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Set Free to Molest Again - a breech of duty of trust - Tony Blair

Charity Sweet | 23.08.2006 12:23 | Education | Social Struggles | World

I think the title pretty much says it all. When all the world deplores, hates - whatever word you use to describe the venom, most parents feel towards these subhuman creatures - a child molester and every man and his dog knows they cannot be rehabilitated... what inhumane bastard would set them free? Is that not a breech of duty of care? Has the world gone mad? Does no one care about the kids in our own country who are consistently being placed at risk by SETTING CHILD MOLESTERS FREE?

A portion of a letter hand delivered and faxed to an MP. I have a meeting to discuss this issue with him in September.

I refuse to accept or tolerate any further threats or harassment from any of the XXX clan or their agents. I demand they cease and desist as I am a mother and I have children. The XXX's parting comment to the street, me, my thirteen year old son and his mates was, "Social Services are coming for you. They are coming for your kids!"

My son appropriately opened his mouth for the first time during all this provocation and called them "Wankers", as they drove off, which I thought was quite restrained given their behavior. I reiterated his opinion in much more colorful language than that, at that point. Up until that point, their actions and behavior was completely un-provoked. I ignored and looked through all day.

Should Social Services knowingly aid and abet the XXX's in their harassment of my family, please be certain I will include that authority in any CHARGES OF HARRASSMENT THAT WILL BE LAID. During this time of complete duress, I will not tolerate a stranger intruding into my life on behalf of the XXX's and threatening the welfare or interrogating the hell out of my children. Nazism should have died with Hitler.

I am a mother and my family will be harassed no more - God as my witness.

I implore you to feel compassion for my children as they have consistently watched their mother be harassed and now threatened. And now even my children are being threatened? Social Services are the XXX's threat? This has gone beyond a joke. I demand to be left in peace to raise my children within this insane society.

Curiously, another pedophile was SET FREE into my neighborhood at All Saint's Church, Chatham. No sooner was he out, it bubbled up to the surface again as another past victim of his came forward. He was sent off packing for another 18 MONTHS 'holiday' at her Majesty's leisure, of which time he will serve??? At what cost to the tax payer; £500,000 per annum, unless I am mistaken? And the NHS is going broke?

It's all about priorities Toady. No more National Health or social net for the poor? It's Blue Cross and the American nightmare all the way to hell? This is England? England sets molesters free willy-nilly - no more Myra Hinley 'away with you for ever' attitude? Wat went wong?

He will serve how long before he is SET FREE to MOLEST AGAIN? Pedophiles MUST be classed as the DANGEROUS OFFENDERS they are to all children and PERMANENTLY ISOLATED AND SEGREGATED FROM ALL CHILDREN. And yet they are not?

If all the world deplores a pedophile, who in their right mind - which politician who writes the laws and what judge who serves up 'justice', would set just one of those evil, clever bastards free knowing they will re-offend? Surely that must be a crime in itself under the Sexual Offences Act, Article 16 I believe - A FAILURE OF DUTY TO PROTECT, an ABUSE of a position of trust. Everyone knows they re-offend consistently without any remorse - they are sick in the head; mentally ill; mentally defective, literally. That’s the sad truth, as ugly as it is and as evil as they are.

Why are police forces consistently starved of vital funding for the greatest threat known to our future/children - the pedophile? Priorities Toady! Why do they not have the man power to investigate so many of the most vicious conniving criminals committing the most egregious crimes known to be committed against children, the smallest and weakest in our society? And then once we catch em', what inhumane bastards would set them free again to re-offend? That is insanity in my mind. I digress; back to the insanity at hand

A portion of a post from a mate of mine in Oz...


Hey, truebeliever: may I ask you to elaborate on the "White Shirts and Purple Circle"? In the US there are rumoured "White Codes" that are meant as get-out-of-jail-free codes for those in the shadow networks (e.g. "Even in the best of all possible worlds we must cultivate our gardens." - Candide).
You might've heard of the Finders of Washington, D.C. who were alleged to be the abduction and transport for paedophiles in US government. I believe that they delivered to a "cut-out", meaning a go-between, to keep the principals safe. Identities of the cut-outs would also be valuable!

I am really serious about learning more and believe that destruction of this practice will be instrumental in the healing and protection of the United States.

The "white shirts" are the coppers (detectives) and usually the "Department Of Public Prosecutions". After payment they will "forget" to dot an "i" or cross a "t" or perhaps lose some evidence or in some way mess up the case.

The "purple circle" are the Judiciary. They get their payment too. They are literally 2/3rds homo's/bisexual and a large majority peadophiles.

$70-$80,000 will get you off most charges. Obviously if you have more cash then all the better.

Here in West Oz...

Detective Gordon Bertwistle in charge of peadophile investigations told my good friend that...and I quote...

"I am being deliberately starved of funds as the rings go ALL THE WAY TO THE TOP."

When asked WHY he had NOT gained a search warrent on a particular group of people he replied...

"They wont give me one and even if they did he would be warned. It's pointless".

The detective is...

GORDoN BERTWISTLE or..."Gordo" to his friends."

The nonses of this world can kiss my pretty pink bum! - Charity Sweet

Charity Sweet
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Demented Ranting

24.08.2006 05:52

At the end of the day, Charity Sweet's real agenda becomes clear. It's all about her cheap homophobic conspiracy theories. Really, her personal vendetta with social services belongs to the realm of litigation against her local authority, not trying to undermine what little democracy we do have with vile slurs against gay or bisexual people.

She can't even spell 'paedophile'.


Fight, fight, fight...

24.08.2006 12:34

It would be amusing to see what happened if Charity Sweet was put in the same room as the people who posted earlier on here as "victims" of Operation Ore.

You'd have someone who's got a paranoid belief that the kiddy-fiddlers are out to get her (Charity Sweet) versus a group of people who can't accept that they are paedophiles (hmm... so you just tripped and entered all your credit card details into those websites, guys).

Light the blue touch-paper, stand well back.

Norville B

A Psychiatrist writes...

25.08.2006 22:59

According to my "Big Book Of Crazy", Charrity Sweet or whatever your name is, you have all the classic symptoms of being barking mad. Okay I guessed at a few of those symptoms but trust me, I'm a Doctor. A doctor of syle admittedly, but you don't have to wear a white coat and have bad hand writing to recognise insanity when you see it!

I >>>STILL<<< have no bloody idea what you are on about, Helen Keller had a better grasp of the written word than you do, you're la-la in the head without a doubt. I recommend you buy your self another bottle of Meths, pull the newspapers up really tight under your chin and wait for the sweet release of death.

Oh, and next time you speak to the voices, can you please ask them to keep it down in the waiting room.

Good bye.


ignorance is not bliss

17.02.2007 18:00

Can anyone give me a valid, lucid explanation as to why the nonse brigade are not classified as dangerous offenders and locked away permanently from all societies children?

Does anyone agree with setting a paedophile loose into the community under any circumstances ever?

Get a grip of reality.

Charity X

Charity Sweet
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