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ClimateCamp Day of Action, Morning Pics

IMC | 31.08.2006 09:15 | Climate Camp 2006 | Climate Chaos

The movement of people from the climate camp started early this morning;

with a white overalls block and samba band heading out through the side gate, a kids block left via the main gate.



more pics form Thursday morning

31.08.2006 09:50

including the kids block with their own hand-made banner.


more photos

31.08.2006 20:03


jpg thief


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This is a rant with purpose and i dont mind if you hide it...

05.09.2006 12:59

Watching the news about Drax and all the price rises in electricity and gas made me wonder why we as a nation don't realise that the politicians have had the plan to make the poorer people, (ie: those of us who aren't greedy and use power saving ways to heat and light our lives) pay so heavily for our power that sooner or later we would be squashed out of the picture altogether. This is done because the powers that be know that time is running out for them and so, in their 'need' for fast gas gussling cars and oversized mansions that could house entire communities and their greed for long holidays on planes that will soon charge way over what poorer people can afford and pump out waste at an unbelievable rate, they plan the coorporations they own to overprice everything and only fix the water and amenities of the rich and well to do, while doing token gestures to the masses until the day that those masses catch on to what they are up to and by then it will be to late.
We need to stop paying taxes that go mostly to paying for the oil wars and make a stand on every level especially on the home front, giving reasons to the powers that be so they understand that we have sussed them out and are not going to carry on feeding their overblown bellies no matter what they try and do to us.
Everytime we capitulate to companies like Drax, Southwest Water, Esso, Nestle, and every other multinational big cat company we hammer another nail in Mother Earths coffin, every penny paid in tax goes to the wrong place because we have no control over it when it leaves our hands, we need to understand that the power they have is the power we give them, it is up to us all as responsible citizens of Earth to work toward the downfall of the powerful elite, their stupidity and lack of compassion, their greed and inability to have any empathy to us, their violence and sickness, all of it has to stop before Gaia can heal herself, we need to stop buying from big companies and get others, (people we would rather not talk to on the streets, Mcdonalds burger eaters, popstar wannabes, boy racers, chavs, etc) to realise that their way of life is bad for ALL of us, responsible make up, eco friendly power supplies, etc etc. ( ever wondered why the government don't want to talk about greylight solar panels on every roof in the UK, cos it decentralises their power base, if they want to give you a power out at any time of day or night then they can, but if each building had its own power supply then they would lose the ability to control you). Sounds paranoid doesn't it! So why do they do the things they do if it doesn't make any sense, why do they feel it is justifiable to use bad energy when they know the alternatives are a 100 times better and have no side effects, if every tile on every roof was greylight solar panel then we would have absolutely no need for wind generators, oil based power plants, nuclear power plants would be a thing to tell our children about as if it where a myth. (power mongers only use power stations as a stepping stone toward uranium 235).
So keep up the fight and don't give up any of your ideals for these bully boys...(and girls)

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