West Yorkshire Truth Campaign
dh | 21.08.2006 00:29
In a society of lies and deceptions fed down from those in charge into those of us underneath,and the creation of a deathly control grid the best we can do is to seek to expose and undermine the created illusion
A reminder re the West Yorkshire Truth Campaign's next meeting is occurring at the Just Church,2 Ashgrove, Great Horton Road Bradford on 24th August at 7.15pm, opposite the main University buildings
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Get it on
23.08.2006 01:16
e-mail: wy911@goowy.com
Homepage: http://www.wytruth,org.uk
Good luck
23.08.2006 23:38
This is coming on
25.08.2006 02:39
This meeting drew 21 with many who couldnt make it
This is the cutting edge as we will demonstrate in the near future
A very good and positive meeting here this evening
Twice the number of the people at the last one and a very positive vibe
Such a great input from the Friends of al-Aqsa And Jasmine too
Nice contributions from Karl and Gloria from STW and PSC
The offer of making a banner
The guys from Preston, so humorous and articulate
Peter from Harrogate - people coming all that way - forgive me for not getting hold of you before we departed - email wy911@goowy.com to keep in touch
All the regular guys - Sean and Ed - so much lined up in the near future
So much coming on in this erstwhile seeming desert
You just go ahead with it and it's all there
Blessings to Ally, Riaz, Narinder, Jane, Andy and all those who regularly appear here
Thanks to Joseph and Anthony for getting the site up and running and keeping the connections
This is really good stuff
Sorry if I've left anyone out - this is really taking off with consensus and personal initiative - just the anarchic organisation we seek
And many more who didn't make it waiting out there in the wings
Things should be happening in early September so watch this space those who missed it this time