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Censorship on the web

As Par Tame | 26.08.2006 22:57 | Bio-technology | Health

I was just searching for some info on a sweetner called Sucralose. The page I wanted from Google "There have been no long-term human toxicity studies published until after the FDA approved sucralose for human consumption. Following FDA approval a human ..." came up with "Attorneys acting on behalf of the manufacturers of sucralose, Tate & Lyle PLC based in London, England, have requested that the information contained on this page not be made available to Internet users in England."

Is this new for corporations to be blocking information on the web? It's interesting that they can block specific info for the UK.

This is the google search,RNWE:2005-17,RNWE:en&q=Sucralose

This is the censored page

As Par Tame


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Read it in the Internet Archive

26.08.2006 23:04


Censorship, what censorship?

27.08.2006 00:26

Search technology is always evolving, and if you want to make a 'brute force' search you might want to try an older non-Google search engine, i.e. one that crawls and indexes the whole web, as these can do 'booleans' a bit better, possibly to retrieve what you need.
The word on the street is that Google is getting worse for search, and it is not the amazing thing it used to be. I can no longer find stuff, and I keep meeting people that say the same, and they are not out to dig the dirt on 'CiA/Mossad', just do a job. Perhaps there is just too much stuff out there, and maybe search is dead, until the all-singing semantic web comes along.
More generally, most censorship is self censorship. To quote Churchill: 'Most people stumble over the truth, now and then, but they usually manage to pick themselves up and go on, anyway.' Yep, most people lack courage when it comes to real truths, such as how we got into this war. It is much easier to get distracted, and not even look for truth, no matter how obvious it is. Here is a little truth for you: Who told the world that Osama bin Laden pulled down the Twin Towers? Well, it was the 'aviation experts' that worked for the same company that was opening the world's largest arms-trade fair, that very day in London's Docklands - the 'Defence Systems Equipment international' (DSEi). If you check your VHS tape from five years ago, I can guarantee you that that is the case, although you might note that the entire web has had 'who blamed Osama first' eradicated from it...
Needless to say, the vested interests of the 'aviation experts' were not mentioned at the time, and nobody thought it odd that 'they' could get to the BBC studios so quickly after the 'unexpected' events.
Funnily enough, no mention was made of the real threat from 'disarm-DSEi', by the folks doing the PR for the DSEi, and none of the people that read the news 'checked sources' or questioned the 'vested interests'. So, to this day, even though everyone who is anyone knows what happened on that day, we still have the Osama bin Laden fairytale, and no acknowledgement of the problems of the arms-trade.


Legal Censorship

27.08.2006 15:04

Self-censor, you either did not read the article posted or you did not understand it.

I noticed this with exactly the same page. It isn't about Google censorship, though I have no reason to doubt that this exists, Google actually has the page indexed. The page has been made unavailable to readers in the UK as can be seen on the page itself:

Attorneys acting on behalf of the manufacturers of sucralose, Tate & Lyle PLC based in London, England, have requested that the information contained on this page not be made available to Internet users in England.

Yes, it is possible to read the article elsewhere - but that is hardly the point!

Previously Cnsored


11.12.2008 18:25

we keep having a go at china for its internet censorship. and we let tate and lyle to block access to a site in the uk because of "libelous " content. what fucking hypocrisy, do tate and lyle raelly think they are better than us? if we boycotted their sugar products in the uk they'd be out on their arses in two weeks.
