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Truth Teller | 12.09.2006 14:33

Welcome to this page which exposes the most dangerous Anti-Semitic people and organisations that are around today. The list below is of one the best lists of Anti-Semites you will find.

It is far superior to the one supplied by the Anti-Defamation League, however it is inferior to the glorious one supplied by the Jewish Hebron Community (their list has five billion names on it).

Truth Teller
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At last someone is talking sense.

12.09.2006 17:40

Yeah at last someone is talking sense, it a pity that you had to remove Mel Gibson, gosh (A mock surprise) it goes to show that Hollywood is more important than any other issue in the world. Now all we got to do is wait for the nutters, who keep on mention about rubbing his willy all the time... you can never get any constructive debate one here these days. Sigh.
