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notofuckedfoods | 10.09.2006 07:16 | London | World

I have highlighted a few things wrong with genetically modified foods below. But for the science read
For those without access to organic food, please encourage everyone to grow their own food if you cannot afford organic or even conventional foods. GM foods (they should not be called this, they are synthetic derivatives posing as foods) It is cheaper, safer and healthier and puts you in touch with nature and the earth, which feeds us and it removes you from the supermarket chains.

I am not sure if Sai Kai Jo, who previously said there was nothing wrong with GM apart from the fact it came from the US. If you think peope object because it is American as there is a great deal of production in Israel, US and Turkey too. But the country of origin is not the issue but the safety aspects are. You state Americans use it, well have a look at how healthy the US population are, have you been tracing rates of cancers, allergies and other diseases in the population. Well, you should but until then here is a few reaons not to buy GM.

There is a lot of things wrong including what GM has done to land, eroded soil, created terminator crops (one-year crops only), increased pesticide use (over time, resistance to disease falls and pesticide use increases), wildlife is affected (could result in some species, all of which are part of our world's ecological path being taken away) and finally allergies in the UK have been linked to GM products and they may also affect our gut bacteria and our immune system. If you need more information contact independent scientists researching this topic not corporate and Govt scientists who are paid to produce flawed briefs that supports GM.

Hope that tells you a little about why we are worried?

If you cannot afford it, grow it, if you believe it is too expensive, say the Govt should be funding organics not GM as it risks our environment and our food chain.
