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British People's Party leaflets

anti-racist | 25.08.2006 12:42 | Anti-racism | Liverpool

Racist campaign around the Aighburt and Dingle area-Tell them what you think!

Leaflets full of hatred, prejudices and racism have been distributed around different areas in Liverpool recently.
They are signed by a group called British People's Party and their contents are full of ignorance, hatred and bigotry.
It's a hysterical, inaccurate and ignorant message that needs to be challanged.
If you want to contact them and let them know what you think of this racist campaign you can do it at:

07951083919-the guy's name is Kevin Watmough (go to to find out more about his history of Neo-Nazism).



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And who the hell are you?

25.08.2006 19:48

So you come here to publish this information, you provide no proof, and then let go a mobile phone number...for all I know you are a stalker that wants me to call your ex-girlfriend to call her names.


2 can play that game 'Karl'

26.08.2006 02:15

Ok 'Karl' with your logic for all we know your his ex girlfriend trying to avoid all the obscene phonecalls. If you think thatsounds stupid then you shouldlook at urself coz its all in your thought pattern.


Fear not

27.08.2006 20:00

Please take a look at their website, you can google it.

Looks like a 14 yr old has had one over the eight, and downloaded a dodgy copy of website building software, and created a website which says 'We are idiots'.

Any 'party' with a badly designed logo of a thrusted right hand, the old Hitler salute so to speak, and using white text on a black background, is doomed to failure.

True 'mentalists' to coin a Alan Partridge phrase

You can see it ending in tears.

Eyes Higher

Grow Up Karl

31.08.2006 18:29

ThaT would be tHe official telEphone number of the BPP. Just ask the ElectoraL CommIssion. Or thE CustomS and Excise, or Special Branch. KEV really should have registered his VAT interests for all that cheap software. Or perhaps you would be at court tommorrow Supporting goodman Sheppard on charges AGAIN.

Maybe those Leeds visitors should piss off home.

noit karl

Leaflets in Liverpool 18

02.09.2006 10:51

I got this through the door a couple of weeks ago, while I was a work. A mate of mine who lives a few streets away got the same leaflet but in black and white.

Scott B


14.09.2006 08:41

Yes that is one of their leaflets, if you click onto the BPP website you will see, that leaflet amongst others can be ordered through Watmoughs BM box in London.
