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Now will John Wood please RETIRE !!!!!!!

Midnight Black | 17.09.2006 17:23 | Indymedia | Sheffield

Found on Williamsons VNN site, this amusing little ditty from Webster to (Dead)Wood says it all, NOBODY BUT NOBODY wants the vile old git !

A bedraggled parrot seeking a perch

OK, I know Martin Webster's a homo' but I thought this was quite amusing. Griffin's reply to John Wood (Mentor, formerly of this forum) was short but sweet: FUCK OFF!

----- Original Message -----
From: Martin Webster
To: Griff Wood
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 11:13 PM
Subject: A bedraggled parrot seeking a perch

Mr. Wood:

You recently instigated an exchange of e-mails between us and, at the first, I thought you desired a genuine dialogue.

I soon noticed, however, that you ignored all the points raised in my e-mails and neglected to answer any of my questions. It became clear that you are only interested in correspondence as a device for promoting yourself and your exaggerated claims about your role in the Nationalist movement.

As to your over-large claims about yourself, will you allow me to give my own trumpet two or three brief tootles?

I commenced as a Nationalist activist as a 17 year old in 1960. My involvement with Nationalist organisations ended in 1983, though I have operated as an independent Nationalist activist since that time.

During the 23 year period during which I was involved with organisations; and during the further 23 years as an independent, I never encountered you once. If you were the leading Nationalist stalwart as you now portray yourself, I would have some recollection of you. But I do not -- and I do not have Alzheimer's disease.

You direct me to read an article by you in a 1982 issue of Spearhead, assuring me how wise and right were your words in that item. Have you no sense of proportion or an awareness of who you are writing to?

I was the founding Deputy Editor of Spearhead. It was money earned by me in 1964 via an exclusive tip-off to a press agency about my demo against Jomo Kenyatta which paid for the printing of the first issue of Spearhead. Soon after, as a result of a small inheritance, I was able to make donations which paid for the next two issues to be printed.

I have written HUNDREDS of articles for Spearhead. I have also written HUNDREDS more articles for numerous other publications. Unlike you, I am unable to list my entire output.

You now forward me the text of a letter you have sent to BNP Chairman Nick Griffin, written in ludicrously pompous terms, suggesting a meeting so that you could re-ingratiate yourself with him and the party he runs.

Again I ask: have you no sense of proportion or an awareness of who you are writing to?

Whatever I think of Griffin (and you know that I think of him), he is the boss of a significant minor political party. You are the boss of NOTHING. You never have been the boss of anything significant. Your letter to Griffin was inappropriate because you were not writing to an equal. No wonder Griffin rebuffed your overture.

My contempt for you is even greater than that manifested by Griffin. Why? Because if you were truly the fan of John Tyndall and his ideas, as you claim, then you would never have attempted to ingratiate yourself with Griffin, a man who you know to be vile.

Your letter to Griffin reveals merely this:

Tyndall is dead and the various little spinter groups which clustered around him have fallen apart. You now no longer have a platform on which you can flaunt yourself. You are not interested in sustaining a principled political line. You are simply a silly little man with an over-inflated ego in quest of a platform: a bedraggled parrot seeking perch.

You are quite pitiful. You started our correspondence. I now terminate it.


Martin Webster.

From: "Griff Wood"
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2006 00:31:25 +0100 (GMT Daylight Time)
To: "Martin Webster"

Subject: Re: EWoZ#8-"I support Israel 100%"-BNP polemecist

Dear Mr Webster,

I recently attempted to patch up differences with Griffinby waving the olive branch. I am on very good terms with many older BNP members and it was suggested that I made some effort to bury the hatchet.

I decided to approach Griffin via e-mail; a copy of which is printed below.

Dear Mr. Griffin...

I understand that I am still non persona grata as far as the BNP is concerned but I am of the opinion that this may be due to inflated rumours that are circulating freely in certain areas.
To put the record straight would take several pages of this size and would, most probably, bore you to death before you read it.

Nevertheless, I wouldlike to be given the opportunity to dispel much of the criticism levelled against me and to shatter the myth that I am some sort of bogey-man rampaging across the nationalist scene.
As you are probably aware, I have been active in nationalist circles for almost fifty years, starting with my membership of Union Movement in 1958.

I was a founder-member of both the National Front and the BNP. I have enjoyed a reputation both as a popular speaker and writer.

During the recent election campaign,two or threeBNP candidates came to me asking if I would produce a leaflet for them. They were not satisfied with the leaflet issued by the Yorkshire Region and wanted an alternative. I agreed to do this; firstly because I was helping them in their campaign and secondly because the original leaflet was so abominably produced, it would have made them look utter idiots! The leaflet in question had a multiplicity of errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar! When such a leaflet is distributed, it reflects on the capability of the BNP. A leaflet, in my view, is the shop-window of the party and should be made as presentable as possible. There is no excuse whatsoever for slovenly and slipshod publications. Altogether, I designed and printed around seven thousand double-sided leaflets for which I charged the BNP not one single penny It was my contribution to the election campaign.

I also put my car at the disposal of leafleting teams and took them out into the areas that were being fought. I also showed them several ways of distribution that hitherto they didn't know, with the result of their covering far more ground than before.

I severed all contact with fringe parties some time ago and have since been supporting the local BNP branch albeit unofficially. Should you wish to corroborate that which I have said and done, you only need ask either Roy James, a candidate, or Iain Cain, the Sheffield ex-branch leader, both of whom are personal friends.

I am not lily-white; I am no saint but I have never reneged on my nationalist creed. I am more than agreeable to meet you for discussion where you may form an opinion based on first-hand experience rather than of hearsay and gossip.

Yours sincerely,

John G. Wood.

I was not surprised, however at his rejection of my offer which was a short insulting reply.

I am becoming more and more convinced that Griffin is a mere puppet and is doing his utmost to destroy the BNP in particular and nationalism in general.

I make no apology for what I am. I am a nationalist of the old school and at the advanced age of 72, can still command a good turn-out whenever I'm invited to speak.

It is so very sad for me to see a party I helped to create being transformed into a pseudo-Tory clone.

If you care to read my article in Spearhead no. 167, dated September 1982, I outlined a forward plan for the embryo BNP. What I said then is still apposite 24 years later!



-------Original Message-------
From: Martin Webster
Date: 08/01/06 23:51:32
To: ELC / btinternet
Subject: EWoZ#8-"I support Israel 100%"-BNP polemecist

Midnight Black


Display the following 2 comments

  1. Unwanted rubbish — Sheffield Lad
  2. Wanker in the wood pile ! — Lee Barnes