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9/11 Truth Demonstration - London - TOMORROW

tRuTh | 10.09.2006 19:29 | Anti-militarism | London

9/11 Truth Demonstration
US Embassy
Grosvenor Square
London W1

11th September 2006

12.30pm - 2.30pm

9/11 Truth Demonstration
9/11 Truth Demonstration

You are invited to join the National Demonstration to ask for the Truth in memory of those who lost their lives in the attacks and the ensuing wars.

Supporters are urged wear black and to bring a white rose, with a question about 9/11 attached, to lay at the 9/11 Memorial tree.



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I'd love to see photos of these couple of loons on their "demo".

11.09.2006 11:52

But the tin foil hats might produce too much glare for the photos to come out. Or perhaps they'll be wearing Napolean hats as they wonder around talking to lamp posts. Oh dear, oh dear.

Whoop, whoop, loony alert