Rail Against Ken Livingston the Scab and Privatisation!
RMT | 12.09.2006 13:22 | Globalisation | Workers' Movements | London
Rail Against Privatisation - keep the East London Line public!
RMT is campaigning against moves by London Mayor Ken Livingstone and Transport for London to privatise the East London Line.
RMT is campaigning against moves by London Mayor Ken Livingstone and Transport for London to privatise the East London Line.
The Mayor has announced plans to transfer the London Underground line over to the private sector - lock, stock and barrel - in 2010.
The Public Private Partnership on London Underground has already created a fragmented network with frequent service disruptions.
Privatisation will exacerbate that fragmentation and could be the thin end of the wedge with other lines and services being threatened with sell-off in future.
Distribute RMT's campaign leaflet
Write to Mayor Livingstone expressing concern at the plans.
Has your MP signed Early Day Motion 2398 in defence of the East London Line?
Ask your MP to support the campaign against privatisation of the East London Line.
Unity House
39 Chalton Street
London NW1 1JD
Tel: 020 7387 4771

Fax: 020 7387 4123
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