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Titnore Woods Eviction

a concerned shopper | 30.08.2006 21:34

The protest against the destruction of Titnore Woods near Brighton, to make way for a Tesco superstore and 875 houses, faces imminent eviction. The bailiffs hired by Tesco have an office in Leeds.


"WITH eviction now looking extremely imminent at Camp Titnore in Worthing, information has been gained on the firms who will be trying to force the protesters off the ancient woodland they are trying to protect. Today (Wednesday August 30) there was a lot of police activity in the area around the site and protesters are calling for people to get down to the camp NOW to help them defend their occupied land, with the appeal lost and the go-ahead given to clear the site.

The involvement of supermarket giant Tesco in the development has been known all along - it wants to build a massive new store next to the 875-home estate and it is rumoured that the disastrous road widening in Titnore Lane has been arranged purely for its delivery lorries coming off the A27. Another coincidence was that the legal papers served on the camp all turned up in special plastic bags marked "Tesco".

And it has now emerged that the eviction will be handled, again coincidentally, by the same two firms used by Tesco in its eviction of the Shepton Mallet anti-Tesco protest site. The bailiffs are Sherforce, based in Braintree, Essex, tel 0845 890 9205, email, website They have apparently never handled a site involving tunnels before and people might want to ask them how they propose to do so. The specialist climbers being used are Highline Access of Bristol (tel 0870 0435531).

Titnore protesters have invited the bailiffs to a health and safety meeting, as is standard procedure in many protest sites, but they were not interested."

The bailiffs, Sherforce, have an office in Leeds at Aquis House, Greek Street, LEEDS LS1 5RU if you want to let them know what you think...

a concerned shopper


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Feck Tesco

31.08.2006 16:58

Keep up the good work - and I hope u cause them as much strife and trouble as possible! I cant believe they are building a tesco on these beautiful woods!! Wish I could be there - good luck!

mail e-mail:

Tesco Titnore

31.08.2006 17:55

Fecking Hell. If anymore of these multi-national bastards continue to oppress and repress our lands and our livelihoods, I shall have to start shopping for me cheese and yoghurt at the hippy wholefood shops .........and they charge a fecking fortune for anything!!

Totally stuffed.

Noah finnity.

Anti Beeb