Faux "terror" latest -Timed to Distract Americans from the Failed Fiasco in Iraq
washpo | 02.09.2006 20:33 | Anti-militarism | Repression | Terror War
it Just a Dream? Sunday, September 3, 2006
See new headlines Last hour Last 2 hours Last 6 hours Last 12 hours Last 24 hours See all headlines What is this?
Liberty City Terror Scare that Came on Eve of Historical Senate Debate on Withdrawing Troops from Iraq Was a Bush Administration Entrapment Set Up to be Used When a Media Diversion Was Needed. It was a Stalin Style "Show Arrest," Timed to Distract Americans from the Failed Fiasco in Iraq.
See new headlines Last hour Last 2 hours Last 6 hours Last 12 hours Last 24 hours See all headlines What is this?
Liberty City Terror Scare that Came on Eve of Historical Senate Debate on Withdrawing Troops from Iraq Was a Bush Administration Entrapment Set Up to be Used When a Media Diversion Was Needed. It was a Stalin Style "Show Arrest," Timed to Distract Americans from the Failed Fiasco in Iraq.
FBI Role in Terror Probe Questioned
Lawyers Point to Fine Line Between Sting and Entrapment
By Walter Pincus
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, September 2, 2006; Page A01
Standing in an empty Miami warehouse on May 24 with a man he believed had ties to Osama bin Laden, a dejected Narseal Batiste talked of the setbacks to their terrorist plot and then uttered the words that helped put him in a federal prison cell.
"I want to fight some jihad," he allegedly said. "That's all I live for."
What Batiste did not know was that the bin Laden representative was really an FBI informant. The warehouse in which they were meeting had been rented and wired for sound and video by bureau agents, who were monitoring his every word.
Within a month...
Full story at
Lawyers Point to Fine Line Between Sting and Entrapment
By Walter Pincus
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, September 2, 2006; Page A01
Standing in an empty Miami warehouse on May 24 with a man he believed had ties to Osama bin Laden, a dejected Narseal Batiste talked of the setbacks to their terrorist plot and then uttered the words that helped put him in a federal prison cell.
"I want to fight some jihad," he allegedly said. "That's all I live for."
What Batiste did not know was that the bin Laden representative was really an FBI informant. The warehouse in which they were meeting had been rented and wired for sound and video by bureau agents, who were monitoring his every word.
Within a month...
Full story at
