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Squatters under siege

duder | 22.08.2006 13:59

9 Marlborough road, Manningham, Bradford
Under siege

Today a number of people that have squatted a house on Marlborough Road, Manningham are being held illegally under house arrest by a number of police. Anyone leaving the building is being arrested for criminal damage.
This is illegal police action please show your support by dropping by. Booze and food is appreciated.


9 Marlborough road, Manningham, Bradford
Under siege

Today a number of people that have squatted a house on Marlborough Road, Manningham are being held illegally under house arrest by a number of police. Anyone leaving the building is being arrested for criminal damage.
This is illegal police action please show your support by dropping by. Booze and food is appreciated.




squatters under seige!!!

22.08.2006 19:29

Following 15 hours of house arrest our loving jailers (west yorks police) finally left only to return hours later mob handed with a search warrent under section 18. After having to let them in they spent an hour finding anything broken or dammaged so they could try pin us for criminal dammage. now all this seems a bit weird to me they stayed outside for 15 hours enforceing a civil law then came back with a lame excuse to enter the property. Brunel and family housing seem to have some sort of sway with the upper ranking police as conducting this operation was the chief of police himself. we are happy to say that at present they have left who knows what they will try next keep posted for more details. If anyone can shed any light please do. All welcome to pop in.

Solidarity Always
Bradford Squatters

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squatters under seige!!!!

23.08.2006 12:27

The police turned up again last night around 10pm, they wanted to get in but didn't have a warrant. The door was barracaded to stop the police illegally entering. The police managed to break a hole in the top of the door and CS gassed everyone inside. They got in and chased a fellow squatter, caught him and pinned him to the ground. He was then beaten up for around ten minutes by the police, even though he did not fight back. A girl screamed at the brutality and was hit by the police to shut her up. Another squatter was also arrested by the police for allegedly fighting back. Anyone who can come down and show support and solidarity is welcome, we have to show them that they cannot stop us by breaking the very laws they claim to be protecting!




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Please think

22.08.2006 17:09

Property is owned by an individual/or company. Squatters have no legal rights to exist inside and if damage has been caused, arres for damage is entirely acceptible. you people can not just carry on and do what you do wuth no regard for other people. contribute positively to the economy/social fabric/culture of this nation or get out...


please think, yourself; I already do

22.08.2006 22:29


squatting is legal - you have a complete right in law to occupy unoccupied property. Morally, certainly, if someone has left a property to rot especially when there's people needing homes, it's almost a duty to occupy empty property. That is thinking about society and having regard for other people, and contributing positively to all the things you were rabbitting on about. Paying rent does not equal playing your part in society or giving anything to anyone apart from your landlord! So ?, think or get out...


Latest News...

23.08.2006 12:37 that the squat got broken into by the police, and all the squatters inside were attacked by the police with CS gas, leaving one squatter in a serious condition in hospital. In addition to this one squatter has been arrested under section 18 for assualting a police officer.


Latest News...

23.08.2006 13:50

Yup the same squat.


got a good kicking eh

24.08.2006 11:08

Hiya Squatters, really sorry to hear about being beaten up. Was that the West Yorkshire Police Force that did it, that same police that tell us that they are protecting and defending our rights and laws.

I am sure that squatting unused land has been a legal right for a long time something to do with history or something. Would any one know the history of occupying unoccupied land and turning it into something productive again. For those who comment on moral values then it seems that indeed making some land productive again is a very good thing. To let something just go to waste or indeed to promote thing going to waste, especially when there are needs to be met, could be seen as morally reprehensible.

So good work you squatters you seem to be doing your best to not let these building deteriorate and to keep them kept in good conditions, whilst also having somewhere to be productive!

To the police, well what can I say, you certainly not promoting my rights when you beat up my friends? And when you behave in that way in an extrajudicial way then your nothing better than a mercenary army!

Peace and Love, Toby

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