whiteys video was the one used to convict our lads [ nowt like a grass is there] , was it your silly brother neil who decided to give it the large one ,then came unstuck untill rescued by the dibble[ really horrible green coloured lambretta , possibly an LI model seem to remember]..... a simple yes or a no will suffice you cheeky little monkey..go on you can't resist, [ I reckon your an old timer prob met on an old troops out demo some time]..regards COG



25.09.2006 23:17

"A.I.M." is just a mentally deranged gobshite. Offering a 'straightener' while admitting that him and his fash pals are nothing but filthy grasses (not that that's news where White is concerned.) What kind of 'honour' is that? You fash are nothing but wankers, I've never come across a single one of you with any bottle, and you ALWAYS go squealing to the cops.

Black N Red

Coward of Gipton

25.09.2006 23:21

"Youre as cold as Ice" sing along C'mon you know you wanna,
You are further into the North Pole than ever, fucking Troops Out the accent obviously on the ansa machine eh!
Well no actually but i may be thinking youve met a few boyos eh, McWilliams and the likes I met your likes only once in Crossmaglen they were off like the scared rabbits in their warrens just like you lot, Run Rabbit Run Rabbit Run Run Run. dont let the para get his gun gun gun ha! ha! ha! Stomp Stomp.
You'll never get there why not meet face to face mano et mano!
Prove how hard the real AntiFa really are at bashin the fash show us up c'mon you know you wanna,
"All I wanna do is do it"

Anti Islam Movement


25.09.2006 23:32

You are just a fucking fruicake mate, and your posts are getting more and more laughable. "mano a mano", you're not a man, you're a coward and a grass. You stood and watched your mate get done at Pudsey, and how hard were you lot when Antifa went into Bramley? If you're so tough why don't you try selling papers in the centre of Leeds or come along to one of the many publicly advertized Antifa events - 'Cos you're just a gutless mouthy wanker.


"show us up"

25.09.2006 23:43

You're doing a pretty good job all by yourself you fucking eejit! As for Antifa, they've been pissing all over you for years. When was the last time you did fuck all?

Black N Red

From the 'Blood & Honour' Guestbook: An internet fantacist writes:

25.09.2006 23:53

Name: Trooper7609
Sent: 20:51 GMT on 25 September
Topic: Reds trying to get info R&R

On 24th a message was submitted by Admin regarding a message sent by Kruger it was not i believe by Kruger but by reds who are trying to get photos of persons at the pudsey activities. The person is linked to 635 we know this for a fact as someone has been in the indymedia site giving them a run for their money. The reds are slagging Kevin Watmough, Tony White, Kruger and a few others. As far as we're concerned they can slag the other muppets as much as they like but comrades are comrades. Mark Collet is a disgrace he has been in Indymedia slagging nationalists off and giving info to the reds via the site so has JGW this is not on they are blatantly slagging other nationalists. Those two are no better than the red scum they reckon they oppose although they seem more dedicated to slagging our own rather than red fucks. I am urging anyone who would share an affinity with anyone dedicated to getting the job done to go to Indymedia and tell those fucking reds and their new found rightwing friends what you think of them. If you don't"get out there and do something today" make this you're next best thing get in there and wind those fuckers up. We intend to plan an action soon in Leeds we want anyone worth their salt to make an effort to support us. Bradford was the first lets make Leeds the next they wanna wind us up lets show em we don't run like they did in Leeds many times and also In London at Waterloo The Battle for Leeds is on. They say Leeds is a nationalist free zone and that the "Scum" darent come out, well its been left a while down to others we fought them a few years back lets do it again. Then make it regular in different areas. We are deadly serious lets make this a start of regular things not some fantasists meeting ata pub for a piss up. Football lads too if you can meet for a pitch battle lets do it when our people need it. R&R

Ready, Waiting, & Laughing!

HiDiHi again

25.09.2006 23:59

oh Wally of Gipton, really nothing like a grass you lot are just the same and do the same lots and lots and lots and lots of times, you know its true.
Anyway hows about one of your old mottos, By Any Means Necessery! well that goes sometimes for us lot of racist scum too, if it means giving the racist police a video to get rid of some of your mob then so be it, i aint gonna knock that fer sure.
When the boots on the other foot you know how it goes, ha ha stop bickering and lets get on with that date kissy kissy XXX
You know you wannit!
Keep watching this space.

Anti Islam Movement


26.09.2006 00:05

So you admit you're nothing but a worthless grass A.I.M. Picking fights and then squealing to the cops when you lose them. How brave! When has any member of AFA or Antifa ever given evidence against you scum? We prefer to do things ourselves, not go running to the cops like squealing little no-marks.

Black N Red


26.09.2006 00:16

"but by reds who are trying to get photos of persons at the pudsey activities."

Why the fuck would WE want photos of an event 5 years ago, when AFA kicked the shit out of the Fash, and a number of comrades were convicted (and hence have photos and film footage already?)

Black N Red

Anal Insecure Madman

26.09.2006 09:18

Answer the questions dummy ! did you or your Neil have a pukey green coloured Lambretta scooter. ?.simple question you freak....Also why the interest all of a sudden ? what's caused you to unleash blitzkrieg on the the fair people of Leeds, something must have happened to cause you to go all wibbly wobbly on us ? we know you want to tell us really , I think its got something to do with that joey getting a slap the other saturday, you've already admitted to sneaking around like a little Golum spying on people.....regards C.O.G


nazi clown

26.09.2006 10:10

That sounds a good deal this nazi idiot is offering - turn up for a fight and he has the cops waiting - nice! Antifascists aren't football hooligans, don't be baited by this clown, you are doing very well with the tactics your using now.

anti-racist punk

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26.09.2006 21:04

Ok bitches, showed your real mettle now its our turn to put our money where our mouths are, you are all excuses and ways out everytime arent you no more clues
Fucking conspiracy theories abound, what pissed me or baited me was the fact you declare this as Your area, we shall see but remember its your faults and statements will be sent out declaring this.
As for my being Neil, nah but getting hotter, slightly.
One of your bitches from pudsey knows of me silly cow she is cant see past that ugly mug of hers when i see her in Little London next time she's in for a surprise.
Right no more waffle you won't be seeing me here again no matter what but you will all be hearing who the bullshitters are very very soon.
Why havent you rang back you lying fantasists,
635 my arse all this we did this we did that fuck all you talk shit im alittle closer on the youtube among others.
Keep your faith and keep up the fight if you have the balls, which youre proving you aint.


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26.09.2006 22:04

White - Bag o'shite



26.09.2006 23:31

This "A.I.M. is so tough he is practicly getting offered out by Mark Collett on another thread

Red & Black


27.09.2006 15:00



The reality of the so-called Nazi 'hard-men'.


Tony White - Police Grass

27.09.2006 15:05

Tony White - Talking to the cops as usual.


Two more...

27.09.2006 15:15

'Evil Carol' White - Redwatch photographer
'Evil Carol' White - Redwatch photographer

Another old Nazi - This'll teach me to keep my nose out!
Another old Nazi - This'll teach me to keep my nose out!

for Tony


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I can hear you Bells ringing!

27.09.2006 17:27

You really are jokers, so you post pictures of neighbours in Pudsey who do not like youre bullshit and rhetoric crap. With a small cut on his head on the video i just watched he is seen having a go at a big hard ethnic type stood with some of your mob snatching back a flag and running at them they scatter like flies and then the police stop him, he is then asked by an ambulance crew to get it checked he says its only a graze.
The other photo of Carol, big deal shes on mahoneys site too.
And then the one of whitey thats good actually as hes saying he wants them nicked for an illegal counter-demonstration and is saying how he has footage of " them all and that they will be back every week now and that they intend to go from there to chapeltown" some are then arrested and warned not to go into chapeltown area.
The old nazi as you put it was whites dad who was stood outside the postoffice and is heard shouting Tony watch your back as your clowns tried to surround whitey that is when three of them set about him and he fights back, suffering a cut to the top of his nose.
A cut to the nose £3000 compensation and your lot sent down, the joke at the time im told was for £3000 a time id wish id known earlier for everytime i got scratches when i was younger.
In his 50's and he still did a lot more than some of your mob did.
Another old fella was spat at and slapped in a crowd of shoppers for shouting its about sometime stood up for ours for a change.
Come back to Pudsey we dare you and publicise it dont hid like your visit to Bramley last time to the wrong house hahahaha.
......Mr Blue will you hurry your arse up and respond.....


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27.09.2006 17:42

Come out to Pudesy? You're on your own mate, or you would be if you'd turn up. You don't half write some shite. I'll look out for Tony's dad next time I'm down the market. You're all mouth, even a muppet like Mark Collet realises that. LOL!

Black N Red

You have lost

27.09.2006 17:51

The Pudsey footage has been shown on national TV, and it shows very clearly who gets the kicking. That's why you're still whining about it A.I.M.


Fash Troll

27.09.2006 17:54

You should get on Jackanory!!


Ade Brookes

27.09.2006 18:05

Speaking at a WNP meeting
Speaking at a WNP meeting

With wife 'Pebbles'
With wife 'Pebbles'

Bloody Hell! What has Ade Brookes (Kruger) been eating?!


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Heres one or two to be going on with

27.09.2006 18:48

Mr invisible policeman that nasty mans taking our photo!
Mr invisible policeman that nasty mans taking our photo!

I'm not going to glorify any of you muppets but if proof of any sort is needed i'll give you one or two some are not so good i'm a novice at this but getting there as i get better the best will be put up but only after we had our fun. No point putting pix up for you to alert them is there but heres a little ditty from leeds for now.


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27.09.2006 19:03

SURELY you can do better than that Tosser999?! How's YouTube going by the way?!


Leeds Crown Court

27.09.2006 19:05

Derek 'Decker' Dawson - the BNP's photographer (and Yes, we have photos of ALL of you!)


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Look at the photos!

27.09.2006 19:06

The first two photos show how much these lie both these pictures are of ________when he had a cut on his head, he had left it ages before going to the ambulance to get a slither of glass out of it thats why it bled so much, the pictures are the same from two angles.
Look at the top of his knuckle and you will see blood, blood from his head or was it from the same red saw lying on the floor in a corner which was shown on the front page of the YEP with a copper sat by him, the same copper who got a boot in the head by accident.
And now we see AFA are back good to see youre back Ginger & Co we know you love whitey really.

We know youre Erasure fans I can hear you singing now,
"How I love to hate you, I love to hate you! I loooove to haaaaate you!"
Ha! Ha! Its all in the best paaaaaaaaasible taste.

Pudsey AntiCommieLeague

Pudsey - LOL!

27.09.2006 19:17

Calling the cops
Calling the cops

Squealing to them
Squealing to them

You Fash don't half talk bollocks!


Disgusted with liberals

27.09.2006 19:52

Having read the early part of this thread, I personally hope that next time antifascists learn about something like this they don't bother to risk their necks and instead let a few of you liberals get a fucking beating - you might learn something. Idiots.


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One sided photos

27.09.2006 20:34

Anything that happens now,Indymedia is to blame Thank Them! Photos Etc!
Anything that happens now,Indymedia is to blame Thank Them! Photos Etc!

These two forgot to hide here!
These two forgot to hide here!

I dont give a shit if hes taking pix come near me u smelly cunt an I'll ave u!
I dont give a shit if hes taking pix come near me u smelly cunt an I'll ave u!

Show the others I cant wait to show the full video not 2 minutes on Trouble in the North programme a 2 minute clip from a 2 hr video four activities one week after the other, the first you came to the next three your arses went.
Oh and what about when sadie and co were surrounded on a bus that is funny viewing, ok anyone out there that can upload videos since im a dumb ignorant fash get details to us so we can get some of these vidz up we're attempting to do so now,
But ANYONE from any org let us know where to send copies to or how we do it and we can show these liars for what they are.
As for not being involved with the police how come some of these exact photos are in police folders that were shown to your lot and ours in prosecutions on both sides, you gave the police photos so dont slag us for playing the same game.

So you have a couple of photos big deal.


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Ok then here!

27.09.2006 20:49

Peter Lazenby outside the mailboxes not his hammer and sickel badge
Peter Lazenby outside the mailboxes not his hammer and sickel badge

another of this ugly old veteran commie
another of this ugly old veteran commie

635 In Action
635 In Action

Police car behind & at side moving driver on after reds squeal whitey u fascist
Police car behind & at side moving driver on after reds squeal whitey u fascist

635 showing they aint scared to hide!
635 showing they aint scared to hide!

Heres a statement for the media especially the Y.E.P.
Indymedia has declared war on nationalists we are now putting aside our differences to make sure that we are heard and known on the streets, this is not being outed by the reds this is proof that they have not smashed anyone or anything we have emsil from YEP to 635 and Inymedia condoning their attacks and asking to get incolved . Peter Lazenby is seen below as minutes later two passers by nothing to do with politics were attacked for defending the BNP and mrs white had driven past whilst parking near the hospital near mailboxes and had her car kicked and a brave demonstrator screamed at the children in the car. We have all this on video as proof if required.
For some time now this site has put up photographs of people who are not involved in politics but have shown them merely because they are family members of nationalists.
A website we have details of states that they want details of friends family and workplaces of fascists or nationalists and also people going to their houses friends etc.
Photos have now been admitted of others and also threats made towards nationalists families.
Peter Lazenby is seen outside mailboxes with his 635 friends on some of these photos and videos, so there is no reason why we should not do the same.
The threats from 635 are on here for all to see.
So when you ask why this is happenning, when it does you can thank this site.


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For Tosser999

27.09.2006 23:44

Get your vid up then Tosser, you haven't got photos of anyone from the 635 you fucking joke! White would certainly use his missus and kids as a shield, that's the sort of wanker he is, 'cept his missus wasn't there. He cowered in his people-carrier while his wanker mates got kicked to fuck, why don't you show the video White you coward? His vehicle never got touched because he drove away so fucking fast, but you should park it carefully from now on.


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28.09.2006 10:05

From A.I.M. : "Starts this week mark my words and see the proof posted on sites soon."

Better get a move on tosser, the week's nearly over.



28.09.2006 11:09

A.I.Mee Pollard more like... Yeah but no but yeah but your mate said that my mate told you that I stole some pudding but i never did 'cos I wasn't even there then and I ain't even allowed pudding cos it makes me sick and watty and whitey never snogged with their mouths open cos whitey told me he had his mouth closed cos watty only cleans his teeth when his mum says and he only sees her once a week when she comes to change his sheets I know cos chantelle told me but then she is a liar and she lets people sex her in the bum.




28.09.2006 15:39

The thick bastard is still trying to download his silly photos - Posting on B&H asking for help! What an idiot!

"I spent a few hours yesterday putting a load of faces up and the indymedia decided not to put em up for obvious reasons"

And a liar!

Bramley Red

Another Dirty Dozen Nazis

28.09.2006 16:06

Dave Jones
Dave Jones

Peter Rushton
Peter Rushton

Steve Smith
Steve Smith

Paul Bamford
Paul Bamford

Greg Cummings
Greg Cummings

Jerry Butler
Jerry Butler

John O'Brien
John O'Brien

Keith Axon
Keith Axon

Ken Shapcott
Ken Shapcott

Jackie Oakley
Jackie Oakley

Russell Turner
Russell Turner

Tony Braithwaite (Right)
Tony Braithwaite (Right)

A.I.M./Tosser999 is making himself look an even bigger fool trying to post up pics here and on the "Blood & Honour" Nazi forum. Everytime you post you make yourself look more stupid AIM, and show us how little you know. And now another dozen of your fascist mates have you to thank for their pics going up :)



28.09.2006 17:53

can you please stop putting our pictures on we are so scared off you pinks and what you might do to us please stop going onto public web sites and taking our pics because we are so scared off anyone seeing them

ooh we are scared

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28.09.2006 18:02

A.I.M. - You are a one-man-band - A Johnny-Come-Lately - A Nobody - Even Mark Collett has put you in your place. LOL!


Hardly secret pics

28.09.2006 21:19

All those pics and names come straight from fash sites, that info's hardly something that's been uncovered much the the fash's annoyance arrrrre they?

Black and Red

Another Dirty Dozen Nazis

28.09.2006 21:58

"Black and Red"??!! Cheeky cunt!


Benson & Hedges Forum

29.09.2006 09:07

I notice that even the Fash are taking down Trooper999's posts now - presumably because he's making them look even more stupid than usual. I thought it was Tony White at first, but even he is not THAT thick, and that really is saying something.

Bramley Red

For A.I.M./Tosser 999 - Another Nazi Dirty Dozen

29.09.2006 21:54

"From A.I.M. : "Starts this week mark my words and see the proof posted on sites soon."

"mark my words"? Mark your bullshit more like. It's the end of the week....

It must be lonely being Johnny-No-Mates, so seeming as you're still mouthing off, here's a few shots of your old pals. Hope it gives you a warm tingle. Ha!


Ha! Ha! Please stoppit!

29.09.2006 22:40

Youre killing me I only know two of that lot and cant wait to tell em theyre on there theyll love that when i see them down the pub tomorrow you just made my week ha! ha! ha!


Sad Nazi crying into his beer

29.09.2006 22:58

I doubt you have any mates to drink with Nazi.

Tom J

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Uncle Tom

30.09.2006 13:57

Boo Hoo ha ha okkk Uncle Tom just keep telling yourself that, hiding behind your keyboards the lotta ya!
"How ya doin Esther and Co?"
"But we're nothing to do with indymedia or 655(?) who are they, Ha! Ha! Ha!"
You are now!



30.09.2006 15:06

While it's nice to see you demonstrating the need for militant antifascism, and for vigilance, your pathetic attempts to get a 'crew' together are quite laughable. You're not even up to handling that runt Collett, and as he said, "ANYTIME!" HaHaHa!



30.09.2006 15:12

Goodnight White Pride!

Black N Red

Basing the Fash

30.09.2006 15:36

I love this quote from one of Eddy Morrison's sidekicks about the fallen fuhrer:

"We were all scarred that day...inside."


Black N Red

Recent Indymedia Trolling

02.10.2006 14:41

Rumour has it that the fascist troll (A.I.M./Trooper/etc) whose been plaguing Leeds Indymedia lately is non too popular with his Nazi brethren. He'd be a lot less popular if they knew the full story!


total madness

08.10.2006 20:42

reading this thread today

i cant beleive what im seeing

all the hate in this country

passive resistence is the only way - like Ghandi

attacking these nazis is not the answer


total madness

08.10.2006 20:42

reading this thread today

i cant beleive what im seeing

all the hate in this country

passive resistence is the only way - like Ghandi

attacking these nazis is not the answer



09.10.2006 13:42

So crap he had to say it twice!!

Aratons Echo

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10.12.2006 22:38

With all these pretty pictures you have of Nazis i am well gutted to not see one of myself, hasn't half knocked my self esteem you know. Well i can live in hope i guess.
With all you lot going on about Leeds and stuff 5 years ago, you seem to be missing what is happening in other parts of Yorkshire Nazi wise. Not that long ago, the citizens of Doncaster had a visit from N9S. Who hung about handing out leaflets and having a chat with the locals in the town centre for good couple of hours. Where were your anti fa and 635 then. Seems they had a fine day out and not one bit of trouble. Wonder if they wore the uniforms or if they kept that for later.
Anyway heard they plan few other demo's, one before chrimbo and many next year.

sad nazi

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14.01.2007 13:22

beat nazis
beat nazis

----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------


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I can't speak english..

03.04.2008 20:17

Leute, vielleicht vertstehen die meisten von euch nicht, was ich hier schreibe, aber meint ihr wirklich, dass ihr euch besser benehmt, als Neonazis und Nazis, wenn ihr sie zusammenschlagt? Die "Antifa" bewirkt mit ihren fu****g-demos auch nix anderes, als uns Nazis und Neonazis zu provozieren. Und dann wundern sie sich, wenn wir aggressiv werden.

Yes, I am one of them.

mail e-mail:

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Ich bin deutsch und stolz

03.04.2008 20:25




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05.06.2008 04:36



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