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No Troops to Lebanon!

ICP | 29.08.2006 00:49 | Lebanon War 2006

Israel’s war in Lebanon had several aspects: some concern its own territorial interests, others concern the policy of American imperialism in the Middle East of which it is the fundamental instrument, finally others are related to "the instability" of Lebanon and to the resistance of the Palestinian populations which have been unable to emancipate themselves from the national oppression to which they were subjected initially by British colonialism, then by Zionism.

The mission of the UN blue helmets is purely imperialist


Because of its oil resources, of its strategic position as well as the repercussions that in Europe the political and religious movements which exist there can have, the Middle East represents an irresistible objective for the countries imperialists countries, starting with the United States, and a permanent reason for conflict between the great powers which dominate planet, as between the local bourgeoisies.

The always extreme Palestinian question, the instability of Lebanon, the fundamental weakness of States like Jordan or the Emirates, the collapse of an Iraq torn by interior and external wars of division, the imperialist aims of Iran which fans the embers of nationalist terrorism (Hamas) or religious terrorism (Hezbollah), the turbid play of Egypt, of Syria, of Saudi Arabia on the Mid-Eastern chess-board made up of countries very often artificially constituted by the imperialist powers -- without of course forgetting the actions of the Israeli State implanted the region to serve imperialist interests in general and in particular those of American imperialism, and various countries, all of which form an inextricable entanglement of local, regional and global interests whose capitalisms permanently need economic alliances and political confrontations (and vice versa) to save their rates of profit.


The rivers of blood which the populations of the Middle East have poured out for over a century are increasingly and in the overwhelming majority the blood of proletarians and the proletarianized masses.

In this region of martyrdom where to wage exploitation is added national and economic oppression and the devastations of war, the capitalism of all the countries accumulates its profits by sucking the sweat and blood out of the proletarians of all nationalities. In this area where peace is only one small or large interval between two wars, where the imperialist appetites imperialists of the United States, of France, of Great Britain, of Italy and other countries which take part in alleged "the missions of peace", in this area collide, the Lebanese, Palestinian, Jordanian or Syrian, Iranian, Iraqi or Israeli proletarians cannot have any guarantee of peace and life: capitalism, under its tawdry tinsels of democracy or dictatorship, freedom or religion, will continue to mean exploitation, misery and death.


The contingent of thousands of French, Italian, Spanish, German and other countries under the uniform of the blue helmets of the UN, which must take up position in the "safety" zone where the army, navy and the air force of Tel Aviv destroyed all that they could, officially has the task of guaranteeing the cease-fire, the disarmament of Hezbollah, and of helping the Lebanese government to rebuild what was destroyed. It actually acts as a police operation in the service of imperialism. It will be impossible to restore a genuine peace because no one has considered in any fashion how to tackle the fundamental causes of the confrontations, i.e. dealing with the bourgeois interests which are opposed and which cause misery and oppression. The countries which take part, before and above all, defend their own capitalist interests. French imperialism seeks to be re-implanted in an area where it still has important interests to defend or to conquer; but this is also the case for Italy (first economic partner of Lebanon), Great Britain, Germany, etc. The proletarians of the Near and Middle East are condemned to be the victims of this tangle of sordid interests and cynical capitalist confrontations.


The solution does not lie in the missions of UNO, in provisional truces, nor in "unilateral" withdrawals or "lightning wars". No bourgeoisie, no country in the area or any great power can guarantee a future of peace because it is capitalism which is at the root of the wars. None the innumerable calls to peace launched by pacifists or the Church to touch the conscience of the leaders can lead to peace, because under capitalism, it is not the conscience of individuals, but the search for profits and material advantages which determines the policy of the States.

The only solution is in the struggle that the proletarians must carry out against their bourgeoisies, by breaking the paralysing bonds of the national "union" whose bourgeoisies are always the only ones to benefit, like history has shown a hundred times.

Workers of France, of Germany, of Italy, of Spain, of Russia, of Europe and America: our bourgeoisies, all imperialist, seek to exploit us in an increasingly greater manner, but also to exploit the proletarians of the less developed countries and areas in an even more bestial way. Pushed into alliances or split into warring factions according to the evolution of their national interests, they use the conflicts in weaker countries as a safety valve to attempt to disperse contradictions which worsen in world capitalism and of inter-imperialist conflicts which mature to the increasingly more uncontrollable rhythm of economic crises. War is the solution to which the bourgeoisie always turns when economic and political difficulties become insurmountable.

To the war between States, to the war between bourgeoisies, the working class has only one prospect to oppose: the class war, the proletarian class struggle against the bourgeois class whatever its flag, whatever its excuses, political, economic, national or religious.

The proletarian flag has only one color in the whole world: the red of the blood poured in more than one and a half centuries of wars, exploitation and bourgeois repression. It brings together the proletarians of all the countries and all the races in a great world struggle against the only true enemy, the class enemy, the bourgeoisie.


To protest against military incursions into Lebanon is the minimum to be done, but that is not enough! To express opposition by the ballot boxes or even in demonstrations is useless like the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan or Yugoslavia once again demonstrated. So that it is real and effective, the opposition to the wars and the bourgeois military interventions must be based on the solid basis of the class struggle which the proletarians in defense of their living and working conditions carry out against capitalism. If they are not able to be mobilized to defend their immediate interests, the workers will never be able to mobilize themselves for broader political objectives like the fight against the wars.

The proletarians must be opposed to all military interventions of the bourgeoisie, but by understanding that it is only by their class struggle that they can stop the military interventions of the bourgeois State, so that tomorrow the class struggle will be able to stop the war by paralysing the operation of the economic machine. Only the class struggle can transform the war into revolution, civil war for the defeat of the bourgeoisie and of its State. To take the first steps in this direction, it is necessary to return to the methods and the means of the fight anti-capitalist struggle, to begin with the struggle for defense of its immediate interests. That implies breaking with the political parties and the trade-union organizations which are the agents of collaboration between the classes, the reformists forces which in fact support imperialism, yesterday while asking Chirac that France have “more of a presence”, today by supporting the allegedly peaceful sending soldiers to Lebanon, tomorrow in a new world war - and always by sabotaging the workers’ struggle.

No to Israeli aggression in Lebanon and in Palestine!

No to bourgeois wars!

No to military interventions, even when camouflaged as "peace missions”!

For the resumption of the proletarian struggle starting from the defense of living and working conditions!

Down with political and trade-union collaborationism which defends the national economy and imperialist actions against the interests of the workers!


August 16, 2006

International Communist Party

Editions Programme 3 rue Basse Combalot 69007 LYON



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29.08.2006 14:09

Who are you calling a "proletarian", Sparty?
I'm with you though on one point: keep the clueless UN out and let the IDF have free rein to finish off Hizbullah this time, rather than pussyfooting around. We all know really that if they'd been deliberately targeting civilians, there would have been tens or hundreds of thousands of deaths.

Voice of reason