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There are no poor in London

Digery Cohen | 13.09.2006 09:41

Even out immigrants are well paid and housed.


Chavez wants to give us cheap oil, more than a million barrels to run the buses.

Angie Bray and Mike Tuffrey don’t want it.

They say there is no poverty in London.

“The old, sick and unemployed are filthy rich here” they said.

“Even out immigrants are housed well and are not exploited”, they explained.

Angie Bray, the leader of London's Tories, dismissed the scheme as a "socialist propaganda fest".

She said: "Ken and the president of Venezuela should be ashamed of themselves for even contemplating giving the poor something. London is the world's most prosperous city and we don’t want cheap oil."

Mike Tuffrey, the leader of the Liberal Democrats in London, said the deal smacked of aid, not trade. "This reduces us to the status of a third-world barter economy.

“We don’t want any stinking cheap oil” he said.

Digery Cohen
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