New Labour Spend 4.2 Million on Manchester Conference policing
how power works | 16.09.2006 15:52
how power works
how power works | 16.09.2006 15:52
how power works
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16.09.2006 17:14
It does indeed sound a huge amount
Khoodeelaar! exposing Blair's crusade against democracy and communities
16.09.2006 17:22
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We do not need to turn up to take part in a token exhibition outside Blair's jamboree in Manchester. We do however need to identify the needs of our local communities and defend them against the sinister policies of the Blaired local councils.
Daily news and reports comings straight from Tower Hamlets in the East End of London where the community ahs been fighting the Blaired corrupt Tower Hopeless Council for the past three years.
Jon the fight against local Blaired councils and bodies and quangos and place people in the communities.
We do not need to turn up to take part in a token exhibition outside Blair's jamboree in Manchester. We do however must identify the needs of our local communities and defend them against the sinister policies of the Blaired local councils.
Daily news and reports comings straight from Tower Hamlets in the East End of London where the community ahs been fighting the Blaired corrupt Tower Hopeless Council for the past three years.
Jon the fight against local Blaired councils and bodies and quangos and place people in the communities.’
Source re 4.2 million to police Manchester
16.09.2006 19:35
how power works
Khoodeelaar! Demo against Tower Hamlets Crossrail hole 22 Sept 2006
16.09.2006 20:44
We are holding a demonstration against Crossrail hole in Hanbury Street on Friday 22 September 2006. It is doubly ironic.
First that on that same date a year ago, we held the first such demonstration in the Hanbury Street and outside the Brady Centre.
This year, the same Brady Centre is the venue of a Crossrail hole plot propaganda stunt.
Last year, the then ‘leader’ on Tower Hamlets Council and the main agent for the CrossRail hole plot, Michael Keith, was forced by the Khoodeelaar! Demonstration outside the sane venue [Brady Centre] to abandon his ‘chief guest performance’ at an event held by the local ‘Primary Health care trust. Khodoeelaar! had declared on that date that by the time the local Council election was done [then still 8 months away till 4 May 2006], Keith would no longer be a councillor.
The condition was that he must retract his touting for CrossRail hole plot [Paid for ‘letter’ in the London EVENING STANDARD, June 2003]. Keith not only failed to get the message. He defied the Khoodeelaar! Campaign and went ahead and committed a grave defamation [which remains the subject of separate legal action].
The Khoodeelaar! Campaign has altered the political landscape in Tower Hamlets and is currently engaged in the latest phase of work to change the way that the local Council operates. We are taking legal actions including against the named councillors and others involved in the anti-social touting that the Council has been doing for Big Business and imposing on residential, community areas and other scarce spaces in Tower Hamlets a succession of Big Business exploiters, profit-grabbers, money-making looters and occupiers thus devastating and displacing the ordinary community of people out of the East End.
In the same way, we think that other communities across the country who are being let down and betrayed by their locally based 'elected council' can take sustained campaigning positions against those councils and take actions locally.
Those actions must include actions against the slack and the tokenistic opportunistic opposition groups and grouplettes.
That is the only way to make an impact against the Blairing traitors occupying public posts and positions in public bodies [including quangos and sub-quangos plus of course the elected local councils such as Tower Hamlets and bigger ones like , Birmingham, Manchester] the name of the local communities.
If organised systematically and in a sustained way, the impacts of those actions would be far longer lasting than the impact of the one off gathering around the Blairing jamboree scheduled to occur in Manchester at the weekend starting on Friday 22 September 2006
"Why couldn't they give this money to disabled people ?".......
17.09.2006 11:42
Colin Revell
Colin Revell
Mass (ab)use of Criminal Records Bureau database too
17.09.2006 19:45
Friday, 26th May 2006
18,000 probed to keep Labour safe
John Scheerhout
CLEANERS, hotel staff, caterers, and shopworkers are among 18,000 people undergoing rigorous background checks to try to prevent a terrorist attack at Labour's September conference in Manchester.
Most are Labour delegates. But hundreds of people working within the "secure island" surrounding Manchester International Convention Centre, G-Mex and the Midland and Radisson Hotels will also be investigated before getting accreditation for the conference.
The checks, as part of a £4.2m security operation in the city, include investigations into criminal convictions, are part of a huge security operation to protect the government.
** More general info about abuse of CRB checks:
Database Danger in (second article).
See also:
Tuesday, 28th February 2006
Conference cost could top £4m
John Scheerhout
POLICE security for the Labour Party September conference in Manchester could cost £4.2 million.
Greater Manchester Police has submitted a detailed plan to the Home Office on how they want to throw a ring of steel around part of the city between September 24 and 29.
The money will be spent on creating a secure island around the Manchester International Convention Centre and the adjacent G-Mex. Funding for the massive security operation will be met by the Home Office through a grant, not by GMP or the police authority.
Little Brother
Addition to comment - not just metaphoric 'ring of steel' but a real 7ft fence!
19.09.2006 20:22
It includes a "ring of steel" - 7ft-high metal fences and concrete barricades on the perimeter.
Special cameras which instantly read numberplates and identify suspects - usually for road offences but for other crimes, too - will be stationed on main roads into the city, overseen by the police force's plane and helicopter.
A thousand officers from Greater Manchester Police will patrol the "island" on each of the conference's four days.
GMP has submitted its plans to the Home Office, which traditionally pays for policing at the government party's annual conference.
The Home Office has not yet sanctioned the plans.
It cost £8m to police the two-week Commonwealth Games in 2002.
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Little Brother
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