A noisy event for a distruction aiding company.
Paul Friendly | 14.09.2006 10:37 | Anti-militarism | South Coast
A noisy event for a distruction aiding company.
By Paul Friendly. September 13th 2006.
It began after four PM.
I saw a unmarked car arrive the was driven by a policeman.
He went into the EDO MBM compound through the gates.
He spoke with a security guard there,after he put on his
work belt that he took from the carboot. He later put on his
hi-vis an so did the guard.
Protesters started arriving. Followed by Dr. Caroline Lucas,
Green MEP for the South East region, along with Mr. Keith Taylor,
a local councillor and joint principal converner with Dr.Lucas,
of the Green party.
Also present at the protest was Abu Bakar, I think his name is,
brother of Guamtanamo Detainee Omar Deghayes,
the famed person of the "Save Omar"campaign. www.save-omar.org.uk
Protesters from SmashEDO,
the organisation trying to get EDO MBM ltd,
the corparation that the protestors were there to demonstrate against,
had brought pots and pans, and impliments with which to cause a noise that
the Employees of EDO surely heard, as they left their place of work this
cloudy evening.
One bystander who was not a part of the protest,
merely a rambler on a evening walk near wild park in Brighton,
attempted to cross the road,but was nearly another hit and run statistic as a maniacal-
looking driver put his foot down on the excellerator of his expensive looking saloon car,
dressed in a city boys attire, with a look of pure malignant belligerance in his stare,
reported the bystander,"as though he had every intention of taking my life,"
and said that:
"He looked at me, and I at him,
as I attemped to cross over, in front of his vehicle,
in what I felt was a very life threatening manner,
I dare say he even had the lust to kill about him,
as he drove his car at me at rapid speed,
I only just managing to get out of the speeding cars path,
just in the nick of time. To say I was frightened for my life,
is an understatement; the guy really looked like he wanted to kill me.
I nearly had my foot run over and his car hit my hand as it raced in a
disordered fashion past me." So said The shocked recipient of his
crazed intent describing the experience that nearly ended his
young life prematurely.
One individual present had this to say about EDO MBMs activities:
"How can these people live with themselves,
as they work to aid in the desruction of
civilised societies such as the Lebanese people?"
The individual refering to the allegation that
Iraeli Hellfire missiles contain componant parts,
said to be made by the EDO MBM corparation.
He left me with a mnemonic for the EDO MBM name:
E-ffective D-estruction O-rganisation
M-urder B-usiness equals M-oney (EDO MBM).
Thankyou for your time in reading this report.
Paul Friendly is an amateur freelance reporter who currently resides in Brighton.
The author wishes to direct you to remember Tiannamen square;
please visit this link to listen to a free Mp3 track called:
"Remember Tiannamen square" :
By Paul Friendly. September 13th 2006.
It began after four PM.
I saw a unmarked car arrive the was driven by a policeman.
He went into the EDO MBM compound through the gates.
He spoke with a security guard there,after he put on his
work belt that he took from the carboot. He later put on his
hi-vis an so did the guard.
Protesters started arriving. Followed by Dr. Caroline Lucas,
Green MEP for the South East region, along with Mr. Keith Taylor,
a local councillor and joint principal converner with Dr.Lucas,
of the Green party.
Also present at the protest was Abu Bakar, I think his name is,
brother of Guamtanamo Detainee Omar Deghayes,
the famed person of the "Save Omar"campaign. www.save-omar.org.uk
Protesters from SmashEDO,
the organisation trying to get EDO MBM ltd,
the corparation that the protestors were there to demonstrate against,
had brought pots and pans, and impliments with which to cause a noise that
the Employees of EDO surely heard, as they left their place of work this
cloudy evening.
One bystander who was not a part of the protest,
merely a rambler on a evening walk near wild park in Brighton,
attempted to cross the road,but was nearly another hit and run statistic as a maniacal-
looking driver put his foot down on the excellerator of his expensive looking saloon car,
dressed in a city boys attire, with a look of pure malignant belligerance in his stare,
reported the bystander,"as though he had every intention of taking my life,"
and said that:
"He looked at me, and I at him,
as I attemped to cross over, in front of his vehicle,
in what I felt was a very life threatening manner,
I dare say he even had the lust to kill about him,
as he drove his car at me at rapid speed,
I only just managing to get out of the speeding cars path,
just in the nick of time. To say I was frightened for my life,
is an understatement; the guy really looked like he wanted to kill me.
I nearly had my foot run over and his car hit my hand as it raced in a
disordered fashion past me." So said The shocked recipient of his
crazed intent describing the experience that nearly ended his
young life prematurely.
One individual present had this to say about EDO MBMs activities:
"How can these people live with themselves,
as they work to aid in the desruction of
civilised societies such as the Lebanese people?"
The individual refering to the allegation that
Iraeli Hellfire missiles contain componant parts,
said to be made by the EDO MBM corparation.
He left me with a mnemonic for the EDO MBM name:
E-ffective D-estruction O-rganisation
M-urder B-usiness equals M-oney (EDO MBM).
Thankyou for your time in reading this report.
Paul Friendly is an amateur freelance reporter who currently resides in Brighton.
The author wishes to direct you to remember Tiannamen square;
please visit this link to listen to a free Mp3 track called:
"Remember Tiannamen square" :

Paul Friendly
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