Quinta MegaMarcha photos and SlideShow: Por un Oaxaca Mejor
~Bradley | 07.09.2006 17:48 | Education | Globalisation | Social Struggles | World
SlideShow of photos taken on September 1st, 2006, during Oaxaca's 5th MegaMarcha which started in the community of San Felipe and ended at the zócalo in the center of Oaxaca City. Hundreds of thousands of people lined the streets and marched to demand the immediate departure of Ulises Ruiz Ortiz (URO), liberation for political prisoners, the cancellation of 70 government arrest warrants for people involved in the leaderless Popular Assembly of the People of Oaxaca (APPO, by its Spanish initials) movement and the desire for popular governance. (4:22 minutes / 6.5 MB)
Click the link below to download and view the SlideShow:
(* * * * * click here * * * * *)
San Felipe was the home to José Jiménez Colmenares, a mechanic married to a teacher, who was shot in the street while participating in a march organized by APPO on August 10th.
music: Orgullo Perdido by Lila Dows
photos by Bradley
Photos of Oaxaca's 5th MegaMarcha: San Felipe to Oaxaca City (parts 1-3)
more informacion on the 5th MegaMarcha and the peoples' movement in Oaxaca:
Oaxaca’s Social Movement Develops Radical Vision for a National Government of the People
Despite Fatigue, Marchers Once Again Fill the Streets of the State Capital, as Social Leaders from Other States Visit to Learn from Oaxaca’s Example
video 5ta megamarcha
MP3: Movimiento magisterial, la APPO, La Otra y otras hierbas
With Impunity, Ruiz Ortiz, the Face of Repression
¡Viva la lucha del pueblo oaxaqueño!: La Ké Huelga se solidariza con la APPO
Long live struggle of the Oaxacan Pueblo!: The Ké Huelga Radio pledges solidarity to the APPO
Peacetalks Interview: Jill Freidberg teachers strike in Oaxaca
Oaxaca Indymedia
APPO CODEP Regeneración Magisterial
Narco News: Oaxaca Coverage
"El Enemigo Común"
(* * * * * click here * * * * *)
San Felipe was the home to José Jiménez Colmenares, a mechanic married to a teacher, who was shot in the street while participating in a march organized by APPO on August 10th.
music: Orgullo Perdido by Lila Dows
photos by Bradley
Photos of Oaxaca's 5th MegaMarcha: San Felipe to Oaxaca City (parts 1-3)
more informacion on the 5th MegaMarcha and the peoples' movement in Oaxaca:
Oaxaca’s Social Movement Develops Radical Vision for a National Government of the People
Despite Fatigue, Marchers Once Again Fill the Streets of the State Capital, as Social Leaders from Other States Visit to Learn from Oaxaca’s Example
video 5ta megamarcha
MP3: Movimiento magisterial, la APPO, La Otra y otras hierbas
With Impunity, Ruiz Ortiz, the Face of Repression
¡Viva la lucha del pueblo oaxaqueño!: La Ké Huelga se solidariza con la APPO
Long live struggle of the Oaxacan Pueblo!: The Ké Huelga Radio pledges solidarity to the APPO
Peacetalks Interview: Jill Freidberg teachers strike in Oaxaca
Oaxaca Indymedia
APPO CODEP Regeneración Magisterial
Narco News: Oaxaca Coverage
"El Enemigo Común"
Quinta MegaMarcha fotos y SlideShow: Por un Oaxaca Mejor
07.09.2006 19:02
SlideShow de fotos tomó el primero de Septiembre de 2006, durante Oaxaca's Quinto MegaMarcha que empezó en la comunidad de San Felipe y terminó en el zócalo en el centro de la Ciudad de Oaxaca. Cientos de millares de personas forraron las calles y marcharon para demandar la salida inmediata de Ulises Ruiz Ortiz (URO), la liberación para presos políticos, la cancelación de 70 autorizaciones del arresto del gobierno para personas implicadas en el leaderless Asamblea Popular del Pueblo de Oaxaca (APPO) movimiento y el deseo para el gobierno popular. (4:22 minutos / 6.5 MB)
Click el enlace para bajar y ver el SlideShow:
(* * * * * Click aqui * * * * *)
San Felipe era el pueblo de José Jiménez Colmenares, un mecánico se casó a un maestro, que era el disparo en la calle al tomar parte en una marcha organizó por APPO en el 10 de Agosto.
musica: Orgullo Perdido por Lila Dows
fotos por Bradley
Fotos de Oaxaca's 5a MegaMarcha: San Felipe a Oaxaca City (parts 1-3)
Click el enlace para bajar y ver el SlideShow:
(* * * * * Click aqui * * * * *)
San Felipe era el pueblo de José Jiménez Colmenares, un mecánico se casó a un maestro, que era el disparo en la calle al tomar parte en una marcha organizó por APPO en el 10 de Agosto.
musica: Orgullo Perdido por Lila Dows
fotos por Bradley
Fotos de Oaxaca's 5a MegaMarcha: San Felipe a Oaxaca City (parts 1-3)
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07.09.2006 23:07
Fighting to save America and Israel from Islamic terrorism!
Post Office Box 650327
Fresh Meadows NY 11365
The truth about America and Israel - never seen in the leftist media
Honored to lead the nonviolent human rights struggle for Israel's right-wing Jewish dissidents
All contributions, including anonymous money orders and cash, greatly appreciated!
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September 6-12, 2006 * * * 5766 Elul 13-19
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"The most riveting shows on cable television."
Michael Musto, E! television network and Village Voice entertainment critic
Chaim answers questions posted on the JTF forum
Our movement is the only hope for saving America and Israel from Islam,
whose fanatical hatred seeks the destruction of all non-Muslims
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Discuss the vital issues of the day!
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Discuss the vital issues of the day with your fellow Jewish Task Force listeners and readers at the new JTF forum.
In a special internet broadcast, Chaim Ben Pesach answers questions posted on the "Ask JTF" thread of the JTF forum:
Chaim answers questions posted on the JTF forum
The JTF forum runs at:
(To post messages on the forum, a simple log-in is required.)
Never seen in the leftist media or any other source!
Two historic articles on this week's JTF.ORG web site:
All The News
That's Fit To Twist
The Truth About Black Africa
(Part 6)
Print and xerox JTF.ORG for your friends and relatives - a righteous deed for which G-d will bless you
Over the years, JTF has been way ahead of its time on many vital issues. From time to time in the following weeks, we will be posting some of our old JTF articles, to remind our many readers of just how right we have been.
All The News
That's Fit To Twist
(Originally published by JTF on November 18, 1998)
In the 1930s, New York Times reporter Walter Duranty won a Pulitzer Prize for whitewashing Stalin's reign of terror in Russia
Editor's Note: Today, many conservatives are openly accusing the New York Nazi Times of treason for printing classified military and intelligence documents that endanger the lives of American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. But JTF warned about the treason of the white-hating, Jew-hating, America-hating, Israel-hating New York Nazi Times many years ago. Here is what we wrote on our November 18, 1998 web site:
Arthur Sulzberger pere et fils - The father-and-son publishers of the New York Times are among America's most prominent poster boys for anti-Semitism. (As an anti-war demonstrator in the 1960s, "Pinch," the son, told "Punch," the father, that he wanted to see American soldiers murdered in Vietnam.)
Since self-hating Jews disdain the Holy Scriptures given to them by the G-d of the Universe, they have to create a new Bible. Their new Bible is called the New York Nazi Times.
Like all things that self-hating Jews admire, the New York Nazi Times has always worked frantically to destroy the Jewish people. For more than a century, the paper has been owned by the degenerate Sulzberger clan. The Sulzbergers were and are assimilated, intermarried, self-hating German Jews.
In news "reports" whose lies equaled those of Soviet propaganda organs like Pravda, the New York Times claimed that "Papa Joe" Stalin was a beneficial influence on Russian society
Soviet Nazi mass murderers Stalin, Lenin and Trotsky
Unburied dead in a Ukrainian cemetery
The New York Times whitewashed Stalin's ruthless murder and deliberate starvation of tens of millions of Soviet citizens - Referring to the deliberate starvation of 5 million middle-class Ukrainians whose continued existence Stalin saw as a threat to his dictatorship, the New York Times editorial staff and Walter Duranty remarked as follows: "There is no famine or actual starvation nor is there likely to be." (New York Times, November 15, 1931, page 1) "Any report of a famine in Russia is today an exaggeration or malignant propaganda." (New York Times, August 23, 1933) "Enemies and foreign critics can say what they please." (New York Times, December 9, 1932) "You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs." (New York Times, May 14, 1933) "What are a few million dead Russians in a situation like this? Quite unimportant. This is just an incident in the sweeping historical changes here. I think the entire matter is exaggerated." (New York Times reporter Walter Duranty, in a private conversation with fellow journalists in Moscow, as recorded in An American Engineer in Stalin's Russia: The Memoirs of Zara Witkin, 1932-1934, University of California Press)
When the mass butcher Josef Stalin was murdering thousands of Russian Jews while savagely crushing any and all Jewish life behind the Iron Curtain, the New York Nazi Times was extolling him with articles that could easily have been printed in Pravda, the official Soviet news organ. Walter Duranty, the New York Nazi Times correspondent in Stalinist Russia, wrote hundreds of articles drawing a picture of the Soviet Union as paradise on earth. To show that the Nazi Times is not alone among the left-wing media lovers of brutal despots, Duranty actually received a Pulitzer Prize in 1932 for his adoring depictions of life under Stalinist terror.
The New York Times won a Pulitzer prize for publishing articles assuring its readers that the maniacal dictator of Nazi Germany was a stabilizing influence - His threats to exterminate European Jewry, the Times said, were intended only for the "internal consumption" of the German people, and should not be taken seriously
In January 1933, when Adolf Hitler seized power in Germany, the New York Nazi Times viewed this as a very positive development. The Nazi Times insisted that Hitler was not a dictator like Benito Mussolini in fascist Italy.
The Nazi Times referred to Hitler as "Herr Hitler," thus honoring him by referring to him in his native German. This is an honor the Nazi Times did not bestow on any other foreign leaders.
After all, the self-hating Jews of the Nazi Times insisted, we must not "rush to judgment" about "Herr Hitler."
"We must not rush to judgment about Herr Hitler" - The shrunken head of a Buchenwald inmate, preserved as a grisly memento by a Nazi officer of the death camp
At a time when Gentile-owned newspapers in the U.S. were alarmed over Hitler's violent and threatening pronouncements, the New York Nazi Times continued to insist that Hitler was really quite moderate. In 1934, Frederick T. Birchall, the Nazi Times correspondent in Berlin, was awarded a Pulitzer Prize "for unbiased reporting from [Hitler's] Germany."
Birchall's glowing accounts of "Hitler's strong and stabilizing leadership" certainly encouraged the German dictator to believe that he could get away with anything. Hitler must have been amazed to learn that his biggest defender in the American press was the world's most famous Jewish-owned newspaper. He surely must have attributed this incredibly sick behavior to Jewish racial inferiority.
"We must not rush to judgment about Herr Hitler," the New York Times opined in the 1930s of the worst monster in human history
During the Holocaust itself in the 1940s, the Nazi Times devoted its sordid pages to undermining any rescue efforts. This surely played a major role in convincing Jew-hating President Franklin Roosevelt that America could sit back and allow millions of Jews to be annihilated. For if even the most powerful Jewish media organ was hostile to the notion of rescuing the trapped Jews in Nazi Europe, then surely allowing them to be murdered would not result in any repercussions.
With its hands dripping with the blood of many millions of Jewish and non-Jewish victims of its idols Hitler and Stalin, the Nazi Times then set out to do everything in its evil power to prevent the creation of a Jewish State in 1948. Yet a Jewish State came into being despite the ferocious self-hating efforts of the Nazi Times, the Washington Nazi Post and all of the other self-hating Jews in the news media.
An infamous image from the lying pages of the New York Times - In September 2000, the Times ran a photograph purportedly of an Arab beaten by an Israeli policeman on Jerusalem's Temple Mount. In fact, the bloodied victim was a Jewish student from Chicago who had rushed to the policeman for protection after being beaten and stabbed by an Arab mob. Sharp-eyed observers pointed out that there are no gas stations on the Temple Mount, but the Times stubbornly refused to publish any retractions until a public outcry forced it to do so.
New York Times "journalists" like former Israeli bureau chief David Harris have for decades published destructive lies about tiny Israel and her constant battle against Islamic terrorism
Moreover, ever since Israel's miraculous resurrection, the Nazi Times has fought tooth and nail to assist in every way possible the Arab Muslim Nazis who wish to drive that Jewish State into the sea.
No Jew or righteous Gentile should even consider buying or advertising in this monstrous rag. Those who have actually done so in the past should repent for their crimes against G-d and humanity by immediately making a generous check out to JTF, a group which the New York Nazi Times certainly would not want you to support.
In June 2003, New York Times reporter Youssef Ibrahim said that Israel "must negotiate" with Hamas - "Israel created Hamas," Ibrahim added. (Ibrahim, a member of the infamous Council on Foreign Relations, recently decried what he calls "ethnic cleansing" at America's universities, citing the case of an Arab professor at Columbia University who was sent threatening e-mails after asking an Israeli student how many Arabs had he killed during his service in the army. "Out of curiosity," Ibrahim says, "I wish to know," adding that "Israel is a racist state.")
* * * * *
Isn't it a disgrace that JTF does not have millions of dollars to reach all of the Jews in Israel with this vital message? Especially now when most Israeli Jews are very disappointed with how the war was conducted, and are very fearful about the future. The time is ripe for JTF's message.
Crackhead New York Times "reporter" Jayson Blair, who was allowed to resign from the paper after it published a number of his fabrications - The "affirmative action" Blair was under suspicion for some time but allowed to continue at his post by various Times editors and Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger, Jr., a multibillionaire who lived with a male black roommate in Greenwich Village
Now more than ever, we must reach as many Israeli Jews as possible with our vital message of truth.
In a cover story of its Sunday magazine, the New York Times called the black Hitler Al Sharpton "eloquent" and "a statesman"
The more money we raise, the more Jews we reach.
JTF supports the political activities of the Hilltop Youth, and therefore is not tax-deductible.
The Voice of Jewish Activism (VJA) is strictly non-political. It supports the educational efforts and the humanitarian needs of the Hilltop Youth and right-wing Jewish dissidents and therefore is tax-deductible.
Your generous checks and money orders made out to "VJA" can be sent to:
A New York Times television ad implied that the paper is friendly to America's white majority and family values - In fact, the Times works relentlessly in favor of our nation's Third World enemies and supports depravities like homosexuality and abortion with ever-increasing stridency
POB 650327
Fresh Meadows, NY 11365
Visit the JTF Forum created and maintained by friends of our organization
We need loyal, idealistic, Torah-true Jews to lead the struggle against the traitor Sharon's suicidal plan to create an independent PLO terrorist state in the heartland of Biblical Israel.
We have the Torah-true leaders and we have the thousands of young idealists. But they
need more money to conduct such a huge and sophisticated campaign.
Ann Coulter was blasted as "cruel" for courageously attacking a small group of 911 widows whom the media turned into "sacred cows" for its left-wing agenda - But the media showed no such hatred for Ted Rall, who only six months after September 11th drew a cartoon, published in the New York Times, attacking all of the 911 widows as money-hungry "terror widows" who were the "scourge of the media." (Rall (inset) laughingly defended his sick work in television interviews. In one cartoon panel, a widow says that when her husband called her from the burning World Trade Center, she knew that he would die because "he was on fire." Another widow remarks that her millions from the Red Cross "keeps me warm at night.")
In the historic struggle for Israel's survival, this is the moment of truth.
Which is why we strongly urge our many loyal readers - both Jews and righteous Gentiles - to immediately do the following four things:
First, if you are a wealthy Jew or a wealthy righteous Gentile, and you have wealthy friends and associates, you can hold a fundraising party for JTF (which is political but not tax-deductible) or VJA (which is tax-deductible and non-political). Even if you are not wealthy - but have wealthy friends and associates - you can organize a fundraising party. If you are interested, please contact us.
Second, make out a generous check or money order (which can be anonymous) to "JTF" or "VJA" and send it out right away. If you prefer, you can also mail a cash donation.
Third, zealously spread the word about the JTF.ORG web site. Posting portions of JTF.ORG on popular internet message boards is especially effective. We do get many new hits when we are posted.
Fourth, please remember to include the "Jewish Task Force (JTF)" and/or the "Voice of Jewish Activism (VJA)" in your will.
Post Office Box 650327
Fresh Meadows NY 11365
Become an army of one!
Entertainment critic
Michael Musto
Make sure that internet users hungry for an uncompromising right-wing message are aware of JTF's exciting and informative television broadcasts, which even Michael Musto, the well-known entertainment critic of the left-wing Village Voice and E! television network, called the "most riveting shows on cable television." Post links to our audio files on new and different message boards weekly. Cyberspace is filled with tens of thousands of message boards, each with its own loyal following, and each of our technically adept supporters should continually expose us to fresh audiences by posting our links on new and different boards weekly.
The best way to post our audio files is simply to supply "live" links to the full URL (Internet address) of each of our two weekly shows - "Take Back America" and "Jewish Task Force" - and our truly riveting September 11, 1994 broadcast:
Please make the link text identical to the URL, not referenced to a phrase like "JTF" or "The Jewish Answer" - in other words, your links should look exactly like the ones shown above. (The loudspeaker icons are optional.) Referencing the URL link to the identical URL text will ensure that if for some technical reason, your links are not "live" on the message board, interested persons will still be able to find us in cyberspace.
G-d demands deeds, not mere words
It is worthless to agree with the views expressed by JTF without following through with action. G-d demands deeds, not mere words.
It is imperative that good Jews and righteous Gentiles who care about the future of America and Israel zealously spread the word about JTF.ORG. Promote it among your friends, relatives and acquaintances and convince them to do likewise. Promote it on internet message boards, in chat rooms, through faxes and e-mails and on radio talk shows. And promote it in your religious institutions, organizations and clubs.
G-d will bless you for standing with the forces of uncompromising righteousness and truth
Post Office Box 650327
Fresh Meadows NY 11365
Remember JTF in your will!
The desire for truth and justice should be the burning passion of all Jews and righteous Gentiles. Which is why all Jews and righteous Gentiles should remember JTF when preparing their estates. Placing "JTF" in your will enshrines your eternal commitment to the cause of righteousness.
If you need help including JTF in your will, please feel free to contact us
Post Office Box 650327
Fresh Meadows NY 11365
Are you the Ben Hecht of our times?
Are you the Ben Hecht of our times? - The brilliant screenwriter or co-screenwriter of Scarface, The Front Page, Monkey Business, Twentieth Century, Hurricane, The Prisoner of Zenda, Nothing Sacred, A Star Is Born, Gunga Din, Stagecoach, Wuthering Heights, Gone With the Wind, Foreign Correspondent, His Girl Friday, Lifeboat, Spellbound, Notorious, The Thing, Strangers On a Train, Roman Holiday, Guys and Dolls, Some Like It Hot, The Man With the Golden Arm and hundreds of other films, Jewish hero Ben Hecht (1893-1965) was known as the "Hollywood Shakespeare" but made a far greater mark on the world, and enshrined his name forever in the annals of Jewish history, when he raised millions of dollars for the Irgun Tzvai Leumi, the heroic Jewish freedom fighters who blew the British out of the land of Israel and resurrected the Jewish homeland after 2,000 years of interregnum. Hecht's courageous and highly controversial financial support enabled the Irgun - outnumbered 100 to 1 - to vanquish, in the most spectacular revolt of modern history, the 100,000 British soldiers who illegally occupied the Holy Land.
If JTF were on national television or radio in America and Israel, imagine how the world would change for the better! In Israel, Torah truth and justice would finally reign supreme. And in the United States, the sleeping giant of American patriotism would finally be aroused. Our huge audience would inspire a genuine right-wing movement, making it impossible for frauds like George Bush and Ariel Sharon to pass themselves off as "conservatives" and "right-wingers." We would save America and Israel from the abyss of Muslim Nazi and Third World oblivion, and we would thwart the effort to destroy American and Israeli sovereignty.
For our glorious dream to come true, JTF needs millions of dollars to pay for air time on national television or radio.
If you are the Ben Hecht of our generation, a wealthy Jew or righteous Gentile who correctly recognizes JTF as a historic force to save America and Israel, please feel free to contact us immediately.
The Truth About Black Africa
(Part 6)
Let's face it - think of Africa, and the first images that come to mind are of war, poverty, famine and flies. - Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
The still backward Dark Continent, the "cradle of civilization," seen at night from a satellite
From time to time in the following weeks, JTF will reprise a series of articles on black Africa published by us in 1999 and 2000. The series was inspired by the contemporaneous broadcast, on the left-wing People's Broadcasting System (PBS), of a pseudo-documentary called Wonders of the African World, which tried to lend credence to the absurd notion that the Dark Continent is the cradle of all human civilization. Instead, the program succeeded in demonstrating, with inadvertent brilliance, what is so terribly wrong with modern American broadcasting and education.
The series was hosted by "Professor" Henry Louis Gates, Jr., an "affirmative action" race preference black "historian" chairing Afro-American studies at Harvard University.
Rwanda (Conclusion)
After three memorable months of lightning-swift genocide in the summer of 1994, a semblance of order returned to Rwanda through French military intervention, which in conjunction with ragtag Tutsi rebel forces regained control of a country half of whose population was either dead, exiled or internally displaced. Now it was the Hutus' turn to fear and to run for their lives, and the Tutsis were not slow to take revenge. In one holding camp for Hutu refugees, who had been promised a safe passage home, a riot by the infuriated internees was answered by an hours-long barrage with machine guns and rocket launchers at point-blank range, killing at least 1,000 Hutus.
Rwandans discard dead bodies and other remnants of the genocide
Although most of the 1994 Hutu leadership understandably chose to remain exiled in neighboring African countries, many Hutus returning to Rwanda were arrested by the ascendant Tutsis on reasonable suspicion of complicity in the genocide. Thousands of suspects were jammed into indescribable prisons, in which there was hardly room to stand up, let alone sit down. Healthy prisoners were forced to urinate and defecate where they stood, and injured specimens hunched in the stinking muck until their limbs swelled grotesquely with gangrenous infections demanding amputation.
A gruesome memorial at Nyarubuye, where hundreds of victims have been left to rot where they were butchered
The corpse of a child,
with an artificial rose
One group of foreign do-gooders was treated to the spectacle of a dying Hutu breaking off an atrophied toe, three times its normal size, for their edification.
Five years after the Rwandan genocide, the miserable little country still suffers the effects. Most of the Tutsi survivors have returned home in spontaneous waves of hundreds of thousands, resulting in a massive repatriation crisis for the authorities. Left in ruins by the events of 1994 and suffering from the overpopulation and mismanagement typical of Third World banana republics - in spite of the bloodshed, Rwanda is still one of the world's most densely populated nations - the economy has been further burdened, notwithstanding huge American handouts, by the trials for genocide planned for tens if not hundreds of thousands of Hutu butchers. (In Rwanda's Tutsi-ruled neighbor, the equally minuscule Burundi, a Hutu
rebellion in the 1970s was quelled by the slaughter of 100,000 Hutus.)
A mother and child with other
corpses in a garbage dump
The same Bill Clinton White House which falsely accused Serbia of "genocide" during the Balkans war never used that word during discussions of Rwanda - Secretary of State Madeline Albright participated with the Traitor-in-Chief Bill Clinton in murdering thousands of heroic Serb Christians after they dared to resist an Islamic invasion of their tiny homeland
Not content with their people's past and present suffering, Rwanda's leaders have used much of their foreign aid to foster a rebellion in the adjacent "Democratic" Republic of the Congo, from which Hutu rebels continue to launch destabilizing attacks on their country. Although they deny it, Rwanda and Burundi have played a major role in instigating the present Congo crisis, by treacherously agitating for the overthrow of a dictator whom they once supported over his rival. Noting that Congolese society closely resembles that of the Rwandan and Burundi ones in structure if not race - it is comprised of a minority of "aristocratic" herdsmen lording it feudally over a majority of peasant farmers - some observers have warned that yet another African genocide is
only months if not weeks away.
The rapidity and ferocity of the slaughter were almost beyond belief
Now that Gates, having left Ethiopia, is on his way to the truly black, Bantu-speaking lands of Africa, it is worth repeating yet again what the first several installments of this series proved decisively to its readers - that despite the lies of Gates and every other black propagandist, whites, not "black kings," were the originators of Nilotic civilization, the only real advancement of humanity witnessed by the Dark Continent before it was overwhelmed, in much later times, by waves of foreign invaders.
The people of northern Africa were Hamitic whites who, mingling in the prehistoric era with still more advanced settlers from the Middle East, developed the sophisticated agriculture and writing without which no civilized society can exist.
As anybody can plainly see who examines their language and culture, as well as the representations which they left of themselves in their painting and statuary, the ancient Egyptians - to whom so many blacks point with pride as their "forebears" - were whites.
And so were the "noble Nubian" barbarians who threatened Egypt's southern frontier for centuries and who eventually overran it to form a brief-lived kingdom whose minor achievements, accomplished late in ancient history, were derived entirely from the much greater and older ones of Egypt.
The true face of black Africa - Rwandans hold up a sign complaining of "the fear and the hunger" in a Zairean refugee camp
A Rwandan (l.) wields a machete during the
genocide, and (r.) victims of the violence
Naturally, it is impossible to convince most American blacks of the foregoing facts. As Gates, the Harvard "professor," has demonstrated time and time again, a closed mind thinks only what it wants to think. No black desperate to believe that his African forefathers were avatars of civilization instead of fly-eating savages will accept the cold, hard facts which were commonly known before the days of "political correctness" and which will be commonly known again when truth instead of liars rule the media and educational process.
Unfortunately, our "affirmative action" guide went nowhere near Rwanda during his search for "black civilization." If he had, he might have had a moment of doubt about his cherished beliefs. He might have been told by the Rwandan Hutus, real blacks like himself, the truth about the Tutsis.
The caretaker of a Rwandan museum dedicated to the slaughter - The building, formerly a school, was used to murder 50,000 Tutsis, including nine of the caretaker’s siblings
Rwanda, a land whose natural beauty is
spoiled by the savagery of its inhabitants
The Rwandan Tutsi are better known to Westerners as a branch of the Watusi, an ethnic group of the originally white Nilotic stock known broadly to historians and anthropologists as Hamitic. (As detailed in previous articles in this series, the Hamites are the ancient whites of northern Africa who to this day, in spite of later black admixture from the south, speak a language whose purest form has no link whatsoever to the Bantu ones of the Dark Continent.) Nomadic herders in search of new pasture, the Tutsis slowly infiltrated Rwanda from the north during the 14th and 15th centuries, gradually forming its "aristocratic" minority. Although they learned to speak the Bantu language of the Hutus and intermarried to some degree with them, blurring the racial lines between the two peoples, the newcomers were of a distinctly different breed than their subjects, being possessed of the thin lips, narrow noses and light skins which are found nowhere in black Africa, and
which made their owners so easy for the Hutu to identify during the 1994 genocide.
The dead were everywhere
Pointing to their superior skill in warfare and belief in divine kingship, as well as to their obvious physical characteristics, one of the English explorers who discovered the sources of the Nile, John Speake, identified the taller, fairer Tutsi as part-white Hamites of Ethiopian origin.
Later, the Germans and Belgians who unseated the Tutsi lords of Rwanda favored them over the Hutus to the point of issuing identity cards which ended further racial admixture between the tribes. The festering antagonism created by the enforced separation added fuel to the 1994 genocide, during which tens of thousands of dead Tutsis were dumped into Rwanda's Nilotic tributaries.
In the boastful words of their Hutu butchers, the Hamitic Tutsis were "returning to the Nile."
To be continued....
In 2003, the Rwandan government began releasing some of its Hutu prisoners due to overcrowding in the nation’s abysmal prisons
There is no way to save America from moral and spiritual destruction - which will lead to physical destruction - unless right-wing righteous Gentiles are prepared to lead a massive civil disobedience revolt against the traitors destroying this once great nation.
Tens of thousands of Hutus were jailed for their part in the slaughter
If we are willing to mobilize now, it is not too late to save America. For the sake of America, Israel and the West, we hope and pray that we can motivate G-d-fearing American patriots to act.
In your heart, you know we're right. And in your guts, you know they're nuts.
In April 2004, Rwanda commemorated the 10th anniversary of the genocide - Rwandan officials and foreign visitors gathered in one of the stadiums where tens of thousands of fugitives, lured by promises of government protection, were slaughtered by the Rwandan army and its allied militias
Every generous check or money order (which can be anonymous) made out to "JTF" (which is political and not tax-deductible) or to "VJA" (which is fully tax-deductible and non-political) makes a huge difference.
You can also send cash donations if you wish.
Mass graves of Rwandan victims were being discovered as late as 2004, ten years after the slaughter
Do not depend on others to do your part! G-d only blesses those who do their own part!
May G-d bless all of our loyal supporters and their loved ones.
Our WTC warning from eleven years ago!
I want to hear JTF's terrifying 9/11/94 warning
A prescient broadcast which will send chills up the spine of everyone who hears it!
In a JTF television program which aired in Manhattan on Sunday, September 11, 1994 - precisely seven years to the day before the horrendous Muslim Nazi attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon - Chaim Ben Pesach explicitly predicted that the Islamic terrorists who bombed the Twin Towers in 1993 would return to finish their bloody work, mercilessly murdering thousands of Americans.
The same JTF program aired in Queens on Tuesday, September 13, 1994, precisely one year after the evil White House handshaking ceremony between Bill Clinton, Yitzchak Rabin and Yasser Arafat.
JTF was right from the start!
Note: The JTF mailing address mentioned by Chaim Ben Pesach in our 1994 broadcast is no longer valid. JTF's mailing address is JTF, POB 650327, FRESH MEADOWS NY 11365. Also, we are not currently broadcasting in Manhattan.
Armed with the truth, we can save the Jewish homeland!
What the Bible
really says about
surrendering Jewish land
How to stop
the Bolshevik elite
from surrendering Israel
How Israel won
her greatest victories
by defying U.S. pressure
What Bolshevik
brainwashing has
done to Israeli Jews
There is no
(Part 1 of 2)
There is no
(Part 2 of 2)
Is Yesha occupied
or liberated?
(Part 1 of 2)
Is Yesha occupied
or liberated?
(Part 2 of 2)
There are no
Arab "moderates"
(Part 1 of 2)
There are no
Arab "moderates"
(Part 2 of 2)
the real
Ariel Sharon
Saving the
Gaza District
will save Israel
Sharon's Likud
victory proves
Feiglin is wrong
Avigdor Lieberman
urges Israeli surrender
Who will
lead against
Ariel Sharon?
Abbas and
PLO continue
Arafat's Nazi terror
The traitors
who run the
Yesha Council
A Jewish hero
Adir Zik
Sharon's plan:
Yesha Jews
and sanctifying
Holocaust victims
What JTF tells
its young
Jewish listeners
Arab Muslim
money controls
the Israeli media
Sharon bribes
Israeli soldiers to
expel Yesha Jews
When Jewish
billionaires help
Arab Muslim Nazis
Hilltop Youth's
new resistance
stuns Israeli army
G-d punishes
the traitor
Ariel Sharon
G-d gives
Hamas terrorists
election victory
The heroic
Jewish youth
of Amona
Jewish civil
war in Israel
(Part 1)
Jewish civil
war in Israel
(Part 2)
Jewish civil
war in Israel
(Part 3)
Why Jews
in G-d
Israel funds
Hamas Muslim
Ben Pesach
speech interrupted
(Part 1)
Ben Pesach
speech interrupted
(Part 2)
Ben Pesach
speech interrupted
(Part 3)
Why Israel
As JTF predicted
Israel loses
Lebanon war
Israel's image
damaged by
Lebanon defeat
JTF hopes to build a righteous right-wing Gentile movement!
Hilltop Youth
to save America
The 2008
election disaster
Muslims threatens
America's survival
Black rapist
murders 4
in Atlanta court
Lebanon's lesson
for the West
(Part 1)
Lebanon's lesson
for the West
(Part 2)
Algeria's lesson
for the West
(Part 1)
Algeria's lesson
for the West
(Part 2)
The murder of
Terri Schiavo
The bizarre
history of the
Black Muslims
returns to
its old treason
Rap "music" is
New LA mayor
defends crack
cocaine kingpins
Malcolm X exposed
as a homosexual
rapist and prostitute
Why Bush
will not defeat
Islamic terrorism
NYC police
protect violent
black criminals
Texas is
now majority
New York City's
lesson for the
United States
Black criminals
rampage after
Hurricane Katrina
Black pedophile
"minister" murders
white teenager
What happens
when whites
fight for blacks
When whites
go to school
with blacks
The French
Muslim riots
(Part 1)
The French
Muslim riots
(Part 2)
Black racist murderer
Stanley "Tookie"
Williams (Part 1)
Black racist murderer
Stanley "Tookie"
Williams (Part 2)
Iranian dictator
vows to destroy
Muslims riot
over cartoon
of Mohammed
Nazis vs.
genuine right-
wing patriots
Will Al Qaeda
supporters control
U.S. ports?
Pakistan, Dubai
and Muslim
nuclear terrorism
Illegal alien
amnesty will
doom America
Traitor U.S. jury
spares September 11th
Muslim monster
loves you,
Ann Coulter!
Help free the Jewish hero from house arrest!
Noam Federman is a Jewish dissident whom Israel's Bolshevik authorities brutally imprisoned for nine months solely because of his popularity and right-wing views. No charges were ever filed against him. Now, Noam is under highly restrictive house arrest to stop him from convincing Israeli Jews not to commit national suicide.
Federman very ill
but continues
hunger strike
Noam Federman
ends 54-day
hunger strike
Federman freed
after 9 months
in prison
End the anti-democratic persecution of Jewish hero Noam Federman!
Please do the following three things to protect Noam Federman's human rights:
Fax or e-mail Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert
demanding an end to Federman's unjust and anti-democratic house arrest.
Fax or e-mail Israeli Defense Minister Amir Peretz
who can end Noam Federman's disgraceful house arrest.
Send a generous check, money order or cash donation to "JTF" to help us free Federman.
Ehud Olmert's fax number
(if you are faxing from the U.S. or Canada*)
If number busy, please try again
Amir Peretz's fax number
(if you are faxing from the U.S. or Canada*)
If number busy, please try again
I want to e-mail Ehud Olmert
( Webmaster@PMO.Gov.Il)
I want to e-mail Amir Peretz
( SAR@MOD.Gov.Il)
* If you are not faxing from the U.S. or Canada, find your outgoing (IDD) international prefix HERE
(For example, dial 0015-972-2566-4838 from Australia or 00-972-2566-4838 from the UK)
Keep your messages cogent but brief - no more than a few sentences - and firm but polite
If you are not Jewish, please say so in your messages to Olmert and Peretz
Protests from non-Jews on this subject are especially effective
Some day, G-d will ask all of us what we did to stop this horrific miscarriage of justice
What will your answer be?
Tell America to stop funding Muslim nuclear terrorism!
The Iranian Muslim terrorist nuclear reactor at Bushehr
Please send the following urgent e-mail
to America's political leaders and news media:
Every drop of oil that we import from Muslim terrorist regimes such as Saudi Arabia and Iran helps to finance the development of nuclear weapons that will someday murder millions of Americans. We should immediately open ANWR to oil drilling. And the Bush Administration should immediately approve oil and gas exploration in Alaska's National Petroleum Reserve. The U.S. must begin an emergency crash program to achieve energy independence through a massive expansion in the use of clean coal, shale, natural gas, domestic oil and nuclear power. We must also begin an emergency crash program to develop cars and other motor vehicles that do not use gasoline. (For more information, please see the JTF.ORG web site.)
Make your voice heard! All influential people read their e-mail!
If using your own words, be very brief! Only brief e-mails are actually read!
(See below for the necessary e-mail addresses)
How JTF would save America and Israel!
POINT ONE: A ferocious retaliation against all Muslim nations which have in any way aided or abetted terrorism against American citizens.
POINT TWO: The immediate destruction by the American or Israeli military of all Muslim nuclear reactors, plants and laboratories developing nuclear, chemical and/or biological weapons of mass destruction.
POINT THREE: Total energy independence for America through a crash development program funded in the defense budget as a vital national security priority.
POINT FOUR: An immediate end to all U.S. foreign aid, even to a genuine friend and ally like Israel, which is harmed rather than helped by her counterproductive dependency on America's addictive welfare handouts.
POINT FIVE: An immediate end to all foreign immigration into the United States, combined with the complete expulsion of America's millions of illegal aliens and the stringent removal of her legal ones at the expiration of their work or residency visas.
POINT SIX: An immediate recognition by the United States of little Israel's G-d-given right and obligation to assert full and permanent sovereign control over all sacred Jewish Biblical lands, including Judea, Samaria, the Gaza District, the Golan Heights and eastern Jerusalem.
POINT SEVEN: An immediate withdrawal from the fanatically anti-American United Nations (UN) and all organizations directly or indirectly affiliated with it, and the immediate banning of all UN-related activities on American soil.
Spread the truth about the Muslim Koran!
Distribute JTF's flyer, quoting the "peaceful" Muslim Koran, to all patriotic Americans
I want to distribute JTF's Koran quotes flyer
(The link opens a new window, where you can click the "Print" button or "File > Print > OK")
Read Islam's terrorist bible for yourself!
Read the Koran in its own words, translated into English by Muslims
I want to read the Koran in its own words
I want to read the Koran by topic
Read the Koran!
Over 200,000 Queens cable viewers!
We have two different evening programs and two different daytime programs
Evenings: Daytime:
Spread the word!
All influential people read their e-mail!
E-mail opinion-makers at least once weekly
Always encourage them to visit the JTF.ORG web site
Mention our fight against Islam and other deadly threats
Come straight to the point
Write only a few lines on only one topic at a time
Send no carbon copies ("spam")
Use catchy, sensible subject ("re:") lines
Avoid all threats, insults and obscenities
E-mail media personalities!
Bill O'Reilly
Sean Hannity
Greta Van Susteren
Brit Hume
John Gibson
Pat Robertson
700 Club
G. Gordon Liddy
Michael Savage
Chris Ruddy
David Limbaugh
Cal Thomas
Charles Krauthammer
Always urge talk show hosts to invite JTF's Chaim Ben Pesach to their programs
E-mail media outlets!
The New York Post ( Letters@NYPost.com)
The Washington Times ( Letters@WashingtonTimes.com)
The New York Daily News ( Voicers@Edit.NYDailyNews.com)
The [Manchester, NH] Union Leader ( Letters@TheUnionLeader.com)
The Jewish Press ( Letters@JewishPress.com)
E-mail the White House!
President George Bush
( President@WhiteHouse.Gov)
Vice President Dick Cheney
( Vice.President@WhiteHouse.Gov)
E-mail your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative!
(The above links will take you to official U.S. Senate and U.S. House web pages, where you can write your e-mails.)
You can also mail or phone the White House and your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative:
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20500
(202) 456-1111 The Honorable _____*
U.S. Senate
Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-3121 The Honorable _____**
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 224-3121
* Insert the full name of either of your U.S. Senators. ***** ** Insert the full name of your U.S. Representative.
Remember always to keep it very brief! Only brief messages are actually read!
Fighting to save America and Israel
from Islamic terrorism!
Post Office Box 650327
Fresh Meadows NY 11365
Fighting to save America and Israel from Islamic terrorism!
Post Office Box 650327
Fresh Meadows NY 11365
The truth about America and Israel - never seen in the leftist media
Honored to lead the nonviolent human rights struggle for Israel's right-wing Jewish dissidents
All contributions, including anonymous money orders and cash, greatly appreciated!
Make checks or money orders payable to "JTF" or send anonymous money orders or cash. We do not respond to e-mail addresses.
No archives!
Web site for the week of:
September 6-12, 2006 * * * 5766 Elul 13-19
Updated every Wednesday morning, be-ezrat HaShem (G-d willing)
You shall not stand idly by your brother's blood. (Leviticus 19:16)
Our latest life-or-death warnings!
The soundtracks of our vital and provocative television programs
I want to hear The Jewish Task Force
I want to hear Take Back America
"The most riveting shows on cable television."
Michael Musto, E! television network and Village Voice entertainment critic
Chaim answers questions posted on the JTF forum
Our movement is the only hope for saving America and Israel from Islam,
whose fanatical hatred seeks the destruction of all non-Muslims
You will need RealPlayer to hear our programs
Our site is best viewed in Internet Explorer at 1024x768 resolution
Discuss the vital issues of the day!
Visit the JTF Forum created and maintained by friends of our organization
Discuss the vital issues of the day with your fellow Jewish Task Force listeners and readers at the new JTF forum.
In a special internet broadcast, Chaim Ben Pesach answers questions posted on the "Ask JTF" thread of the JTF forum:
Chaim answers questions posted on the JTF forum
The JTF forum runs at:
(To post messages on the forum, a simple log-in is required.)
Never seen in the leftist media or any other source!
Two historic articles on this week's JTF.ORG web site:
All The News
That's Fit To Twist
The Truth About Black Africa
(Part 6)
Print and xerox JTF.ORG for your friends and relatives - a righteous deed for which G-d will bless you
Over the years, JTF has been way ahead of its time on many vital issues. From time to time in the following weeks, we will be posting some of our old JTF articles, to remind our many readers of just how right we have been.
All The News
That's Fit To Twist
(Originally published by JTF on November 18, 1998)
In the 1930s, New York Times reporter Walter Duranty won a Pulitzer Prize for whitewashing Stalin's reign of terror in Russia
Editor's Note: Today, many conservatives are openly accusing the New York Nazi Times of treason for printing classified military and intelligence documents that endanger the lives of American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. But JTF warned about the treason of the white-hating, Jew-hating, America-hating, Israel-hating New York Nazi Times many years ago. Here is what we wrote on our November 18, 1998 web site:
Arthur Sulzberger pere et fils - The father-and-son publishers of the New York Times are among America's most prominent poster boys for anti-Semitism. (As an anti-war demonstrator in the 1960s, "Pinch," the son, told "Punch," the father, that he wanted to see American soldiers murdered in Vietnam.)
Since self-hating Jews disdain the Holy Scriptures given to them by the G-d of the Universe, they have to create a new Bible. Their new Bible is called the New York Nazi Times.
Like all things that self-hating Jews admire, the New York Nazi Times has always worked frantically to destroy the Jewish people. For more than a century, the paper has been owned by the degenerate Sulzberger clan. The Sulzbergers were and are assimilated, intermarried, self-hating German Jews.
In news "reports" whose lies equaled those of Soviet propaganda organs like Pravda, the New York Times claimed that "Papa Joe" Stalin was a beneficial influence on Russian society
Soviet Nazi mass murderers Stalin, Lenin and Trotsky
Unburied dead in a Ukrainian cemetery
The New York Times whitewashed Stalin's ruthless murder and deliberate starvation of tens of millions of Soviet citizens - Referring to the deliberate starvation of 5 million middle-class Ukrainians whose continued existence Stalin saw as a threat to his dictatorship, the New York Times editorial staff and Walter Duranty remarked as follows: "There is no famine or actual starvation nor is there likely to be." (New York Times, November 15, 1931, page 1) "Any report of a famine in Russia is today an exaggeration or malignant propaganda." (New York Times, August 23, 1933) "Enemies and foreign critics can say what they please." (New York Times, December 9, 1932) "You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs." (New York Times, May 14, 1933) "What are a few million dead Russians in a situation like this? Quite unimportant. This is just an incident in the sweeping historical changes here. I think the entire matter is exaggerated." (New York Times reporter Walter Duranty, in a private conversation with fellow journalists in Moscow, as recorded in An American Engineer in Stalin's Russia: The Memoirs of Zara Witkin, 1932-1934, University of California Press)
When the mass butcher Josef Stalin was murdering thousands of Russian Jews while savagely crushing any and all Jewish life behind the Iron Curtain, the New York Nazi Times was extolling him with articles that could easily have been printed in Pravda, the official Soviet news organ. Walter Duranty, the New York Nazi Times correspondent in Stalinist Russia, wrote hundreds of articles drawing a picture of the Soviet Union as paradise on earth. To show that the Nazi Times is not alone among the left-wing media lovers of brutal despots, Duranty actually received a Pulitzer Prize in 1932 for his adoring depictions of life under Stalinist terror.
The New York Times won a Pulitzer prize for publishing articles assuring its readers that the maniacal dictator of Nazi Germany was a stabilizing influence - His threats to exterminate European Jewry, the Times said, were intended only for the "internal consumption" of the German people, and should not be taken seriously
In January 1933, when Adolf Hitler seized power in Germany, the New York Nazi Times viewed this as a very positive development. The Nazi Times insisted that Hitler was not a dictator like Benito Mussolini in fascist Italy.
The Nazi Times referred to Hitler as "Herr Hitler," thus honoring him by referring to him in his native German. This is an honor the Nazi Times did not bestow on any other foreign leaders.
After all, the self-hating Jews of the Nazi Times insisted, we must not "rush to judgment" about "Herr Hitler."
"We must not rush to judgment about Herr Hitler" - The shrunken head of a Buchenwald inmate, preserved as a grisly memento by a Nazi officer of the death camp
At a time when Gentile-owned newspapers in the U.S. were alarmed over Hitler's violent and threatening pronouncements, the New York Nazi Times continued to insist that Hitler was really quite moderate. In 1934, Frederick T. Birchall, the Nazi Times correspondent in Berlin, was awarded a Pulitzer Prize "for unbiased reporting from [Hitler's] Germany."
Birchall's glowing accounts of "Hitler's strong and stabilizing leadership" certainly encouraged the German dictator to believe that he could get away with anything. Hitler must have been amazed to learn that his biggest defender in the American press was the world's most famous Jewish-owned newspaper. He surely must have attributed this incredibly sick behavior to Jewish racial inferiority.
"We must not rush to judgment about Herr Hitler," the New York Times opined in the 1930s of the worst monster in human history
During the Holocaust itself in the 1940s, the Nazi Times devoted its sordid pages to undermining any rescue efforts. This surely played a major role in convincing Jew-hating President Franklin Roosevelt that America could sit back and allow millions of Jews to be annihilated. For if even the most powerful Jewish media organ was hostile to the notion of rescuing the trapped Jews in Nazi Europe, then surely allowing them to be murdered would not result in any repercussions.
With its hands dripping with the blood of many millions of Jewish and non-Jewish victims of its idols Hitler and Stalin, the Nazi Times then set out to do everything in its evil power to prevent the creation of a Jewish State in 1948. Yet a Jewish State came into being despite the ferocious self-hating efforts of the Nazi Times, the Washington Nazi Post and all of the other self-hating Jews in the news media.
An infamous image from the lying pages of the New York Times - In September 2000, the Times ran a photograph purportedly of an Arab beaten by an Israeli policeman on Jerusalem's Temple Mount. In fact, the bloodied victim was a Jewish student from Chicago who had rushed to the policeman for protection after being beaten and stabbed by an Arab mob. Sharp-eyed observers pointed out that there are no gas stations on the Temple Mount, but the Times stubbornly refused to publish any retractions until a public outcry forced it to do so.
New York Times "journalists" like former Israeli bureau chief David Harris have for decades published destructive lies about tiny Israel and her constant battle against Islamic terrorism
Moreover, ever since Israel's miraculous resurrection, the Nazi Times has fought tooth and nail to assist in every way possible the Arab Muslim Nazis who wish to drive that Jewish State into the sea.
No Jew or righteous Gentile should even consider buying or advertising in this monstrous rag. Those who have actually done so in the past should repent for their crimes against G-d and humanity by immediately making a generous check out to JTF, a group which the New York Nazi Times certainly would not want you to support.
In June 2003, New York Times reporter Youssef Ibrahim said that Israel "must negotiate" with Hamas - "Israel created Hamas," Ibrahim added. (Ibrahim, a member of the infamous Council on Foreign Relations, recently decried what he calls "ethnic cleansing" at America's universities, citing the case of an Arab professor at Columbia University who was sent threatening e-mails after asking an Israeli student how many Arabs had he killed during his service in the army. "Out of curiosity," Ibrahim says, "I wish to know," adding that "Israel is a racist state.")
* * * * *
Isn't it a disgrace that JTF does not have millions of dollars to reach all of the Jews in Israel with this vital message? Especially now when most Israeli Jews are very disappointed with how the war was conducted, and are very fearful about the future. The time is ripe for JTF's message.
Crackhead New York Times "reporter" Jayson Blair, who was allowed to resign from the paper after it published a number of his fabrications - The "affirmative action" Blair was under suspicion for some time but allowed to continue at his post by various Times editors and Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger, Jr., a multibillionaire who lived with a male black roommate in Greenwich Village
Now more than ever, we must reach as many Israeli Jews as possible with our vital message of truth.
In a cover story of its Sunday magazine, the New York Times called the black Hitler Al Sharpton "eloquent" and "a statesman"
The more money we raise, the more Jews we reach.
JTF supports the political activities of the Hilltop Youth, and therefore is not tax-deductible.
The Voice of Jewish Activism (VJA) is strictly non-political. It supports the educational efforts and the humanitarian needs of the Hilltop Youth and right-wing Jewish dissidents and therefore is tax-deductible.
Your generous checks and money orders made out to "VJA" can be sent to:
A New York Times television ad implied that the paper is friendly to America's white majority and family values - In fact, the Times works relentlessly in favor of our nation's Third World enemies and supports depravities like homosexuality and abortion with ever-increasing stridency
POB 650327
Fresh Meadows, NY 11365
Visit the JTF Forum created and maintained by friends of our organization
We need loyal, idealistic, Torah-true Jews to lead the struggle against the traitor Sharon's suicidal plan to create an independent PLO terrorist state in the heartland of Biblical Israel.
We have the Torah-true leaders and we have the thousands of young idealists. But they
need more money to conduct such a huge and sophisticated campaign.
Ann Coulter was blasted as "cruel" for courageously attacking a small group of 911 widows whom the media turned into "sacred cows" for its left-wing agenda - But the media showed no such hatred for Ted Rall, who only six months after September 11th drew a cartoon, published in the New York Times, attacking all of the 911 widows as money-hungry "terror widows" who were the "scourge of the media." (Rall (inset) laughingly defended his sick work in television interviews. In one cartoon panel, a widow says that when her husband called her from the burning World Trade Center, she knew that he would die because "he was on fire." Another widow remarks that her millions from the Red Cross "keeps me warm at night.")
In the historic struggle for Israel's survival, this is the moment of truth.
Which is why we strongly urge our many loyal readers - both Jews and righteous Gentiles - to immediately do the following four things:
First, if you are a wealthy Jew or a wealthy righteous Gentile, and you have wealthy friends and associates, you can hold a fundraising party for JTF (which is political but not tax-deductible) or VJA (which is tax-deductible and non-political). Even if you are not wealthy - but have wealthy friends and associates - you can organize a fundraising party. If you are interested, please contact us.
Second, make out a generous check or money order (which can be anonymous) to "JTF" or "VJA" and send it out right away. If you prefer, you can also mail a cash donation.
Third, zealously spread the word about the JTF.ORG web site. Posting portions of JTF.ORG on popular internet message boards is especially effective. We do get many new hits when we are posted.
Fourth, please remember to include the "Jewish Task Force (JTF)" and/or the "Voice of Jewish Activism (VJA)" in your will.
Post Office Box 650327
Fresh Meadows NY 11365
Become an army of one!
Entertainment critic
Michael Musto
Make sure that internet users hungry for an uncompromising right-wing message are aware of JTF's exciting and informative television broadcasts, which even Michael Musto, the well-known entertainment critic of the left-wing Village Voice and E! television network, called the "most riveting shows on cable television." Post links to our audio files on new and different message boards weekly. Cyberspace is filled with tens of thousands of message boards, each with its own loyal following, and each of our technically adept supporters should continually expose us to fresh audiences by posting our links on new and different boards weekly.
The best way to post our audio files is simply to supply "live" links to the full URL (Internet address) of each of our two weekly shows - "Take Back America" and "Jewish Task Force" - and our truly riveting September 11, 1994 broadcast:
Please make the link text identical to the URL, not referenced to a phrase like "JTF" or "The Jewish Answer" - in other words, your links should look exactly like the ones shown above. (The loudspeaker icons are optional.) Referencing the URL link to the identical URL text will ensure that if for some technical reason, your links are not "live" on the message board, interested persons will still be able to find us in cyberspace.
G-d demands deeds, not mere words
It is worthless to agree with the views expressed by JTF without following through with action. G-d demands deeds, not mere words.
It is imperative that good Jews and righteous Gentiles who care about the future of America and Israel zealously spread the word about JTF.ORG. Promote it among your friends, relatives and acquaintances and convince them to do likewise. Promote it on internet message boards, in chat rooms, through faxes and e-mails and on radio talk shows. And promote it in your religious institutions, organizations and clubs.
G-d will bless you for standing with the forces of uncompromising righteousness and truth
Post Office Box 650327
Fresh Meadows NY 11365
Remember JTF in your will!
The desire for truth and justice should be the burning passion of all Jews and righteous Gentiles. Which is why all Jews and righteous Gentiles should remember JTF when preparing their estates. Placing "JTF" in your will enshrines your eternal commitment to the cause of righteousness.
If you need help including JTF in your will, please feel free to contact us
Post Office Box 650327
Fresh Meadows NY 11365
Are you the Ben Hecht of our times?
Are you the Ben Hecht of our times? - The brilliant screenwriter or co-screenwriter of Scarface, The Front Page, Monkey Business, Twentieth Century, Hurricane, The Prisoner of Zenda, Nothing Sacred, A Star Is Born, Gunga Din, Stagecoach, Wuthering Heights, Gone With the Wind, Foreign Correspondent, His Girl Friday, Lifeboat, Spellbound, Notorious, The Thing, Strangers On a Train, Roman Holiday, Guys and Dolls, Some Like It Hot, The Man With the Golden Arm and hundreds of other films, Jewish hero Ben Hecht (1893-1965) was known as the "Hollywood Shakespeare" but made a far greater mark on the world, and enshrined his name forever in the annals of Jewish history, when he raised millions of dollars for the Irgun Tzvai Leumi, the heroic Jewish freedom fighters who blew the British out of the land of Israel and resurrected the Jewish homeland after 2,000 years of interregnum. Hecht's courageous and highly controversial financial support enabled the Irgun - outnumbered 100 to 1 - to vanquish, in the most spectacular revolt of modern history, the 100,000 British soldiers who illegally occupied the Holy Land.
If JTF were on national television or radio in America and Israel, imagine how the world would change for the better! In Israel, Torah truth and justice would finally reign supreme. And in the United States, the sleeping giant of American patriotism would finally be aroused. Our huge audience would inspire a genuine right-wing movement, making it impossible for frauds like George Bush and Ariel Sharon to pass themselves off as "conservatives" and "right-wingers." We would save America and Israel from the abyss of Muslim Nazi and Third World oblivion, and we would thwart the effort to destroy American and Israeli sovereignty.
For our glorious dream to come true, JTF needs millions of dollars to pay for air time on national television or radio.
If you are the Ben Hecht of our generation, a wealthy Jew or righteous Gentile who correctly recognizes JTF as a historic force to save America and Israel, please feel free to contact us immediately.
The Truth About Black Africa
(Part 6)
Let's face it - think of Africa, and the first images that come to mind are of war, poverty, famine and flies. - Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
The still backward Dark Continent, the "cradle of civilization," seen at night from a satellite
From time to time in the following weeks, JTF will reprise a series of articles on black Africa published by us in 1999 and 2000. The series was inspired by the contemporaneous broadcast, on the left-wing People's Broadcasting System (PBS), of a pseudo-documentary called Wonders of the African World, which tried to lend credence to the absurd notion that the Dark Continent is the cradle of all human civilization. Instead, the program succeeded in demonstrating, with inadvertent brilliance, what is so terribly wrong with modern American broadcasting and education.
The series was hosted by "Professor" Henry Louis Gates, Jr., an "affirmative action" race preference black "historian" chairing Afro-American studies at Harvard University.
Rwanda (Conclusion)
After three memorable months of lightning-swift genocide in the summer of 1994, a semblance of order returned to Rwanda through French military intervention, which in conjunction with ragtag Tutsi rebel forces regained control of a country half of whose population was either dead, exiled or internally displaced. Now it was the Hutus' turn to fear and to run for their lives, and the Tutsis were not slow to take revenge. In one holding camp for Hutu refugees, who had been promised a safe passage home, a riot by the infuriated internees was answered by an hours-long barrage with machine guns and rocket launchers at point-blank range, killing at least 1,000 Hutus.
Rwandans discard dead bodies and other remnants of the genocide
Although most of the 1994 Hutu leadership understandably chose to remain exiled in neighboring African countries, many Hutus returning to Rwanda were arrested by the ascendant Tutsis on reasonable suspicion of complicity in the genocide. Thousands of suspects were jammed into indescribable prisons, in which there was hardly room to stand up, let alone sit down. Healthy prisoners were forced to urinate and defecate where they stood, and injured specimens hunched in the stinking muck until their limbs swelled grotesquely with gangrenous infections demanding amputation.
A gruesome memorial at Nyarubuye, where hundreds of victims have been left to rot where they were butchered
The corpse of a child,
with an artificial rose
One group of foreign do-gooders was treated to the spectacle of a dying Hutu breaking off an atrophied toe, three times its normal size, for their edification.
Five years after the Rwandan genocide, the miserable little country still suffers the effects. Most of the Tutsi survivors have returned home in spontaneous waves of hundreds of thousands, resulting in a massive repatriation crisis for the authorities. Left in ruins by the events of 1994 and suffering from the overpopulation and mismanagement typical of Third World banana republics - in spite of the bloodshed, Rwanda is still one of the world's most densely populated nations - the economy has been further burdened, notwithstanding huge American handouts, by the trials for genocide planned for tens if not hundreds of thousands of Hutu butchers. (In Rwanda's Tutsi-ruled neighbor, the equally minuscule Burundi, a Hutu
rebellion in the 1970s was quelled by the slaughter of 100,000 Hutus.)
A mother and child with other
corpses in a garbage dump
The same Bill Clinton White House which falsely accused Serbia of "genocide" during the Balkans war never used that word during discussions of Rwanda - Secretary of State Madeline Albright participated with the Traitor-in-Chief Bill Clinton in murdering thousands of heroic Serb Christians after they dared to resist an Islamic invasion of their tiny homeland
Not content with their people's past and present suffering, Rwanda's leaders have used much of their foreign aid to foster a rebellion in the adjacent "Democratic" Republic of the Congo, from which Hutu rebels continue to launch destabilizing attacks on their country. Although they deny it, Rwanda and Burundi have played a major role in instigating the present Congo crisis, by treacherously agitating for the overthrow of a dictator whom they once supported over his rival. Noting that Congolese society closely resembles that of the Rwandan and Burundi ones in structure if not race - it is comprised of a minority of "aristocratic" herdsmen lording it feudally over a majority of peasant farmers - some observers have warned that yet another African genocide is
only months if not weeks away.
The rapidity and ferocity of the slaughter were almost beyond belief
Now that Gates, having left Ethiopia, is on his way to the truly black, Bantu-speaking lands of Africa, it is worth repeating yet again what the first several installments of this series proved decisively to its readers - that despite the lies of Gates and every other black propagandist, whites, not "black kings," were the originators of Nilotic civilization, the only real advancement of humanity witnessed by the Dark Continent before it was overwhelmed, in much later times, by waves of foreign invaders.
The people of northern Africa were Hamitic whites who, mingling in the prehistoric era with still more advanced settlers from the Middle East, developed the sophisticated agriculture and writing without which no civilized society can exist.
As anybody can plainly see who examines their language and culture, as well as the representations which they left of themselves in their painting and statuary, the ancient Egyptians - to whom so many blacks point with pride as their "forebears" - were whites.
And so were the "noble Nubian" barbarians who threatened Egypt's southern frontier for centuries and who eventually overran it to form a brief-lived kingdom whose minor achievements, accomplished late in ancient history, were derived entirely from the much greater and older ones of Egypt.
The true face of black Africa - Rwandans hold up a sign complaining of "the fear and the hunger" in a Zairean refugee camp
A Rwandan (l.) wields a machete during the
genocide, and (r.) victims of the violence
Naturally, it is impossible to convince most American blacks of the foregoing facts. As Gates, the Harvard "professor," has demonstrated time and time again, a closed mind thinks only what it wants to think. No black desperate to believe that his African forefathers were avatars of civilization instead of fly-eating savages will accept the cold, hard facts which were commonly known before the days of "political correctness" and which will be commonly known again when truth instead of liars rule the media and educational process.
Unfortunately, our "affirmative action" guide went nowhere near Rwanda during his search for "black civilization." If he had, he might have had a moment of doubt about his cherished beliefs. He might have been told by the Rwandan Hutus, real blacks like himself, the truth about the Tutsis.
The caretaker of a Rwandan museum dedicated to the slaughter - The building, formerly a school, was used to murder 50,000 Tutsis, including nine of the caretaker’s siblings
Rwanda, a land whose natural beauty is
spoiled by the savagery of its inhabitants
The Rwandan Tutsi are better known to Westerners as a branch of the Watusi, an ethnic group of the originally white Nilotic stock known broadly to historians and anthropologists as Hamitic. (As detailed in previous articles in this series, the Hamites are the ancient whites of northern Africa who to this day, in spite of later black admixture from the south, speak a language whose purest form has no link whatsoever to the Bantu ones of the Dark Continent.) Nomadic herders in search of new pasture, the Tutsis slowly infiltrated Rwanda from the north during the 14th and 15th centuries, gradually forming its "aristocratic" minority. Although they learned to speak the Bantu language of the Hutus and intermarried to some degree with them, blurring the racial lines between the two peoples, the newcomers were of a distinctly different breed than their subjects, being possessed of the thin lips, narrow noses and light skins which are found nowhere in black Africa, and
which made their owners so easy for the Hutu to identify during the 1994 genocide.
The dead were everywhere
Pointing to their superior skill in warfare and belief in divine kingship, as well as to their obvious physical characteristics, one of the English explorers who discovered the sources of the Nile, John Speake, identified the taller, fairer Tutsi as part-white Hamites of Ethiopian origin.
Later, the Germans and Belgians who unseated the Tutsi lords of Rwanda favored them over the Hutus to the point of issuing identity cards which ended further racial admixture between the tribes. The festering antagonism created by the enforced separation added fuel to the 1994 genocide, during which tens of thousands of dead Tutsis were dumped into Rwanda's Nilotic tributaries.
In the boastful words of their Hutu butchers, the Hamitic Tutsis were "returning to the Nile."
To be continued....
In 2003, the Rwandan government began releasing some of its Hutu prisoners due to overcrowding in the nation’s abysmal prisons
There is no way to save America from moral and spiritual destruction - which will lead to physical destruction - unless right-wing righteous Gentiles are prepared to lead a massive civil disobedience revolt against the traitors destroying this once great nation.
Tens of thousands of Hutus were jailed for their part in the slaughter
If we are willing to mobilize now, it is not too late to save America. For the sake of America, Israel and the West, we hope and pray that we can motivate G-d-fearing American patriots to act.
In your heart, you know we're right. And in your guts, you know they're nuts.
In April 2004, Rwanda commemorated the 10th anniversary of the genocide - Rwandan officials and foreign visitors gathered in one of the stadiums where tens of thousands of fugitives, lured by promises of government protection, were slaughtered by the Rwandan army and its allied militias
Every generous check or money order (which can be anonymous) made out to "JTF" (which is political and not tax-deductible) or to "VJA" (which is fully tax-deductible and non-political) makes a huge difference.
You can also send cash donations if you wish.
Mass graves of Rwandan victims were being discovered as late as 2004, ten years after the slaughter
Do not depend on others to do your part! G-d only blesses those who do their own part!
May G-d bless all of our loyal supporters and their loved ones.
Our WTC warning from eleven years ago!
I want to hear JTF's terrifying 9/11/94 warning
A prescient broadcast which will send chills up the spine of everyone who hears it!
In a JTF television program which aired in Manhattan on Sunday, September 11, 1994 - precisely seven years to the day before the horrendous Muslim Nazi attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon - Chaim Ben Pesach explicitly predicted that the Islamic terrorists who bombed the Twin Towers in 1993 would return to finish their bloody work, mercilessly murdering thousands of Americans.
The same JTF program aired in Queens on Tuesday, September 13, 1994, precisely one year after the evil White House handshaking ceremony between Bill Clinton, Yitzchak Rabin and Yasser Arafat.
JTF was right from the start!
Note: The JTF mailing address mentioned by Chaim Ben Pesach in our 1994 broadcast is no longer valid. JTF's mailing address is JTF, POB 650327, FRESH MEADOWS NY 11365. Also, we are not currently broadcasting in Manhattan.
Armed with the truth, we can save the Jewish homeland!
What the Bible
really says about
surrendering Jewish land
How to stop
the Bolshevik elite
from surrendering Israel
How Israel won
her greatest victories
by defying U.S. pressure
What Bolshevik
brainwashing has
done to Israeli Jews
There is no
(Part 1 of 2)
There is no
(Part 2 of 2)
Is Yesha occupied
or liberated?
(Part 1 of 2)
Is Yesha occupied
or liberated?
(Part 2 of 2)
There are no
Arab "moderates"
(Part 1 of 2)
There are no
Arab "moderates"
(Part 2 of 2)
the real
Ariel Sharon
Saving the
Gaza District
will save Israel
Sharon's Likud
victory proves
Feiglin is wrong
Avigdor Lieberman
urges Israeli surrender
Who will
lead against
Ariel Sharon?
Abbas and
PLO continue
Arafat's Nazi terror
The traitors
who run the
Yesha Council
A Jewish hero
Adir Zik
Sharon's plan:
Yesha Jews
and sanctifying
Holocaust victims
What JTF tells
its young
Jewish listeners
Arab Muslim
money controls
the Israeli media
Sharon bribes
Israeli soldiers to
expel Yesha Jews
When Jewish
billionaires help
Arab Muslim Nazis
Hilltop Youth's
new resistance
stuns Israeli army
G-d punishes
the traitor
Ariel Sharon
G-d gives
Hamas terrorists
election victory
The heroic
Jewish youth
of Amona
Jewish civil
war in Israel
(Part 1)
Jewish civil
war in Israel
(Part 2)
Jewish civil
war in Israel
(Part 3)
Why Jews
in G-d
Israel funds
Hamas Muslim
Ben Pesach
speech interrupted
(Part 1)
Ben Pesach
speech interrupted
(Part 2)
Ben Pesach
speech interrupted
(Part 3)
Why Israel
As JTF predicted
Israel loses
Lebanon war
Israel's image
damaged by
Lebanon defeat
JTF hopes to build a righteous right-wing Gentile movement!
Hilltop Youth
to save America
The 2008
election disaster
Muslims threatens
America's survival
Black rapist
murders 4
in Atlanta court
Lebanon's lesson
for the West
(Part 1)
Lebanon's lesson
for the West
(Part 2)
Algeria's lesson
for the West
(Part 1)
Algeria's lesson
for the West
(Part 2)
The murder of
Terri Schiavo
The bizarre
history of the
Black Muslims
returns to
its old treason
Rap "music" is
New LA mayor
defends crack
cocaine kingpins
Malcolm X exposed
as a homosexual
rapist and prostitute
Why Bush
will not defeat
Islamic terrorism
NYC police
protect violent
black criminals
Texas is
now majority
New York City's
lesson for the
United States
Black criminals
rampage after
Hurricane Katrina
Black pedophile
"minister" murders
white teenager
What happens
when whites
fight for blacks
When whites
go to school
with blacks
The French
Muslim riots
(Part 1)
The French
Muslim riots
(Part 2)
Black racist murderer
Stanley "Tookie"
Williams (Part 1)
Black racist murderer
Stanley "Tookie"
Williams (Part 2)
Iranian dictator
vows to destroy
Muslims riot
over cartoon
of Mohammed
Nazis vs.
genuine right-
wing patriots
Will Al Qaeda
supporters control
U.S. ports?
Pakistan, Dubai
and Muslim
nuclear terrorism
Illegal alien
amnesty will
doom America
Traitor U.S. jury
spares September 11th
Muslim monster
loves you,
Ann Coulter!
Help free the Jewish hero from house arrest!
Noam Federman is a Jewish dissident whom Israel's Bolshevik authorities brutally imprisoned for nine months solely because of his popularity and right-wing views. No charges were ever filed against him. Now, Noam is under highly restrictive house arrest to stop him from convincing Israeli Jews not to commit national suicide.
Federman very ill
but continues
hunger strike
Noam Federman
ends 54-day
hunger strike
Federman freed
after 9 months
in prison
End the anti-democratic persecution of Jewish hero Noam Federman!
Please do the following three things to protect Noam Federman's human rights:
Fax or e-mail Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert
demanding an end to Federman's unjust and anti-democratic house arrest.
Fax or e-mail Israeli Defense Minister Amir Peretz
who can end Noam Federman's disgraceful house arrest.
Send a generous check, money order or cash donation to "JTF" to help us free Federman.
Ehud Olmert's fax number
(if you are faxing from the U.S. or Canada*)
If number busy, please try again
Amir Peretz's fax number
(if you are faxing from the U.S. or Canada*)
If number busy, please try again
I want to e-mail Ehud Olmert
( Webmaster@PMO.Gov.Il)
I want to e-mail Amir Peretz
( SAR@MOD.Gov.Il)
* If you are not faxing from the U.S. or Canada, find your outgoing (IDD) international prefix HERE
(For example, dial 0015-972-2566-4838 from Australia or 00-972-2566-4838 from the UK)
Keep your messages cogent but brief - no more than a few sentences - and firm but polite
If you are not Jewish, please say so in your messages to Olmert and Peretz
Protests from non-Jews on this subject are especially effective
Some day, G-d will ask all of us what we did to stop this horrific miscarriage of justice
What will your answer be?
Tell America to stop funding Muslim nuclear terrorism!
The Iranian Muslim terrorist nuclear reactor at Bushehr
Please send the following urgent e-mail
to America's political leaders and news media:
Every drop of oil that we import from Muslim terrorist regimes such as Saudi Arabia and Iran helps to finance the development of nuclear weapons that will someday murder millions of Americans. We should immediately open ANWR to oil drilling. And the Bush Administration should immediately approve oil and gas exploration in Alaska's National Petroleum Reserve. The U.S. must begin an emergency crash program to achieve energy independence through a massive expansion in the use of clean coal, shale, natural gas, domestic oil and nuclear power. We must also begin an emergency crash program to develop cars and other motor vehicles that do not use gasoline. (For more information, please see the JTF.ORG web site.)
Make your voice heard! All influential people read their e-mail!
If using your own words, be very brief! Only brief e-mails are actually read!
(See below for the necessary e-mail addresses)
How JTF would save America and Israel!
POINT ONE: A ferocious retaliation against all Muslim nations which have in any way aided or abetted terrorism against American citizens.
POINT TWO: The immediate destruction by the American or Israeli military of all Muslim nuclear reactors, plants and laboratories developing nuclear, chemical and/or biological weapons of mass destruction.
POINT THREE: Total energy independence for America through a crash development program funded in the defense budget as a vital national security priority.
POINT FOUR: An immediate end to all U.S. foreign aid, even to a genuine friend and ally like Israel, which is harmed rather than helped by her counterproductive dependency on America's addictive welfare handouts.
POINT FIVE: An immediate end to all foreign immigration into the United States, combined with the complete expulsion of America's millions of illegal aliens and the stringent removal of her legal ones at the expiration of their work or residency visas.
POINT SIX: An immediate recognition by the United States of little Israel's G-d-given right and obligation to assert full and permanent sovereign control over all sacred Jewish Biblical lands, including Judea, Samaria, the Gaza District, the Golan Heights and eastern Jerusalem.
POINT SEVEN: An immediate withdrawal from the fanatically anti-American United Nations (UN) and all organizations directly or indirectly affiliated with it, and the immediate banning of all UN-related activities on American soil.
Spread the truth about the Muslim Koran!
Distribute JTF's flyer, quoting the "peaceful" Muslim Koran, to all patriotic Americans
I want to distribute JTF's Koran quotes flyer
(The link opens a new window, where you can click the "Print" button or "File > Print > OK")
Read Islam's terrorist bible for yourself!
Read the Koran in its own words, translated into English by Muslims
I want to read the Koran in its own words
I want to read the Koran by topic
Read the Koran!
Over 200,000 Queens cable viewers!
We have two different evening programs and two different daytime programs
Evenings: Daytime:
Spread the word!
All influential people read their e-mail!
E-mail opinion-makers at least once weekly
Always encourage them to visit the JTF.ORG web site
Mention our fight against Islam and other deadly threats
Come straight to the point
Write only a few lines on only one topic at a time
Send no carbon copies ("spam")
Use catchy, sensible subject ("re:") lines
Avoid all threats, insults and obscenities
E-mail media personalities!
Bill O'Reilly
Sean Hannity
Greta Van Susteren
Brit Hume
John Gibson
Pat Robertson
700 Club
G. Gordon Liddy
Michael Savage
Chris Ruddy
David Limbaugh
Cal Thomas
Charles Krauthammer
Always urge talk show hosts to invite JTF's Chaim Ben Pesach to their programs
E-mail media outlets!
The New York Post ( Letters@NYPost.com)
The Washington Times ( Letters@WashingtonTimes.com)
The New York Daily News ( Voicers@Edit.NYDailyNews.com)
The [Manchester, NH] Union Leader ( Letters@TheUnionLeader.com)
The Jewish Press ( Letters@JewishPress.com)
E-mail the White House!
President George Bush
( President@WhiteHouse.Gov)
Vice President Dick Cheney
( Vice.President@WhiteHouse.Gov)
E-mail your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative!
(The above links will take you to official U.S. Senate and U.S. House web pages, where you can write your e-mails.)
You can also mail or phone the White House and your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative:
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20500
(202) 456-1111 The Honorable _____*
U.S. Senate
Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-3121 The Honorable _____**
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 224-3121
* Insert the full name of either of your U.S. Senators. ***** ** Insert the full name of your U.S. Representative.
Remember always to keep it very brief! Only brief messages are actually read!
Fighting to save America and Israel
from Islamic terrorism!
Post Office Box 650327
Fresh Meadows NY 11365
Fighting to save America and Israel from Islamic terrorism!
Post Office Box 650327
Fresh Meadows NY 11365
The truth about America and Israel - never seen in the leftist media
Honored to lead the nonviolent human rights struggle for Israel's right-wing Jewish dissidents
All contributions, including anonymous money orders and cash, greatly appreciated!
Make checks or money orders payable to "JTF" or send anonymous money orders or cash. We do not respond to e-mail addresses.
No archives!
Web site for the week of:
September 6-12, 2006 * * * 5766 Elul 13-19
Updated every Wednesday morning, be-ezrat HaShem (G-d willing)
You shall not stand idly by your brother's blood. (Leviticus 19:16)
Our latest life-or-death warnings!
The soundtracks of our vital and provocative television programs
I want to hear The Jewish Task Force
I want to hear Take Back America
"The most riveting shows on cable television."
Michael Musto, E! television network and Village Voice entertainment critic
Chaim answers questions posted on the JTF forum
Our movement is the only hope for saving America and Israel from Islam,
whose fanatical hatred seeks the destruction of all non-Muslims
You will need RealPlayer to hear our programs
Our site is best viewed in Internet Explorer at 1024x768 resolution
Discuss the vital issues of the day!
Visit the JTF Forum created and maintained by friends of our organization
Discuss the vital issues of the day with your fellow Jewish Task Force listeners and readers at the new JTF forum.
In a special internet broadcast, Chaim Ben Pesach answers questions posted on the "Ask JTF" thread of the JTF forum:
Chaim answers questions posted on the JTF forum
The JTF forum runs at:
(To post messages on the forum, a simple log-in is required.)
Never seen in the leftist media or any other source!
Two historic articles on this week's JTF.ORG web site:
All The News
That's Fit To Twist
The Truth About Black Africa
(Part 6)
Print and xerox JTF.ORG for your friends and relatives - a righteous deed for which G-d will bless you
Over the years, JTF has been way ahead of its time on many vital issues. From time to time in the following weeks, we will be posting some of our old JTF articles, to remind our many readers of just how right we have been.
All The News
That's Fit To Twist
(Originally published by JTF on November 18, 1998)
In the 1930s, New York Times reporter Walter Duranty won a Pulitzer Prize for whitewashing Stalin's reign of terror in Russia
Editor's Note: Today, many conservatives are openly accusing the New York Nazi Times of treason for printing classified military and intelligence documents that endanger the lives of American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. But JTF warned about the treason of the white-hating, Jew-hating, America-hating, Israel-hating New York Nazi Times many years ago. Here is what we wrote on our November 18, 1998 web site:
Arthur Sulzberger pere et fils - The father-and-son publishers of the New York Times are among America's most prominent poster boys for anti-Semitism. (As an anti-war demonstrator in the 1960s, "Pinch," the son, told "Punch," the father, that he wanted to see American soldiers murdered in Vietnam.)
Since self-hating Jews disdain the Holy Scriptures given to them by the G-d of the Universe, they have to create a new Bible. Their new Bible is called the New York Nazi Times.
Like all things that self-hating Jews admire, the New York Nazi Times has always worked frantically to destroy the Jewish people. For more than a century, the paper has been owned by the degenerate Sulzberger clan. The Sulzbergers were and are assimilated, intermarried, self-hating German Jews.
In news "reports" whose lies equaled those of Soviet propaganda organs like Pravda, the New York Times claimed that "Papa Joe" Stalin was a beneficial influence on Russian society
Soviet Nazi mass murderers Stalin, Lenin and Trotsky
Unburied dead in a Ukrainian cemetery
The New York Times whitewashed Stalin's ruthless murder and deliberate starvation of tens of millions of Soviet citizens - Referring to the deliberate starvation of 5 million middle-class Ukrainians whose continued existence Stalin saw as a threat to his dictatorship, the New York Times editorial staff and Walter Duranty remarked as follows: "There is no famine or actual starvation nor is there likely to be." (New York Times, November 15, 1931, page 1) "Any report of a famine in Russia is today an exaggeration or malignant propaganda." (New York Times, August 23, 1933) "Enemies and foreign critics can say what they please." (New York Times, December 9, 1932) "You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs." (New York Times, May 14, 1933) "What are a few million dead Russians in a situation like this? Quite unimportant. This is just an incident in the sweeping historical changes here. I think the entire matter is exaggerated." (New York Times reporter Walter Duranty, in a private conversation with fellow journalists in Moscow, as recorded in An American Engineer in Stalin's Russia: The Memoirs of Zara Witkin, 1932-1934, University of California Press)
When the mass butcher Josef Stalin was murdering thousands of Russian Jews while savagely crushing any and all Jewish life behind the Iron Curtain, the New York Nazi Times was extolling him with articles that could easily have been printed in Pravda, the official Soviet news organ. Walter Duranty, the New York Nazi Times correspondent in Stalinist Russia, wrote hundreds of articles drawing a picture of the Soviet Union as paradise on earth. To show that the Nazi Times is not alone among the left-wing media lovers of brutal despots, Duranty actually received a Pulitzer Prize in 1932 for his adoring depictions of life under Stalinist terror.
The New York Times won a Pulitzer prize for publishing articles assuring its readers that the maniacal dictator of Nazi Germany was a stabilizing influence - His threats to exterminate European Jewry, the Times said, were intended only for the "internal consumption" of the German people, and should not be taken seriously
In January 1933, when Adolf Hitler seized power in Germany, the New York Nazi Times viewed this as a very positive development. The Nazi Times insisted that Hitler was not a dictator like Benito Mussolini in fascist Italy.
The Nazi Times referred to Hitler as "Herr Hitler," thus honoring him by referring to him in his native German. This is an honor the Nazi Times did not bestow on any other foreign leaders.
After all, the self-hating Jews of the Nazi Times insisted, we must not "rush to judgment" about "Herr Hitler."
"We must not rush to judgment about Herr Hitler" - The shrunken head of a Buchenwald inmate, preserved as a grisly memento by a Nazi officer of the death camp
At a time when Gentile-owned newspapers in the U.S. were alarmed over Hitler's violent and threatening pronouncements, the New York Nazi Times continued to insist that Hitler was really quite moderate. In 1934, Frederick T. Birchall, the Nazi Times correspondent in Berlin, was awarded a Pulitzer Prize "for unbiased reporting from [Hitler's] Germany."
Birchall's glowing accounts of "Hitler's strong and stabilizing leadership" certainly encouraged the German dictator to believe that he could get away with anything. Hitler must have been amazed to learn that his biggest defender in the American press was the world's most famous Jewish-owned newspaper. He surely must have attributed this incredibly sick behavior to Jewish racial inferiority.
"We must not rush to judgment about Herr Hitler," the New York Times opined in the 1930s of the worst monster in human history
During the Holocaust itself in the 1940s, the Nazi Times devoted its sordid pages to undermining any rescue efforts. This surely played a major role in convincing Jew-hating President Franklin Roosevelt that America could sit back and allow millions of Jews to be annihilated. For if even the most powerful Jewish media organ was hostile to the notion of rescuing the trapped Jews in Nazi Europe, then surely allowing them to be murdered would not result in any repercussions.
With its hands dripping with the blood of many millions of Jewish and non-Jewish victims of its idols Hitler and Stalin, the Nazi Times then set out to do everything in its evil power to prevent the creation of a Jewish State in 1948. Yet a Jewish State came into being despite the ferocious self-hating efforts of the Nazi Times, the Washington Nazi Post and all of the other self-hating Jews in the news media.
An infamous image from the lying pages of the New York Times - In September 2000, the Times ran a photograph purportedly of an Arab beaten by an Israeli policeman on Jerusalem's Temple Mount. In fact, the bloodied victim was a Jewish student from Chicago who had rushed to the policeman for protection after being beaten and stabbed by an Arab mob. Sharp-eyed observers pointed out that there are no gas stations on the Temple Mount, but the Times stubbornly refused to publish any retractions until a public outcry forced it to do so.
New York Times "journalists" like former Israeli bureau chief David Harris have for decades published destructive lies about tiny Israel and her constant battle against Islamic terrorism
Moreover, ever since Israel's miraculous resurrection, the Nazi Times has fought tooth and nail to assist in every way possible the Arab Muslim Nazis who wish to drive that Jewish State into the sea.
No Jew or righteous Gentile should even consider buying or advertising in this monstrous rag. Those who have actually done so in the past should repent for their crimes against G-d and humanity by immediately making a generous check out to JTF, a group which the New York Nazi Times certainly would not want you to support.
In June 2003, New York Times reporter Youssef Ibrahim said that Israel "must negotiate" with Hamas - "Israel created Hamas," Ibrahim added. (Ibrahim, a member of the infamous Council on Foreign Relations, recently decried what he calls "ethnic cleansing" at America's universities, citing the case of an Arab professor at Columbia University who was sent threatening e-mails after asking an Israeli student how many Arabs had he killed during his service in the army. "Out of curiosity," Ibrahim says, "I wish to know," adding that "Israel is a racist state.")
* * * * *
Isn't it a disgrace that JTF does not have millions of dollars to reach all of the Jews in Israel with this vital message? Especially now when most Israeli Jews are very disappointed with how the war was conducted, and are very fearful about the future. The time is ripe for JTF's message.
Crackhead New York Times "reporter" Jayson Blair, who was allowed to resign from the paper after it published a number of his fabrications - The "affirmative action" Blair was under suspicion for some time but allowed to continue at his post by various Times editors and Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger, Jr., a multibillionaire who lived with a male black roommate in Greenwich Village
Now more than ever, we must reach as many Israeli Jews as possible with our vital message of truth.
In a cover story of its Sunday magazine, the New York Times called the black Hitler Al Sharpton "eloquent" and "a statesman"
The more money we raise, the more Jews we reach.
JTF supports the political activities of the Hilltop Youth, and therefore is not tax-deductible.
The Voice of Jewish Activism (VJA) is strictly non-political. It supports the educational efforts and the humanitarian needs of the Hilltop Youth and right-wing Jewish dissidents and therefore is tax-deductible.
Your generous checks and money orders made out to "VJA" can be sent to:
A New York Times television ad implied that the paper is friendly to America's white majority and family values - In fact, the Times works relentlessly in favor of our nation's Third World enemies and supports depravities like homosexuality and abortion with ever-increasing stridency
POB 650327
Fresh Meadows, NY 11365
Visit the JTF Forum created and maintained by friends of our organization
We need loyal, idealistic, Torah-true Jews to lead the struggle against the traitor Sharon's suicidal plan to create an independent PLO terrorist state in the heartland of Biblical Israel.
We have the Torah-true leaders and we have the thousands of young idealists. But they
need more money to conduct such a huge and sophisticated campaign.
Ann Coulter was blasted as "cruel" for courageously attacking a small group of 911 widows whom the media turned into "sacred cows" for its left-wing agenda - But the media showed no such hatred for Ted Rall, who only six months after September 11th drew a cartoon, published in the New York Times, attacking all of the 911 widows as money-hungry "terror widows" who were the "scourge of the media." (Rall (inset) laughingly defended his sick work in television interviews. In one cartoon panel, a widow says that when her husband called her from the burning World Trade Center, she knew that he would die because "he was on fire." Another widow remarks that her millions from the Red Cross "keeps me warm at night.")
In the historic struggle for Israel's survival, this is the moment of truth.
Which is why we strongly urge our many loyal readers - both Jews and righteous Gentiles - to immediately do the following four things:
First, if you are a wealthy Jew or a wealthy righteous Gentile, and you have wealthy friends and associates, you can hold a fundraising party for JTF (which is political but not tax-deductible) or VJA (which is tax-deductible and non-political). Even if you are not wealthy - but have wealthy friends and associates - you can organize a fundraising party. If you are interested, please contact us.
Second, make out a generous check or money order (which can be anonymous) to "JTF" or "VJA" and send it out right away. If you prefer, you can also mail a cash donation.
Third, zealously spread the word about the JTF.ORG web site. Posting portions of JTF.ORG on popular internet message boards is especially effective. We do get many new hits when we are posted.
Fourth, please remember to include the "Jewish Task Force (JTF)" and/or the "Voice of Jewish Activism (VJA)" in your will.
Post Office Box 650327
Fresh Meadows NY 11365
Become an army of one!
Entertainment critic
Michael Musto
Make sure that internet users hungry for an uncompromising right-wing message are aware of JTF's exciting and informative television broadcasts, which even Michael Musto, the well-known entertainment critic of the left-wing Village Voice and E! television network, called the "most riveting shows on cable television." Post links to our audio files on new and different message boards weekly. Cyberspace is filled with tens of thousands of message boards, each with its own loyal following, and each of our technically adept supporters should continually expose us to fresh audiences by posting our links on new and different boards weekly.
The best way to post our audio files is simply to supply "live" links to the full URL (Internet address) of each of our two weekly shows - "Take Back America" and "Jewish Task Force" - and our truly riveting September 11, 1994 broadcast:
Please make the link text identical to the URL, not referenced to a phrase like "JTF" or "The Jewish Answer" - in other words, your links should look exactly like the ones shown above. (The loudspeaker icons are optional.) Referencing the URL link to the identical URL text will ensure that if for some technical reason, your links are not "live" on the message board, interested persons will still be able to find us in cyberspace.
G-d demands deeds, not mere words
It is worthless to agree with the views expressed by JTF without following through with action. G-d demands deeds, not mere words.
It is imperative that good Jews and righteous Gentiles who care about the future of America and Israel zealously spread the word about JTF.ORG. Promote it among your friends, relatives and acquaintances and convince them to do likewise. Promote it on internet message boards, in chat rooms, through faxes and e-mails and on radio talk shows. And promote it in your religious institutions, organizations and clubs.
G-d will bless you for standing with the forces of uncompromising righteousness and truth
Post Office Box 650327
Fresh Meadows NY 11365
Remember JTF in your will!
The desire for truth and justice should be the burning passion of all Jews and righteous Gentiles. Which is why all Jews and righteous Gentiles should remember JTF when preparing their estates. Placing "JTF" in your will enshrines your eternal commitment to the cause of righteousness.
If you need help including JTF in your will, please feel free to contact us
Post Office Box 650327
Fresh Meadows NY 11365
Are you the Ben Hecht of our times?
Are you the Ben Hecht of our times? - The brilliant screenwriter or co-screenwriter of Scarface, The Front Page, Monkey Business, Twentieth Century, Hurricane, The Prisoner of Zenda, Nothing Sacred, A Star Is Born, Gunga Din, Stagecoach, Wuthering Heights, Gone With the Wind, Foreign Correspondent, His Girl Friday, Lifeboat, Spellbound, Notorious, The Thing, Strangers On a Train, Roman Holiday, Guys and Dolls, Some Like It Hot, The Man With the Golden Arm and hundreds of other films, Jewish hero Ben Hecht (1893-1965) was known as the "Hollywood Shakespeare" but made a far greater mark on the world, and enshrined his name forever in the annals of Jewish history, when he raised millions of dollars for the Irgun Tzvai Leumi, the heroic Jewish freedom fighters who blew the British out of the land of Israel and resurrected the Jewish homeland after 2,000 years of interregnum. Hecht's courageous and highly controversial financial support enabled the Irgun - outnumbered 100 to 1 - to vanquish, in the most spectacular revolt of modern history, the 100,000 British soldiers who illegally occupied the Holy Land.
If JTF were on national television or radio in America and Israel, imagine how the world would change for the better! In Israel, Torah truth and justice would finally reign supreme. And in the United States, the sleeping giant of American patriotism would finally be aroused. Our huge audience would inspire a genuine right-wing movement, making it impossible for frauds like George Bush and Ariel Sharon to pass themselves off as "conservatives" and "right-wingers." We would save America and Israel from the abyss of Muslim Nazi and Third World oblivion, and we would thwart the effort to destroy American and Israeli sovereignty.
For our glorious dream to come true, JTF needs millions of dollars to pay for air time on national television or radio.
If you are the Ben Hecht of our generation, a wealthy Jew or righteous Gentile who correctly recognizes JTF as a historic force to save America and Israel, please feel free to contact us immediately.
The Truth About Black Africa
(Part 6)
Let's face it - think of Africa, and the first images that come to mind are of war, poverty, famine and flies. - Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
The still backward Dark Continent, the "cradle of civilization," seen at night from a satellite
From time to time in the following weeks, JTF will reprise a series of articles on black Africa published by us in 1999 and 2000. The series was inspired by the contemporaneous broadcast, on the left-wing People's Broadcasting System (PBS), of a pseudo-documentary called Wonders of the African World, which tried to lend credence to the absurd notion that the Dark Continent is the cradle of all human civilization. Instead, the program succeeded in demonstrating, with inadvertent brilliance, what is so terribly wrong with modern American broadcasting and education.
The series was hosted by "Professor" Henry Louis Gates, Jr., an "affirmative action" race preference black "historian" chairing Afro-American studies at Harvard University.
Rwanda (Conclusion)
After three memorable months of lightning-swift genocide in the summer of 1994, a semblance of order returned to Rwanda through French military intervention, which in conjunction with ragtag Tutsi rebel forces regained control of a country half of whose population was either dead, exiled or internally displaced. Now it was the Hutus' turn to fear and to run for their lives, and the Tutsis were not slow to take revenge. In one holding camp for Hutu refugees, who had been promised a safe passage home, a riot by the infuriated internees was answered by an hours-long barrage with machine guns and rocket launchers at point-blank range, killing at least 1,000 Hutus.
Rwandans discard dead bodies and other remnants of the genocide
Although most of the 1994 Hutu leadership understandably chose to remain exiled in neighboring African countries, many Hutus returning to Rwanda were arrested by the ascendant Tutsis on reasonable suspicion of complicity in the genocide. Thousands of suspects were jammed into indescribable prisons, in which there was hardly room to stand up, let alone sit down. Healthy prisoners were forced to urinate and defecate where they stood, and injured specimens hunched in the stinking muck until their limbs swelled grotesquely with gangrenous infections demanding amputation.
A gruesome memorial at Nyarubuye, where hundreds of victims have been left to rot where they were butchered
The corpse of a child,
with an artificial rose
One group of foreign do-gooders was treated to the spectacle of a dying Hutu breaking off an atrophied toe, three times its normal size, for their edification.
Five years after the Rwandan genocide, the miserable little country still suffers the effects. Most of the Tutsi survivors have returned home in spontaneous waves of hundreds of thousands, resulting in a massive repatriation crisis for the authorities. Left in ruins by the events of 1994 and suffering from the overpopulation and mismanagement typical of Third World banana republics - in spite of the bloodshed, Rwanda is still one of the world's most densely populated nations - the economy has been further burdened, notwithstanding huge American handouts, by the trials for genocide planned for tens if not hundreds of thousands of Hutu butchers. (In Rwanda's Tutsi-ruled neighbor, the equally minuscule Burundi, a Hutu
rebellion in the 1970s was quelled by the slaughter of 100,000 Hutus.)
A mother and child with other
corpses in a garbage dump
The same Bill Clinton White House which falsely accused Serbia of "genocide" during the Balkans war never used that word during discussions of Rwanda - Secretary of State Madeline Albright participated with the Traitor-in-Chief Bill Clinton in murdering thousands of heroic Serb Christians after they dared to resist an Islamic invasion of their tiny homeland
Not content with their people's past and present suffering, Rwanda's leaders have used much of their foreign aid to foster a rebellion in the adjacent "Democratic" Republic of the Congo, from which Hutu rebels continue to launch destabilizing attacks on their country. Although they deny it, Rwanda and Burundi have played a major role in instigating the present Congo crisis, by treacherously agitating for the overthrow of a dictator whom they once supported over his rival. Noting that Congolese society closely resembles that of the Rwandan and Burundi ones in structure if not race - it is comprised of a minority of "aristocratic" herdsmen lording it feudally over a majority of peasant farmers - some observers have warned that yet another African genocide is
only months if not weeks away.
The rapidity and ferocity of the slaughter were almost beyond belief
Now that Gates, having left Ethiopia, is on his way to the truly black, Bantu-speaking lands of Africa, it is worth repeating yet again what the first several installments of this series proved decisively to its readers - that despite the lies of Gates and every other black propagandist, whites, not "black kings," were the originators of Nilotic civilization, the only real advancement of humanity witnessed by the Dark Continent before it was overwhelmed, in much later times, by waves of foreign invaders.
The people of northern Africa were Hamitic whites who, mingling in the prehistoric era with still more advanced settlers from the Middle East, developed the sophisticated agriculture and writing without which no civilized society can exist.
As anybody can plainly see who examines their language and culture, as well as the representations which they left of themselves in their painting and statuary, the ancient Egyptians - to whom so many blacks point with pride as their "forebears" - were whites.
And so were the "noble Nubian" barbarians who threatened Egypt's southern frontier for centuries and who eventually overran it to form a brief-lived kingdom whose minor achievements, accomplished late in ancient history, were derived entirely from the much greater and older ones of Egypt.
The true face of black Africa - Rwandans hold up a sign complaining of "the fear and the hunger" in a Zairean refugee camp
A Rwandan (l.) wields a machete during the
genocide, and (r.) victims of the violence
Naturally, it is impossible to convince most American blacks of the foregoing facts. As Gates, the Harvard "professor," has demonstrated time and time again, a closed mind thinks only what it wants to think. No black desperate to believe that his African forefathers were avatars of civilization instead of fly-eating savages will accept the cold, hard facts which were commonly known before the days of "political correctness" and which will be commonly known again when truth instead of liars rule the media and educational process.
Unfortunately, our "affirmative action" guide went nowhere near Rwanda during his search for "black civilization." If he had, he might have had a moment of doubt about his cherished beliefs. He might have been told by the Rwandan Hutus, real blacks like himself, the truth about the Tutsis.
The caretaker of a Rwandan museum dedicated to the slaughter - The building, formerly a school, was used to murder 50,000 Tutsis, including nine of the caretaker’s siblings
Rwanda, a land whose natural beauty is
spoiled by the savagery of its inhabitants
The Rwandan Tutsi are better known to Westerners as a branch of the Watusi, an ethnic group of the originally white Nilotic stock known broadly to historians and anthropologists as Hamitic. (As detailed in previous articles in this series, the Hamites are the ancient whites of northern Africa who to this day, in spite of later black admixture from the south, speak a language whose purest form has no link whatsoever to the Bantu ones of the Dark Continent.) Nomadic herders in search of new pasture, the Tutsis slowly infiltrated Rwanda from the north during the 14th and 15th centuries, gradually forming its "aristocratic" minority. Although they learned to speak the Bantu language of the Hutus and intermarried to some degree with them, blurring the racial lines between the two peoples, the newcomers were of a distinctly different breed than their subjects, being possessed of the thin lips, narrow noses and light skins which are found nowhere in black Africa, and
which made their owners so easy for the Hutu to identify during the 1994 genocide.
The dead were everywhere
Pointing to their superior skill in warfare and belief in divine kingship, as well as to their obvious physical characteristics, one of the English explorers who discovered the sources of the Nile, John Speake, identified the taller, fairer Tutsi as part-white Hamites of Ethiopian origin.
Later, the Germans and Belgians who unseated the Tutsi lords of Rwanda favored them over the Hutus to the point of issuing identity cards which ended further racial admixture between the tribes. The festering antagonism created by the enforced separation added fuel to the 1994 genocide, during which tens of thousands of dead Tutsis were dumped into Rwanda's Nilotic tributaries.
In the boastful words of their Hutu butchers, the Hamitic Tutsis were "returning to the Nile."
To be continued....
In 2003, the Rwandan government began releasing some of its Hutu prisoners due to overcrowding in the nation’s abysmal prisons
There is no way to save America from moral and spiritual destruction - which will lead to physical destruction - unless right-wing righteous Gentiles are prepared to lead a massive civil disobedience revolt against the traitors destroying this once great nation.
Tens of thousands of Hutus were jailed for their part in the slaughter
If we are willing to mobilize now, it is not too late to save America. For the sake of America, Israel and the West, we hope and pray that we can motivate G-d-fearing American patriots to act.
In your heart, you know we're right. And in your guts, you know they're nuts.
In April 2004, Rwanda commemorated the 10th anniversary of the genocide - Rwandan officials and foreign visitors gathered in one of the stadiums where tens of thousands of fugitives, lured by promises of government protection, were slaughtered by the Rwandan army and its allied militias
Every generous check or money order (which can be anonymous) made out to "JTF" (which is political and not tax-deductible) or to "VJA" (which is fully tax-deductible and non-political) makes a huge difference.
You can also send cash donations if you wish.
Mass graves of Rwandan victims were being discovered as late as 2004, ten years after the slaughter
Do not depend on others to do your part! G-d only blesses those who do their own part!
May G-d bless all of our loyal supporters and their loved ones.
Our WTC warning from eleven years ago!
I want to hear JTF's terrifying 9/11/94 warning
A prescient broadcast which will send chills up the spine of everyone who hears it!
In a JTF television program which aired in Manhattan on Sunday, September 11, 1994 - precisely seven years to the day before the horrendous Muslim Nazi attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon - Chaim Ben Pesach explicitly predicted that the Islamic terrorists who bombed the Twin Towers in 1993 would return to finish their bloody work, mercilessly murdering thousands of Americans.
The same JTF program aired in Queens on Tuesday, September 13, 1994, precisely one year after the evil White House handshaking ceremony between Bill Clinton, Yitzchak Rabin and Yasser Arafat.
JTF was right from the start!
Note: The JTF mailing address mentioned by Chaim Ben Pesach in our 1994 broadcast is no longer valid. JTF's mailing address is JTF, POB 650327, FRESH MEADOWS NY 11365. Also, we are not currently broadcasting in Manhattan.
Armed with the truth, we can save the Jewish homeland!
What the Bible
really says about
surrendering Jewish land
How to stop
the Bolshevik elite
from surrendering Israel
How Israel won
her greatest victories
by defying U.S. pressure
What Bolshevik
brainwashing has
done to Israeli Jews
There is no
(Part 1 of 2)
There is no
(Part 2 of 2)
Is Yesha occupied
or liberated?
(Part 1 of 2)
Is Yesha occupied
or liberated?
(Part 2 of 2)
There are no
Arab "moderates"
(Part 1 of 2)
There are no
Arab "moderates"
(Part 2 of 2)
the real
Ariel Sharon
Saving the
Gaza District
will save Israel
Sharon's Likud
victory proves
Feiglin is wrong
Avigdor Lieberman
urges Israeli surrender
Who will
lead against
Ariel Sharon?
Abbas and
PLO continue
Arafat's Nazi terror
The traitors
who run the
Yesha Council
A Jewish hero
Adir Zik
Sharon's plan:
Yesha Jews
and sanctifying
Holocaust victims
What JTF tells
its young
Jewish listeners
Arab Muslim
money controls
the Israeli media
Sharon bribes
Israeli soldiers to
expel Yesha Jews
When Jewish
billionaires help
Arab Muslim Nazis
Hilltop Youth's
new resistance
stuns Israeli army
G-d punishes
the traitor
Ariel Sharon
G-d gives
Hamas terrorists
election victory
The heroic
Jewish youth
of Amona
Jewish civil
war in Israel
(Part 1)
Jewish civil
war in Israel
(Part 2)
Jewish civil
war in Israel
(Part 3)
Why Jews
in G-d
Israel funds
Hamas Muslim
Ben Pesach
speech interrupted
(Part 1)
Ben Pesach
speech interrupted
(Part 2)
Ben Pesach
speech interrupted
(Part 3)
Why Israel
As JTF predicted
Israel loses
Lebanon war
Israel's image
damaged by
Lebanon defeat
JTF hopes to build a righteous right-wing Gentile movement!
Hilltop Youth
to save America
The 2008
election disaster
Muslims threatens
America's survival
Black rapist
murders 4
in Atlanta court
Lebanon's lesson
for the West
(Part 1)
Lebanon's lesson
for the West
(Part 2)
Algeria's lesson
for the West
(Part 1)
Algeria's lesson
for the West
(Part 2)
The murder of
Terri Schiavo
The bizarre
history of the
Black Muslims
returns to
its old treason
Rap "music" is
New LA mayor
defends crack
cocaine kingpins
Malcolm X exposed
as a homosexual
rapist and prostitute
Why Bush
will not defeat
Islamic terrorism
NYC police
protect violent
black criminals
Texas is
now majority
New York City's
lesson for the
United States
Black criminals
rampage after
Hurricane Katrina
Black pedophile
"minister" murders
white teenager
What happens
when whites
fight for blacks
When whites
go to school
with blacks
The French
Muslim riots
(Part 1)
The French
Muslim riots
(Part 2)
Black racist murderer
Stanley "Tookie"
Williams (Part 1)
Black racist murderer
Stanley "Tookie"
Williams (Part 2)
Iranian dictator
vows to destroy
Muslims riot
over cartoon
of Mohammed
Nazis vs.
genuine right-
wing patriots
Will Al Qaeda
supporters control
U.S. ports?
Pakistan, Dubai
and Muslim
nuclear terrorism
Illegal alien
amnesty will
doom America
Traitor U.S. jury
spares September 11th
Muslim monster
loves you,
Ann Coulter!
Help free the Jewish hero from house arrest!
Noam Federman is a Jewish dissident whom Israel's Bolshevik authorities brutally imprisoned for nine months solely because of his popularity and right-wing views. No charges were ever filed against him. Now, Noam is under highly restrictive house arrest to stop him from convincing Israeli Jews not to commit national suicide.
Federman very ill
but continues
hunger strike
Noam Federman
ends 54-day
hunger strike
Federman freed
after 9 months
in prison
End the anti-democratic persecution of Jewish hero Noam Federman!
Please do the following three things to protect Noam Federman's human rights:
Fax or e-mail Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert
demanding an end to Federman's unjust and anti-democratic house arrest.
Fax or e-mail Israeli Defense Minister Amir Peretz
who can end Noam Federman's disgraceful house arrest.
Send a generous check, money order or cash donation to "JTF" to help us free Federman.
Ehud Olmert's fax number
(if you are faxing from the U.S. or Canada*)
If number busy, please try again
Amir Peretz's fax number
(if you are faxing from the U.S. or Canada*)
If number busy, please try again
I want to e-mail Ehud Olmert
( Webmaster@PMO.Gov.Il)
I want to e-mail Amir Peretz
( SAR@MOD.Gov.Il)
* If you are not faxing from the U.S. or Canada, find your outgoing (IDD) international prefix HERE
(For example, dial 0015-972-2566-4838 from Australia or 00-972-2566-4838 from the UK)
Keep your messages cogent but brief - no more than a few sentences - and firm but polite
If you are not Jewish, please say so in your messages to Olmert and Peretz
Protests from non-Jews on this subject are especially effective
Some day, G-d will ask all of us what we did to stop this horrific miscarriage of justice
What will your answer be?
Tell America to stop funding Muslim nuclear terrorism!
The Iranian Muslim terrorist nuclear reactor at Bushehr
Please send the following urgent e-mail
to America's political leaders and news media:
Every drop of oil that we import from Muslim terrorist regimes such as Saudi Arabia and Iran helps to finance the development of nuclear weapons that will someday murder millions of Americans. We should immediately open ANWR to oil drilling. And the Bush Administration should immediately approve oil and gas exploration in Alaska's National Petroleum Reserve. The U.S. must begin an emergency crash program to achieve energy independence through a massive expansion in the use of clean coal, shale, natural gas, domestic oil and nuclear power. We must also begin an emergency crash program to develop cars and other motor vehicles that do not use gasoline. (For more information, please see the JTF.ORG web site.)
Make your voice heard! All influential people read their e-mail!
If using your own words, be very brief! Only brief e-mails are actually read!
(See below for the necessary e-mail addresses)
How JTF would save America and Israel!
POINT ONE: A ferocious retaliation against all Muslim nations which have in any way aided or abetted terrorism against American citizens.
POINT TWO: The immediate destruction by the American or Israeli military of all Muslim nuclear reactors, plants and laboratories developing nuclear, chemical and/or biological weapons of mass destruction.
POINT THREE: Total energy independence for America through a crash development program funded in the defense budget as a vital national security priority.
POINT FOUR: An immediate end to all U.S. foreign aid, even to a genuine friend and ally like Israel, which is harmed rather than helped by her counterproductive dependency on America's addictive welfare handouts.
POINT FIVE: An immediate end to all foreign immigration into the United States, combined with the complete expulsion of America's millions of illegal aliens and the stringent removal of her legal ones at the expiration of their work or residency visas.
POINT SIX: An immediate recognition by the United States of little Israel's G-d-given right and obligation to assert full and permanent sovereign control over all sacred Jewish Biblical lands, including Judea, Samaria, the Gaza District, the Golan Heights and eastern Jerusalem.
POINT SEVEN: An immediate withdrawal from the fanatically anti-American United Nations (UN) and all organizations directly or indirectly affiliated with it, and the immediate banning of all UN-related activities on American soil.
Spread the truth about the Muslim Koran!
Distribute JTF's flyer, quoting the "peaceful" Muslim Koran, to all patriotic Americans
I want to distribute JTF's Koran quotes flyer
(The link opens a new window, where you can click the "Print" button or "File > Print > OK")
Read Islam's terrorist bible for yourself!
Read the Koran in its own words, translated into English by Muslims
I want to read the Koran in its own words
I want to read the Koran by topic
Read the Koran!
Over 200,000 Queens cable viewers!
We have two different evening programs and two different daytime programs
Evenings: Daytime:
Spread the word!
All influential people read their e-mail!
E-mail opinion-makers at least once weekly
Always encourage them to visit the JTF.ORG web site
Mention our fight against Islam and other deadly threats
Come straight to the point
Write only a few lines on only one topic at a time
Send no carbon copies ("spam")
Use catchy, sensible subject ("re:") lines
Avoid all threats, insults and obscenities
E-mail media personalities!
Bill O'Reilly
Sean Hannity
Greta Van Susteren
Brit Hume
John Gibson
Pat Robertson
700 Club
G. Gordon Liddy
Michael Savage
Chris Ruddy
David Limbaugh
Cal Thomas
Charles Krauthammer
Always urge talk show hosts to invite JTF's Chaim Ben Pesach to their programs
E-mail media outlets!
The New York Post ( Letters@NYPost.com)
The Washington Times ( Letters@WashingtonTimes.com)
The New York Daily News ( Voicers@Edit.NYDailyNews.com)
The [Manchester, NH] Union Leader ( Letters@TheUnionLeader.com)
The Jewish Press ( Letters@JewishPress.com)
E-mail the White House!
President George Bush
( President@WhiteHouse.Gov)
Vice President Dick Cheney
( Vice.President@WhiteHouse.Gov)
E-mail your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative!
(The above links will take you to official U.S. Senate and U.S. House web pages, where you can write your e-mails.)
You can also mail or phone the White House and your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative:
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20500
(202) 456-1111 The Honorable _____*
U.S. Senate
Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-3121 The Honorable _____**
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 224-3121
* Insert the full name of either of your U.S. Senators. ***** ** Insert the full name of your U.S. Representative.
Remember always to keep it very brief! Only brief messages are actually read!
Fighting to save America and Israel
from Islamic terrorism!
Post Office Box 650327
Fresh Meadows NY 11365JEWISH TASK FORCE
Fighting to save America and Israel from Islamic terrorism!
Post Office Box 650327
Fresh Meadows NY 11365
The truth about America and Israel - never seen in the leftist media
Honored to lead the nonviolent human rights struggle for Israel's right-wing Jewish dissidents
All contributions, including anonymous money orders and cash, greatly appreciated!
Make checks or money orders payable to "JTF" or send anonymous money orders or cash. We do not respond to e-mail addresses.
No archives!
Web site for the week of:
September 6-12, 2006 * * * 5766 Elul 13-19
Updated every Wednesday morning, be-ezrat HaShem (G-d willing)
You shall not stand idly by your brother's blood. (Leviticus 19:16)
Our latest life-or-death warnings!
The soundtracks of our vital and provocative television programs
I want to hear The Jewish Task Force
I want to hear Take Back America
"The most riveting shows on cable television."
Michael Musto, E! television network and Village Voice entertainment critic
Chaim answers questions posted on the JTF forum
Our movement is the only hope for saving America and Israel from Islam,
whose fanatical hatred seeks the destruction of all non-Muslims
You will need RealPlayer to hear our programs
Our site is best viewed in Internet Explorer at 1024x768 resolution
Discuss the vital issues of the day!
Visit the JTF Forum created and maintained by friends of our organization
Discuss the vital issues of the day with your fellow Jewish Task Force listeners and readers at the new JTF forum.
In a special internet broadcast, Chaim Ben Pesach answers questions posted on the "Ask JTF" thread of the JTF forum:
Chaim answers questions posted on the JTF forum
The JTF forum runs at:
(To post messages on the forum, a simple log-in is required.)
Never seen in the leftist media or any other source!
Two historic articles on this week's JTF.ORG web site:
All The News
That's Fit To Twist
The Truth About Black Africa
(Part 6)
Print and xerox JTF.ORG for your friends and relatives - a righteous deed for which G-d will bless you
Over the years, JTF has been way ahead of its time on many vital issues. From time to time in the following weeks, we will be posting some of our old JTF articles, to remind our many readers of just how right we have been.
All The News
That's Fit To Twist
(Originally published by JTF on November 18, 1998)
In the 1930s, New York Times reporter Walter Duranty won a Pulitzer Prize for whitewashing Stalin's reign of terror in Russia
Editor's Note: Today, many conservatives are openly accusing the New York Nazi Times of treason for printing classified military and intelligence documents that endanger the lives of American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. But JTF warned about the treason of the white-hating, Jew-hating, America-hating, Israel-hating New York Nazi Times many years ago. Here is what we wrote on our November 18, 1998 web site:
Arthur Sulzberger pere et fils - The father-and-son publishers of the New York Times are among America's most prominent poster boys for anti-Semitism. (As an anti-war demonstrator in the 1960s, "Pinch," the son, told "Punch," the father, that he wanted to see American soldiers murdered in Vietnam.)
Since self-hating Jews disdain the Holy Scriptures given to them by the G-d of the Universe, they have to create a new Bible. Their new Bible is called the New York Nazi Times.
Like all things that self-hating Jews admire, the New York Nazi Times has always worked frantically to destroy the Jewish people. For more than a century, the paper has been owned by the degenerate Sulzberger clan. The Sulzbergers were and are assimilated, intermarried, self-hating German Jews.
In news "reports" whose lies equaled those of Soviet propaganda organs like Pravda, the New York Times claimed that "Papa Joe" Stalin was a beneficial influence on Russian society
Soviet Nazi mass murderers Stalin, Lenin and Trotsky
Unburied dead in a Ukrainian cemetery
The New York Times whitewashed Stalin's ruthless murder and deliberate starvation of tens of millions of Soviet citizens - Referring to the deliberate starvation of 5 million middle-class Ukrainians whose continued existence Stalin saw as a threat to his dictatorship, the New York Times editorial staff and Walter Duranty remarked as follows: "There is no famine or actual starvation nor is there likely to be." (New York Times, November 15, 1931, page 1) "Any report of a famine in Russia is today an exaggeration or malignant propaganda." (New York Times, August 23, 1933) "Enemies and foreign critics can say what they please." (New York Times, December 9, 1932) "You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs." (New York Times, May 14, 1933) "What are a few million dead Russians in a situation like this? Quite unimportant. This is just an incident in the sweeping historical changes here. I think the entire matter is exaggerated." (New York Times reporter Walter Duranty, in a private conversation with fellow journalists in Moscow, as recorded in An American Engineer in Stalin's Russia: The Memoirs of Zara Witkin, 1932-1934, University of California Press)
When the mass butcher Josef Stalin was murdering thousands of Russian Jews while savagely crushing any and all Jewish life behind the Iron Curtain, the New York Nazi Times was extolling him with articles that could easily have been printed in Pravda, the official Soviet news organ. Walter Duranty, the New York Nazi Times correspondent in Stalinist Russia, wrote hundreds of articles drawing a picture of the Soviet Union as paradise on earth. To show that the Nazi Times is not alone among the left-wing media lovers of brutal despots, Duranty actually received a Pulitzer Prize in 1932 for his adoring depictions of life under Stalinist terror.
The New York Times won a Pulitzer prize for publishing articles assuring its readers that the maniacal dictator of Nazi Germany was a stabilizing influence - His threats to exterminate European Jewry, the Times said, were intended only for the "internal consumption" of the German people, and should not be taken seriously
In January 1933, when Adolf Hitler seized power in Germany, the New York Nazi Times viewed this as a very positive development. The Nazi Times insisted that Hitler was not a dictator like Benito Mussolini in fascist Italy.
The Nazi Times referred to Hitler as "Herr Hitler," thus honoring him by referring to him in his native German. This is an honor the Nazi Times did not bestow on any other foreign leaders.
After all, the self-hating Jews of the Nazi Times insisted, we must not "rush to judgment" about "Herr Hitler."
"We must not rush to judgment about Herr Hitler" - The shrunken head of a Buchenwald inmate, preserved as a grisly memento by a Nazi officer of the death camp
At a time when Gentile-owned newspapers in the U.S. were alarmed over Hitler's violent and threatening pronouncements, the New York Nazi Times continued to insist that Hitler was really quite moderate. In 1934, Frederick T. Birchall, the Nazi Times correspondent in Berlin, was awarded a Pulitzer Prize "for unbiased reporting from [Hitler's] Germany."
Birchall's glowing accounts of "Hitler's strong and stabilizing leadership" certainly encouraged the German dictator to believe that he could get away with anything. Hitler must have been amazed to learn that his biggest defender in the American press was the world's most famous Jewish-owned newspaper. He surely must have attributed this incredibly sick behavior to Jewish racial inferiority.
"We must not rush to judgment about Herr Hitler," the New York Times opined in the 1930s of the worst monster in human history
During the Holocaust itself in the 1940s, the Nazi Times devoted its sordid pages to undermining any rescue efforts. This surely played a major role in convincing Jew-hating President Franklin Roosevelt that America could sit back and allow millions of Jews to be annihilated. For if even the most powerful Jewish media organ was hostile to the notion of rescuing the trapped Jews in Nazi Europe, then surely allowing them to be murdered would not result in any repercussions.
With its hands dripping with the blood of many millions of Jewish and non-Jewish victims of its idols Hitler and Stalin, the Nazi Times then set out to do everything in its evil power to prevent the creation of a Jewish State in 1948. Yet a Jewish State came into being despite the ferocious self-hating efforts of the Nazi Times, the Washington Nazi Post and all of the other self-hating Jews in the news media.
An infamous image from the lying pages of the New York Times - In September 2000, the Times ran a photograph purportedly of an Arab beaten by an Israeli policeman on Jerusalem's Temple Mount. In fact, the bloodied victim was a Jewish student from Chicago who had rushed to the policeman for protection after being beaten and stabbed by an Arab mob. Sharp-eyed observers pointed out that there are no gas stations on the Temple Mount, but the Times stubbornly refused to publish any retractions until a public outcry forced it to do so.
New York Times "journalists" like former Israeli bureau chief David Harris have for decades published destructive lies about tiny Israel and her constant battle against Islamic terrorism
Moreover, ever since Israel's miraculous resurrection, the Nazi Times has fought tooth and nail to assist in every way possible the Arab Muslim Nazis who wish to drive that Jewish State into the sea.
No Jew or righteous Gentile should even consider buying or advertising in this monstrous rag. Those who have actually done so in the past should repent for their crimes against G-d and humanity by immediately making a generous check out to JTF, a group which the New York Nazi Times certainly would not want you to support.
In June 2003, New York Times reporter Youssef Ibrahim said that Israel "must negotiate" with Hamas - "Israel created Hamas," Ibrahim added. (Ibrahim, a member of the infamous Council on Foreign Relations, recently decried what he calls "ethnic cleansing" at America's universities, citing the case of an Arab professor at Columbia University who was sent threatening e-mails after asking an Israeli student how many Arabs had he killed during his service in the army. "Out of curiosity," Ibrahim says, "I wish to know," adding that "Israel is a racist state.")
* * * * *
Isn't it a disgrace that JTF does not have millions of dollars to reach all of the Jews in Israel with this vital message? Especially now when most Israeli Jews are very disappointed with how the war was conducted, and are very fearful about the future. The time is ripe for JTF's message.
Crackhead New York Times "reporter" Jayson Blair, who was allowed to resign from the paper after it published a number of his fabrications - The "affirmative action" Blair was under suspicion for some time but allowed to continue at his post by various Times editors and Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger, Jr., a multibillionaire who lived with a male black roommate in Greenwich Village
Now more than ever, we must reach as many Israeli Jews as possible with our vital message of truth.
In a cover story of its Sunday magazine, the New York Times called the black Hitler Al Sharpton "eloquent" and "a statesman"
The more money we raise, the more Jews we reach.
JTF supports the political activities of the Hilltop Youth, and therefore is not tax-deductible.
The Voice of Jewish Activism (VJA) is strictly non-political. It supports the educational efforts and the humanitarian needs of the Hilltop Youth and right-wing Jewish dissidents and therefore is tax-deductible.
Your generous checks and money orders made out to "VJA" can be sent to:
A New York Times television ad implied that the paper is friendly to America's white majority and family values - In fact, the Times works relentlessly in favor of our nation's Third World enemies and supports depravities like homosexuality and abortion with ever-increasing stridency
POB 650327
Fresh Meadows, NY 11365
Visit the JTF Forum created and maintained by friends of our organization
We need loyal, idealistic, Torah-true Jews to lead the struggle against the traitor Sharon's suicidal plan to create an independent PLO terrorist state in the heartland of Biblical Israel.
We have the Torah-true leaders and we have the thousands of young idealists. But they
need more money to conduct such a huge and sophisticated campaign.
Ann Coulter was blasted as "cruel" for courageously attacking a small group of 911 widows whom the media turned into "sacred cows" for its left-wing agenda - But the media showed no such hatred for Ted Rall, who only six months after September 11th drew a cartoon, published in the New York Times, attacking all of the 911 widows as money-hungry "terror widows" who were the "scourge of the media." (Rall (inset) laughingly defended his sick work in television interviews. In one cartoon panel, a widow says that when her husband called her from the burning World Trade Center, she knew that he would die because "he was on fire." Another widow remarks that her millions from the Red Cross "keeps me warm at night.")
In the historic struggle for Israel's survival, this is the moment of truth.
Which is why we strongly urge our many loyal readers - both Jews and righteous Gentiles - to immediately do the following four things:
First, if you are a wealthy Jew or a wealthy righteous Gentile, and you have wealthy friends and associates, you can hold a fundraising party for JTF (which is political but not tax-deductible) or VJA (which is tax-deductible and non-political). Even if you are not wealthy - but have wealthy friends and associates - you can organize a fundraising party. If you are interested, please contact us.
Second, make out a generous check or money order (which can be anonymous) to "JTF" or "VJA" and send it out right away. If you prefer, you can also mail a cash donation.
Third, zealously spread the word about the JTF.ORG web site. Posting portions of JTF.ORG on popular internet message boards is especially effective. We do get many new hits when we are posted.
Fourth, please remember to include the "Jewish Task Force (JTF)" and/or the "Voice of Jewish Activism (VJA)" in your will.
Post Office Box 650327
Fresh Meadows NY 11365
Become an army of one!
Entertainment critic
Michael Musto
Make sure that internet users hungry for an uncompromising right-wing message are aware of JTF's exciting and informative television broadcasts, which even Michael Musto, the well-known entertainment critic of the left-wing Village Voice and E! television network, called the "most riveting shows on cable television." Post links to our audio files on new and different message boards weekly. Cyberspace is filled with tens of thousands of message boards, each with its own loyal following, and each of our technically adept supporters should continually expose us to fresh audiences by posting our links on new and different boards weekly.
The best way to post our audio files is simply to supply "live" links to the full URL (Internet address) of each of our two weekly shows - "Take Back America" and "Jewish Task Force" - and our truly riveting September 11, 1994 broadcast:
Please make the link text identical to the URL, not referenced to a phrase like "JTF" or "The Jewish Answer" - in other words, your links should look exactly like the ones shown above. (The loudspeaker icons are optional.) Referencing the URL link to the identical URL text will ensure that if for some technical reason, your links are not "live" on the message board, interested persons will still be able to find us in cyberspace.
G-d demands deeds, not mere words
It is worthless to agree with the views expressed by JTF without following through with action. G-d demands deeds, not mere words.
It is imperative that good Jews and righteous Gentiles who care about the future of America and Israel zealously spread the word about JTF.ORG. Promote it among your friends, relatives and acquaintances and convince them to do likewise. Promote it on internet message boards, in chat rooms, through faxes and e-mails and on radio talk shows. And promote it in your religious institutions, organizations and clubs.
G-d will bless you for standing with the forces of uncompromising righteousness and truth
Post Office Box 650327
Fresh Meadows NY 11365
Remember JTF in your will!
The desire for truth and justice should be the burning passion of all Jews and righteous Gentiles. Which is why all Jews and righteous Gentiles should remember JTF when preparing their estates. Placing "JTF" in your will enshrines your eternal commitment to the cause of righteousness.
If you need help including JTF in your will, please feel free to contact us
Post Office Box 650327
Fresh Meadows NY 11365
Are you the Ben Hecht of our times?
Are you the Ben Hecht of our times? - The brilliant screenwriter or co-screenwriter of Scarface, The Front Page, Monkey Business, Twentieth Century, Hurricane, The Prisoner of Zenda, Nothing Sacred, A Star Is Born, Gunga Din, Stagecoach, Wuthering Heights, Gone With the Wind, Foreign Correspondent, His Girl Friday, Lifeboat, Spellbound, Notorious, The Thing, Strangers On a Train, Roman Holiday, Guys and Dolls, Some Like It Hot, The Man With the Golden Arm and hundreds of other films, Jewish hero Ben Hecht (1893-1965) was known as the "Hollywood Shakespeare" but made a far greater mark on the world, and enshrined his name forever in the annals of Jewish history, when he raised millions of dollars for the Irgun Tzvai Leumi, the heroic Jewish freedom fighters who blew the British out of the land of Israel and resurrected the Jewish homeland after 2,000 years of interregnum. Hecht's courageous and highly controversial financial support enabled the Irgun - outnumbered 100 to 1 - to vanquish, in the most spectacular revolt of modern history, the 100,000 British soldiers who illegally occupied the Holy Land.
If JTF were on national television or radio in America and Israel, imagine how the world would change for the better! In Israel, Torah truth and justice would finally reign supreme. And in the United States, the sleeping giant of American patriotism would finally be aroused. Our huge audience would inspire a genuine right-wing movement, making it impossible for frauds like George Bush and Ariel Sharon to pass themselves off as "conservatives" and "right-wingers." We would save America and Israel from the abyss of Muslim Nazi and Third World oblivion, and we would thwart the effort to destroy American and Israeli sovereignty.
For our glorious dream to come true, JTF needs millions of dollars to pay for air time on national television or radio.
If you are the Ben Hecht of our generation, a wealthy Jew or righteous Gentile who correctly recognizes JTF as a historic force to save America and Israel, please feel free to contact us immediately.
The Truth About Black Africa
(Part 6)
Let's face it - think of Africa, and the first images that come to mind are of war, poverty, famine and flies. - Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
The still backward Dark Continent, the "cradle of civilization," seen at night from a satellite
From time to time in the following weeks, JTF will reprise a series of articles on black Africa published by us in 1999 and 2000. The series was inspired by the contemporaneous broadcast, on the left-wing People's Broadcasting System (PBS), of a pseudo-documentary called Wonders of the African World, which tried to lend credence to the absurd notion that the Dark Continent is the cradle of all human civilization. Instead, the program succeeded in demonstrating, with inadvertent brilliance, what is so terribly wrong with modern American broadcasting and education.
The series was hosted by "Professor" Henry Louis Gates, Jr., an "affirmative action" race preference black "historian" chairing Afro-American studies at Harvard University.
Rwanda (Conclusion)
After three memorable months of lightning-swift genocide in the summer of 1994, a semblance of order returned to Rwanda through French military intervention, which in conjunction with ragtag Tutsi rebel forces regained control of a country half of whose population was either dead, exiled or internally displaced. Now it was the Hutus' turn to fear and to run for their lives, and the Tutsis were not slow to take revenge. In one holding camp for Hutu refugees, who had been promised a safe passage home, a riot by the infuriated internees was answered by an hours-long barrage with machine guns and rocket launchers at point-blank range, killing at least 1,000 Hutus.
Rwandans discard dead bodies and other remnants of the genocide
Although most of the 1994 Hutu leadership understandably chose to remain exiled in neighboring African countries, many Hutus returning to Rwanda were arrested by the ascendant Tutsis on reasonable suspicion of complicity in the genocide. Thousands of suspects were jammed into indescribable prisons, in which there was hardly room to stand up, let alone sit down. Healthy prisoners were forced to urinate and defecate where they stood, and injured specimens hunched in the stinking muck until their limbs swelled grotesquely with gangrenous infections demanding amputation.
A gruesome memorial at Nyarubuye, where hundreds of victims have been left to rot where they were butchered
The corpse of a child,
with an artificial rose
One group of foreign do-gooders was treated to the spectacle of a dying Hutu breaking off an atrophied toe, three times its normal size, for their edification.
Five years after the Rwandan genocide, the miserable little country still suffers the effects. Most of the Tutsi survivors have returned home in spontaneous waves of hundreds of thousands, resulting in a massive repatriation crisis for the authorities. Left in ruins by the events of 1994 and suffering from the overpopulation and mismanagement typical of Third World banana republics - in spite of the bloodshed, Rwanda is still one of the world's most densely populated nations - the economy has been further burdened, notwithstanding huge American handouts, by the trials for genocide planned for tens if not hundreds of thousands of Hutu butchers. (In Rwanda's Tutsi-ruled neighbor, the equally minuscule Burundi, a Hutu
rebellion in the 1970s was quelled by the slaughter of 100,000 Hutus.)
A mother and child with other
corpses in a garbage dump
The same Bill Clinton White House which falsely accused Serbia of "genocide" during the Balkans war never used that word during discussions of Rwanda - Secretary of State Madeline Albright participated with the Traitor-in-Chief Bill Clinton in murdering thousands of heroic Serb Christians after they dared to resist an Islamic invasion of their tiny homeland
Not content with their people's past and present suffering, Rwanda's leaders have used much of their foreign aid to foster a rebellion in the adjacent "Democratic" Republic of the Congo, from which Hutu rebels continue to launch destabilizing attacks on their country. Although they deny it, Rwanda and Burundi have played a major role in instigating the present Congo crisis, by treacherously agitating for the overthrow of a dictator whom they once supported over his rival. Noting that Congolese society closely resembles that of the Rwandan and Burundi ones in structure if not race - it is comprised of a minority of "aristocratic" herdsmen lording it feudally over a majority of peasant farmers - some observers have warned that yet another African genocide is
only months if not weeks away.
The rapidity and ferocity of the slaughter were almost beyond belief
Now that Gates, having left Ethiopia, is on his way to the truly black, Bantu-speaking lands of Africa, it is worth repeating yet again what the first several installments of this series proved decisively to its readers - that despite the lies of Gates and every other black propagandist, whites, not "black kings," were the originators of Nilotic civilization, the only real advancement of humanity witnessed by the Dark Continent before it was overwhelmed, in much later times, by waves of foreign invaders.
The people of northern Africa were Hamitic whites who, mingling in the prehistoric era with still more advanced settlers from the Middle East, developed the sophisticated agriculture and writing without which no civilized society can exist.
As anybody can plainly see who examines their language and culture, as well as the representations which they left of themselves in their painting and statuary, the ancient Egyptians - to whom so many blacks point with pride as their "forebears" - were whites.
And so were the "noble Nubian" barbarians who threatened Egypt's southern frontier for centuries and who eventually overran it to form a brief-lived kingdom whose minor achievements, accomplished late in ancient history, were derived entirely from the much greater and older ones of Egypt.
The true face of black Africa - Rwandans hold up a sign complaining of "the fear and the hunger" in a Zairean refugee camp
A Rwandan (l.) wields a machete during the
genocide, and (r.) victims of the violence
Naturally, it is impossible to convince most American blacks of the foregoing facts. As Gates, the Harvard "professor," has demonstrated time and time again, a closed mind thinks only what it wants to think. No black desperate to believe that his African forefathers were avatars of civilization instead of fly-eating savages will accept the cold, hard facts which were commonly known before the days of "political correctness" and which will be commonly known again when truth instead of liars rule the media and educational process.
Unfortunately, our "affirmative action" guide went nowhere near Rwanda during his search for "black civilization." If he had, he might have had a moment of doubt about his cherished beliefs. He might have been told by the Rwandan Hutus, real blacks like himself, the truth about the Tutsis.
The caretaker of a Rwandan museum dedicated to the slaughter - The building, formerly a school, was used to murder 50,000 Tutsis, including nine of the caretaker’s siblings
Rwanda, a land whose natural beauty is
spoiled by the savagery of its inhabitants
The Rwandan Tutsi are better known to Westerners as a branch of the Watusi, an ethnic group of the originally white Nilotic stock known broadly to historians and anthropologists as Hamitic. (As detailed in previous articles in this series, the Hamites are the ancient whites of northern Africa who to this day, in spite of later black admixture from the south, speak a language whose purest form has no link whatsoever to the Bantu ones of the Dark Continent.) Nomadic herders in search of new pasture, the Tutsis slowly infiltrated Rwanda from the north during the 14th and 15th centuries, gradually forming its "aristocratic" minority. Although they learned to speak the Bantu language of the Hutus and intermarried to some degree with them, blurring the racial lines between the two peoples, the newcomers were of a distinctly different breed than their subjects, being possessed of the thin lips, narrow noses and light skins which are found nowhere in black Africa, and
which made their owners so easy for the Hutu to identify during the 1994 genocide.
The dead were everywhere
Pointing to their superior skill in warfare and belief in divine kingship, as well as to their obvious physical characteristics, one of the English explorers who discovered the sources of the Nile, John Speake, identified the taller, fairer Tutsi as part-white Hamites of Ethiopian origin.
Later, the Germans and Belgians who unseated the Tutsi lords of Rwanda favored them over the Hutus to the point of issuing identity cards which ended further racial admixture between the tribes. The festering antagonism created by the enforced separation added fuel to the 1994 genocide, during which tens of thousands of dead Tutsis were dumped into Rwanda's Nilotic tributaries.
In the boastful words of their Hutu butchers, the Hamitic Tutsis were "returning to the Nile."
To be continued....
In 2003, the Rwandan government began releasing some of its Hutu prisoners due to overcrowding in the nation’s abysmal prisons
There is no way to save America from moral and spiritual destruction - which will lead to physical destruction - unless right-wing righteous Gentiles are prepared to lead a massive civil disobedience revolt against the traitors destroying this once great nation.
Tens of thousands of Hutus were jailed for their part in the slaughter
If we are willing to mobilize now, it is not too late to save America. For the sake of America, Israel and the West, we hope and pray that we can motivate G-d-fearing American patriots to act.
In your heart, you know we're right. And in your guts, you know they're nuts.
In April 2004, Rwanda commemorated the 10th anniversary of the genocide - Rwandan officials and foreign visitors gathered in one of the stadiums where tens of thousands of fugitives, lured by promises of government protection, were slaughtered by the Rwandan army and its allied militias
Every generous check or money order (which can be anonymous) made out to "JTF" (which is political and not tax-deductible) or to "VJA" (which is fully tax-deductible and non-political) makes a huge difference.
You can also send cash donations if you wish.
Mass graves of Rwandan victims were being discovered as late as 2004, ten years after the slaughter
Do not depend on others to do your part! G-d only blesses those who do their own part!
May G-d bless all of our loyal supporters and their loved ones.
Our WTC warning from eleven years ago!
I want to hear JTF's terrifying 9/11/94 warning
A prescient broadcast which will send chills up the spine of everyone who hears it!
In a JTF television program which aired in Manhattan on Sunday, September 11, 1994 - precisely seven years to the day before the horrendous Muslim Nazi attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon - Chaim Ben Pesach explicitly predicted that the Islamic terrorists who bombed the Twin Towers in 1993 would return to finish their bloody work, mercilessly murdering thousands of Americans.
The same JTF program aired in Queens on Tuesday, September 13, 1994, precisely one year after the evil White House handshaking ceremony between Bill Clinton, Yitzchak Rabin and Yasser Arafat.
JTF was right from the start!
Note: The JTF mailing address mentioned by Chaim Ben Pesach in our 1994 broadcast is no longer valid. JTF's mailing address is JTF, POB 650327, FRESH MEADOWS NY 11365. Also, we are not currently broadcasting in Manhattan.
Armed with the truth, we can save the Jewish homeland!
What the Bible
really says about
surrendering Jewish land
How to stop
the Bolshevik elite
from surrendering Israel
How Israel won
her greatest victories
by defying U.S. pressure
What Bolshevik
brainwashing has
done to Israeli Jews
There is no
(Part 1 of 2)
There is no
(Part 2 of 2)
Is Yesha occupied
or liberated?
(Part 1 of 2)
Is Yesha occupied
or liberated?
(Part 2 of 2)
There are no
Arab "moderates"
(Part 1 of 2)
There are no
Arab "moderates"
(Part 2 of 2)
the real
Ariel Sharon
Saving the
Gaza District
will save Israel
Sharon's Likud
victory proves
Feiglin is wrong
Avigdor Lieberman
urges Israeli surrender
Who will
lead against
Ariel Sharon?
Abbas and
PLO continue
Arafat's Nazi terror
The traitors
who run the
Yesha Council
A Jewish hero
Adir Zik
Sharon's plan:
Yesha Jews
and sanctifying
Holocaust victims
What JTF tells
its young
Jewish listeners
Arab Muslim
money controls
the Israeli media
Sharon bribes
Israeli soldiers to
expel Yesha Jews
When Jewish
billionaires help
Arab Muslim Nazis
Hilltop Youth's
new resistance
stuns Israeli army
G-d punishes
the traitor
Ariel Sharon
G-d gives
Hamas terrorists
election victory
The heroic
Jewish youth
of Amona
Jewish civil
war in Israel
(Part 1)
Jewish civil
war in Israel
(Part 2)
Jewish civil
war in Israel
(Part 3)
Why Jews
in G-d
Israel funds
Hamas Muslim
Ben Pesach
speech interrupted
(Part 1)
Ben Pesach
speech interrupted
(Part 2)
Ben Pesach
speech interrupted
(Part 3)
Why Israel
As JTF predicted
Israel loses
Lebanon war
Israel's image
damaged by
Lebanon defeat
JTF hopes to build a righteous right-wing Gentile movement!
Hilltop Youth
to save America
The 2008
election disaster
Muslims threatens
America's survival
Black rapist
murders 4
in Atlanta court
Lebanon's lesson
for the West
(Part 1)
Lebanon's lesson
for the West
(Part 2)
Algeria's lesson
for the West
(Part 1)
Algeria's lesson
for the West
(Part 2)
The murder of
Terri Schiavo
The bizarre
history of the
Black Muslims
returns to
its old treason
Rap "music" is
New LA mayor
defends crack
cocaine kingpins
Malcolm X exposed
as a homosexual
rapist and prostitute
Why Bush
will not defeat
Islamic terrorism
NYC police
protect violent
black criminals
Texas is
now majority
New York City's
lesson for the
United States
Black criminals
rampage after
Hurricane Katrina
Black pedophile
"minister" murders
white teenager
What happens
when whites
fight for blacks
When whites
go to school
with blacks
The French
Muslim riots
(Part 1)
The French
Muslim riots
(Part 2)
Black racist murderer
Stanley "Tookie"
Williams (Part 1)
Black racist murderer
Stanley "Tookie"
Williams (Part 2)
Iranian dictator
vows to destroy
Muslims riot
over cartoon
of Mohammed
Nazis vs.
genuine right-
wing patriots
Will Al Qaeda
supporters control
U.S. ports?
Pakistan, Dubai
and Muslim
nuclear terrorism
Illegal alien
amnesty will
doom America
Traitor U.S. jury
spares September 11th
Muslim monster
loves you,
Ann Coulter!
Help free the Jewish hero from house arrest!
Noam Federman is a Jewish dissident whom Israel's Bolshevik authorities brutally imprisoned for nine months solely because of his popularity and right-wing views. No charges were ever filed against him. Now, Noam is under highly restrictive house arrest to stop him from convincing Israeli Jews not to commit national suicide.
Federman very ill
but continues
hunger strike
Noam Federman
ends 54-day
hunger strike
Federman freed
after 9 months
in prison
End the anti-democratic persecution of Jewish hero Noam Federman!
Please do the following three things to protect Noam Federman's human rights:
Fax or e-mail Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert
demanding an end to Federman's unjust and anti-democratic house arrest.
Fax or e-mail Israeli Defense Minister Amir Peretz
who can end Noam Federman's disgraceful house arrest.
Send a generous check, money order or cash donation to "JTF" to help us free Federman.
Ehud Olmert's fax number
(if you are faxing from the U.S. or Canada*)
If number busy, please try again
Amir Peretz's fax number
(if you are faxing from the U.S. or Canada*)
If number busy, please try again
I want to e-mail Ehud Olmert
( Webmaster@PMO.Gov.Il)
I want to e-mail Amir Peretz
( SAR@MOD.Gov.Il)
* If you are not faxing from the U.S. or Canada, find your outgoing (IDD) international prefix HERE
(For example, dial 0015-972-2566-4838 from Australia or 00-972-2566-4838 from the UK)
Keep your messages cogent but brief - no more than a few sentences - and firm but polite
If you are not Jewish, please say so in your messages to Olmert and Peretz
Protests from non-Jews on this subject are especially effective
Some day, G-d will ask all of us what we did to stop this horrific miscarriage of justice
What will your answer be?
Tell America to stop funding Muslim nuclear terrorism!
The Iranian Muslim terrorist nuclear reactor at Bushehr
Please send the following urgent e-mail
to America's political leaders and news media:
Every drop of oil that we import from Muslim terrorist regimes such as Saudi Arabia and Iran helps to finance the development of nuclear weapons that will someday murder millions of Americans. We should immediately open ANWR to oil drilling. And the Bush Administration should immediately approve oil and gas exploration in Alaska's National Petroleum Reserve. The U.S. must begin an emergency crash program to achieve energy independence through a massive expansion in the use of clean coal, shale, natural gas, domestic oil and nuclear power. We must also begin an emergency crash program to develop cars and other motor vehicles that do not use gasoline. (For more information, please see the JTF.ORG web site.)
Make your voice heard! All influential people read their e-mail!
If using your own words, be very brief! Only brief e-mails are actually read!
(See below for the necessary e-mail addresses)
How JTF would save America and Israel!
POINT ONE: A ferocious retaliation against all Muslim nations which have in any way aided or abetted terrorism against American citizens.
POINT TWO: The immediate destruction by the American or Israeli military of all Muslim nuclear reactors, plants and laboratories developing nuclear, chemical and/or biological weapons of mass destruction.
POINT THREE: Total energy independence for America through a crash development program funded in the defense budget as a vital national security priority.
POINT FOUR: An immediate end to all U.S. foreign aid, even to a genuine friend and ally like Israel, which is harmed rather than helped by her counterproductive dependency on America's addictive welfare handouts.
POINT FIVE: An immediate end to all foreign immigration into the United States, combined with the complete expulsion of America's millions of illegal aliens and the stringent removal of her legal ones at the expiration of their work or residency visas.
POINT SIX: An immediate recognition by the United States of little Israel's G-d-given right and obligation to assert full and permanent sovereign control over all sacred Jewish Biblical lands, including Judea, Samaria, the Gaza District, the Golan Heights and eastern Jerusalem.
POINT SEVEN: An immediate withdrawal from the fanatically anti-American United Nations (UN) and all organizations directly or indirectly affiliated with it, and the immediate banning of all UN-related activities on American soil.
Spread the truth about the Muslim Koran!
Distribute JTF's flyer, quoting the "peaceful" Muslim Koran, to all patriotic Americans
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E-mail opinion-makers at least once weekly
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Always urge talk show hosts to invite JTF's Chaim Ben Pesach to their programs
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You can also mail or phone the White House and your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative:
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(202) 456-1111 The Honorable _____*
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(202) 224-3121
* Insert the full name of either of your U.S. Senators. ***** ** Insert the full name of your U.S. Representative.
Remember always to keep it very brief! Only brief messages are actually read!
Fighting to save America and Israel
from Islamic terrorism!
Post Office Box 650327
Fresh Meadows NY 11365
Fighting to save America and Israel from Islamic terrorism!
Post Office Box 650327
Fresh Meadows NY 11365
The truth about America and Israel - never seen in the leftist media
Honored to lead the nonviolent human rights struggle for Israel's right-wing Jewish dissidents
All contributions, including anonymous money orders and cash, greatly appreciated!
Make checks or money orders payable to "JTF" or send anonymous money orders or cash. We do not respond to e-mail addresses.
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Web site for the week of:
September 6-12, 2006 * * * 5766 Elul 13-19
Updated every Wednesday morning, be-ezrat HaShem (G-d willing)
You shall not stand idly by your brother's blood. (Leviticus 19:16)
Our latest life-or-death warnings!
The soundtracks of our vital and provocative television programs
I want to hear The Jewish Task Force
I want to hear Take Back America
"The most riveting shows on cable television."
Michael Musto, E! television network and Village Voice entertainment critic
Chaim answers questions posted on the JTF forum
Our movement is the only hope for saving America and Israel from Islam,
whose fanatical hatred seeks the destruction of all non-Muslims
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Discuss the vital issues of the day!
Visit the JTF Forum created and maintained by friends of our organization
Discuss the vital issues of the day with your fellow Jewish Task Force listeners and readers at the new JTF forum.
In a special internet broadcast, Chaim Ben Pesach answers questions posted on the "Ask JTF" thread of the JTF forum:
Chaim answers questions posted on the JTF forum
The JTF forum runs at:
(To post messages on the forum, a simple log-in is required.)
Never seen in the leftist media or any other source!
Two historic articles on this week's JTF.ORG web site:
All The News
That's Fit To Twist
The Truth About Black Africa
(Part 6)
Print and xerox JTF.ORG for your friends and relatives - a righteous deed for which G-d will bless you
Over the years, JTF has been way ahead of its time on many vital issues. From time to time in the following weeks, we will be posting some of our old JTF articles, to remind our many readers of just how right we have been.
All The News
That's Fit To Twist
(Originally published by JTF on November 18, 1998)
In the 1930s, New York Times reporter Walter Duranty won a Pulitzer Prize for whitewashing Stalin's reign of terror in Russia
Editor's Note: Today, many conservatives are openly accusing the New York Nazi Times of treason for printing classified military and intelligence documents that endanger the lives of American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. But JTF warned about the treason of the white-hating, Jew-hating, America-hating, Israel-hating New York Nazi Times many years ago. Here is what we wrote on our November 18, 1998 web site:
Arthur Sulzberger pere et fils - The father-and-son publishers of the New York Times are among America's most prominent poster boys for anti-Semitism. (As an anti-war demonstrator in the 1960s, "Pinch," the son, told "Punch," the father, that he wanted to see American soldiers murdered in Vietnam.)
Since self-hating Jews disdain the Holy Scriptures given to them by the G-d of the Universe, they have to create a new Bible. Their new Bible is called the New York Nazi Times.
Like all things that self-hating Jews admire, the New York Nazi Times has always worked frantically to destroy the Jewish people. For more than a century, the paper has been owned by the degenerate Sulzberger clan. The Sulzbergers were and are assimilated, intermarried, self-hating German Jews.
In news "reports" whose lies equaled those of Soviet propaganda organs like Pravda, the New York Times claimed that "Papa Joe" Stalin was a beneficial influence on Russian society
Soviet Nazi mass murderers Stalin, Lenin and Trotsky
Unburied dead in a Ukrainian cemetery
The New York Times whitewashed Stalin's ruthless murder and deliberate starvation of tens of millions of Soviet citizens - Referring to the deliberate starvation of 5 million middle-class Ukrainians whose continued existence Stalin saw as a threat to his dictatorship, the New York Times editorial staff and Walter Duranty remarked as follows: "There is no famine or actual starvation nor is there likely to be." (New York Times, November 15, 1931, page 1) "Any report of a famine in Russia is today an exaggeration or malignant propaganda." (New York Times, August 23, 1933) "Enemies and foreign critics can say what they please." (New York Times, December 9, 1932) "You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs." (New York Times, May 14, 1933) "What are a few million dead Russians in a situation like this? Quite unimportant. This is just an incident in the sweeping historical changes here. I think the entire matter is exaggerated." (New York Times reporter Walter Duranty, in a private conversation with fellow journalists in Moscow, as recorded in An American Engineer in Stalin's Russia: The Memoirs of Zara Witkin, 1932-1934, University of California Press)
When the mass butcher Josef Stalin was murdering thousands of Russian Jews while savagely crushing any and all Jewish life behind the Iron Curtain, the New York Nazi Times was extolling him with articles that could easily have been printed in Pravda, the official Soviet news organ. Walter Duranty, the New York Nazi Times correspondent in Stalinist Russia, wrote hundreds of articles drawing a picture of the Soviet Union as paradise on earth. To show that the Nazi Times is not alone among the left-wing media lovers of brutal despots, Duranty actually received a Pulitzer Prize in 1932 for his adoring depictions of life under Stalinist terror.
The New York Times won a Pulitzer prize for publishing articles assuring its readers that the maniacal dictator of Nazi Germany was a stabilizing influence - His threats to exterminate European Jewry, the Times said, were intended only for the "internal consumption" of the German people, and should not be taken seriously
In January 1933, when Adolf Hitler seized power in Germany, the New York Nazi Times viewed this as a very positive development. The Nazi Times insisted that Hitler was not a dictator like Benito Mussolini in fascist Italy.
The Nazi Times referred to Hitler as "Herr Hitler," thus honoring him by referring to him in his native German. This is an honor the Nazi Times did not bestow on any other foreign leaders.
After all, the self-hating Jews of the Nazi Times insisted, we must not "rush to judgment" about "Herr Hitler."
"We must not rush to judgment about Herr Hitler" - The shrunken head of a Buchenwald inmate, preserved as a grisly memento by a Nazi officer of the death camp
At a time when Gentile-owned newspapers in the U.S. were alarmed over Hitler's violent and threatening pronouncements, the New York Nazi Times continued to insist that Hitler was really quite moderate. In 1934, Frederick T. Birchall, the Nazi Times correspondent in Berlin, was awarded a Pulitzer Prize "for unbiased reporting from [Hitler's] Germany."
Birchall's glowing accounts of "Hitler's strong and stabilizing leadership" certainly encouraged the German dictator to believe that he could get away with anything. Hitler must have been amazed to learn that his biggest defender in the American press was the world's most famous Jewish-owned newspaper. He surely must have attributed this incredibly sick behavior to Jewish racial inferiority.
"We must not rush to judgment about Herr Hitler," the New York Times opined in the 1930s of the worst monster in human history
During the Holocaust itself in the 1940s, the Nazi Times devoted its sordid pages to undermining any rescue efforts. This surely played a major role in convincing Jew-hating President Franklin Roosevelt that America could sit back and allow millions of Jews to be annihilated. For if even the most powerful Jewish media organ was hostile to the notion of rescuing the trapped Jews in Nazi Europe, then surely allowing them to be murdered would not result in any repercussions.
With its hands dripping with the blood of many millions of Jewish and non-Jewish victims of its idols Hitler and Stalin, the Nazi Times then set out to do everything in its evil power to prevent the creation of a Jewish State in 1948. Yet a Jewish State came into being despite the ferocious self-hating efforts of the Nazi Times, the Washington Nazi Post and all of the other self-hating Jews in the news media.
An infamous image from the lying pages of the New York Times - In September 2000, the Times ran a photograph purportedly of an Arab beaten by an Israeli policeman on Jerusalem's Temple Mount. In fact, the bloodied victim was a Jewish student from Chicago who had rushed to the policeman for protection after being beaten and stabbed by an Arab mob. Sharp-eyed observers pointed out that there are no gas stations on the Temple Mount, but the Times stubbornly refused to publish any retractions until a public outcry forced it to do so.
New York Times "journalists" like former Israeli bureau chief David Harris have for decades published destructive lies about tiny Israel and her constant battle against Islamic terrorism
Moreover, ever since Israel's miraculous resurrection, the Nazi Times has fought tooth and nail to assist in every way possible the Arab Muslim Nazis who wish to drive that Jewish State into the sea.
No Jew or righteous Gentile should even consider buying or advertising in this monstrous rag. Those who have actually done so in the past should repent for their crimes against G-d and humanity by immediately making a generous check out to JTF, a group which the New York Nazi Times certainly would not want you to support.
In June 2003, New York Times reporter Youssef Ibrahim said that Israel "must negotiate" with Hamas - "Israel created Hamas," Ibrahim added. (Ibrahim, a member of the infamous Council on Foreign Relations, recently decried what he calls "ethnic cleansing" at America's universities, citing the case of an Arab professor at Columbia University who was sent threatening e-mails after asking an Israeli student how many Arabs had he killed during his service in the army. "Out of curiosity," Ibrahim says, "I wish to know," adding that "Israel is a racist state.")
* * * * *
Isn't it a disgrace that JTF does not have millions of dollars to reach all of the Jews in Israel with this vital message? Especially now when most Israeli Jews are very disappointed with how the war was conducted, and are very fearful about the future. The time is ripe for JTF's message.
Crackhead New York Times "reporter" Jayson Blair, who was allowed to resign from the paper after it published a number of his fabrications - The "affirmative action" Blair was under suspicion for some time but allowed to continue at his post by various Times editors and Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger, Jr., a multibillionaire who lived with a male black roommate in Greenwich Village
Now more than ever, we must reach as many Israeli Jews as possible with our vital message of truth.
In a cover story of its Sunday magazine, the New York Times called the black Hitler Al Sharpton "eloquent" and "a statesman"
The more money we raise, the more Jews we reach.
JTF supports the political activities of the Hilltop Youth, and therefore is not tax-deductible.
The Voice of Jewish Activism (VJA) is strictly non-political. It supports the educational efforts and the humanitarian needs of the Hilltop Youth and right-wing Jewish dissidents and therefore is tax-deductible.
Your generous checks and money orders made out to "VJA" can be sent to:
A New York Times television ad implied that the paper is friendly to America's white majority and family values - In fact, the Times works relentlessly in favor of our nation's Third World enemies and supports depravities like homosexuality and abortion with ever-increasing stridency
POB 650327
Fresh Meadows, NY 11365
Visit the JTF Forum created and maintained by friends of our organization
We need loyal, idealistic, Torah-true Jews to lead the struggle against the traitor Sharon's suicidal plan to create an independent PLO terrorist state in the heartland of Biblical Israel.
We have the Torah-true leaders and we have the thousands of young idealists. But they
need more money to conduct such a huge and sophisticated campaign.
Ann Coulter was blasted as "cruel" for courageously attacking a small group of 911 widows whom the media turned into "sacred cows" for its left-wing agenda - But the media showed no such hatred for Ted Rall, who only six months after September 11th drew a cartoon, published in the New York Times, attacking all of the 911 widows as money-hungry "terror widows" who were the "scourge of the media." (Rall (inset) laughingly defended his sick work in television interviews. In one cartoon panel, a widow says that when her husband called her from the burning World Trade Center, she knew that he would die because "he was on fire." Another widow remarks that her millions from the Red Cross "keeps me warm at night.")
In the historic struggle for Israel's survival, this is the moment of truth.
Which is why we strongly urge our many loyal readers - both Jews and righteous Gentiles - to immediately do the following four things:
First, if you are a wealthy Jew or a wealthy righteous Gentile, and you have wealthy friends and associates, you can hold a fundraising party for JTF (which is political but not tax-deductible) or VJA (which is tax-deductible and non-political). Even if you are not wealthy - but have wealthy friends and associates - you can organize a fundraising party. If you are interested, please contact us.
Second, make out a generous check or money order (which can be anonymous) to "JTF" or "VJA" and send it out right away. If you prefer, you can also mail a cash donation.
Third, zealously spread the word about the JTF.ORG web site. Posting portions of JTF.ORG on popular internet message boards is especially effective. We do get many new hits when we are posted.
Fourth, please remember to include the "Jewish Task Force (JTF)" and/or the "Voice of Jewish Activism (VJA)" in your will.
Post Office Box 650327
Fresh Meadows NY 11365
Become an army of one!
Entertainment critic
Michael Musto
Make sure that internet users hungry for an uncompromising right-wing message are aware of JTF's exciting and informative television broadcasts, which even Michael Musto, the well-known entertainment critic of the left-wing Village Voice and E! television network, called the "most riveting shows on cable television." Post links to our audio files on new and different message boards weekly. Cyberspace is filled with tens of thousands of message boards, each with its own loyal following, and each of our technically adept supporters should continually expose us to fresh audiences by posting our links on new and different boards weekly.
The best way to post our audio files is simply to supply "live" links to the full URL (Internet address) of each of our two weekly shows - "Take Back America" and "Jewish Task Force" - and our truly riveting September 11, 1994 broadcast:
Please make the link text identical to the URL, not referenced to a phrase like "JTF" or "The Jewish Answer" - in other words, your links should look exactly like the ones shown above. (The loudspeaker icons are optional.) Referencing the URL link to the identical URL text will ensure that if for some technical reason, your links are not "live" on the message board, interested persons will still be able to find us in cyberspace.
G-d demands deeds, not mere words
It is worthless to agree with the views expressed by JTF without following through with action. G-d demands deeds, not mere words.
It is imperative that good Jews and righteous Gentiles who care about the future of America and Israel zealously spread the word about JTF.ORG. Promote it among your friends, relatives and acquaintances and convince them to do likewise. Promote it on internet message boards, in chat rooms, through faxes and e-mails and on radio talk shows. And promote it in your religious institutions, organizations and clubs.
G-d will bless you for standing with the forces of uncompromising righteousness and truth
Post Office Box 650327
Fresh Meadows NY 11365
Remember JTF in your will!
The desire for truth and justice should be the burning passion of all Jews and righteous Gentiles. Which is why all Jews and righteous Gentiles should remember JTF when preparing their estates. Placing "JTF" in your will enshrines your eternal commitment to the cause of righteousness.
If you need help including JTF in your will, please feel free to contact us
Post Office Box 650327
Fresh Meadows NY 11365
Are you the Ben Hecht of our times?
Are you the Ben Hecht of our times? - The brilliant screenwriter or co-screenwriter of Scarface, The Front Page, Monkey Business, Twentieth Century, Hurricane, The Prisoner of Zenda, Nothing Sacred, A Star Is Born, Gunga Din, Stagecoach, Wuthering Heights, Gone With the Wind, Foreign Correspondent, His Girl Friday, Lifeboat, Spellbound, Notorious, The Thing, Strangers On a Train, Roman Holiday, Guys and Dolls, Some Like It Hot, The Man With the Golden Arm and hundreds of other films, Jewish hero Ben Hecht (1893-1965) was known as the "Hollywood Shakespeare" but made a far greater mark on the world, and enshrined his name forever in the annals of Jewish history, when he raised millions of dollars for the Irgun Tzvai Leumi, the heroic Jewish freedom fighters who blew the British out of the land of Israel and resurrected the Jewish homeland after 2,000 years of interregnum. Hecht's courageous and highly controversial financial support enabled the Irgun - outnumbered 100 to 1 - to vanquish, in the most spectacular revolt of modern history, the 100,000 British soldiers who illegally occupied the Holy Land.
If JTF were on national television or radio in America and Israel, imagine how the world would change for the better! In Israel, Torah truth and justice would finally reign supreme. And in the United States, the sleeping giant of American patriotism would finally be aroused. Our huge audience would inspire a genuine right-wing movement, making it impossible for frauds like George Bush and Ariel Sharon to pass themselves off as "conservatives" and "right-wingers." We would save America and Israel from the abyss of Muslim Nazi and Third World oblivion, and we would thwart the effort to destroy American and Israeli sovereignty.
For our glorious dream to come true, JTF needs millions of dollars to pay for air time on national television or radio.
If you are the Ben Hecht of our generation, a wealthy Jew or righteous Gentile who correctly recognizes JTF as a historic force to save America and Israel, please feel free to contact us immediately.
The Truth About Black Africa
(Part 6)
Let's face it - think of Africa, and the first images that come to mind are of war, poverty, famine and flies. - Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
The still backward Dark Continent, the "cradle of civilization," seen at night from a satellite
From time to time in the following weeks, JTF will reprise a series of articles on black Africa published by us in 1999 and 2000. The series was inspired by the contemporaneous broadcast, on the left-wing People's Broadcasting System (PBS), of a pseudo-documentary called Wonders of the African World, which tried to lend credence to the absurd notion that the Dark Continent is the cradle of all human civilization. Instead, the program succeeded in demonstrating, with inadvertent brilliance, what is so terribly wrong with modern American broadcasting and education.
The series was hosted by "Professor" Henry Louis Gates, Jr., an "affirmative action" race preference black "historian" chairing Afro-American studies at Harvard University.
Rwanda (Conclusion)
After three memorable months of lightning-swift genocide in the summer of 1994, a semblance of order returned to Rwanda through French military intervention, which in conjunction with ragtag Tutsi rebel forces regained control of a country half of whose population was either dead, exiled or internally displaced. Now it was the Hutus' turn to fear and to run for their lives, and the Tutsis were not slow to take revenge. In one holding camp for Hutu refugees, who had been promised a safe passage home, a riot by the infuriated internees was answered by an hours-long barrage with machine guns and rocket launchers at point-blank range, killing at least 1,000 Hutus.
Rwandans discard dead bodies and other remnants of the genocide
Although most of the 1994 Hutu leadership understandably chose to remain exiled in neighboring African countries, many Hutus returning to Rwanda were arrested by the ascendant Tutsis on reasonable suspicion of complicity in the genocide. Thousands of suspects were jammed into indescribable prisons, in which there was hardly room to stand up, let alone sit down. Healthy prisoners were forced to urinate and defecate where they stood, and injured specimens hunched in the stinking muck until their limbs swelled grotesquely with gangrenous infections demanding amputation.
A gruesome memorial at Nyarubuye, where hundreds of victims have been left to rot where they were butchered
The corpse of a child,
with an artificial rose
One group of foreign do-gooders was treated to the spectacle of a dying Hutu breaking off an atrophied toe, three times its normal size, for their edification.
Five years after the Rwandan genocide, the miserable little country still suffers the effects. Most of the Tutsi survivors have returned home in spontaneous waves of hundreds of thousands, resulting in a massive repatriation crisis for the authorities. Left in ruins by the events of 1994 and suffering from the overpopulation and mismanagement typical of Third World banana republics - in spite of the bloodshed, Rwanda is still one of the world's most densely populated nations - the economy has been further burdened, notwithstanding huge American handouts, by the trials for genocide planned for tens if not hundreds of thousands of Hutu butchers. (In Rwanda's Tutsi-ruled neighbor, the equally minuscule Burundi, a Hutu
rebellion in the 1970s was quelled by the slaughter of 100,000 Hutus.)
A mother and child with other
corpses in a garbage dump
The same Bill Clinton White House which falsely accused Serbia of "genocide" during the Balkans war never used that word during discussions of Rwanda - Secretary of State Madeline Albright participated with the Traitor-in-Chief Bill Clinton in murdering thousands of heroic Serb Christians after they dared to resist an Islamic invasion of their tiny homeland
Not content with their people's past and present suffering, Rwanda's leaders have used much of their foreign aid to foster a rebellion in the adjacent "Democratic" Republic of the Congo, from which Hutu rebels continue to launch destabilizing attacks on their country. Although they deny it, Rwanda and Burundi have played a major role in instigating the present Congo crisis, by treacherously agitating for the overthrow of a dictator whom they once supported over his rival. Noting that Congolese society closely resembles that of the Rwandan and Burundi ones in structure if not race - it is comprised of a minority of "aristocratic" herdsmen lording it feudally over a majority of peasant farmers - some observers have warned that yet another African genocide is
only months if not weeks away.
The rapidity and ferocity of the slaughter were almost beyond belief
Now that Gates, having left Ethiopia, is on his way to the truly black, Bantu-speaking lands of Africa, it is worth repeating yet again what the first several installments of this series proved decisively to its readers - that despite the lies of Gates and every other black propagandist, whites, not "black kings," were the originators of Nilotic civilization, the only real advancement of humanity witnessed by the Dark Continent before it was overwhelmed, in much later times, by waves of foreign invaders.
The people of northern Africa were Hamitic whites who, mingling in the prehistoric era with still more advanced settlers from the Middle East, developed the sophisticated agriculture and writing without which no civilized society can exist.
As anybody can plainly see who examines their language and culture, as well as the representations which they left of themselves in their painting and statuary, the ancient Egyptians - to whom so many blacks point with pride as their "forebears" - were whites.
And so were the "noble Nubian" barbarians who threatened Egypt's southern frontier for centuries and who eventually overran it to form a brief-lived kingdom whose minor achievements, accomplished late in ancient history, were derived entirely from the much greater and older ones of Egypt.
The true face of black Africa - Rwandans hold up a sign complaining of "the fear and the hunger" in a Zairean refugee camp
A Rwandan (l.) wields a machete during the
genocide, and (r.) victims of the violence
Naturally, it is impossible to convince most American blacks of the foregoing facts. As Gates, the Harvard "professor," has demonstrated time and time again, a closed mind thinks only what it wants to think. No black desperate to believe that his African forefathers were avatars of civilization instead of fly-eating savages will accept the cold, hard facts which were commonly known before the days of "political correctness" and which will be commonly known again when truth instead of liars rule the media and educational process.
Unfortunately, our "affirmative action" guide went nowhere near Rwanda during his search for "black civilization." If he had, he might have had a moment of doubt about his cherished beliefs. He might have been told by the Rwandan Hutus, real blacks like himself, the truth about the Tutsis.
The caretaker of a Rwandan museum dedicated to the slaughter - The building, formerly a school, was used to murder 50,000 Tutsis, including nine of the caretaker’s siblings
Rwanda, a land whose natural beauty is
spoiled by the savagery of its inhabitants
The Rwandan Tutsi are better known to Westerners as a branch of the Watusi, an ethnic group of the originally white Nilotic stock known broadly to historians and anthropologists as Hamitic. (As detailed in previous articles in this series, the Hamites are the ancient whites of northern Africa who to this day, in spite of later black admixture from the south, speak a language whose purest form has no link whatsoever to the Bantu ones of the Dark Continent.) Nomadic herders in search of new pasture, the Tutsis slowly infiltrated Rwanda from the north during the 14th and 15th centuries, gradually forming its "aristocratic" minority. Although they learned to speak the Bantu language of the Hutus and intermarried to some degree with them, blurring the racial lines between the two peoples, the newcomers were of a distinctly different breed than their subjects, being possessed of the thin lips, narrow noses and light skins which are found nowhere in black Africa, and
which made their owners so easy for the Hutu to identify during the 1994 genocide.
The dead were everywhere
Pointing to their superior skill in warfare and belief in divine kingship, as well as to their obvious physical characteristics, one of the English explorers who discovered the sources of the Nile, John Speake, identified the taller, fairer Tutsi as part-white Hamites of Ethiopian origin.
Later, the Germans and Belgians who unseated the Tutsi lords of Rwanda favored them over the Hutus to the point of issuing identity cards which ended further racial admixture between the tribes. The festering antagonism created by the enforced separation added fuel to the 1994 genocide, during which tens of thousands of dead Tutsis were dumped into Rwanda's Nilotic tributaries.
In the boastful words of their Hutu butchers, the Hamitic Tutsis were "returning to the Nile."
To be continued....
In 2003, the Rwandan government began releasing some of its Hutu prisoners due to overcrowding in the nation’s abysmal prisons
There is no way to save America from moral and spiritual destruction - which will lead to physical destruction - unless right-wing righteous Gentiles are prepared to lead a massive civil disobedience revolt against the traitors destroying this once great nation.
Tens of thousands of Hutus were jailed for their part in the slaughter
If we are willing to mobilize now, it is not too late to save America. For the sake of America, Israel and the West, we hope and pray that we can motivate G-d-fearing American patriots to act.
In your heart, you know we're right. And in your guts, you know they're nuts.
In April 2004, Rwanda commemorated the 10th anniversary of the genocide - Rwandan officials and foreign visitors gathered in one of the stadiums where tens of thousands of fugitives, lured by promises of government protection, were slaughtered by the Rwandan army and its allied militias
Every generous check or money order (which can be anonymous) made out to "JTF" (which is political and not tax-deductible) or to "VJA" (which is fully tax-deductible and non-political) makes a huge difference.
You can also send cash donations if you wish.
Mass graves of Rwandan victims were being discovered as late as 2004, ten years after the slaughter
Do not depend on others to do your part! G-d only blesses those who do their own part!
May G-d bless all of our loyal supporters and their loved ones.
Our WTC warning from eleven years ago!
I want to hear JTF's terrifying 9/11/94 warning
A prescient broadcast which will send chills up the spine of everyone who hears it!
In a JTF television program which aired in Manhattan on Sunday, September 11, 1994 - precisely seven years to the day before the horrendous Muslim Nazi attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon - Chaim Ben Pesach explicitly predicted that the Islamic terrorists who bombed the Twin Towers in 1993 would return to finish their bloody work, mercilessly murdering thousands of Americans.
The same JTF program aired in Queens on Tuesday, September 13, 1994, precisely one year after the evil White House handshaking ceremony between Bill Clinton, Yitzchak Rabin and Yasser Arafat.
JTF was right from the start!
Note: The JTF mailing address mentioned by Chaim Ben Pesach in our 1994 broadcast is no longer valid. JTF's mailing address is JTF, POB 650327, FRESH MEADOWS NY 11365. Also, we are not currently broadcasting in Manhattan.
Armed with the truth, we can save the Jewish homeland!
What the Bible
really says about
surrendering Jewish land
How to stop
the Bolshevik elite
from surrendering Israel
How Israel won
her greatest victories
by defying U.S. pressure
What Bolshevik
brainwashing has
done to Israeli Jews
There is no
(Part 1 of 2)
There is no
(Part 2 of 2)
Is Yesha occupied
or liberated?
(Part 1 of 2)
Is Yesha occupied
or liberated?
(Part 2 of 2)
There are no
Arab "moderates"
(Part 1 of 2)
There are no
Arab "moderates"
(Part 2 of 2)
the real
Ariel Sharon
Saving the
Gaza District
will save Israel
Sharon's Likud
victory proves
Feiglin is wrong
Avigdor Lieberman
urges Israeli surrender
Who will
lead against
Ariel Sharon?
Abbas and
PLO continue
Arafat's Nazi terror
The traitors
who run the
Yesha Council
A Jewish hero
Adir Zik
Sharon's plan:
Yesha Jews
and sanctifying
Holocaust victims
What JTF tells
its young
Jewish listeners
Arab Muslim
money controls
the Israeli media
Sharon bribes
Israeli soldiers to
expel Yesha Jews
When Jewish
billionaires help
Arab Muslim Nazis
Hilltop Youth's
new resistance
stuns Israeli army
G-d punishes
the traitor
Ariel Sharon
G-d gives
Hamas terrorists
election victory
The heroic
Jewish youth
of Amona
Jewish civil
war in Israel
(Part 1)
Jewish civil
war in Israel
(Part 2)
Jewish civil
war in Israel
(Part 3)
Why Jews
in G-d
Israel funds
Hamas Muslim
Ben Pesach
speech interrupted
(Part 1)
Ben Pesach
speech interrupted
(Part 2)
Ben Pesach
speech interrupted
(Part 3)
Why Israel
As JTF predicted
Israel loses
Lebanon war
Israel's image
damaged by
Lebanon defeat
JTF hopes to build a righteous right-wing Gentile movement!
Hilltop Youth
to save America
The 2008
election disaster
Muslims threatens
America's survival
Black rapist
murders 4
in Atlanta court
Lebanon's lesson
for the West
(Part 1)
Lebanon's lesson
for the West
(Part 2)
Algeria's lesson
for the West
(Part 1)
Algeria's lesson
for the West
(Part 2)
The murder of
Terri Schiavo
The bizarre
history of the
Black Muslims
returns to
its old treason
Rap "music" is
New LA mayor
defends crack
cocaine kingpins
Malcolm X exposed
as a homosexual
rapist and prostitute
Why Bush
will not defeat
Islamic terrorism
NYC police
protect violent
black criminals
Texas is
now majority
New York City's
lesson for the
United States
Black criminals
rampage after
Hurricane Katrina
Black pedophile
"minister" murders
white teenager
What happens
when whites
fight for blacks
When whites
go to school
with blacks
The French
Muslim riots
(Part 1)
The French
Muslim riots
(Part 2)
Black racist murderer
Stanley "Tookie"
Williams (Part 1)
Black racist murderer
Stanley "Tookie"
Williams (Part 2)
Iranian dictator
vows to destroy
Muslims riot
over cartoon
of Mohammed
Nazis vs.
genuine right-
wing patriots
Will Al Qaeda
supporters control
U.S. ports?
Pakistan, Dubai
and Muslim
nuclear terrorism
Illegal alien
amnesty will
doom America
Traitor U.S. jury
spares September 11th
Muslim monster
loves you,
Ann Coulter!
Help free the Jewish hero from house arrest!
Noam Federman is a Jewish dissident whom Israel's Bolshevik authorities brutally imprisoned for nine months solely because of his popularity and right-wing views. No charges were ever filed against him. Now, Noam is under highly restrictive house arrest to stop him from convincing Israeli Jews not to commit national suicide.
Federman very ill
but continues
hunger strike
Noam Federman
ends 54-day
hunger strike
Federman freed
after 9 months
in prison
End the anti-democratic persecution of Jewish hero Noam Federman!
Please do the following three things to protect Noam Federman's human rights:
Fax or e-mail Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert
demanding an end to Federman's unjust and anti-democratic house arrest.
Fax or e-mail Israeli Defense Minister Amir Peretz
who can end Noam Federman's disgraceful house arrest.
Send a generous check, money order or cash donation to "JTF" to help us free Federman.
Ehud Olmert's fax number
(if you are faxing from the U.S. or Canada*)
If number busy, please try again
Amir Peretz's fax number
(if you are faxing from the U.S. or Canada*)
If number busy, please try again
I want to e-mail Ehud Olmert
( Webmaster@PMO.Gov.Il)
I want to e-mail Amir Peretz
( SAR@MOD.Gov.Il)
* If you are not faxing from the U.S. or Canada, find your outgoing (IDD) international prefix HERE
(For example, dial 0015-972-2566-4838 from Australia or 00-972-2566-4838 from the UK)
Keep your messages cogent but brief - no more than a few sentences - and firm but polite
If you are not Jewish, please say so in your messages to Olmert and Peretz
Protests from non-Jews on this subject are especially effective
Some day, G-d will ask all of us what we did to stop this horrific miscarriage of justice
What will your answer be?
Tell America to stop funding Muslim nuclear terrorism!
The Iranian Muslim terrorist nuclear reactor at Bushehr
Please send the following urgent e-mail
to America's political leaders and news media:
Every drop of oil that we import from Muslim terrorist regimes such as Saudi Arabia and Iran helps to finance the development of nuclear weapons that will someday murder millions of Americans. We should immediately open ANWR to oil drilling. And the Bush Administration should immediately approve oil and gas exploration in Alaska's National Petroleum Reserve. The U.S. must begin an emergency crash program to achieve energy independence through a massive expansion in the use of clean coal, shale, natural gas, domestic oil and nuclear power. We must also begin an emergency crash program to develop cars and other motor vehicles that do not use gasoline. (For more information, please see the JTF.ORG web site.)
Make your voice heard! All influential people read their e-mail!
If using your own words, be very brief! Only brief e-mails are actually read!
(See below for the necessary e-mail addresses)
How JTF would save America and Israel!
POINT ONE: A ferocious retaliation against all Muslim nations which have in any way aided or abetted terrorism against American citizens.
POINT TWO: The immediate destruction by the American or Israeli military of all Muslim nuclear reactors, plants and laboratories developing nuclear, chemical and/or biological weapons of mass destruction.
POINT THREE: Total energy independence for America through a crash development program funded in the defense budget as a vital national security priority.
POINT FOUR: An immediate end to all U.S. foreign aid, even to a genuine friend and ally like Israel, which is harmed rather than helped by her counterproductive dependency on America's addictive welfare handouts.
POINT FIVE: An immediate end to all foreign immigration into the United States, combined with the complete expulsion of America's millions of illegal aliens and the stringent removal of her legal ones at the expiration of their work or residency visas.
POINT SIX: An immediate recognition by the United States of little Israel's G-d-given right and obligation to assert full and permanent sovereign control over all sacred Jewish Biblical lands, including Judea, Samaria, the Gaza District, the Golan Heights and eastern Jerusalem.
POINT SEVEN: An immediate withdrawal from the fanatically anti-American United Nations (UN) and all organizations directly or indirectly affiliated with it, and the immediate banning of all UN-related activities on American soil.
Spread the truth about the Muslim Koran!
Distribute JTF's flyer, quoting the "peaceful" Muslim Koran, to all patriotic Americans
I want to distribute JTF's Koran quotes flyer
(The link opens a new window, where you can click the "Print" button or "File > Print > OK")
Read Islam's terrorist bible for yourself!
Read the Koran in its own words, translated into English by Muslims
I want to read the Koran in its own words
I want to read the Koran by topic
Read the Koran!
Over 200,000 Queens cable viewers!
We have two different evening programs and two different daytime programs
Evenings: Daytime:
Spread the word!
All influential people read their e-mail!
E-mail opinion-makers at least once weekly
Always encourage them to visit the JTF.ORG web site
Mention our fight against Islam and other deadly threats
Come straight to the point
Write only a few lines on only one topic at a time
Send no carbon copies ("spam")
Use catchy, sensible subject ("re:") lines
Avoid all threats, insults and obscenities
E-mail media personalities!
Bill O'Reilly
Sean Hannity
Greta Van Susteren
Brit Hume
John Gibson
Pat Robertson
700 Club
G. Gordon Liddy
Michael Savage
Chris Ruddy
David Limbaugh
Cal Thomas
Charles Krauthammer
Always urge talk show hosts to invite JTF's Chaim Ben Pesach to their programs
E-mail media outlets!
The New York Post ( Letters@NYPost.com)
The Washington Times ( Letters@WashingtonTimes.com)
The New York Daily News ( Voicers@Edit.NYDailyNews.com)
The [Manchester, NH] Union Leader ( Letters@TheUnionLeader.com)
The Jewish Press ( Letters@JewishPress.com)
E-mail the White House!
President George Bush
( President@WhiteHouse.Gov)
Vice President Dick Cheney
( Vice.President@WhiteHouse.Gov)
E-mail your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative!
(The above links will take you to official U.S. Senate and U.S. House web pages, where you can write your e-mails.)
You can also mail or phone the White House and your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative:
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20500
(202) 456-1111 The Honorable _____*
U.S. Senate
Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-3121 The Honorable _____**
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 224-3121
* Insert the full name of either of your U.S. Senators. ***** ** Insert the full name of your U.S. Representative.
Remember always to keep it very brief! Only brief messages are actually read!
Fighting to save America and Israel
from Islamic terrorism!
Post Office Box 650327
Fresh Meadows NY 11365
Fighting to save America and Israel from Islamic terrorism!
Post Office Box 650327
Fresh Meadows NY 11365
The truth about America and Israel - never seen in the leftist media
Honored to lead the nonviolent human rights struggle for Israel's right-wing Jewish dissidents
All contributions, including anonymous money orders and cash, greatly appreciated!
Make checks or money orders payable to "JTF" or send anonymous money orders or cash. We do not respond to e-mail addresses.
No archives!
Web site for the week of:
September 6-12, 2006 * * * 5766 Elul 13-19
Updated every Wednesday morning, be-ezrat HaShem (G-d willing)
You shall not stand idly by your brother's blood. (Leviticus 19:16)
Our latest life-or-death warnings!
The soundtracks of our vital and provocative television programs
I want to hear The Jewish Task Force
I want to hear Take Back America
"The most riveting shows on cable television."
Michael Musto, E! television network and Village Voice entertainment critic
Chaim answers questions posted on the JTF forum
Our movement is the only hope for saving America and Israel from Islam,
whose fanatical hatred seeks the destruction of all non-Muslims
You will need RealPlayer to hear our programs
Our site is best viewed in Internet Explorer at 1024x768 resolution
Discuss the vital issues of the day!
Visit the JTF Forum created and maintained by friends of our organization
Discuss the vital issues of the day with your fellow Jewish Task Force listeners and readers at the new JTF forum.
In a special internet broadcast, Chaim Ben Pesach answers questions posted on the "Ask JTF" thread of the JTF forum:
Chaim answers questions posted on the JTF forum
The JTF forum runs at:
(To post messages on the forum, a simple log-in is required.)
Never seen in the leftist media or any other source!
Two historic articles on this week's JTF.ORG web site:
All The News
That's Fit To Twist
The Truth About Black Africa
(Part 6)
Print and xerox JTF.ORG for your friends and relatives - a righteous deed for which G-d will bless you
Over the years, JTF has been way ahead of its time on many vital issues. From time to time in the following weeks, we will be posting some of our old JTF articles, to remind our many readers of just how right we have been.
All The News
That's Fit To Twist
(Originally published by JTF on November 18, 1998)
In the 1930s, New York Times reporter Walter Duranty won a Pulitzer Prize for whitewashing Stalin's reign of terror in Russia
Editor's Note: Today, many conservatives are openly accusing the New York Nazi Times of treason for printing classified military and intelligence documents that endanger the lives of American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. But JTF warned about the treason of the white-hating, Jew-hating, America-hating, Israel-hating New York Nazi Times many years ago. Here is what we wrote on our November 18, 1998 web site:
Arthur Sulzberger pere et fils - The father-and-son publishers of the New York Times are among America's most prominent poster boys for anti-Semitism. (As an anti-war demonstrator in the 1960s, "Pinch," the son, told "Punch," the father, that he wanted to see American soldiers murdered in Vietnam.)
Since self-hating Jews disdain the Holy Scriptures given to them by the G-d of the Universe, they have to create a new Bible. Their new Bible is called the New York Nazi Times.
Like all things that self-hating Jews admire, the New York Nazi Times has always worked frantically to destroy the Jewish people. For more than a century, the paper has been owned by the degenerate Sulzberger clan. The Sulzbergers were and are assimilated, intermarried, self-hating German Jews.
In news "reports" whose lies equaled those of Soviet propaganda organs like Pravda, the New York Times claimed that "Papa Joe" Stalin was a beneficial influence on Russian society
Soviet Nazi mass murderers Stalin, Lenin and Trotsky
Unburied dead in a Ukrainian cemetery
The New York Times whitewashed Stalin's ruthless murder and deliberate starvation of tens of millions of Soviet citizens - Referring to the deliberate starvation of 5 million middle-class Ukrainians whose continued existence Stalin saw as a threat to his dictatorship, the New York Times editorial staff and Walter Duranty remarked as follows: "There is no famine or actual starvation nor is there likely to be." (New York Times, November 15, 1931, page 1) "Any report of a famine in Russia is today an exaggeration or malignant propaganda." (New York Times, August 23, 1933) "Enemies and foreign critics can say what they please." (New York Times, December 9, 1932) "You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs." (New York Times, May 14, 1933) "What are a few million dead Russians in a situation like this? Quite unimportant. This is just an incident in the sweeping historical changes here. I think the entire matter is exaggerated." (New York Times reporter Walter Duranty, in a private conversation with fellow journalists in Moscow, as recorded in An American Engineer in Stalin's Russia: The Memoirs of Zara Witkin, 1932-1934, University of California Press)
When the mass butcher Josef Stalin was murdering thousands of Russian Jews while savagely crushing any and all Jewish life behind the Iron Curtain, the New York Nazi Times was extolling him with articles that could easily have been printed in Pravda, the official Soviet news organ. Walter Duranty, the New York Nazi Times correspondent in Stalinist Russia, wrote hundreds of articles drawing a picture of the Soviet Union as paradise on earth. To show that the Nazi Times is not alone among the left-wing media lovers of brutal despots, Duranty actually received a Pulitzer Prize in 1932 for his adoring depictions of life under Stalinist terror.
The New York Times won a Pulitzer prize for publishing articles assuring its readers that the maniacal dictator of Nazi Germany was a stabilizing influence - His threats to exterminate European Jewry, the Times said, were intended only for the "internal consumption" of the German people, and should not be taken seriously
In January 1933, when Adolf Hitler seized power in Germany, the New York Nazi Times viewed this as a very positive development. The Nazi Times insisted that Hitler was not a dictator like Benito Mussolini in fascist Italy.
The Nazi Times referred to Hitler as "Herr Hitler," thus honoring him by referring to him in his native German. This is an honor the Nazi Times did not bestow on any other foreign leaders.
After all, the self-hating Jews of the Nazi Times insisted, we must not "rush to judgment" about "Herr Hitler."
"We must not rush to judgment about Herr Hitler" - The shrunken head of a Buchenwald inmate, preserved as a grisly memento by a Nazi officer of the death camp
At a time when Gentile-owned newspapers in the U.S. were alarmed over Hitler's violent and threatening pronouncements, the New York Nazi Times continued to insist that Hitler was really quite moderate. In 1934, Frederick T. Birchall, the Nazi Times correspondent in Berlin, was awarded a Pulitzer Prize "for unbiased reporting from [Hitler's] Germany."
Birchall's glowing accounts of "Hitler's strong and stabilizing leadership" certainly encouraged the German dictator to believe that he could get away with anything. Hitler must have been amazed to learn that his biggest defender in the American press was the world's most famous Jewish-owned newspaper. He surely must have attributed this incredibly sick behavior to Jewish racial inferiority.
"We must not rush to judgment about Herr Hitler," the New York Times opined in the 1930s of the worst monster in human history
During the Holocaust itself in the 1940s, the Nazi Times devoted its sordid pages to undermining any rescue efforts. This surely played a major role in convincing Jew-hating President Franklin Roosevelt that America could sit back and allow millions of Jews to be annihilated. For if even the most powerful Jewish media organ was hostile to the notion of rescuing the trapped Jews in Nazi Europe, then surely allowing them to be murdered would not result in any repercussions.
With its hands dripping with the blood of many millions of Jewish and non-Jewish victims of its idols Hitler and Stalin, the Nazi Times then set out to do everything in its evil power to prevent the creation of a Jewish State in 1948. Yet a Jewish State came into being despite the ferocious self-hating efforts of the Nazi Times, the Washington Nazi Post and all of the other self-hating Jews in the news media.
An infamous image from the lying pages of the New York Times - In September 2000, the Times ran a photograph purportedly of an Arab beaten by an Israeli policeman on Jerusalem's Temple Mount. In fact, the bloodied victim was a Jewish student from Chicago who had rushed to the policeman for protection after being beaten and stabbed by an Arab mob. Sharp-eyed observers pointed out that there are no gas stations on the Temple Mount, but the Times stubbornly refused to publish any retractions until a public outcry forced it to do so.
New York Times "journalists" like former Israeli bureau chief David Harris have for decades published destructive lies about tiny Israel and her constant battle against Islamic terrorism
Moreover, ever since Israel's miraculous resurrection, the Nazi Times has fought tooth and nail to assist in every way possible the Arab Muslim Nazis who wish to drive that Jewish State into the sea.
No Jew or righteous Gentile should even consider buying or advertising in this monstrous rag. Those who have actually done so in the past should repent for their crimes against G-d and humanity by immediately making a generous check out to JTF, a group which the New York Nazi Times certainly would not want you to support.
In June 2003, New York Times reporter Youssef Ibrahim said that Israel "must negotiate" with Hamas - "Israel created Hamas," Ibrahim added. (Ibrahim, a member of the infamous Council on Foreign Relations, recently decried what he calls "ethnic cleansing" at America's universities, citing the case of an Arab professor at Columbia University who was sent threatening e-mails after asking an Israeli student how many Arabs had he killed during his service in the army. "Out of curiosity," Ibrahim says, "I wish to know," adding that "Israel is a racist state.")
* * * * *
Isn't it a disgrace that JTF does not have millions of dollars to reach all of the Jews in Israel with this vital message? Especially now when most Israeli Jews are very disappointed with how the war was conducted, and are very fearful about the future. The time is ripe for JTF's message.
Crackhead New York Times "reporter" Jayson Blair, who was allowed to resign from the paper after it published a number of his fabrications - The "affirmative action" Blair was under suspicion for some time but allowed to continue at his post by various Times editors and Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger, Jr., a multibillionaire who lived with a male black roommate in Greenwich Village
Now more than ever, we must reach as many Israeli Jews as possible with our vital message of truth.
In a cover story of its Sunday magazine, the New York Times called the black Hitler Al Sharpton "eloquent" and "a statesman"
The more money we raise, the more Jews we reach.
JTF supports the political activities of the Hilltop Youth, and therefore is not tax-deductible.
The Voice of Jewish Activism (VJA) is strictly non-political. It supports the educational efforts and the humanitarian needs of the Hilltop Youth and right-wing Jewish dissidents and therefore is tax-deductible.
Your generous checks and money orders made out to "VJA" can be sent to:
A New York Times television ad implied that the paper is friendly to America's white majority and family values - In fact, the Times works relentlessly in favor of our nation's Third World enemies and supports depravities like homosexuality and abortion with ever-increasing stridency
POB 650327
Fresh Meadows, NY 11365
Visit the JTF Forum created and maintained by friends of our organization
We need loyal, idealistic, Torah-true Jews to lead the struggle against the traitor Sharon's suicidal plan to create an independent PLO terrorist state in the heartland of Biblical Israel.
We have the Torah-true leaders and we have the thousands of young idealists. But they
need more money to conduct such a huge and sophisticated campaign.
Ann Coulter was blasted as "cruel" for courageously attacking a small group of 911 widows whom the media turned into "sacred cows" for its left-wing agenda - But the media showed no such hatred for Ted Rall, who only six months after September 11th drew a cartoon, published in the New York Times, attacking all of the 911 widows as money-hungry "terror widows" who were the "scourge of the media." (Rall (inset) laughingly defended his sick work in television interviews. In one cartoon panel, a widow says that when her husband called her from the burning World Trade Center, she knew that he would die because "he was on fire." Another widow remarks that her millions from the Red Cross "keeps me warm at night.")
In the historic struggle for Israel's survival, this is the moment of truth.
Which is why we strongly urge our many loyal readers - both Jews and righteous Gentiles - to immediately do the following four things:
First, if you are a wealthy Jew or a wealthy righteous Gentile, and you have wealthy friends and associates, you can hold a fundraising party for JTF (which is political but not tax-deductible) or VJA (which is tax-deductible and non-political). Even if you are not wealthy - but have wealthy friends and associates - you can organize a fundraising party. If you are interested, please contact us.
Second, make out a generous check or money order (which can be anonymous) to "JTF" or "VJA" and send it out right away. If you prefer, you can also mail a cash donation.
Third, zealously spread the word about the JTF.ORG web site. Posting portions of JTF.ORG on popular internet message boards is especially effective. We do get many new hits when we are posted.
Fourth, please remember to include the "Jewish Task Force (JTF)" and/or the "Voice of Jewish Activism (VJA)" in your will.
Post Office Box 650327
Fresh Meadows NY 11365
Become an army of one!
Entertainment critic
Michael Musto
Make sure that internet users hungry for an uncompromising right-wing message are aware of JTF's exciting and informative television broadcasts, which even Michael Musto, the well-known entertainment critic of the left-wing Village Voice and E! television network, called the "most riveting shows on cable television." Post links to our audio files on new and different message boards weekly. Cyberspace is filled with tens of thousands of message boards, each with its own loyal following, and each of our technically adept supporters should continually expose us to fresh audiences by posting our links on new and different boards weekly.
The best way to post our audio files is simply to supply "live" links to the full URL (Internet address) of each of our two weekly shows - "Take Back America" and "Jewish Task Force" - and our truly riveting September 11, 1994 broadcast:
Please make the link text identical to the URL, not referenced to a phrase like "JTF" or "The Jewish Answer" - in other words, your links should look exactly like the ones shown above. (The loudspeaker icons are optional.) Referencing the URL link to the identical URL text will ensure that if for some technical reason, your links are not "live" on the message board, interested persons will still be able to find us in cyberspace.
G-d demands deeds, not mere words
It is worthless to agree with the views expressed by JTF without following through with action. G-d demands deeds, not mere words.
It is imperative that good Jews and righteous Gentiles who care about the future of America and Israel zealously spread the word about JTF.ORG. Promote it among your friends, relatives and acquaintances and convince them to do likewise. Promote it on internet message boards, in chat rooms, through faxes and e-mails and on radio talk shows. And promote it in your religious institutions, organizations and clubs.
G-d will bless you for standing with the forces of uncompromising righteousness and truth
Post Office Box 650327
Fresh Meadows NY 11365
Remember JTF in your will!
The desire for truth and justice should be the burning passion of all Jews and righteous Gentiles. Which is why all Jews and righteous Gentiles should remember JTF when preparing their estates. Placing "JTF" in your will enshrines your eternal commitment to the cause of righteousness.
If you need help including JTF in your will, please feel free to contact us
Post Office Box 650327
Fresh Meadows NY 11365
Are you the Ben Hecht of our times?
Are you the Ben Hecht of our times? - The brilliant screenwriter or co-screenwriter of Scarface, The Front Page, Monkey Business, Twentieth Century, Hurricane, The Prisoner of Zenda, Nothing Sacred, A Star Is Born, Gunga Din, Stagecoach, Wuthering Heights, Gone With the Wind, Foreign Correspondent, His Girl Friday, Lifeboat, Spellbound, Notorious, The Thing, Strangers On a Train, Roman Holiday, Guys and Dolls, Some Like It Hot, The Man With the Golden Arm and hundreds of other films, Jewish hero Ben Hecht (1893-1965) was known as the "Hollywood Shakespeare" but made a far greater mark on the world, and enshrined his name forever in the annals of Jewish history, when he raised millions of dollars for the Irgun Tzvai Leumi, the heroic Jewish freedom fighters who blew the British out of the land of Israel and resurrected the Jewish homeland after 2,000 years of interregnum. Hecht's courageous and highly controversial financial support enabled the Irgun - outnumbered 100 to 1 - to vanquish, in the most spectacular revolt of modern history, the 100,000 British soldiers who illegally occupied the Holy Land.
If JTF were on national television or radio in America and Israel, imagine how the world would change for the better! In Israel, Torah truth and justice would finally reign supreme. And in the United States, the sleeping giant of American patriotism would finally be aroused. Our huge audience would inspire a genuine right-wing movement, making it impossible for frauds like George Bush and Ariel Sharon to pass themselves off as "conservatives" and "right-wingers." We would save America and Israel from the abyss of Muslim Nazi and Third World oblivion, and we would thwart the effort to destroy American and Israeli sovereignty.
For our glorious dream to come true, JTF needs millions of dollars to pay for air time on national television or radio.
If you are the Ben Hecht of our generation, a wealthy Jew or righteous Gentile who correctly recognizes JTF as a historic force to save America and Israel, please feel free to contact us immediately.
The Truth About Black Africa
(Part 6)
Let's face it - think of Africa, and the first images that come to mind are of war, poverty, famine and flies. - Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
The still backward Dark Continent, the "cradle of civilization," seen at night from a satellite
From time to time in the following weeks, JTF will reprise a series of articles on black Africa published by us in 1999 and 2000. The series was inspired by the contemporaneous broadcast, on the left-wing People's Broadcasting System (PBS), of a pseudo-documentary called Wonders of the African World, which tried to lend credence to the absurd notion that the Dark Continent is the cradle of all human civilization. Instead, the program succeeded in demonstrating, with inadvertent brilliance, what is so terribly wrong with modern American broadcasting and education.
The series was hosted by "Professor" Henry Louis Gates, Jr., an "affirmative action" race preference black "historian" chairing Afro-American studies at Harvard University.
Rwanda (Conclusion)
After three memorable months of lightning-swift genocide in the summer of 1994, a semblance of order returned to Rwanda through French military intervention, which in conjunction with ragtag Tutsi rebel forces regained control of a country half of whose population was either dead, exiled or internally displaced. Now it was the Hutus' turn to fear and to run for their lives, and the Tutsis were not slow to take revenge. In one holding camp for Hutu refugees, who had been promised a safe passage home, a riot by the infuriated internees was answered by an hours-long barrage with machine guns and rocket launchers at point-blank range, killing at least 1,000 Hutus.
Rwandans discard dead bodies and other remnants of the genocide
Although most of the 1994 Hutu leadership understandably chose to remain exiled in neighboring African countries, many Hutus returning to Rwanda were arrested by the ascendant Tutsis on reasonable suspicion of complicity in the genocide. Thousands of suspects were jammed into indescribable prisons, in which there was hardly room to stand up, let alone sit down. Healthy prisoners were forced to urinate and defecate where they stood, and injured specimens hunched in the stinking muck until their limbs swelled grotesquely with gangrenous infections demanding amputation.
A gruesome memorial at Nyarubuye, where hundreds of victims have been left to rot where they were butchered
The corpse of a child,
with an artificial rose
One group of foreign do-gooders was treated to the spectacle of a dying Hutu breaking off an atrophied toe, three times its normal size, for their edification.
Five years after the Rwandan genocide, the miserable little country still suffers the effects. Most of the Tutsi survivors have returned home in spontaneous waves of hundreds of thousands, resulting in a massive repatriation crisis for the authorities. Left in ruins by the events of 1994 and suffering from the overpopulation and mismanagement typical of Third World banana republics - in spite of the bloodshed, Rwanda is still one of the world's most densely populated nations - the economy has been further burdened, notwithstanding huge American handouts, by the trials for genocide planned for tens if not hundreds of thousands of Hutu butchers. (In Rwanda's Tutsi-ruled neighbor, the equally minuscule Burundi, a Hutu
rebellion in the 1970s was quelled by the slaughter of 100,000 Hutus.)
A mother and child with other
corpses in a garbage dump
The same Bill Clinton White House which falsely accused Serbia of "genocide" during the Balkans war never used that word during discussions of Rwanda - Secretary of State Madeline Albright participated with the Traitor-in-Chief Bill Clinton in murdering thousands of heroic Serb Christians after they dared to resist an Islamic invasion of their tiny homeland
Not content with their people's past and present suffering, Rwanda's leaders have used much of their foreign aid to foster a rebellion in the adjacent "Democratic" Republic of the Congo, from which Hutu rebels continue to launch destabilizing attacks on their country. Although they deny it, Rwanda and Burundi have played a major role in instigating the present Congo crisis, by treacherously agitating for the overthrow of a dictator whom they once supported over his rival. Noting that Congolese society closely resembles that of the Rwandan and Burundi ones in structure if not race - it is comprised of a minority of "aristocratic" herdsmen lording it feudally over a majority of peasant farmers - some observers have warned that yet another African genocide is
only months if not weeks away.
The rapidity and ferocity of the slaughter were almost beyond belief
Now that Gates, having left Ethiopia, is on his way to the truly black, Bantu-speaking lands of Africa, it is worth repeating yet again what the first several installments of this series proved decisively to its readers - that despite the lies of Gates and every other black propagandist, whites, not "black kings," were the originators of Nilotic civilization, the only real advancement of humanity witnessed by the Dark Continent before it was overwhelmed, in much later times, by waves of foreign invaders.
The people of northern Africa were Hamitic whites who, mingling in the prehistoric era with still more advanced settlers from the Middle East, developed the sophisticated agriculture and writing without which no civilized society can exist.
As anybody can plainly see who examines their language and culture, as well as the representations which they left of themselves in their painting and statuary, the ancient Egyptians - to whom so many blacks point with pride as their "forebears" - were whites.
And so were the "noble Nubian" barbarians who threatened Egypt's southern frontier for centuries and who eventually overran it to form a brief-lived kingdom whose minor achievements, accomplished late in ancient history, were derived entirely from the much greater and older ones of Egypt.
The true face of black Africa - Rwandans hold up a sign complaining of "the fear and the hunger" in a Zairean refugee camp
A Rwandan (l.) wields a machete during the
genocide, and (r.) victims of the violence
Naturally, it is impossible to convince most American blacks of the foregoing facts. As Gates, the Harvard "professor," has demonstrated time and time again, a closed mind thinks only what it wants to think. No black desperate to believe that his African forefathers were avatars of civilization instead of fly-eating savages will accept the cold, hard facts which were commonly known before the days of "political correctness" and which will be commonly known again when truth instead of liars rule the media and educational process.
Unfortunately, our "affirmative action" guide went nowhere near Rwanda during his search for "black civilization." If he had, he might have had a moment of doubt about his cherished beliefs. He might have been told by the Rwandan Hutus, real blacks like himself, the truth about the Tutsis.
The caretaker of a Rwandan museum dedicated to the slaughter - The building, formerly a school, was used to murder 50,000 Tutsis, including nine of the caretaker’s siblings
Rwanda, a land whose natural beauty is
spoiled by the savagery of its inhabitants
The Rwandan Tutsi are better known to Westerners as a branch of the Watusi, an ethnic group of the originally white Nilotic stock known broadly to historians and anthropologists as Hamitic. (As detailed in previous articles in this series, the Hamites are the ancient whites of northern Africa who to this day, in spite of later black admixture from the south, speak a language whose purest form has no link whatsoever to the Bantu ones of the Dark Continent.) Nomadic herders in search of new pasture, the Tutsis slowly infiltrated Rwanda from the north during the 14th and 15th centuries, gradually forming its "aristocratic" minority. Although they learned to speak the Bantu language of the Hutus and intermarried to some degree with them, blurring the racial lines between the two peoples, the newcomers were of a distinctly different breed than their subjects, being possessed of the thin lips, narrow noses and light skins which are found nowhere in black Africa, and
which made their owners so easy for the Hutu to identify during the 1994 genocide.
The dead were everywhere
Pointing to their superior skill in warfare and belief in divine kingship, as well as to their obvious physical characteristics, one of the English explorers who discovered the sources of the Nile, John Speake, identified the taller, fairer Tutsi as part-white Hamites of Ethiopian origin.
Later, the Germans and Belgians who unseated the Tutsi lords of Rwanda favored them over the Hutus to the point of issuing identity cards which ended further racial admixture between the tribes. The festering antagonism created by the enforced separation added fuel to the 1994 genocide, during which tens of thousands of dead Tutsis were dumped into Rwanda's Nilotic tributaries.
In the boastful words of their Hutu butchers, the Hamitic Tutsis were "returning to the Nile."
To be continued....
In 2003, the Rwandan government began releasing some of its Hutu prisoners due to overcrowding in the nation’s abysmal prisons
There is no way to save America from moral and spiritual destruction - which will lead to physical destruction - unless right-wing righteous Gentiles are prepared to lead a massive civil disobedience revolt against the traitors destroying this once great nation.
Tens of thousands of Hutus were jailed for their part in the slaughter
If we are willing to mobilize now, it is not too late to save America. For the sake of America, Israel and the West, we hope and pray that we can motivate G-d-fearing American patriots to act.
In your heart, you know we're right. And in your guts, you know they're nuts.
In April 2004, Rwanda commemorated the 10th anniversary of the genocide - Rwandan officials and foreign visitors gathered in one of the stadiums where tens of thousands of fugitives, lured by promises of government protection, were slaughtered by the Rwandan army and its allied militias
Every generous check or money order (which can be anonymous) made out to "JTF" (which is political and not tax-deductible) or to "VJA" (which is fully tax-deductible and non-political) makes a huge difference.
You can also send cash donations if you wish.
Mass graves of Rwandan victims were being discovered as late as 2004, ten years after the slaughter
Do not depend on others to do your part! G-d only blesses those who do their own part!
May G-d bless all of our loyal supporters and their loved ones.
Our WTC warning from eleven years ago!
I want to hear JTF's terrifying 9/11/94 warning
A prescient broadcast which will send chills up the spine of everyone who hears it!
In a JTF television program which aired in Manhattan on Sunday, September 11, 1994 - precisely seven years to the day before the horrendous Muslim Nazi attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon - Chaim Ben Pesach explicitly predicted that the Islamic terrorists who bombed the Twin Towers in 1993 would return to finish their bloody work, mercilessly murdering thousands of Americans.
The same JTF program aired in Queens on Tuesday, September 13, 1994, precisely one year after the evil White House handshaking ceremony between Bill Clinton, Yitzchak Rabin and Yasser Arafat.
JTF was right from the start!
Note: The JTF mailing address mentioned by Chaim Ben Pesach in our 1994 broadcast is no longer valid. JTF's mailing address is JTF, POB 650327, FRESH MEADOWS NY 11365. Also, we are not currently broadcasting in Manhattan.
Armed with the truth, we can save the Jewish homeland!
What the Bible
really says about
surrendering Jewish land
How to stop
the Bolshevik elite
from surrendering Israel
How Israel won
her greatest victories
by defying U.S. pressure
What Bolshevik
brainwashing has
done to Israeli Jews
There is no
(Part 1 of 2)
There is no
(Part 2 of 2)
Is Yesha occupied
or liberated?
(Part 1 of 2)
Is Yesha occupied
or liberated?
(Part 2 of 2)
There are no
Arab "moderates"
(Part 1 of 2)
There are no
Arab "moderates"
(Part 2 of 2)
the real
Ariel Sharon
Saving the
Gaza District
will save Israel
Sharon's Likud
victory proves
Feiglin is wrong
Avigdor Lieberman
urges Israeli surrender
Who will
lead against
Ariel Sharon?
Abbas and
PLO continue
Arafat's Nazi terror
The traitors
who run the
Yesha Council
A Jewish hero
Adir Zik
Sharon's plan:
Yesha Jews
and sanctifying
Holocaust victims
What JTF tells
its young
Jewish listeners
Arab Muslim
money controls
the Israeli media
Sharon bribes
Israeli soldiers to
expel Yesha Jews
When Jewish
billionaires help
Arab Muslim Nazis
Hilltop Youth's
new resistance
stuns Israeli army
G-d punishes
the traitor
Ariel Sharon
G-d gives
Hamas terrorists
election victory
The heroic
Jewish youth
of Amona
Jewish civil
war in Israel
(Part 1)
Jewish civil
war in Israel
(Part 2)
Jewish civil
war in Israel
(Part 3)
Why Jews
in G-d
Israel funds
Hamas Muslim
Ben Pesach
speech interrupted
(Part 1)
Ben Pesach
speech interrupted
(Part 2)
Ben Pesach
speech interrupted
(Part 3)
Why Israel
As JTF predicted
Israel loses
Lebanon war
Israel's image
damaged by
Lebanon defeat
JTF hopes to build a righteous right-wing Gentile movement!
Hilltop Youth
to save America
The 2008
election disaster
Muslims threatens
America's survival
Black rapist
murders 4
in Atlanta court
Lebanon's lesson
for the West
(Part 1)
Lebanon's lesson
for the West
(Part 2)
Algeria's lesson
for the West
(Part 1)
Algeria's lesson
for the West
(Part 2)
The murder of
Terri Schiavo
The bizarre
history of the
Black Muslims
returns to
its old treason
Rap "music" is
New LA mayor
defends crack
cocaine kingpins
Malcolm X exposed
as a homosexual
rapist and prostitute
Why Bush
will not defeat
Islamic terrorism
NYC police
protect violent
black criminals
Texas is
now majority
New York City's
lesson for the
United States
Black criminals
rampage after
Hurricane Katrina
Black pedophile
"minister" murders
white teenager
What happens
when whites
fight for blacks
When whites
go to school
with blacks
The French
Muslim riots
(Part 1)
The French
Muslim riots
(Part 2)
Black racist murderer
Stanley "Tookie"
Williams (Part 1)
Black racist murderer
Stanley "Tookie"
Williams (Part 2)
Iranian dictator
vows to destroy
Muslims riot
over cartoon
of Mohammed
Nazis vs.
genuine right-
wing patriots
Will Al Qaeda
supporters control
U.S. ports?
Pakistan, Dubai
and Muslim
nuclear terrorism
Illegal alien
amnesty will
doom America
Traitor U.S. jury
spares September 11th
Muslim monster
loves you,
Ann Coulter!
Help free the Jewish hero from house arrest!
Noam Federman is a Jewish dissident whom Israel's Bolshevik authorities brutally imprisoned for nine months solely because of his popularity and right-wing views. No charges were ever filed against him. Now, Noam is under highly restrictive house arrest to stop him from convincing Israeli Jews not to commit national suicide.
Federman very ill
but continues
hunger strike
Noam Federman
ends 54-day
hunger strike
Federman freed
after 9 months
in prison
End the anti-democratic persecution of Jewish hero Noam Federman!
Please do the following three things to protect Noam Federman's human rights:
Fax or e-mail Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert
demanding an end to Federman's unjust and anti-democratic house arrest.
Fax or e-mail Israeli Defense Minister Amir Peretz
who can end Noam Federman's disgraceful house arrest.
Send a generous check, money order or cash donation to "JTF" to help us free Federman.
Ehud Olmert's fax number
(if you are faxing from the U.S. or Canada*)
If number busy, please try again
Amir Peretz's fax number
(if you are faxing from the U.S. or Canada*)
If number busy, please try again
I want to e-mail Ehud Olmert
( Webmaster@PMO.Gov.Il)
I want to e-mail Amir Peretz
( SAR@MOD.Gov.Il)
* If you are not faxing from the U.S. or Canada, find your outgoing (IDD) international prefix HERE
(For example, dial 0015-972-2566-4838 from Australia or 00-972-2566-4838 from the UK)
Keep your messages cogent but brief - no more than a few sentences - and firm but polite
If you are not Jewish, please say so in your messages to Olmert and Peretz
Protests from non-Jews on this subject are especially effective
Some day, G-d will ask all of us what we did to stop this horrific miscarriage of justice
What will your answer be?
Tell America to stop funding Muslim nuclear terrorism!
The Iranian Muslim terrorist nuclear reactor at Bushehr
Please send the following urgent e-mail
to America's political leaders and news media:
Every drop of oil that we import from Muslim terrorist regimes such as Saudi Arabia and Iran helps to finance the development of nuclear weapons that will someday murder millions of Americans. We should immediately open ANWR to oil drilling. And the Bush Administration should immediately approve oil and gas exploration in Alaska's National Petroleum Reserve. The U.S. must begin an emergency crash program to achieve energy independence through a massive expansion in the use of clean coal, shale, natural gas, domestic oil and nuclear power. We must also begin an emergency crash program to develop cars and other motor vehicles that do not use gasoline. (For more information, please see the JTF.ORG web site.)
Make your voice heard! All influential people read their e-mail!
If using your own words, be very brief! Only brief e-mails are actually read!
(See below for the necessary e-mail addresses)
How JTF would save America and Israel!
POINT ONE: A ferocious retaliation against all Muslim nations which have in any way aided or abetted terrorism against American citizens.
POINT TWO: The immediate destruction by the American or Israeli military of all Muslim nuclear reactors, plants and laboratories developing nuclear, chemical and/or biological weapons of mass destruction.
POINT THREE: Total energy independence for America through a crash development program funded in the defense budget as a vital national security priority.
POINT FOUR: An immediate end to all U.S. foreign aid, even to a genuine friend and ally like Israel, which is harmed rather than helped by her counterproductive dependency on America's addictive welfare handouts.
POINT FIVE: An immediate end to all foreign immigration into the United States, combined with the complete expulsion of America's millions of illegal aliens and the stringent removal of her legal ones at the expiration of their work or residency visas.
POINT SIX: An immediate recognition by the United States of little Israel's G-d-given right and obligation to assert full and permanent sovereign control over all sacred Jewish Biblical lands, including Judea, Samaria, the Gaza District, the Golan Heights and eastern Jerusalem.
POINT SEVEN: An immediate withdrawal from the fanatically anti-American United Nations (UN) and all organizations directly or indirectly affiliated with it, and the immediate banning of all UN-related activities on American soil.
Spread the truth about the Muslim Koran!
Distribute JTF's flyer, quoting the "peaceful" Muslim Koran, to all patriotic Americans
I want to distribute JTF's Koran quotes flyer
(The link opens a new window, where you can click the "Print" button or "File > Print > OK")
Read Islam's terrorist bible for yourself!
Read the Koran in its own words, translated into English by Muslims
I want to read the Koran in its own words
I want to read the Koran by topic
Read the Koran!
Over 200,000 Queens cable viewers!
We have two different evening programs and two different daytime programs
Evenings: Daytime:
Spread the word!
All influential people read their e-mail!
E-mail opinion-makers at least once weekly
Always encourage them to visit the JTF.ORG web site
Mention our fight against Islam and other deadly threats
Come straight to the point
Write only a few lines on only one topic at a time
Send no carbon copies ("spam")
Use catchy, sensible subject ("re:") lines
Avoid all threats, insults and obscenities
E-mail media personalities!
Bill O'Reilly
Sean Hannity
Greta Van Susteren
Brit Hume
John Gibson
Pat Robertson
700 Club
G. Gordon Liddy
Michael Savage
Chris Ruddy
David Limbaugh
Cal Thomas
Charles Krauthammer
Always urge talk show hosts to invite JTF's Chaim Ben Pesach to their programs
E-mail media outlets!
The New York Post ( Letters@NYPost.com)
The Washington Times ( Letters@WashingtonTimes.com)
The New York Daily News ( Voicers@Edit.NYDailyNews.com)
The [Manchester, NH] Union Leader ( Letters@TheUnionLeader.com)
The Jewish Press ( Letters@JewishPress.com)
E-mail the White House!
President George Bush
( President@WhiteHouse.Gov)
Vice President Dick Cheney
( Vice.President@WhiteHouse.Gov)
E-mail your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative!
(The above links will take you to official U.S. Senate and U.S. House web pages, where you can write your e-mails.)
You can also mail or phone the White House and your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative:
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20500
(202) 456-1111 The Honorable _____*
U.S. Senate
Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-3121 The Honorable _____**
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 224-3121
* Insert the full name of either of your U.S. Senators. ***** ** Insert the full name of your U.S. Representative.
Remember always to keep it very brief! Only brief messages are actually read!
Fighting to save America and Israel
from Islamic terrorism!
Post Office Box 650327
Fresh Meadows NY 11365
true zionist
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