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Trotsky was right!

Leon | 31.08.2006 00:26 | Analysis | Repression | Workers' Movements

The controversy about the Bolshevik destruction of counter-revolutionary forces at Kronstadt and the Ukraine is idiotic.

Counter revolutionary forces at Kronstadt and the Ukraine attempted to pervert the nascent rising of the Bolshevik state during the 1920's.

Anarchists claim these counter-revolutionary forces as their own, and further claim the counter-revolutionaries were acting to further the revolution.


Modern-day anarchists, like their forebears, show themselves to be as reactionary as the bourgeois time and time again, with their blatant disregard for the working class of their own countries.

Anarchism in the modern day, just like revolutionary Russia, is a haven for all manner of bourgeois and petit-bourgeois malcontents who are easily manipulated by the State forces of Capital.

In fact, all manner of creatures claim the mantle of "anarchist" as a badge of honour, claiming how alternative they are, whilst spouting anti-Marxist propaganda.

These state-controlled revolutionaries (counter-revolutionaries) should come clean about their manipulation of the Left.

The working people demand to know the truth!



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31.08.2006 00:45

If you want to be part of the true zionist resistance force uk and fight for israel and right wing zionists worldwide; jewish or non-jewish we don't mind (but please no muslims) then ring:


The Zionist Resistance Force UK

...the movement that cares about zionists


Words are our servants, not our masters!

31.08.2006 02:00

Today's so-called 'anarchists' are no more useful than anyone else when it comes to the 9/11 and 'let's abolish the arms-trade' issue that defines our times.
It does not matter what label you wear, false distinctions between 'workers' and 'whatevers' just doesn't cut it - the yoke of the arms-trade is what matters right now. Either we face up to the the challenge of getting the arms-trade abolished or else we happily pay our taxes to keep our lovely governments in D.U. nukes!
If I remember it was the 'crypto-Christians' called Quakers that nixed the 'slave-trade', not the 'anarchists', 'capitalists', 'parliamentarians' or even the 'slaves' themselves. Back in the day, councillors had their shares in the slave-trade, MP's owned plantations and the entire establishment was corrupted by slavery. Slavery was not actually that good a business model - you still have to feed slaves when there is a downturn, unlike 'workers' that can be laid off, to starve! The 'slave-trade' was the vital bit to abolish, not 'slavery' per say.
Moving swiftly on to the post 9/11 world it is the 'arms-trade' that has to be dealt with, i.e. abolished. So long as governments spend everyone's money on arms they are corrupt. If the arms-trade goes, then, nobody can make any money from buying bombs and weapons. As a consequence, war becomes less profitable, and goes the way of slavery, i.e. not to completely eliminated, but mostly eliminated, making the world a much better place for everyone and everyone's grandchildren, clearing up government corruption along the way.
Get it? Stop worrying about what the labels are, what RFID tags they are putting in your bin and what they are putting in your sugar, focus on what matters - abolition of the arms-trade.
Go articulate the conviction!


Yes of course!

31.08.2006 05:58

if only Trotsky had inhereted Lenin's legacy all would have been fine, and the oxymoron of state socialism would have liberated the working class on its behalf. Clearly any anti-bolshevik is a white conspirator ...

Alternatively, i'd recommend reading Maurice Brinton's 'The Bolsheviks and Workers' Control' (see link) which thouroughly debunks leninist/trot claims about the 'revolutionary state' (another oxymoron):

- Homepage:


31.08.2006 07:38

Is this drivel supposed to be a news item??? If you want to have this idiotic row why don't you go and post on Urban75 or something moron?


In reply to the Trots

31.08.2006 08:35

Where is that Bolshevick state and society today?

Over the wall

Get a life

31.08.2006 09:33

Who gives a fuck? It's 2006 and the weather is changing saddo and all the Krondstadt shit. Just shows what you authoritarian types have to offer. ie. jack fucking shit. Like you read 1984, Homage to and asnimal Farm and don't get it.

re RR. Don't even mention the Women's bread strike which kicked it off or Menshevik Lenin and his bandwaggon jumping ( quite a bit later ).

Also you neglected to point out thast the Ukranian peasant anarchists ( under Mahkno )saved Trotsky's and his Red Army's ass - and then he went and had the anarchists shot as thanks.

Speaking of bourgois - how about the lineup of marxism 200x , any number of
Marxist trot theoritsts and lecturers ( cham,pagne socialists ). Talking shop any ody?

Yep there are plenty of liberals and trustafari posing as anarchists too.

No war but the ( eco ) class war.

made his ears burn


31.08.2006 11:13

"The working people demand to know the truth!"

I have worked in factories and shops all my life, I have not heard one person mention Kronstadt, the only conversation I have ever had is with a member of the SWP, and he was a lawyer.


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