Worldwide Anti-McDonalds Day Demo - Sunday 15th October
CM | 14.09.2006 19:53 | Animal Liberation | Ecology | Globalisation
Worldwide Anti McDonalds Day Demo on Sunday, 15th October. Bring your friends, fancy dress, or just yourself! Meeting at 12 midday, Leicester Square McDonalds.
Data for McDonald's leaflets
15.09.2006 14:02

. The CIA has gotten McDonald's
into over 100 countries.
. The US Commerce Dept has stolen
money from the poor to run ads
for the world's biggest unionbuster
and mammal butcher through the
Market Promotion Program which pays for overseas commercials.
. The US Treasury has paid many of
McDonald's summer employees.
. Charles Griffis and another black
franchiser in separate lawsuits have sued the chain
for practices such as not allowing
black franchisers to buy in white
. McDonald's promotes obesity through the tens of
billions it has spent on tv and radio advertising.
. Others pay for the health care costs
generated by McDonald's carcinogenic
heart attack producing food
. While Burger King has a veggie burger
Taco Bell has a vegan burrito and
Subway has admittedly a pathetic
salad sandwich, dinosaur McDonald's provides
no veggie burger in the US. Suppliers
like Swift supply animal flesh.
. McDonald's chief supply of flesh
is old or infertile young dairy cows.
What is in their flesh?
Blood, trioxypurine, adrenalin, cholesterol, prions, fecal
matter, colon bacteria, toxoplasmosis, trichinosis, insecticides, female hormones, antibiotics, mercury, arsenic, chromium, polychlorinated biphenols, no vitamin C,
no natural bulk, senility, sterility, cancer, anthrax, lead, Mad Cow, Mad Deer, impotence, fly dung, smallpox, tularemia
Alzheimer's, alcoholism, addiction, salmonella
. McDonald's promotes war by advertising on warjock
chickenhawk programs.
. McDonald's and other fleshmongers cause more
annual deaths than tobacco, alcohol, traffic accidents
and war combined.
. A Mexican union of 86,000 members
held out for 2 months before
the Mexican government and the
CIA got McDonald's into that country.
. McDonald's gave 1 million to Richard
Nixon and in return he exempted
the corporation from minimum wage.
Congress later overturned the
. Fast food places have been
higher magnets for crime.
. McDonald's litter is scattered for
miles around its outlets, clogging
. While most countries want a fit
military, McDonald's has had
monopoly contracts at some US
military bases.
. The attorneys general of California,
New York and Texas have sued
McDonald's in the past for
its falsehoods in claiming nutrition.
. National Public Radio overtaken
by US regime propaganda arm
Radio Free Europe's Kevin Klose
owns 200 million in McDonald's stock
which has further eroded NPR
honest coverage of the flesh industry.
. Mutual and pension funds undemocratically
invested in McDonald's in violation
of the beliefs of many of their members
have lost billions for their members.
. McDonald's has had five straight
quarter losses, as the number of
young becoming vegans multiplies
geometrically, as news of Mad Cow
Disease grows.
. The speed of slaughter in McDonald's slaughterhouses
has many side effects.

. Vegetarian groups were awarded a
ten million dollars for proving that
McDonald's fries were preprocessed
in sheep tallow.
If you wish to adopt 1 or several
McDonald's to leaflet, fortune cookie
sized strips are cheap to produce
(5 to 12 to a page) and easy to
slip under windshields.
Those who have endorsed at least 1 of the many McDonald's boycotts
since 1983 include Mpfo Tutu, Martin Sheen, Jane Goodall, Dick Gregory, Ralph Nader, former Representative Ron Dellums, former Chief Rabbi of Ireland David Rosen, and over 10,000 organizations
in several coalitions.
McDonald's Boycotter
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