Film Night at The Occupied Cottage Social Centre - Tonight!
V | 25.08.2006 11:20 | Birmingham
There is a Film Night at the Occupied Cottage Social Centre, 147 Kyrwicks Lane, Sparkbrook, tonight from 7pm. Films being shown are "Land and Freedom" - an insight into the Spanish Civil War and "V for Vendetta". The night follows on from a series of successful weekly film screenings; tonight's event is organised by the West Midland's Anarchist Group.
Land and Freedom
The 1936 Spanish uprising is in full flow whilst in Liverpool unemployed and disillusioned David decides to leave his fiance and travel to Spain as a volunteer where he meets the beautiful Blanca...
This outstanding film offers a fascinating insight into the Spansih Civil war through the eyes of a young British volunteer, memorably portrayed by Ian Hart. Following his death in present-day Britain, his grand-daughter sorts through an old suitcase containing the momentos of his time in war-torn Spain, providing the framework for the story. Brillantly directed by ken Loach, the film is a poignant evocation of that same mix of beauty and ugliness, love and tragedy that other writers on Spain have portrayed, and which all those who have, in different ways been captivated by that country, will instantly recognise. The use of loosley-scripted dialogue to add spontaneity is partcularly effective. Altogether an unforgettable experience.
V for Vendetta is based on the comic series by Alan Moore and David Lloyd. Which was an exploration of the dynamic between both anarchy and fascism and pop art and literature. Its basically about a terrorist superhero fighting against a fascist British state. His identity is never revealed because he is a symbol of resistance. 'People should not be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people.'
The 1936 Spanish uprising is in full flow whilst in Liverpool unemployed and disillusioned David decides to leave his fiance and travel to Spain as a volunteer where he meets the beautiful Blanca...
This outstanding film offers a fascinating insight into the Spansih Civil war through the eyes of a young British volunteer, memorably portrayed by Ian Hart. Following his death in present-day Britain, his grand-daughter sorts through an old suitcase containing the momentos of his time in war-torn Spain, providing the framework for the story. Brillantly directed by ken Loach, the film is a poignant evocation of that same mix of beauty and ugliness, love and tragedy that other writers on Spain have portrayed, and which all those who have, in different ways been captivated by that country, will instantly recognise. The use of loosley-scripted dialogue to add spontaneity is partcularly effective. Altogether an unforgettable experience.
V for Vendetta is based on the comic series by Alan Moore and David Lloyd. Which was an exploration of the dynamic between both anarchy and fascism and pop art and literature. Its basically about a terrorist superhero fighting against a fascist British state. His identity is never revealed because he is a symbol of resistance.

V for Vendetta creator supports keeping housing public!
26.08.2006 12:46
Alan Moore the author of the original V for Vendetta, who distanced himself considerably from the film and other Hollywood aberrations of his work, has designed a poster campaign to help keep council housing public in Northhampton. There are some interesting parallels here with what the cottage social centre collective are trying to do with their occupation of what was a council run youth and community centre in Sparkbrook.
Moore supports housing council
Norman Adams
March 22, 2006
Defend Council Housing have taken to creative fund raising, and it doesn't come much more creative than this, Alan Moore has agreed to produce the art work for a poster that the campaign will sell to help fund the campaign in Northamptonshire. Norman Adams and Chris Pounds, both council tenants and leading members of the housing campaign group in Northamptonshire 'Defend Council Housing', were with Alan on Friday at his Northampton home to see the work in progress. The original will be put on Ebay for Moore Fans world wide to bid for.
Norman Adams said "We hope this will send a message to the councils in Northants, who are hell bent on conning tenants out of their secure tenancies with the bait of a new bathroom or some other bribe, that tenants will with the help of other tenants hear both sides of the story. We hope that the sale of this run of 100 very collectable posters will make it possible for us to be financially able to get our message though every council tenants door, and to hold meetings across Northamptonshire"
The campaign believes council housing should stay with councils, and says "councils up and down the country have been falsely painting a rosy picture of what tenants will get if they transfer their homes to an Housing Association."
Norman Adams said "We are very pleased that Alan is showing support, he knows that councils are spending vast amounts of money to put there one sided argument across, and that 'Defend Council Housing' has to try and compete with this and give tenants the facts. Where this is done with a well run campaign tenants tend to see though the glossy professional propaganda and spin that is put to them, and vote to stay with there council"
Chris Pounds said "We are well aware that South Northants, Daventry District Council and Wellingborough will have well oiled and overpaid public relations consultants running their offensive, making offers that may not materialize. We will have tenants talking at meetings who have first hand experience of the post-transfer nightmares. We take heart from the fact that of the last 11 councils to put this to a vote of tenants recently, 8 have been won by the "don't sell off council homes - stay with your council argument".
Norman Adams added "when it's said that tenants will be balloted, people need to ask will the ballot be fair? Lets look at the facts, one side of this debate has unlimited resources, they have the names and addresses of the electorate, they employ professional consultants and they determine when the ballot is held and they push privatisation. The other side has no resources except its support from tenants and belief in its case. It fits in campaigning around picking up the kids from school, outside of everyday work and in supporters limited free time. On any democratic criteria you apply that is not proper and not very balanced, we wish to put people in the picture".
If you are a council tenant in Northamptonshire and you wish for more information from 'Defend Council Housing' phone (01604) 764797 any Alan Moore fans that wish for more details of the poster can also contact the above number.
Moore supports housing council
Norman Adams
March 22, 2006
Defend Council Housing have taken to creative fund raising, and it doesn't come much more creative than this, Alan Moore has agreed to produce the art work for a poster that the campaign will sell to help fund the campaign in Northamptonshire. Norman Adams and Chris Pounds, both council tenants and leading members of the housing campaign group in Northamptonshire 'Defend Council Housing', were with Alan on Friday at his Northampton home to see the work in progress. The original will be put on Ebay for Moore Fans world wide to bid for.
Norman Adams said "We hope this will send a message to the councils in Northants, who are hell bent on conning tenants out of their secure tenancies with the bait of a new bathroom or some other bribe, that tenants will with the help of other tenants hear both sides of the story. We hope that the sale of this run of 100 very collectable posters will make it possible for us to be financially able to get our message though every council tenants door, and to hold meetings across Northamptonshire"
The campaign believes council housing should stay with councils, and says "councils up and down the country have been falsely painting a rosy picture of what tenants will get if they transfer their homes to an Housing Association."
Norman Adams said "We are very pleased that Alan is showing support, he knows that councils are spending vast amounts of money to put there one sided argument across, and that 'Defend Council Housing' has to try and compete with this and give tenants the facts. Where this is done with a well run campaign tenants tend to see though the glossy professional propaganda and spin that is put to them, and vote to stay with there council"
Chris Pounds said "We are well aware that South Northants, Daventry District Council and Wellingborough will have well oiled and overpaid public relations consultants running their offensive, making offers that may not materialize. We will have tenants talking at meetings who have first hand experience of the post-transfer nightmares. We take heart from the fact that of the last 11 councils to put this to a vote of tenants recently, 8 have been won by the "don't sell off council homes - stay with your council argument".
Norman Adams added "when it's said that tenants will be balloted, people need to ask will the ballot be fair? Lets look at the facts, one side of this debate has unlimited resources, they have the names and addresses of the electorate, they employ professional consultants and they determine when the ballot is held and they push privatisation. The other side has no resources except its support from tenants and belief in its case. It fits in campaigning around picking up the kids from school, outside of everyday work and in supporters limited free time. On any democratic criteria you apply that is not proper and not very balanced, we wish to put people in the picture".
If you are a council tenant in Northamptonshire and you wish for more information from 'Defend Council Housing' phone (01604) 764797 any Alan Moore fans that wish for more details of the poster can also contact the above number.

alan moore fan