Triumph of Blairism! Not in the Crassrail holed East End of London !
©Muhammad Haque/AADHIKAR Media Foundation 2006 | 06.09.2006 16:58 | Analysis | Indymedia | Social Struggles | London | World
The Blaired news media led all day yesterday with the alleged prescription for a 'Blairing departure' by the man whom today’s [Wednesday 6 September 2006] Guardian has raised to the highest level of praise possible. Triumph of Blairism. What is the commodity? Where is it to be found? Certainly not in the East End of London whence Blair has now recruited THREE tokens and tools of propaganda, as if to compensate for the ouster of Oona King from her over-Blaired seat in Bethnal Green and Bow. The Crossrail hole plot has been endorsed by Alan Meale who obstructed evidence being given to the Crossrail Select committee [June 2006] that would have exposed crucial defects and the fundamental flaws in the sham CRASSRAIL project. So how is Blairism seen to those fighting the oppressive Blair schemes down in the East End?
The Muhammad Haque Political commentary on Tony Blair
from the East End of Blaired London
1640 Hrs GMT Wednesday 6 September 2006
"Blair brought in the Crassrail project to do down those already down and almost ousted from their homes, communities along the route in the East End of London and Blair made lying the official culture of public life in Britain and Blair gave us the brazen, plastic smile that betrayed a lack of soul, a loss of faith, a knack for sleaze, a degree of shamelessness that is unmatched anywhere in the 'civilised' world. And there is a phrase that Blair will live to regret for as long as he lives... Blair brought us the crooked councillors and the corrupt donors and the even more corrupted Parliament and a totally nakedly ugly untruthful press the like of which even Evelyn Waugh could not have imagined......... And Blair made us far poorer without compassion and without dignity than we ever needed to have been..."
©Muhammad Haque/AADHIKAR Media Foundation 2006
Hide the following 7 comments
Tony Blair 'remembers' the Labour Party, only to blame it for his flaws
07.09.2006 15:27
Muhammad Haque daily political commentary:
Tony Blair remembers 'the Labour Party', only to blame the Party for Blair's own disastrous career in destroying all that the Labour Party was foudned to establish!
Blair made inner cities poorer, exploiting entrepreneurs more oppressive in thos
10.09.2006 10:45
Blair has made the UK inner cities poorer and the exploiting entrepreneurs in those areas even more oppressive than they had been under Margaret Thatcher.
Blair is leaving behind a legacy of corruption so widespread that it no longer remits mention in the news.
The East End of London has been systematically disenfranchised and deprived of accountability by holders of public office has been made a thing of the past.
The multiple price that society will pay for the lies and the spreading of the culture of corruption by the Blair regime will be high. To avoid the situation getting worse, first let us get hold of the facts and start doing what needs to be done by opposing the Blairing corruption and all other forms of corruption and looting of the public resources.
Extracts from the AADHIKARonline report on the impact of CROSSRAIL hole on the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area
Read the full exclusive report [on the aadhikaronline web page below] from the heart of the East End of London at 1800 Hrs GMT Sunday 10 September 2006
web page link - correction
10.09.2006 20:55
Why the Crossrail-backer Guardian must not be allowed to lie for City of London
28.12.2006 15:54
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Muhammad Haque points out Guardian propaganda for Crossrail hole Bill backer City of London Corruption fronter Michael Snyder
AADHIKARonline in assocition with Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill
campaign against CrossRail hole Bill attacks on the East End of London is meetin
06.01.2007 12:40
The London wide campaign against CrossRail hole Bill attacks on the East End of London is meeting this weekend and the first agreed manifesto will be published on Sunday 7 January 2007 on the web site below
AADHIKARonline with Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill 7 Jan 2007
07.01.2007 10:43
Khoodeelaar! Manifesto for Bethnal Green and Bow 2007 - agreed version due to be published later on Sunday 7 January 2007 on
Muhammad Haque reports on how they lied for schools-failures Tower Hamlets
08.01.2007 12:42
"Tony Blair’s Education Minister [just ex!] Ruth Kelly [a staunch participant in lying for Tower Hamlets Coucnil until VERY RECENTLY] has found herself involved in an event that will cause her eventually to admit that she has been as much a liar as the rest of the Blaring crews and cliques every where."