Montgomery,Texas:Stock Fraud and Mid East Money Launderer Dwight Cantrell dead
Tony Ryals | 22.08.2006 01:07 | Anti-militarism | Globalisation | Indymedia | London | World
Note the link to the Houston Chronicle obituary that does not mention either cause of death nor that Mr. Cantrell was a major 'player' in Endovasc of Montgomery,Texas,a penny stock fraud that dumped worthless penny stock shares around the world including through the Kuala Lumpur and Dubai boiler room Bellador Group.The Houston Chronicle and are both proof of why Texas needs its indymedias and Houston needs . Thank you Houston and Texas indymedia people.The FBI certainly won't investigate either.
Endovasc,Montgomery,Texas:Stock Fraud and Mid East Money Launderer Dwight Cantrell is dead
Both the as well as the Houston Chronicle deserve some criticism for failing to report the Montgomery,Texas penny stock fraud called Endovasc that dumped 'up tp 30 million' shares from one Charles Schwab account in late 2002 as the scam was being promoted by James Dale Davidson and his Agora Inc. penny stock tout machine headquartered in Baltimore,Maryland.Mr.Davidson is founder of the National Taxpayers Union that Steve Forbes prides himself in being part of as was Grover Norquist until he formed his own right wing anti-tax payers scam.
James Dale Davidson headed the Richard Mellon-Scaife 'Clinton killed Vince Foster' smear campaign and when former CIA Chief William Colby died a year later in a mysterious drowning tried to blame Colby's death on Clinton as well ! The funny thing though is that James Dale Davidson was Colby's employee when he died and James Dale Davidson took advantage to use Colby's name probably without his permission to smear Bill Clinton for Colby's death although it was the very far right such as Davidson's Beltway allies who would be most pleased for a number of reasons to hear of Colby's death,not Bill Clinton.
Below is a post from's Endovasc or EVSC message from one of the scumbag aliases who touts or promotes the fraudulent Montgomery, Texas pump and dump and money laundering fraud for the now deceased Dwight Cantrell and other insiders to the fraud such as Montgomery County's Judge Ken Riley.:
By: greenrabbit_7
21 Aug 2006, 01:56 PM EDT
Msg. 19491 of 19498
Jump to msg. #
Here's something the funeral. Nothing said about cause of death.

Note the link to the Houston Chronicle obituary that does not mention either cause of death nor that Mr. Cantrell was a major 'player' in Endovasc of Montgomery,Texas,a penny stock fraud that dumped worthless penny stock shares around the world including through the Kuala Lumpur and Dubai boiler room Bellador Group.The Houston Chronicle and are both proof of why Texas needs its indymedias and Houston needs . Thank you Houston and Texas indymedia people.The FBI certainly won't investigate either.
Endovasc,Montgomery,Texas:Stock Fraud and Mid East Money Launderer Dwight Cantrell is dead
This article-post is related to the ongoing Utah penny stock frauds,particularly the one called 'naked shorting' that Utah Governor Jon Huntsman Jr. and Senator Bob Bennett and Orin Hatch have taken 'donations' or bribes,particularly from the scam of Patrick Byrne and his daddy billionaire Jack,to aid and abet. Utah SEC chief Kenneth Israel should be ashamed for the penny stock fraud gone wild under his years of Utah SEC 'oversight' ,including allowing ex-Utah SEC attorney Brent Baker to receive bribes or lucrative employment for allowing James Dale Davidson of Washington D.C. to go scott free for his NAANSS or 'National Association Against Naked Short Selling ' scam that Brent Baker was responsible for prosecuting in 2002. Brent Baker is now handsomely employed by Patrick Byrne and aiding the same scam with the new acronym,NCANS or ' National Coalition Against Naked Shorting ' . Shame !
Former Business Week investigative journalist Gary Weiss,author of ' Born To Steal ' about the mafia on Wall Street and his most recent book,' Wall Street Vs. America ',has been at the forefront of the Utah Patrick Byrne,, 'anti-naked short selling' fraud perpetrated by Byrne and his partner in penny stock fraud,the anonymous 'Bob O'Brien ' of
I highly recommend Gary Weiss' blog at :

Endovasc,Montgomery:Texas stock fraud and Middle East Money Launder Dwight Cantrell is dead
This article-post is related to the ongoing Utah penny stock frauds particularly the one called 'naked shorting' that Utah Governer Jon Huntsman Jr., Senator Bob Bennett and Orin Hatch have taken 'donations' or bribes from,particularly from the scam of Patrick Byrne and his billionaire daddy Jack,to aid and abet.
Those who despise frauds such as Ken Lay's's Enron won't miss Dwight Cantrell.But Judge Ken Riley,David P. Summers,Robert Johnson,Diane Dottavio and insiders,including it is said,members of Cantrell's own family,plan to continue the fraud as long as possible even though the scam is becoming harder to carry on.
This link will take you to message board posts regarding Dwight Cantrell's role in the Endovasc, Montgomery,Texas fraud over thge years.One of those many posts by 'hunter' will mention and show some transactions in Dwight Cantrell's 'family trust' in Austin.:

Maybe that's why Cantrell died of some undisclosed cause.He died of a broken fraud, although not until having stolen many untold millions in the Endovasc scam.Insiders to the fraud however continue to post their lies and fraudulent promotions on,even now,in hopes of luring more suckers such as myself into their scam.Below is some chatter about that death on ragingbullcom Endovasc or 'EVSC' message board.:

By: skivrmt
18 Aug 2006, 07:15 PM EDT
Msg. 19484 of 19488
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I met Dwight many years back when I first was investing in this company and somewhat stayed in touch with him through the years via email. I just recently sat with him in his office in May when I was in the area and had a very nice chat with him. Great person and I wish his family all the best.
By: meangene53
18 Aug 2006, 09:19 PM EDT
Msg. 19487 of 19488
(This msg. is a reply to 19482 by v6premium.)
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By the amount of shares he had he believed in the company more than anybody.He's still part of a winning team.I would look out for Monday.I think there may have been an ignition.I believe Dr. Dottavio will bring in a new first rate Executive from a well known company as an addition to our BOD.I'm feel for those who lost Mr. Cantrell and I wish Dwight peace...PS. Anybody know how he passed away?.....eom
By: different_drummer0
18 Aug 2006, 09:11 PM EDT
Msg. 19486 of 19488
(This msg. is a reply to 19482 by v6premium.)
Jump to msg. #
v6: Amen. EOM
By: meangene53
18 Aug 2006, 09:20 PM EDT
Msg. 19488 of 19488
(This msg. is a reply to 19485 by greenrabbit_7.)
Jump to msg. #
It's just a change in directors filing...eom
All of these aliases above and others posting lies to aid and abet the scumbag Dwight Cantrell's,'s fraud and money laundering operation should have been investigated by John Reed Stark and his SEC internet fraud division years ago but appear to be protected.And the lieing Chairman of the SEC, Christopher Cox,who also lied about ' WMDS' in Iraq when he was Chairman of the House Homeland Security Dept. . Chris Cox himself is a suspected securities fraud from California and as a congressman helped push scammy stock fraud protections for CEOs who run them over Clinton's objections in the 1990's .And he shows no concern whatsoever about preventing money laundering with unaudited U.S. penny stocks in the MIDDLE EAST ! No wonder George W Bush appointed him to that position !
On the scammy Endovasc tout board where critics or defrauded investors are blocked from posting and warning others of the scam,the alias meangene53 once bragged of Robert Johnson's and Dwight Cantrell's 'Texas cowboy boots'. But the only boots those scamsters ever wore,including whatever shoes or boots they bury that money laundering fraudster Dwight Cantrell in ,will be from illegal pumps and dumps and money laundering though Charles Schwab or other unnamed accounts. Dwight Cantrell,Judge Ken Riley and Robert Johnson organised the sale of worthless Endovasc shares to the Kuala Lumpur and Dubai,UAE boiler room, Bellador Group,that were eventually dumped on defrauded Americans through NASDAQ's corrupt OTCBB fraudulent stock market.(Do a google search for ' bellador group endovasc ',or simply a ' dwight
cantrell ',google search.
To Dwight Cantrell's son,Lance Cantrell, apparently a Lieutenant in the U.S. military,I would like to say that your father was a traitor to America for allowing and profiting,post 9/11,from fraud using unaudited and unreported WORTHLESS U.S. PENNY STOCKS IN TERRORIST SUSPECT MONEY LAUNDERING REGIONS OF THE WORLD.No one,particularly the SEC,can guarantee those shares and the unknown quantity of money made and laundered through them were not used for terrorism.My investigations -, (links you can find at the bottom), have led me to suspect as much from these unaudited penny stocks the U.S. SEC allows everyone from suspect far right Israelis to Saudis and Kuwaitis to buy
' wholesale' to dump in U.S. OTCBB penny stock market ,have been used for drug trafficking and I don't doubt political bribes here and abroad.This fraud then undermines our former Constitutional rights and freedoms. You should be very ashamed of your father Lance Cantrell and if you take or have taken profit from this fraud,ashamed of yourself.
As you must know James 'Wes' Christian along with the other corrupt Houston attorney John M O'Quinn has represented or misrepresented Endovasc to be a victim of 'naked shorting',a scam started chiefly by Endovasc insider James Dale Davidson in 2002 when he created the internet NAANSS fraud.He is the liar who claimed Bill Clinton killed Vince Foster and his Agora Inc. helped your father with the Endovasc fraud.
Now we find this from Roddy Boyd of the NY Post below written on or about the day of your father's death
and I add it here to show what a fraud it was and the lying attorney Wes Christian was dumping worthless penny shares from his family trust just as your father did and perhaps others in your family have and wish to continue to do.:
August 18, 2006 -- Texas plaintiffs' lawyer James "Wes" Christian, the legal mind behind the rash of claims alleging naked short-selling in penny stocks, appears to be quite the trader himself.
Records obtained by The Post indicate that Christian was a consistent seller of several companies that he is representing in high-profile and bitter legal fights.
One of Christian's first clients, Denver-based Nanopierce Technologies, is arguing in Georgia Supreme Court that it had been abusively sold short by a former private equity investor.
According to documents obtained by The Post, in May 2001, several months after Nanopierce retained Christian to launch one of the initial lawsuits against naked short-sellers - and after the publicity surrounding the legal battle goosed the stock price - he began unloading blocks of stock.
These documents show Christian's family trust sold 129,200 Nanopierce shares at an average price of about 53 cents, netting over $68,500.
Christian also sold blocks of stock in clients such as ATSI Technologies and Hyperdynamics, both of Which have filed suits claiming damage they say stems from naked short-selling.
SEC filings show Nanopierce has gone for prolonged stretches of time without reporting any revenues; there appears to be no market for its stock.
In May, the company sent out a release indicating it was changing its business from semiconductors to biotechnology.
- Roddy Boyd NY Post
As a disclaimer to using Boyd and Rupert Murdoch's NY Post as a source I must point out that while the above contribution of Boyd helps expose the Houston con artists,attorneys James Wes Christian and John M. O'Quinn,Boyd has in the past fallen under the spell of the supposed 'anti-naked shjort selling' scam ' artists and his sometimes poorly written articles have actually been used for self promotion by one group of the supposed ' anti-naked shorting ' scamsters on their scammy internet site.
dwight cantrell obituary :
Malcolm Dwight Cantrell
MALCOLM DWIGHT CANTRELL, Funeral services will be held in the Chapel of Sam Houston Memorial Funeral Home Montgomery, Texas on Saturday, August 19th at 2pm. The family will receive friends in the funeral home on Friday, August 18th from 7-9pm. Interment will be in Klein Memorial Park, FM 249, Tomball, Texas. Mr. Cantrell passed away in Houston, on August 17th. He is survived by his loving wife, Janie; son and daughter-in-law Kelley and Shelli Cantrell, son and daughter-in-law Kyle and Christie Cantrell; son and daughter-in-law, Christopher and Stephanie Phillips, daughter Jennifer Phillips; mother, Elizabeth "Liz" Cantrell; sister and brother-in-law, Glenda and Pat Lehigh, and a brother Mike Cantrell. Also survived by grandchildren; Briley Cantrell, Katelyn Cantrell, Victoria Cantrell, Lt. Lance Cantrell, Shelby Phillips and Conner Phillips. Your may leave memorial condolences to the family at

Published in the Houston Chronicle on 8/18/2006.
Guest Book • Flowers • Charities
Below,my comment to dwight cantrell guest book :
Guest Book for
Malcolm Dwight Cantrell
August 19, 2006
Dwight Cantrell ripped me off in the penny stock fraud Endovasc that I note is not mentioned in his obit.
I say the family and its trust consider making amends and reparations themselves for a scam that allowed money laundering in terrorist suspect money laundering Kuala Lumpur and Dubai through Bellador Group boiler room.That would be the only way to make good on his very bad and fraudulent dirty name.
Meanwhile insiders to the fraud muddy his dirty name further by continuing to lie to dump his worthless shares on penny stock fraud board EVSC.Curse the day I first heard his name.
Tony Ryals (Ben Lomond, CA)

Below is a link to an SEC 8-K filing of August 18 by the known penny stock fraudstress Diane Dottavio who was appointed as CEO of the Montgomery,Texas Endovasc penny stock and money laundering fraud by Dwight Cantrell himself,informing that long time head of this fraud that laundered money with unaudited U.S. penny stock shares through offshore accounts including terrorist suspect money laundering havens such as Kuala Lumpur and Dubai.All this at a time when the lieing George W Bush said such activities had been stopped and thus it was OK for him to sell our U.S. port security to the United Arab Emirates or UAE !

Section 8 - Other Events
Item 8.01 Other Events
Endovasc,Inc regrettably announces that M. Dwight Cantrell, its Chief Operating Officer and a member of its Board of Directors passed away on August 17, 2006.
Date: August 18, 2006 /s/ Diane Dottavio
Name: Diane Dottavio
Title: President and Chief Executive Officer
Below is a direct link to the pdf file with Dwight Cantrell's personal approval of the deposit of 'up to 30 million' worthless Endovasc shares into one Charles Schwab account in May of 2002 after a phony ' 40 for 1 ' 'reverse split' turned over 100 million worthless Endovasc shares to 1 or 2 million and put the majority of shares back into the criminals of Endovasc's hands for more stock fraud and money laundering !.

Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering

I suspect it was the LOM or Lines Overseas Management of Bermuda account because James Dale Davidson,founder of the Steve Forbes connected National Taxpayers Union was also behind this massive fraud that the SEC protects to this day.It would appear someone(s) with power in or around the SEC ALLOWS THIS TYPE OF FRAUD TO GO ON.
Clients stood to benefit from suspect stock sales – claim

LOM and Mr. Lines contend that the United States does not have jurisdiction over them and that they are prohibited from disclosing some of the information being sought due to secrecy provisions of laws in Bermuda, the Bahamas and the Cayman Islands, where LOM has offices.
As part of an attempt to establish that LOM has sufficient ties to the United States to meet jurisdictional requirements, Ungar claimed that LOM executed substantial volumes of trades with the US operations of vFinance Investments Inc., Schwab Capital Markets LLC, and Sterne, Agee Capital Markets and also did business with CIBC Mellon Securities Trust Company, in New York.
"The volume of LOM's US trading, whether on behalf of its customers or its own accounts, is staggering," stated Mr. Ungar. "For example, in LOM's account at Schwab, during a two-week period in 2003 – the same year in which the SHEP and Sedona transactions in question occurred – LOM bought or sold, on over 4,000 different occasions, a total of 151 million shares of US securities traded over various US securities markets."
The trader at Florida-based vFinance who was in charge of LOM's account testified that "LOM's trading over the US markets was more than the trading of most US regional banks" and that he "either accumulated or liquidated millions of shares a day for them", stated Mr. Ungar.
I do see similarities between the Republican dirty tricks Americans have suffered since the W Bush regime took power and the stock frauds that have bloomed before and since that time.In particular James Dale Davidson and his Clinton killed Vince Foster political fraud and his creation of the first massive NAANSS naked short penny stock fraud to divert attention from the Genemax and Endovasc pumps and dumps among others,(probably through Schwab's LOM account).Endovasc dumped up to 30 million shares from account or accounts supplied by Charles Schwab another Republican and Stanford UNIVERSITY connected fraudster and alumni of Stanford like so many other criminal minds Stanford helped to mold.I feel his bribes or political donations to the W Bush regime came from such stock fraud Charles Schwab fostered upon me so Mr.Schwab and James Dale Davidson stole from me to give to George Bush.Just as Pattycakes Byrne stole from investors to give to Jon Huntsman Jr and the not so Swift Boat Veterans Opposed To Kerry.
As to Utah SEC Kenneth Israel I'd like to read his comments on penny stock fraud but the truth is he has let a lot of the fraudsters walk and ex SEC attorney Brent Baker aided and abetted the naked short fraud of James Dale Davidson's Agora Inc.,and NAANSS and now he has a nice private employment with Patrick Byrne,'Bob O'Brien and their NCANS scam.Coincidence ?
OK to be fair to Mr.Kenneth Israel he may be incompetent but by now he should have realised that,(how long has he held his bureaucratic position in Utah ?),and resigned.Brent Baker and Patrick Byrne, Bob Bennett and ' Oral ' Hatch,not to mention Utah's patron saint the angel Moroni,must be laughin' their azzes off at Kenneth Israel and calling him for the incompetent bad joke he is behind his back and begging him to never resign to his face,just as they must surley do the same for SEC Chairman Chris ' WMDS ' Cox..
On another note the's evsc message board is chattering about the death of Dwight Cantrell a principal to the Stanford University and I believe the Joseph Grundfest assisted Middle Eastern pump and dump and money laundering concern,Endovasc.The SEC should subpoena that terrorist of journalists and free speech Grundfest in my opinion.
Stanford Law professor Joseph Grundfest was a former SEC Commissioner in the 1980's when Iran-Contra scamsters such as Ollie North were running penny stock frauds from Costa Rica and the CIA's BCCI of Pakistan. etc. but also has been involved with Stanford Securities Class Action Clearinghouse.And yet he allowed if not encouraged Stanford's involvement with Endovasc that used a Heart and Lung Asasociation grant to Stanford and Heeschen and Cooke to secure a nicotine patent used by Endovasc to defraud investors,even launder money in Kuala Lumpur and Dubai,post 9/11,and steal millions of dollars ffrom investorssuch as myself for Stanford University and its researchers Chris Heeschen and John Cooke ! FRAUD SO VILE !
And SEC Chairman Chris 'WMDS in Iraq' Cox who was author of the fraudulent safe harbor for penny stock criminals, sits as head of the SEC in the Beltway and like Kenneth Israel in Utah will not get off the pot even though everyone knows he's constipated.
Below more links into my investigations into the massive penny stock fraud that left me penniless and the Cantrell family well off with their own scammy trust,just like corrupt and criminal Houston attorneys
James 'Wes' Christian and John M. O'Quinn who have aided and abetted them.:
Houston attorneys John O'Quinn,Wes Christian aid massive penny stock fraud

Time Magazine, Daniel Kadlec duped by Houston attorneys Wes Christian and John O'Quinn

Do Houston accountants McConnell & Jones accept bribes to cover up Endovasc's fraud ?

Endovasc,Stanford University,C Heeschen, J.Cooke,penny stock money laundering

More on Charles Schwab's illegal pump and dump accounts,possible money laundering

Schwab:SF SEC Uses McCarthy tactics to protect right wing stock fraud

Open letter to SEC, John Reed Stark on internet and penny stock fraud

Yahoo protects stock mafia , death threats

The Byrnes,John Edwards,Attorney O'Quinn,Swift Boat Vets,Money Laundering

Clinton Undersecretary of Commerce Robert Shapiro aids James Dale Davidson's ,Attorney John M O'Quinn's stock fraud

Judge Ken Reilly,Endovasc and money laundering in Montgomery,Texas

Endovasc,Texas Joseph Grundfest,Stanford Law,defends Journalistic McCarthyism stock scam

Gov. Jon Huntsman,Senator Bob Bennett,Patrick Byrne in welcoming stock fraud to Utah

Did Utah SEC's Brent Baker cover up for National Taxpayers Union Founder ? Senator Bob Bennett enlists SEC Chairman Cox to aid Byrne's NCANS Fraud

Utah Senator Bennett's favorite constituent, Patrick Byrne buys Yahoo for cyberfraud

Israeli President Katsav's sex scandal,stock fraud,Senator Joe Lieberman's Semitic Lie

Did Israel President Moshe Katsav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ?

Israel: Gal Lusky's 'IFA' Caught Up in Moshe Katsav,Mohamed Hadid, Zwebner 'UCSY' scam ?

Israeli President Moshe Katsav aids massive penny stock fraud
Did Israel President Moshe Katzav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ?

SEC,Schwab,Chris Cox,Hillary Clinton & Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud

Chris Cox,SEC,Makram Majid Chams,Titan Corp,9/11,Abhu Ghraib,etc.

SEC Covers Up UAE Money Laundering with U.S. Stocks

John Reed Stark UAE,SEC,Georgetown University Stock fraud Academic fraud Cyber fraud

Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ?

Porter Goss: CIA Cyber and stock fraud ops damaged by leaks ?

D.C.Terrorbaggers:James Dale Davidson,Don Nickles, ex-CIA Chief Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen

Asa Hutchinson,ex Congressman Tom McMillen, Fortress America,offshore money laundering

To CIA,In-Q-Tel,Amit Yoran re SRA International, Mantas Inc stock fraud money laundering

Mantas Inc,Herndon, Va, Pro-Money Laundering Arm of International Bankers,Brokers...

CIA and Gilman Louie are less than honest

Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering

Tony Ryals