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MSNBC poll on government complicity in 9/11 - 59% say yes! PLACE YOUR VOTE!

reposted | 10.09.2006 19:28 | Anti-militarism

author: very interesting

With more and more people from all walks of life, including government officials, CIA personel, military, teachers, scientists etc coming out and saying there is no way the government theory is true, this issue is breaking through big time!
The question is:

Do you believe any 9/11 conspiracy theories that indicate the U.S. government was involved?

so far ......... 59% say yes, 30% say no, and 11% not sure - as of 3:20 Eastern time.

Click here to place your vote:



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10.09.2006 19:51

Since when was Indymedia a 911 denier site? Don't these people have, like, special sites of their own where they bother no-one else?


Conspiraloons have time on their hands.

11.09.2006 13:14

All this proves is that the conspiraloons have the most time on their hands. No suprise there. This is a count the clicks vote not a sample of the population. It's great the way they pretend it represents US opinion and then invite you to help them rig the vote. That's the level of evidence these types use.

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