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Foie Gras-Free North Launched!

NARN | 05.09.2006 17:10 | Animal Liberation

As part of the offensive against the sale of foie gras in the UK, NARN has launched a new camapign.


As part of the offensive against the sale of foie gras in the UK, NARN has
launched a new camapign. FOIE GRAS-FREE NORTH aims to expose the
resautrants who support the delicacy of dispair and stop the sale of foie
gras in the north.

Please take action today and stop foie gras in its tracks!

For more information visit

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foie gras

12.09.2006 05:46

Foie gras production is hideously cruel and it is good to see some meat eaters also support the campaign. But for those no-vegans who will not buy animal products produced in a cruel manner, if you followed that maxim consistently you will find that with the possible exception of home killed free range meat, and some free range eggs, there are not many animal products left to eat.

Broiler chicken production (the type bought in supermarkets or takeaways like KFC) suffer agony in their legs for about 20% of their 6 weeks on earth.

Battery hens are cramped together in cages far too small for them, for 18 months.

Pigs are kept in sow stalls and farrowing crates for their whole life until they go literally insane with boredom.

Dairy cows have their calves forcibly removed form them at birth

and all animals go through slaughterhouses with such high line speeds that there is inevitably a high proportion that are cut open or scalded alive.

A double standard is better than no standard at all, but why not be consistent with your anti-cruelty stance and go vegan!

Michael Morris
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Display the following 13 comments

  1. Ha ha! — Paul Edwards
  2. shock horror — Roger
  3. Non veggie view — Fred
  4. so what? — sai ko jo
  5. damn nice too — jo the ex veggie
  6. sad ko jo — situ-critical
  7. Wish me luck guys! — jo the ex veggie
  8. foie gras — sai ko jo
  9. we eat meat — Badger, tim, and Roger
  10. "But where do i get my protein from?" — Tim
  11. crap psy-tactics — jo the ex veggie
  12. Waist of time. — None of the above.
  13. hmm .. — Striking_Lotus_Fist