Kevin Watmough beats up girlfriend
Red & White | 09.09.2006 19:27 | Anti-racism | World
She is being looked after by friends.
It appears Mr Watmough is having a hard time keeping his act together, not only did he rape the former girlfriend prior to the above relationship, he then started to leave slanderous articles on his pathetic sites, along with bum chums Morrison & Saltdean Sofasoaker.
The 2 women involved in Watmoughs last relationships, seems one is stronger than the other & is taking Watmough to court. The other has done a runner.
If anybody has any more information, post it on indymedia.
This is not a fairytale.. This has come directly from both women.
Seem's Mr Watmoughs time is nearly up, not only has he been questioned on the Saltdean Sofa soakers playground forum, he failed to meet the challenge of user "So what". "So what" recieved information regarding the failed Combat 18, and the failed C18 could not meet up teh challenge. Looks like the right have had enough of Mr Watmough. Maybe he will be prescribed more drugs by his doctor.
I know there is a pending court hearing with Mr Watmough & 1 of his former girlfriends, but not sure when, We believe it is in September.
Any information would be great.
If you know anything publish it, Maybe if the Police read this article, they will get rid of the scum Watmough and his leprachauns of alcoholics & sofa soakers.
Red & White
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09.09.2006 21:37
09.09.2006 22:00
As much as I appreciate the fact that Watmough is pure fascist scum and deserves what's coming to him (hopefully sooner rather than later), can the poster please watch their language - references to 'bum chums' and leprechauns in this context are quite insulting and unnecessary. Watmough digs a pretty enough hole for himself without us having to dig our own at the same time.
Gay irish leftie
FAO Gay, Irish, Leftie
09.09.2006 22:29
how do you cure destroying it. how do you treat islamic cancer.....
10.09.2006 00:08
Homophobic Language a Sad Reflection
10.09.2006 09:33
Clueless Caz a Sad Reflection
10.09.2006 13:32
The author of this pitious plea is neither a pseudo-lefty, progressive, nor even a Stalinist. She is fascist Chantelle Hall, the former squeeze of riff-raff nazi and infamous gluebag, Kevin Watmough. So homophobic language is hardly surprising.
hell hath no fury
Mr Luvver Luvver...
10.09.2006 14:00
Who the fuck would go out with this piece of shit?
10.09.2006 14:16
Who would go out with Kevin Watmough?
10.09.2006 14:19
Tony White
Watmough is pathetic
10.09.2006 16:27
Suppose that's the end of the BPP's so-called 'Women's Division' then!
Keep on laughing!
10.09.2006 21:48
And I dont think your description of her "Rolling over" is correct. I understand she prefers a single life.
11.09.2006 16:12
Chantelle Hall (Bedford)
John Griff Wood (Sheffield)
Peter Barker (Rochdale)
11.09.2006 19:19
12.09.2006 08:55
BPP forum
12.09.2006 08:59
watmough is state
12.09.2006 09:33
Watmough and White
12.09.2006 17:03
12.09.2006 20:27
How is it that such SCUM gets away with such dreadful acts, of violence & theft.
Why have the Police & Government, not done anything about this.
Surely he should be locked up, being as he has openly admitted to running & paying for those sites, the crime was committed in the UK regardless of the US being the host.
Surely under UK law Watmough, should go down for a long time, including inciting race hate etc etc......
Red & White.
Red & Whire
Don't trust them...
12.09.2006 23:30
Unlikely to happen for the same reason that Eddy Morrison never got done for having a go at his asylum-seeker neighbour. It's well-documented that Morrison is an informer. Watmough too seems to lead a charmed life with the law, while in the past people he's been connected to have gone down. You have to wonder why. Now Searchlight come to Wamough's aid, just as they did with Morrison when he was struggling to find credibility after the NA split. Anyone who gets involved with these scum must want their heads examined.
12.09.2006 23:32
FAO Mark318
13.09.2006 00:22
FAO Grackle
13.09.2006 15:59
13.09.2006 16:11
Leeds Red
Bpp forum
13.09.2006 16:14
People may be leaving Vanguard but it don't look like their going to the BPP forum. Morrison is on his own over there.
13.09.2006 16:18
Mark 318
14.09.2006 08:37
Hides behind people all the time. Hasnt got a spine in his body.
Sends emails & threats to people, but from what I hear Watmough is going down shortly. And will that be a good day for us reds.
Legend has it that Mrs Watmough use to watch tv whilst having sex with Watmough, hmm found eastenders more entertaining, dont blame her really, beings as rumour has it he sweats alot & his hunchback doesnt help the momentum.
It is common knowlege that Watmough & Morrison are grass's. Yes you are right, anyone who has had contact with those 2 have been arrested or charged for something.
Hitler would condone Watmough for being a hunchback & alleged "Epileptic" & Bi-sexual, Morrison for being weak, alcoholic & watmoughs play toy., he also like little teenagers when he was 25. Tyndall hated Morrison. Williamson for being an alcoholic & having his balls tied up, and there was claims he attacked a little girl in Brighton "sexually".
Hitlers idea was that NS should all "WORK", did i swear ??????????
None of them have "EVER" worked a job in their life. They are state poncers and need to reconsider their beliefs, Hitler would be rollig in his grave had he not been burnt out.
One tends to think the wick of the candle has burnt out for those 3.
I see on the laughable BPP forum theyre slaging off VNN. Wonder if Alex Linder knows about this.
By the way anybody who has grieviences with the above 3 mentioned, go ahead, not one of them are brave, Internet warriors come to mind.
Spineless Morrison still whing on VNN
14.09.2006 14:47
"Street soldier" LOL!!!
The cowards of the BPP
14.09.2006 14:57
14.09.2006 20:00
Brave Watmough and Morrison
14.09.2006 22:56
Black N Tan
F.A.O. anon
15.09.2006 17:55
Ursula said that his stay there, he was always drunk, ranting out in the street shouting his head off.
The night before he was due to return to Brighton, he said to Ursula, "If you want me to stay one more night, I need payment". The dirty arsehole wanted "SEX".
Watmough went out with Ursula as well, but then she was having a bad time then, she complained all he ever did was moan & groan all the time.
I want, I want, I want.
In the end she lost interest in him, she just wanted sex, but prefered her battery toy, watmough was upset as he thought she felt something more for him. Obviously she didnt.
And I assuma a battery toy is more fun than Williamson or Watmough.
Yes Peter Williamson was accused of commiting acts against a minor, it was all over the Brighton Argus newspaper, it arrived on this forum as well.
Peter Williamson sent threats to indymedia, and they sort of took the thread off, but was still readable.
Nonce Williamson
15.09.2006 19:56
Just following ISD's example...
16.09.2006 09:17
Since the nazi mindest relies on unquestioning deference to authority, I wonder if their nonce tendencies are possibly inspired by one of Skrewdriver's early tracks 'Jailbait'?
Its their usual over-rated pub-rock, but the lyrics quite explicitly advocate shagging 15 year old girls.
And Ian Stuart himself was always rumoured to, err... not quite fit the aryan heterosexual ideal, if you know what I mean...
So while the paedo / sex-pest antics that some of these characters get up to really warrant stringing them up from the nearest lamp-post, you have to give them credit for being consistent - after all they're just dutifully following the example of the fat rotting cadaver they're all so obsessed with.
Ian Stuart Donaldson - dead but not forgiven!!!!
Yorkshire RASH
Williamson Watty and Deadwood
16.09.2006 14:15
Dont you think it's odd also that Chantroll Hall is the ONLY women that old Wood's hasnt tried it on with?
She's one Ugly ho !!
Oswald was a wanker
16.09.2006 16:25
17.09.2006 18:23
Red & Black
What is 'Facism'
21.09.2006 10:30
22.09.2006 16:05
Tom Thumb
24.09.2006 21:59
Now also remember that some BNP were told and shown a video from a estate camera that showed the car going onto the estate and then pulling off and it had the reg and everything.
The only persons that were scared were kids coming out of the house at the time.
Also remember the letters you sent to white about when you were getting bullied at your local residence, I do I saw them with your writing and the CD you mentioned, Guns and Roses fan arent you?
Thats not all hows about the video of you squeeling like a pig, and the other of you pissed a s a fart pouting off singing tomorrow belongs to me and getting the shit ripped out of you because you collected Pokemon cards.
As for the bit of daubing you did with another in the totally wrong area that didnt last long did it 5 posters on bus stops no where near where Whitey lived in fact it was on watters estate.
So now youre saying White deals in Child Porn wheres the proof didnt they say that about Ian Stuart too, watch yourself you will start making enemies that you thought had become allies.
He must have really pissed you off when he told you to fuck off to the BNP after you shat yourself in his house, let it drop remember we have seen it as it happened and people have spoken about this when it happened fucking years ago.Move on! or it will cause you probs.
Looks like we should have more words me thinks with certain people.
Snide you werent saying that when the few lads and Whitey have supported you's wanted or not in court and stopped you getting a slap at one point too.
Remember outside Leeds Town Hall? when your security asked if white and freinds had turned up to support them.
Like I say dont make yourselves look silly everything we say is backed up with proof.
Four times now Whiteys been asked how you got started and to provide proof and he's always said why should he be like the rest, when it was put to him that you hated him he simply said thats his lookout i'm not that petty, we'll settle our differences one day, but not by me being the grass im purported to be.
Theres a time and a place, me i'd have stuck you right in it you and your Bart Simpson shorts, you are a fucking joke too and one thats treading thinly, think about where you are heading and how short it can be cut from you.
It was you that put the message on here too about Whitey allegedly meeting Lecomber, well we all saw that and it was actually back at the White Rose pub wasnt it when you had the meeting and a few of us were invited back.
Like I say some of us are still willing to back you but watch who you snipe at as it will backfire big time and only pay favour to the red scum.
All I will say is that 3 times I was with Whitey and he stood his ground and still continues to do so, he defends the BNP after all the shit he gets from them and has turned down a lot of offers to defend himself against allegations you put out.
The obscene videos he sold were I spit on Your Grave, Clockwork Orange, Faces of Death and some other banned videos as you well know thats how you met isnt it, want the whole story because i have 5 pages with it all in there, how you got into nationalist politics etc for real and not just from 1 source remember who was in the Cafe on your first meeting for the videos you wanted for the Free speech society when you were at Uni, and think about who wasnt sat with you.
Like i say dont open another pandoras box, or do if you want.
Reply to above
25.09.2006 16:45
25.09.2006 16:52
25.09.2006 17:31
That would not at all suprise me and it would not be the first time White has watched whilst his mates got a kicking. Anyone remember the Maibox picket when he sat in his car watching his pals get a hiding - and then went squealing to the cops later.
25.09.2006 19:31
25.09.2006 20:19
Mark i can't wait to bump into you it will take more than those fucking idiots you go worund with you had the chance to pack it in, this isnt nationalists fighting nationalists because you are not a nationalist, you are only in it for the fwends you can get you fucking pokemon card collecting weirdo.
And hey why not tell them about the 15 yr old girl you fucked from the dry dock a few years back her dads after your blood too, what was it you said about being old enough to bleed being old enough to feed you nonce.
And stop hiding you have my number too now get your boys, none of them like you anyway grass, what about the little escapade a few months back when you were going to turn queens and it caused a split with security etc and you had to be warned to keep your mouth shut.
Anti Islam Movement
25.09.2006 23:23
watch it
26.09.2006 17:10
Marky Marky
26.09.2006 21:54
You now have two choices I want an apology for you mistaking me for some one else or i will do as you so love to do and pass on what I am trying to get my hands on to Lazenby or that other gloit at the YEP that supports 635 Mr Edwards, silly cunt.
As for threatening you you have about as much clue as these red fucks as to who I am, why because you wouldnt ever dream that you could possibly know me or have met me on occasion.
A lot of the BNP know what a wally you are and all I can say is from what I have heard you might just be bumping into some old friends in Nick and you are in for a very big surprise when you see who has joined the ranks of screw at Armley nick, Ho! Ho! Ho1 as you used to say.
If you wanna stop this end it now by shutting the fuck up and being the good little politician you want to be instead of the Streetfighting hardman you want to be, where the fuck are these others that used to post everyone seems to have gone quiet.
26.09.2006 22:06
John Doe
Talk to the hand....
26.09.2006 22:52
FAO A.I.M and his alter egos
26.09.2006 23:06
26.09.2006 23:11
Bramley Red
Nazis on indy
26.09.2006 23:29
To 'Bramley Red'
26.09.2006 23:35
VERY Close
26.09.2006 23:48
Like M.I.B.?! LOL!!!!
Wrong again
27.09.2006 17:06
As far as I am concerned you will be getting your lights punched out very soon wait till they get you inside too.
And as for Whitey I called the old hotline number and left messages as i have been trying to contact him over this lot either he is busy with the upcoming courtcase or he has bottled it as you lot say, I dont think the latter is correct though.
Speaking to other nationalists who hav tried contacting him it seems he has only been in contact with Aki and a few others lately if anyone does see him point him in this direction, i'd have thought by now he would have been in here at least to retaliate.
Collet we'll see! won't we you havent a clue like the rest in here the usual tirades.
The Two Tonys
27.09.2006 17:23
Like M.I.B.?! LOL!!!!
Have you ever noticed that they even co-ordinate their clothing?!
27.09.2006 17:27
27.09.2006 17:31
White Wedding
27.09.2006 17:47
To A.I.M.
27.09.2006 19:24
27.09.2006 19:45
For once and for a short time my enemies enemy can be my friend.
Red Baiter (not masterbater)hahaha
27.09.2006 23:48
Your arse has dropped right out, you wanker!!!!
Bramley Red
27.09.2006 23:59
FAO Whatever pseudonym you're using now
28.09.2006 00:14
We'll See
28.09.2006 20:29
We'll see who stands their ground rather unike when you shit yourself and left your comrades to fight in the Dry Dock when these lot did the business, in fact you're good at running you snivelling little turd.
End of No more from me in here call it bottling it call it what you like you started it slagging comrades off in fact thats all you really do, c'mon and throw eggs at my windows hard man i'll call a bnp number with my details in fact better still next time the papers come i'll invite em in again for tea and biscuits.
As for backing down to you i aint playing the reds game of divide and rule me and you will have our day and see what you do without your minders when they realise what a fuckwit you really are.
To the Chocolate Soldier
28.09.2006 22:09
White & AIM
28.09.2006 22:45
Bramley Red
mr colette
28.09.2006 23:06
Richard Wardle
Statement from 'Mark318'
29.09.2006 09:59
The trigger for the threats and abuse seems to have been a comment I made about a Mr Tony White of Leeds. What I said is hardly news. Mr White was exposed years ago as an informer, and while continuing to exist at the 'rubber room' end of British Nationalism, he has been involved in a variety of sordid and nefarious activities.
When I was a young student in Leeds, I knew Mr White and some of his lunatic friends briefly, but I have had nothing to do with them for a very long time. Instead, I have sought to take British Nationalism to a new level. It is hardly surprising that my success has caused envy and jealousy within the small minds of some comedy 'nazis'.
I have been advised that it is beneath me to keep on responding to the lies and smears of one or two idiots on here (and for once I am not talking about the 'antis'.) If "A.I.M." or any of the other cowards who are hiding behind silly names has anything more to say to me, I suggest they say it to my face. I doubt I will hear from them. I will keep the following e-mail address open for two weeks only.
a pair of wankers
29.09.2006 23:05
Tall Paul
Collette Vs White no?
30.09.2006 09:11
in chronological order:
Mark's first contribution is to say Tony White is a child porn dealer and had a poster campiagn against him for being a nonce.
He is then accused by Trooper of throwing eggs at whites house before driving off.
They then have a bit of a go at each other, riveting stuff i'm sure you'd agree.
Mark unveils, to nobody's great surprise. He then asks trooper to do the same so they can have it out.
Trooper says 'why not try throwing eggs at my house again?'
So despite vague posts about pubs and bollocks, 'Trooper' is White. No? What have I missed here then?
go on then you two the longer you leave each other unmolested the sillier you look.
Simple Simon
Simple Simon(aptly named)
30.09.2006 14:09
Ha! Ha! gonna publicise that one then nah I doubt it but i will shortly when we've finished.
What i said was why not come and throw eggs at my windows read the post you thick bastards so yes you are missing something.
I thought you clowns were a threat but seeing your pictures and watching some of your mugs yesterday unfortunately not in a secluded area means my views have differed, no doubt you'll say this is bullshit but we'll see.
So comeone youve been quiet except for your assumptions.
If I am whitey why not pay me a visit big hard anti fascists, C'Mon.
30.09.2006 15:20
Black N Red
Who cares?
30.09.2006 15:32
30.09.2006 17:59
Tosser999 - Even thicker than this idiot!
Not White?
30.09.2006 18:11
If thats the case I'm sure he is going to be well-pleased with the idiot troll who has caused pics of him n his mrs to be posted all over.
30.09.2006 23:23
You know who I am
My mummy will save me
03.10.2006 10:05
God you lot are stupid
04.10.2006 14:59
The Insider
The Insider
The Insider
04.10.2006 15:52
While Hall may loathe Watmough, she is certainly not alone in that, and while her posts may be both self-serving and suspect, they are not necessarily untrue; Most of the tittle-tattle she posts about her former comrades is already well-known to committed antifascists.
The Insider clearly think we're all communists on Indymedia, a common fascist error.
Antifascist Anarchist
Posted by Kevin WATMOUGH
15.10.2006 16:24
04.10.2006 16:59
Can you not see that the original article was written by Bedfords ugliest sister, Chantell Hall, who's real name is Diane I'm lead to believe. That hideous troll was defeated in court by Kevin Watmough, and she feels a right twat, especially after mouthing off to all and sundry that she is going to fuck him up and take him to the cleaners. Well she lost, and now she is posting on indymedia with several aliases just to discredit Watmough, and others. The womans a fucking mess. They say hell hath no fury like a scorned woman, maybe they meant a scorned Troll. She has lost every friend worthy of the title, even her and little Johnny Wood no longer speak. I wonder who's paying her bills now? Have a look on Ebay folks, skins_n_punks is her Ebay name, she sells second hand bleached jeans to skins and punks, like the dirty pikey she is. I apologise to the decent pikeys that might be reading this, for causing you distress by associating her with you. Anyway, the point of this article is to point out that not everything you read on here about the Fash is true, most of it originates from Bedford. Unlike others, I will only upload a post here using the name I sign off with. I have nothing to gain from anybody, nor do I want anything, I just feel someone has to point out that all is not as it seems with the contributors to this site. The majority of which have an ulterior motive, whether thats accusing someone of working for the state, which is an old and reliable tactic, remember Charlie Sargent? Or their motives are purely personal and vindictive, as in the case of the Troll from Bedford. Ahh isn't politics a wonderful game? Actually no, it's a complete load of bollocks. Everyman and his dog wants to stab you in the back and piss on your bonfire. Thats aimed at the Left as well as the Right, you are both two sides of the same coin. Without each other you would not exist. Would that be such a bad thing? You give each other meaning, in a different reality perhaps you'd both be lovers, maybe you were, and thats why you hate each other so much now. Anyway, you deserve each other, both sides are as bad as each other, you'd replace one dictator with another. So who's really the Fascist after all?
The Insider
The Insider
Watmough's Ebay account name.
19.10.2006 08:28
Elvis was a MORMON wasnt he. Then surely he should not be associated with a so called failed NAZI!.
young bnp
14.11.2006 02:26
new bnp
mate shags watties bird
10.12.2006 21:25
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