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grass is good

mmmm . . . . it aint what you think ! | 18.08.2006 16:03 | Anti-militarism | Culture | Free Spaces | World

- in fact - a comment about recent revelations in german literature instead of a redo of the "i love the pope - the pope smokes dope" t-shirt variety - ie. recent news from gunther grass, with a radical angle to the odd but fast-reacting euro media, then a brief resume of why he is both VERY good with his timing, yet even further - that to "uncondemn" him - with others in the same "boat "- frees all of us

(TIN DRUM . . . . you remember) He is a writer, also a commentator, "of the left" in germany - but independent to the extent that he can "tell the left off" - yet with a lot of sense so the "left" listens - as do others.
The news came out this week - it seems it WAS going to come out anyway - but he has also put his version of it - with comments - in his autobiography - even after having kept it secret 50 years - with the pretence that when he was called up it was to a different, innocuous branch, putting out fires after bombing raids or watching for planes.
It was, in fact, to the sort of 1945 (last year of WW2 ) late-comer fast-invented unit that was almost unequipped with adequate weapons ( museum rifles, "tankbusters" that didnt work unless you were pretty much under the tank already, grenades that blew up in your hand )- but very overequipped with very, VERY lengthy names, the most ornate insignia anybody had ever seen - with a few "enforcers" to try to stop you running away sensibly - but even they were -in the main - a myth.
The fact that he has "outed" himself at this time is a VERY good example.
Yes - he's already found ways to do things that help others think in different ways about him, when they balance things up - but it DOES make it easier for others that might otherwise have found themselves blackmailed into frozen acquiescence to watching as events recurred that they might speak out about - to get listened to.
we need to SUPPORT people as they "come out" about "this sort of thing" - much "worse" in fact - so the odd retort of some in the press is even stranger!

also google "TO STOP NEW WARS -remember the "bigger peace"

mmmm . . . . it aint what you think !


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Ah, I was wondering

18.08.2006 16:59

where they cryptic crossword was on this site!

Blimey, long clues they have!

why should we google it? you trying to get you website moved up the google rankings or summat?


yes it is!!!! - medicinal even - it helps "unfreeze the moment" frees up mvmnt!

18.08.2006 19:00

books such as "tin drum" stay good for ages - they are a bit of a cure - (yes, it is a movie too) - in these times, even for the people that have finished the book - things happen - heck - the WORLD happens - you go back to it . . . . re think. It helps.
M.L.King used to say something good . . . . heres a para phrase
" we can recognise progress when we have to try so hard to teach our kids the meaning of the words "war" , "bombs" , "tyranny" or "malnutrition" - for when they turn the TV news up - they wont see it "

Lots of people didnt get a chance, much, when "the situation" dealt out the cards - some of the people that thought they did get a "choice" got a lot less than they thought -
- but we can alter the situation, to allow different, good chances to others - 4 each other - we can stop the ';/.#';#;. from happening - again . . . .

'Q , Gunther.

""casualties"" / ex-"dope"-> friends

About the real grass

18.08.2006 21:04

Never mind Gunther
For those who came to this thread from interest in the holy herb, David Shayler, ex-MI5 whistlblower is exploring the subject of hemp on Resonance radio right now
Great stuff - get there from here



19.08.2006 19:11

... you trickster ...

I'm too stoned 2 know what to write right now.

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