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ventura | 26.08.2006 05:15 | Animal Liberation

UK Rat Race Equality

Recent reports that the uk population has hit 60 million coincides with the uk rat population is now also 60 million.One rat per human,or one human per rat ,depending on your way of looking.Whatever?.Lab rats or rat labs?Who cares?Not uk rats for sure.It only takes 8 rats to take a human sleeping,well im making that up.How many humans does it take to care what a rat is doing?By percentages less than nearly zero.
Whats my point?My point is information technology.
The more of it we attain the less of it we get,mostly from the greatest controllers of it. Who blatantly gaze into our eyes through the cold glass eye reading the news,more concerned with their "media image".than what is realy happening to us,how we think,or feel.They do not give a fuck.



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was this written by a ten year old?

28.08.2006 10:20

what the fuck??

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