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UK Electronic Frontiers Foundation to be created!

Ben | 18.08.2006 23:42

"I will create a standing order of 5 pounds per month to support an organisation that will campaign for digital rights in the UK but only if 1,000 other people will too."

— Danny O'Brien

Deadline to sign up by: 25th December 2005
1,038 people have signed up (38 over target)

Country: United Kingdom

The target has been achieved! It was about time the most snooper and antiprivacy country in the World (could it be the UK?) had a UK EFF , it will be modelled in the same style as Americans have ) but focused in all the abuses that the UK is carrying out against its own citizens, perhaps it is time that those cameras installed inside the central London toilets for police titilation got withdraw.

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ORG up and running

19.08.2006 10:33

The organisation that came out of this has been up and running for some months now:
Open Rights Group

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