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Request for Reflections on Battle Against GM

GM Radical History | 12.09.2006 10:51 | Analysis | Bio-technology | Ecology

Call out for stories, reflections and analysis on action taken against GM for pamphlet.

There is a plan for a pamphlet about radical resistance to GM in the UK. Radical history tends to get lost and it is important to ensure there is some record for the future to inspire others and make sure that our history is not forgotten or erased. This is a call-out for people to send us their reflections, analysis and stories about resistance to GM. We would like people to contribute with accounts of covert crop trashings, sabotage, occupations, Smash Genetix, animal feed actions, Watlington, crop squats, Bayer campaign - stuff basically that doesn't get written about and rarely gets a good look-in in more official accounts of the fight against GM.

For your security, please send your articles/stories from a new email account to maintain your anonymity, preferably not from your own computer!

GM Radical History
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maybe not the right time..?

12.09.2006 16:59

as there maybe new trials this spring to deal with...but if your nice we might be able supply you with 6 years worth of genetix updates which will have all you want...


response to trasher

12.09.2006 20:21

am thinking of contributing. why is it not a good time now? if theres more plantings in the spring won't it be good to have a publication with inspiring tales of previous experiences? also if i get round to contributing id want to write about lessons i learned from being involved before and maybe this could help other people avoid mistakes previously made. id suggest that a new round of plantings makes it a good time.


add to your list

12.09.2006 20:59

and to add to your list of kinds of actions, and places/actions, Genetix Snowball.

GM trials...I should be so lucky

Maybe not history...

12.09.2006 23:04

I agree with Helen but perhaps as new trials may be taking place to call it 'history' is a misnomer...
