Netcu Watch update 01 09 06
NW | 01.09.2006 18:07 | Animal Liberation
The website Netcu Watch (National Extremism Tactical Coordination Unit-Watch) has been updated Friday September 1st 2006.
In this update NW reports and comments on two people that were recently arrested for carrying placards in Hull that showed primates in vivisection laboratories as well as the case of a father who was stabbed to death recently confronting thugs whilst police refused to act upon information received before this tragic event took place. Also a short NW analysis of Brendan O'Neil (Anti-AR mouthpiece) from Spiked Online ..and more.
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that wishes to keep you down and keep your mouth shut!
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Be sure to bookmark and keep an eye on the state
that wishes to keep you down and keep your mouth shut!
Contributions to the site always welcomed!
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