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Greenman | 20.08.2006 09:15 | Bio-technology | Globalisation | Health

trying to create a moral outrage by suggesting that people will die if you don't do what we tell you - AND NOW - the war on AIDS!

this article in the Guardian yesterday on the subject of Thabo Mbeki and Aids:,,1853794,00.html

This article describes how the problem of Aids in South Africa should be understood in the black and white terms of the administration of anti-retroviral drugs. I can’t resist a digression on the absurdity of this name for a drug; I mean does anyone really know what a retro-virus is? Isn’t it just another way of propagating the myth of the superiority of intellect of the technocratic elite? Anyway, that aside, this boils down to suggesting that the solution, a la W.H.O., is to dose the masses of the rapidly expanding population with AZT [don’t ask!- just makes me think of ZZ TOP]. Now when this drug was first ‘discovered’ through some incredibly tortuous and long-winded and expensive process to do with herring sperm [that’s right!], some of the first lucky patients to receive this drug reported that it seemed to be basically burning them up on the inside, which is technically speaking roughly what it does - not so much an elixir of immortality as the article suggests, but reducing them to a state of sterile inertia which probably extends their lives by a few years.

This is the cure we are all supposed to hail as the ultimate goal of our benevolent health directives for the stupid blacks who cannot understand their own problems. Give me garlic and lemon juice any day thanks very much! And that’s without going into the heated debate about the patenting of ‘anti-retrovirals’ through the WTO and the collusion of the forces of globalisation which, to the initiated, do not have much to do with compassion for the suffering of South Africans.

Which brings me to the more salient topic of what actually is HIV/AIDS and why are so many people in S. Africa dying from what appears to be a recognisable syndrome. Without getting into the nitty gritty of how the definition of a disease and conceptions of health are a major factor in the perception of solutions and therefore of the problems, I want to raise one issue or concept in relation to Aids. In a book called ‘The hidden connections’, by Fritjof Capra, a work which could be said to represent the cutting edge of western theoretical biology, he mentions that he does not believe in a ‘vital force’ in nature, [surprising considering his rise to fame as the author of The Tao of physics]. On the other hand we have the concept that Aids is a disease which is defined by the concept that it is the breakdown of the vital function of the immune system.

I don’t think it would be considered extreme to suggest that the concept of an immune system is analogous, or is perhaps the converse, of the idea of a regulating biological force which promotes the health of the individual. The two concepts have the same function; the one to prevent disease, the other to promote health. Therein lies a useful distinction between the paradigm of the WHO in reductivist allopathy and the more eastern approach of Ayurveda which conceives of health as a component of its environment.

To cut a long story short, I feel that this understanding of the role of a holistic paradigm in the promotion of health is the key to understanding this rift between the WHO faction and the more traditional theory of the Mbeki government. It is the purpose of the WHO to control and dominate, in league with other globalising forces, all aspects of world culture, which is, to most sane people, an emotionally regressive agenda. Conversely anyone who lives in South Africa and who has an interest in preserving its unique culture, even amidst its convoluted history and appalling economic circumstances, will, like Mbeki, feel the truth that Aids is a result not only of the promiscuity and western liberalisation rife in a country ravaged by corruption, but, more pointedly, of the profoundly invasive policies of a fatally flawed system of western ‘disease’ immunisation. [see ‘Limits to Medicine’ by Ivan Illich]

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More Useless Rubbish from the Psuedo-Left

20.08.2006 10:55

Green Man reveals himself to be more patriarch than man, more eco-moralist than 'Green' in his barely disguised rantings about 'promiscuity and liberalisation'. How shocking! The unspoken belief behind such insanity is that African people, gay people, hispanic people and other populations who have been popularly assumed to bear the brunt of the HIV/AIDS health crisis since 1981 deserve no help, support or treatment. Now, it is true that there are a handful of activist groups that have subscribed to the 'AIDS-dissident viewpoint', such as the San Franciso chapter of the LGB led ACT-UP (Aids Coalotion to Unleash Power) and in the UK, activists such as Michael Cotteril, the articulate co-founder of controversial anti-pharmco network Gay's Against Genocide (GAG). But the interesting thing is that even these guys would instantly see through 'Green Man's indignant bluster to the racist, anti-sex and homophobic assumptions beneath. All too often, the AIDS dissident viewpoint has been latched onto by Malthusian racists, eugenics enthusiasts and assorted haters, and if it is survive as a credible scientific theory, then its advocates will have to put clear water between them and the neo-right wing in their midst.

Meantime, a good read about incoherent thinking in parts of the environmental milieu about AIDS is addressed by democratic socialist Scott Tucker in his 1996 essay "Fighting Talk: An open letter to Queers and Radicals". - to access the ACT-UP direct action groups, who are autonomous and have different opinions on AIDS causality - the San Francisco branch of ACT-UP - financial and practical support for people in the UK and Africa impverished through HIV and AIDS - Terrence Higgins Trust, information and campaigns on safer sex and support for people affected by HIV and AIDS - Gay.Com's daily news and opinion channel for HIV and AIDS related topics, including viewpoints from 'orthodox' versus 'dissident' interpretations.



20.08.2006 16:33

I have my reasons to suspect "green man" of this.


load of rubbish?

20.08.2006 21:28

here is what 'these guys' are saying on the website you quote:

"It is undeniable that experimental AIDS treatments like protease inhibitors and AZT are all highly toxic, dangerous products. Strokes, muscle wasting, anemia, physical deformities, dementia, brith defects, organ failure, and death are some of the "side effects" of these poisons. Thousands of gay men in the 1980s and 1990s died from AZT poisoning. Now the U.S. State Department has elevated AIDS to the level of a threat to national security in order to gain public support for exporting AZT to pregnant African women. Outspoken leaders like South African Presiden Thabo Mbeki--hard pressed to explain why developing nations stricken with famine and civil chaos should spend what little money they have on toxic anti-HIV drugs while millions starve--are relentlessly attacked as unfit and crazy by racist Western media outlets."

I don't know what you mean my bluster - but 'these guys' seem to be saying much the same as me. i don't see where the assumption that i am racist or anti-sex comes from - i admit the use of the term promiscuity is controversial , but i was referring to the common usage of the term in connection with the accepted theory of HIV transmission. As for liberalisation, patriarchy and moralising, i feel you are wide of the mark. I am a holist and i believe in holistic therapies. this is what i suggest as a solution to the mis-construction of the AIDS epidemic in Africa. I feel you miss the point about immunity and vitality - but then i don't suppose you are particularly interested in an alternative to the western medical paradigm.


Old diseases, new name

13.07.2007 07:57

Every epidemic disease is now renamed 'AIDS' under the Bangui Definition.

Mortalities (non natural) in S.A. remain at the same 2.2% P.A. that they were BEFORE AIDS. Either every other disease in the region vanished overnight or 'AIDS' is simply the old diseases with a new name. You decide.


In Africa, the continent supposedly being decimated by
HIV, HIV tests are rarely ever done, so there the idea
that all patients with AIDS are infected with HIV is
based entirely on supposition.

At a WHO conference in the Central African Republic in 1985, U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) introduced the "Bangui Definition" of AIDS in Africa.

The CDC officials later explained, "The definition was reached by consensus, based mostly on the delegates' experience in treating AIDS patients. It has proven a useful tool in determining the extent of the AIDS epidemic in Africa, especially in areas where no testing is available.

It's major components were prolonged fevers (for a month or more), weight loss of 10% or greater, and prolonged diarrhea..."(McCormick, 1996). Where AIDS is diagnosed clinically, large numbers of AIDS patients test negative for HIV. As no HIV testing is required in Africa we have no idea how many AIDS cases there are HIV positive (De ####, 1991; Gilks, 1991; Widy-Wirski, 1988).


Other conditions common in underprivileged and
impoverished communities that are known to cause false
positive results are tuberculosis, malaria, hepatitis and leprosy (Burke, 1993; Challakeree, 1993; Johnson, 1998; Kashala, 1994; MacKenzie,1992; Meyer, 1987). In fact, these are the primary health threats in Africa; several million cases of tuberculosis and malaria are reported in Africa each year - more than all the AIDS cases reported in Africa since 1982 (WHO, 1998)*.


MOST AFRICANS 'WITH AIDS' test negative.

Africans test negative.

227 patients with “AIDS”: 59% test HIV-negative (Lancet
340, p971, 1992)

122 patients with “AIDS”: 69% test HIV-negative (Am.
Rev. Resp. Diseases 147, p958, 1993)

913 patients with “AIDS”: 71% test HIV-negative
(J. AIDS 7:8, p876, 1994)

Paul King
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