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Has Shayler Lost the Plot?

riot act | 03.09.2006 08:53 | Analysis | World

Zionists control the planet according to ex-spook David Shayler who phoned into the James Whale show this week to chat to his mate, the equally insane Alex Jones.

In what at times sounded like an amicable shouting contest the three egos battled it out to share their bonkers theories with the listening public with Jones parrotting his usual New World Order speculation whilst Shayler and Whale tossed in their own nutty warblings when they could get a word in.

Jones stated how we know for a fact that Diana and David Kelly were murdered, that 9/11 was an inside job and that the 7/7 bombings were a state operation organised by agent provocateurs. Falling short of providing any evidence for these theories Shayler appeared to agree with every word he said and then, not to be outdone added his own little bombshell at the end.

According to Shayler the reason Euan Blair was taken ill on his recent jaunt with his dad was very likely because he'd been poisoned as a threat to Blair should he not continue to play the game.

Shayler also offered congratulations to Jones on his recent film claiming that 'there's no disputing his facts'. Alex Jones opened the interview with a racist rant about how the New World Order was currently and deliberately flooding both Europe and the US with foreign criminals in order to destabilise society, a line of argument not far away from the BNP's twisted stance.

Racism is never far away with these so-called truthseekers, when journalist Jon Ronson recently attempted to debate with them he faced the usual anti-semetic remarks as well as accusations of being a 'shill'.

Smears are also stock in trade for the truthseekers, when we at the void suggested that they might demonstrate outside MI5 HQ rather than targeting the survivors of 7/7 and anti-war activists(1), Annie Machon, Shayler's wife and former spook herself commented on how it was intersting that I should know the 'trade name' for MI5 headquarters. We didn't actually realise we did, it's the way it says Thames House on the front of the building that gave it away for us (as well as being a closet fan of Spooks).

Possibly unconnected, but a sadly, seemingly former friend of the void's, who has been attending the 9/11 truth campaigners meetings and spent time with Shayler has recently taken to telling anyone who'll listen that we work for MI5 ourselves.

If we do then they sure owe us a lot of back pay.

Whilst leading lights in the truth movement continue to smear critics, refuse to listen to other's opinions and give credence to the likes of Alex Jones and David Icke then their desperate wish to be taken seriously will be largely ignored by all except those with enduring mental health problems.

But then I would say that, just doing me job like.


riot act
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Plotted cream

04.09.2006 07:00

yeah well it's all in the conspiracy soup. The only thing that we know for sure is that Shayler and his missus were at some stage part of the plot. The question is now are they still part of it and that we will not find out on Indymedia. better steer clear of 'em . innit

Green man